After killing the barbarians for 20 miles, Tang Yin didn't dare to pursue it anymore. The barbarians' territory was too vast, and the terrain of the barbarians was unfamiliar to them. If they went further, they would be in trouble if they fell into the siege of the enemy. ,all in

At this moment, he stopped and ordered the army to stop chasing and return.

Hearing this order, the Fengjun in sevens and eights was full of anger, and secretly fortunately, finally he could return to his country.

Seeing that his soldiers still had fear of the barbarians and barbaric territories even after victory, Tang Yin stood back and looked around at his barbarians and said loudly, "Ten thousands of barbarians have been killed by less than 20,000 people. Do you still think that the barbarian soldiers are terrible when they lose their helmets and lose their armor? The vast barbarian territories are popped into our territory by tens of thousands of people. If no one is within twenty miles, you still think the barbarian territories are terrible. In the future, not only do we have to prevent the barbarians from entering the territory of my gale, but we must often invade their barbaric territory, looting the barbarians 'money, plundering the barbarians' resources, replenishing our military resources, and strengthening our mighty power! "

Tang Yin's words said that the wind forces were full of energy and morale, and their fear of brutal soldiers was greatly reduced. Everyone was boiling blood, holding up their weapons, and shouting in unison: "High wind! High wind!"

"Gather up the missing material of the brutal soldiers, and the back team will change to the front team and withdraw to the border town!"

Under Tang Yin's order, Feng Jun returned to the wind.

"Difficulties in the country, I went on a march, wrapped up with horse leather, strengthened my strong wind! Gale! Gale! Gale!" Lu, Feng Jun sang a military song, with a smile on his face, and won.

The battle in the border town was very important to Tang Yin and even the entire Plain County. Tang Yin thoroughly confirmed his strength through this battle, and also established his unshakable position in Pingyuan County, and established the prestige that the conventional county guards could not achieve, and won the respect and admiration of the people in the county. .

As for Pingyuan County, this war broke the myth that the brutal soldiers were invincible, severely damaged the barbarism, and greatly increased their own confidence.

The brutal soldiers failed fiercely, and the materials and weight they left were countless. Feng Jun picked them all the way back to the side town and loaded more than ten cars. After returning to the border town, the soldiers left more materials here, and the huge barracks The barbarian took almost nothing away, all of which were left to the wind army. Among them were countless weapons, armors, and grasses. In addition, there were hundreds of Papua horses before they could be taken away.

Tang Yin ordered that all the confiscated materials be packed into a packing vehicle, including Pabuma, first returned to Hengcheng for storage, and then began to count the captives of the barbarian soldiers and the bodies of the two parties. In the battle of the border town, the Feng Army was killed by more than 3,000 soldiers, while the brutal soldiers were killed by nearly 30,000 people. Another 4,000 soldiers did not have time to escape and were captured by Feng Shengsheng.

It was a precedent in Pingyuan County to use the weak to win the strong, and in exchange for the huge loss of the brutal soldiers.

The wind army sweeps the battlefield for the time being, Tang Yin leads the backbone of the army into the border town.

Until then, all the people scattered the body's spirit armor, and then looked at them, as if they had been drenched with water, their clothes were already soaked with sweat, including Tang Yin.

Everyone looked at each other, first stunned, and then laughed unanimously. Tang Yin also laughed out loud. He shook his clothes, feeling cold and refreshing.

"After this battle, it is estimated that the brute soldiers did not dare to commit my windy border again in a short time!" Guan Yuanbiao smiled proudly.

"That's right!" Xiao Muqing replied: "But we can't take it lightly. Instead, we should pay close attention to time to train soldiers and consolidate the city defense. It is estimated that when the brute soldiers strike again, we will use a larger army."

In a word, he drowned most people's joy.

However, Tang Yin nodded his head and praised: "Xiao Shenjun is justified. If he wants to be undefeated, he must plan ahead!"

Seeing Tang Yin also say the same, everyone looked at each other, no one answered.

When I first entered the city, I saw the streets crowded with people from the wind country. People's faces were more joyful than those soldiers who had just won the battle. People were crowded in one place, nodding their feet and stretching their necks. See the glory of Tang Yin and his generals.

Most of these people moved from Yuanwang Town to the border town. At the beginning, I heard that the soldiers were killed and the number was over 60,000. These people felt a sense of distress and thought that they would die this time and never survive. Maybe, but I didn't expect that less than 20,000 wind troops defending the city would defeat the enemy soldiers and kill the brutal soldiers who came to attack the city. The excitement in their hearts can be imagined.

The mayor Zhongwen first stepped out of the crowd and greeted Tang Yin. He hadn't spoken yet, but he fell on his knees with a smile on his face, but he was already crying with tears. It is the blessing of my strong wind, the blessing of Pingyuan County, and even the blessing of the plain people! "

With the words of Zhong Wen, thousands of people around him also knelt down, looked up, and the crowd fell.

Tang Yin was touched by heart. If he just wanted to perform his duties faithfully when he took office, now he is gradually integrating into it, into the country of wind, into Plain County. He looked around and looked at the people kneeling on the street, stunned, wondering what to say.

At this time, Qiu Zhen next to him gently pulled down his placket. Without much words, he whispered only two words: "people's mind."

When Tang Yin moved, he immediately understood what Qiu really meant. He took a step forward and held Zhong Wen's arms while kneeling on one knee. He said positively: "In the past, brutal soldiers repeatedly violated the border and repeatedly banned. However, the government is incompetent, and the people in the county are affected. I am now the county guard. I will do my best to defend against foreign enemies, keep the wind and borders peaceful, and keep the people in the county safe. If I ca n’t do this, I swear Such a pile! "Between the words, Tang Yin stood up and walked quickly to a horse on the side of the road. Between the waves of his wrists, the black light flashed, but he didn't see how hard he tried, but he burst into a crackling sound. The horse-made stake was broken at the sound, and the cut was smooth like a mirror.

The people in the streets were in an uproar when they saw this.

I do n’t know who shouted and shouted, "Master is mighty."

Immediately after, thousands of people shouted in unison: "Masters are mighty, the wind army is mighty! Adults are mighty, the wind army is mighty." The shouts continued and continued.

Tang Yin watched the blood and surged, and the emotions he heard were surging. The floating emotions could not be calmed down for a long time. He was not an impulsive person, but at this time he really had the urge to break into the barbarian state.

Looking at his face flying high, Qiu Zhen grinned secretly and whispered, "Sir, you want to inspire the people, not the people."

In the rush of pouring cold water into his basin, the blood in Tang Yin's body was about to start to burn, and was extinguished. He was white and calm, and the old **** was there. Qiu Zhen smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile, and took people back to the main city.

The border town had no post, and the mansion had been vacated. Now it is exactly where Tang Yin stayed and discussed military affairs.

He sat in the middle of the main hall of the mansion, and the generals of the wind army sat side by side.

Tang Yin smiled and looked around and said, "Everyone has contributed to this victory!"

"Adults have won!" Everyone slumped.

Tang Yin looked at Qiu Zhen and Xiao Muqing with a smile, and said: "Border Town is the enemy, Master Qiu and Xiao Senjun have the most credit!"

The crowd had no opinions and nodded in agreement. Only Xiao Muqing was uncomfortable after hearing it. It can be said that he resisted the barbarian from the beginning to the end. If he did not take over the command and let Qiu Zhen continue to command, the barbarian was early. Just broke into the city.

Tang Yin was so smart, only looking at Xiao Muqing's disapproval expression, Ma understood his mind. He smiled slightly and said, "Can Xiao Senjun disagree with me?"

"No! I dare not subordinate!" No matter how ambitious Xiao Muqing is and how thick his skin is, it is not good to compete in the face of the public.

Xiao Muqing took over Qiu Zhen's command in the border town, and commanded the defenders to withstand the brute's onslaught. Tang Yin also heard about it.

He said quietly: "Shen Xiaojun, if you are the general in the army, when a talented subordinate suddenly asks you for command when you fight against the enemy, can you let it?"


Xiao Muqing was stuffed with words.

Tang Yin laughed: "Don't say it's you, even I can't do this, but Lord Qiu has done it. At the most critical moment, I can trust you and empower you, regardless of your mind or courage, Lord Qiu Both are admirable, and it is precisely because of the decisiveness of Master Qiu and the talent and experience of Xiao Shenjun that you can keep the border city, so it is not an exaggeration to say that you and the two have the greatest credit. Xiao Shenjun, what do you say? "

Xiao Muqing stood up and hurriedly stood up, bowing and saluting: "Extreme lessons are learned from adults!" Then he looked at Qiu Zhen and said positively: "Master Qiu's temperament really admired his subordinates. Extremely! "

This is the so-called turning to the rudder ~ ~ Whether Xiao Muqing is convinced or not, at least it shows that he is showing consolation and sincerity.

Tang Yin no longer talks about it. Xiao Muqing's ambition, of course, he can see that Xiao Muqing's competition is superior, and he certainly feels it, but he thinks this is a good thing. Without ambition, there is no competition, and without competition It is tantamount to failing to make every effort and losing these two points. No matter how strong and talented you are, it is hard to be a great weapon in the army.

At this time, Qiu Zhen smiled to Xiao Muqing: "Xiao Shenjun is polite!" He said, turning sharply, and said to Tang Yin: "Master, now you should send a good news to Wang Ting, indicating that we have defeated the barbarians in the border town. , Kill countless enemies, in order to invite Wang Ting! "

Tang Yin's eyes rolled around and he asked, "If Wang Ting was aware of this, what reward would he give me? Should he be transferred from Pingyuan County?"

Now, even if Wang Ting sends someone to ask Tang Yin to leave, he refuses.

As a county guard in Pingyuan County, he is getting better and better, and the more comfortable he is, the most important thing is that he can unbridledly cultivate his own heart and abdomen, and he can also improve the battlefield by killing the enemy from time to time. Even the entire Haotian Empire, nowhere is more suitable for him than Pingyuan County.

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