"Get up, don't be polite," Tang Yin said, raising his head.

"Yes! Lord!" The middle-aged man who claimed to be Zhang Xuan stood up tremblingly.

Tang Yin picked up the map and asked, "Is this your translation?"


"Do you speak rudely?"

"Yes." Zhang Xuan did not dare to look at Tang Yin, and bowed his head in a low voice. In Pingxian County, there are not many Bessian-speaking people, and this is not a glorious thing. It is even ridiculed by the wind, and it is detained by the unfaithful wind country to rely on the barbarians.

Tang Yin took a deep look at Zhang Xuan and asked, "Why do you speak rudely?"

"Because ... because the villain lived in Barbarian for ten years."

"Oh?" Tang Yin raised an eyebrow.

"Adults don't misunderstand, the villain is not to run into the barbarians, but to be arrested by the barbarians to become slaves." As he spoke, Zhang Xuan stuck out his tongue.

Tang Yin took a closer look and saw a large circular imprint on Zhang Xuan's tongue. Obviously, it was burned away by the hot iron. Even after a long time, the imprint was still clear.

To a person: k This is a shame that can't be washed away in a lifetime.

He frowned, and asked, "Did we wind up with a lot of slaves in the barbarians?"

Zhang Xuan swallowed his mouth and nodded and said, "Many! Brutal people don't treat us as humans at all. Many wind people are tortured to death shortly after being arrested. Few people like me can escape alive."

"That's it!" Tang Yin sighed in her heart, and her hatred for Barbara was deeper. He lowered the map and asked, "Where did you get caught? Show me!"

"That's it!" Zhang Xuan fingered the map and said, "It's called Beastmaster Town."

Tang Yin looked at the place he was referring to. It was not too far from the border of the wind country, and it should be regarded as the closest town to the wind in the city of Besa.

Zhang Xuan said: "Here is the military power of the Barbarians, hoarding a large amount of military resources and grain, and also a springboard for the barbarians to invade our country. Every time a large barbaric army attacks our country, it will exit from Besa City and pass through the town of Beast King for supplies. , And then turn from Beastmaster Town to our territory. "

"Oh!" Tang Yin glanced back and replied quietly. It turned out that Barbara still had such an important military fortress hiding near the wind country. Thinking, he looked up, looked directly at Zhang Xuan, and asked, "How many brute soldiers are there in Beastmaster Town?"

"Big ... about 5,000 to 10,000 people ..." Zhang Xuan was startled by the cold light that suddenly shot from Tang Yin's eyes. In front of Tang Yin, he was really nervous, and now he is even scared to say no. clear.

Seeing this, Tang Yin put away the coldness in her eyes, smiled slightly, and said softly: "You don't have to be afraid, as long as the information you provide is accurate, I will reward you!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhang Xuanlian promised again and again, "Master, even if you borrow a few more courage from the villain, the villain will not dare to lie to you. All these things I have seen are absolutely true, but ... I have been away from Beastmaster Town for some time, and I don't know how many defenders there are now. "

"It doesn't matter." Tang Yin's eyes turned and he waved his hands absently. The plan of sneaking into the town of Beastmaster had been brewed in his mind. After a while, he bowed his head again, nodded to the map, and asked, "This is the capital of the city of Besa?"

"Yes, sir, this is Besa City."

"How many countries are there in the size of the Federation of Murphys like Besar?"

"This ..." Zhang Xuan grinned. How many city-states does Morpheus consist of? He didn't know much. He scratched his head and said, "I don't know how many city-states there are, but I know that Besa-city-states are city-states. The largest and strongest has a pivotal role in the Murphys Federation. "

"So, conquering Bessa is tantamount to conquering Morpheus?" Tang Yin asked curiously.

"This ... should be almost the same!" Zhang Xuan's answer was ambiguous.

No more valuable things can be asked from him, Tang Yin said with a smile: "Zhang Xuan, do you have a place to live now?"

"The villain lives in the west of the city."

"Well!" Tang Yin nodded and said, "I don't need to go back to see you, and stay in the county guard house in the future!"

"Ah?" Zhang Xuan was startled, wondering if Tang Yin meant something to kill himself.

Even Lotte and Ai Jia frowned, wondering what Tang Yin meant.

"My lord's life!" Zhang Xuan fluttered to his knees, and said in a continuous voice: "The villain's sentence is true, there is no falsehood, and the lord will check, the lord will check!"

Tang Yin sighed and said dissatisfied: "I didn't want to kill you, what kind of mercy do you want? Get up!" After a pause, he said: "I want you to stay in the county guard house, you want me to teach me Bessa As for working wages, you are satisfied with the monthly amount of twelve dollars. "

"Ah? Ah, ah! That's it!"

Zhang Xuanwen said that only then did he understand Tang Yin's meaning, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, hurriedly got up from the ground, and said, "Satisfied and satisfied! As long as the adults let the villains do , The villain must have no complaints. "

"Hehe!" Tang Yin smiled.

At this time, Ai Jia asked: "Sir, why do you want to learn barbarism?"

"Not only do I have to learn, but you also have to learn all!" Tang Yin said positively, "In the future, we do not know how long the battle with the barbarian will continue, do not understand the language of the barbarian, how can we understand the opponent? How can we understand the importance of the enemy? Information? Remember, know yourself and know yourselves before you can win!

That's it! Lotte and Aijia looked at each other, and Qi Qi nodded and said, "Subordinates know."

Tang Yin said: "Especially for you two, you should learn brute language and urge your subordinates to be proficient in brute language in the shortest time. You two are responsible for spying on brutal states. Accuracy. "

"Extreme lessons are learned from adults!" Lotte and Ai Jia secretly tongue out, while keeping Tang Yin's words in mind. Tang Yin was right. He wanted to spy on Barbarian intelligence. It would be too much trouble if he could not speak barbarism.

Tang Yin beckoned to the housekeeper Tang Zhong, then lowered his head at Zhang Xuanyang, and said, "Take him down first, and then help his room!"

"Yes! My lord!" Tang Zhong didn't say much. After Tang Yin was called to be the steward of the county guard house, Tang Yin's kindness was remembered in his heart.

Tang Zhong is an old churros in the army. He is good at checking words and feelings. It feels that Tang Yin still has something to say. Instead of walking ahead, he let Zhang Xuan go first. After Zhang Xuan went out, he got close to Tang Yin.

Annoyingly cleverly, Tang Yin raised his lips and said in a low voice: "Tang Zhong, keep an eye on this person, don't let him leave the county guard house for a while!"

"Understand!" Tang Zhong promised, and then quickly walked out.

As soon as Tang Zhong took Zhang Xuan's forefoot, Tang Yin immediately lowered himself, carefully checked the map, and calculated silently in his heart. After a while, he pointed at the Beast King Town on the map and said, "This barbarian fortress, we must get Smash! Lotte and Aijia, my first task for you is to find out all the information in Beastmaster Town, including the number of brute soldiers stationed in it, the city defense status and the surrounding terrain, and the distance from my wind and land. How many miles, in short, the more detailed the better, can it be done? "

Without waiting for Rakuten to answer, Ai Jia had responded first: "No problem, sir, my subordinates will come to inquire in person!"

Ai Jia said this, and Lotte was not good enough to quit. Originally, the training of his subordinates had not been completed. He should not take over such an important task, but Ai Jia's promise could only make him accept it bit by bit. He smiled bitterly: " Follow your orders! "

Tang Yin nodded with satisfaction and said, "After the incident is over, there are many rewards. You two go!"

"Subordinates leave!" Lotte and Ai Jia both arched their hands and turned away.

After the two of them left, Tang Yin still stared at the map silently.

If you really want to sneak in the town of Barbara, the first thing you need to prepare is military horses, walking and trekking, which is too unrealistic and easy to be tracked by the enemy. Only the cavalry can be used to carry out lightning battles with lightning speed. A sneak attack is only possible.

But where is your army?

Tang Yin was worried about the army and horses, but within two days, good news came, and the Ningguo horse merchants arrived in Hengcheng, and also brought a hundred Ningguo war horses.

Hearing this news, Tang Yin was naturally overjoyed, and the official Yuan Ji who came to report the letter quickly walked out of the house.

There were hundreds of tall horses parked outside the gate of the house.

As Tang Yin lifted his eyes and watched, a middle-aged man walked over with a smile on his face. With the gesture of Guan Yuanji's eyes, he quickly stepped forward to Tang Yin, bowed to the ground, and said humbly and politely: "The lord is Tang Yin Lord Tang! The villain, Zhao Ju, is a businessman from Mo Kingdom.

Tang Yin first looked at Zhao Ju, then turned to look at Guan Yuanji.

Guan Yuanji whispered, "This is Mo Guopeng I mentioned to my adult. I have been with me for three years, and I am honest and reliable."

"Well!" Tang Yin smiled at Zhao Ju and said, "Brother Zhao came from afar, all the hard work, please in the house!"

"Ah! Master please!"

Zhao Ju followed Tang Yin into the house, and commanded his servants to pull the horses into the house.

Entering the lobby, everyone was seated.

After the tea was delivered, Tang Yin smiled and asked, "This is where Brother Zhao is all the way ~ www.readwn.com ~ Luke Taiping?"

"Ha ha!" Zhao Ju smiled softly and said, "Take care of my master, all the way to peace." After speaking, he arched to Guan Yuanji again, and said, "Brother Yuan Ji arranged for me to accompany me. The official text of the state, so the checkpoints encountered by the road have not been subject to much investigation. "

"Oh!" Tang Yin secretly praised the official Yuanji carefully and thoughtfully. He asked, "How many horses did you bring this time?"

"Exactly a hundred."

"In terms of price ..."

"In terms of price, Brother Yuanji has already talked to me. I think the price of one hundred and twenty-two silver horses is fair, what do adults think?"

Where does Tang Yin know how much it costs to buy a horse from Mo Guo, but he understands that the profits of horse dealers are very high, and they should be kept as low as possible if they can keep the price down, not to mention that they are expanding their army and urgently need money to save money!

He smiled slightly and raised the tea, pretending to be mature and said tentatively: "I and General Yingbu, General Overlord, are old friends for many years. As far as I know, Mo's horse is not that expensive."

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