Chapter 359

Qi Hengxiu was deep, and the spiritual chaos he released? The wind was also unusually comparable. The heavenly spirit blade that erupted at that moment tangled the branches and branches above him. -

The man in black, who had been hiding in a tree, secretly made a terrible noise, and did not dare to be brave, so he pulled away and jumped out.

Wow! The man in black rushed out for more than five meters before landing on the ground. Looking back, he saw that the broken leaves and sawdust were falling from the air, covering the horizontal sight, realizing that the opportunity was coming, he raised it. Xia Guang's twinkling spirit sword in his hand was aligned and released the cross.

In fact, he doesn't have to fight with Qi Heng, as long as he can hold him back for a while, but as a master of Lingwu, he also has a spirit of dissatisfaction.

The crosses and crosses released by the man in black hit Qi Heng like lightning. He regretted it just after using this killing trick. If he really hurt Qi Heng, how would he explain it?

He was still thinking about this, but suddenly, there was a dazzling light in the leaves and sawdust in front of him. He hadn't seen what was going on. The cross that he had released had been broken, and the spirit that had swallowed back Blade slashed his head and shot at him.

The face of the man in black suddenly changed, and before he could think about it, he leaned on the ground, rolled a lazy donkey, and walked aside.

The spirit blade coming up was almost passing by his spirit armor, leaving more than a dozen scratches on his spirit armor. If it was half a step later, he would be stirred into a flesh by the spirit blade released by Qiheng .

Qi Heng is well-deserved, I am afraid that even in the face of the big four generals, he will not let go! The gap between the strengths of the two sides was too great, so much that the man in black lost even continuing to fight. He issued a long whistle, and then pulled away and disappeared into the dense forest.

When he withdrew, the companion who was shocked on the other side also followed. When Qi Heng rushed out of the messy leaves and sawdust, the two men in black had run away.

He chuckled coldly, and whispered, "The rat is the rat, and it doesn't work, it runs fast!"

He turned back and yelled, "Brothers rush with me, and everyone who can capture the robbers has a lot of rewards!"

"Yes!" Qi Heng was brave and the morale of the soldiers below rose naturally. People responded in unison, followed Qi Heng, and rushed towards the center of the dense forest.

When they came to the open space in the middle of the jungle, fierce fighting was still going on here. Mengtian and four doormen were fighting fiercely with several men in black. Mengluo crouched in the corner holding a flesh-colored human head, old tears. Crying crying.

Seeing Qi Heng, he was grinning, and it was better to come earlier than he did. It is time to make his own contribution. At this time, do you want to catch the kidnappers? He shouted to the left and right: "Ground me here, no one is allowed to let go!"

"Observe!" The five thousand heavy cavalry had a tacit understanding.

The people in black in the war did not ignore the arrival of Qi Heng leading the army, and the people in black, led by them, made a long whistling sound, greeted their companions, stepped up the offensive, and quickly decided.

Soon, the situation on the court changed. The original support of Montaigne and the four goalkeepers under the attack of the people in black immediately revealed a defeat, especially Montaigne. The only thing that was attacked by the opponent's onslaught was parry. There is no power to fight back.

While he was crying secretly, he was going to withdraw first to avoid his sharp edge, and a flash of electric light suddenly flashed in the woods, hitting his eyebrow.

Meng Tian's face suddenly changed, and he subconsciously waved his sword to resist it. He heard a bang in the ear wheel, and a spirit arrow swirled in the air and fell to the ground.

not good! There are spirit archers in the forest! But as soon as he was distracted, the man in black opposite him had stabbed him with seven swords. Montanet hurried to calm his mind and cope with it carefully. He used the strength to feed, but he only took the opponent's first five swords, and the latter two swords were first to lift the spiritual armor from his shoulders, and then cut his arm. With a big mouth, he almost cut off his arm.

Meng Tian screamed in pain, backwards instinctively. At this time, he suddenly heard someone yelling, "General Meng be careful--"

He hadn't figured out what happened yet, and another cold arrow shot from his side. This time, Meng Tian couldn't escape again.

When he realized that it was not good, the Spirit Arrow had shot near him. There was a flutter in the earwheel. This arrow was right in the middle of his neck. The spirit arrow entered from his left neck and exited from his right neck, piercing his neck directly.

Meng Tian opened his mouth wide, but couldn't even make a shout. The strength in his body seemed to be sucked dry, and he couldn't move when he stood still.

Before the black man in front of him strode, the spirit sword in his hand struck a wonderful electric light in the air and swept towards Mentian.

This was the last scene he saw. The long electric light was dazzling, and it made him feel spinning.

Click! With the crisp sound of breaking, Men in Black cut off Meng Tian's head with a sword, and then he did not pause for a moment, and shouted loudly to all around: "Withdraw!"

Before the heavy cavalry and horses were to complete the encirclement, the men in black drove into the dense forest. The sky was dark and the forest couldn't see five fingers. The men in black got in and only disappeared in a blink It's gone.

This situation made Qi Heng completely dumbfounded. The situation on the market changed so quickly that it caught people by surprise. Montaigne was almost killed by a series of killings in front of him. He didn't even have a chance to rescue.

Looking at the corpse lying on the ground, Qi Hengyun was in a daze, until Meng Luo issued a scream like a pig, and rushed toward Montian's corpse like a mad rush, and he suddenly returned to his mind.

Instantly, Qi Heng's eyebrows were erected. The kidnappers did not kill Mentian early, but they did not kill them. They rushed to kill them in front of their eyes. These kidnappers made it clear that they deliberately embarrassed them and gave themselves a strange shame!

"Damn rat, bully me too much, I see where are you going? Wow!" Qi Heng also stunned, chasing in the direction of the black man fleeing while screaming.

Until now, he hadn't noticed the strangeness, and when these men in black were kidnappers, if he calm down and think about it, it is not difficult to find that these men in black are too trained, and each has a spirit of pure fire. Wu, which is the level that ordinary kidnappers can achieve?

At this point, he went after the kidnappers. The jungle was dark and there were many trees. Even if the kidnappers didn't run away, they hid in a corner horn, and he didn't want to find it again.

But Qi Heng was unwilling to take his cavalry around like a headless fly in the woods. As a result, he had been busy for more than half an hour without even seeing the shadow of the man in black.

In the end, even if he was unwilling, he had to give up searching, and with a cadre, sweated back to the open space. At this moment, Meng Luo had already fainted and fainted. If the four **** defeated the rooster, they would pull their heads and stand by.

Overnight, Monroe lost his two sons. Such a heavy blow could not be afforded by anyone. Seeing this tragic situation, Qi Heng also lamented in his heart and sat on the horse, shaking his head secretly.

Meng Tian, ​​this man who is loyal to the emperor and the emperor is regarded by Tang Yin as a stab in his eyes and is finally dead. With Yin Ruo's strength, he can escape Tang Yin's bright gun, but he cannot escape Tang Yin's dark arrows .

Even if he died, he died in the hands of the kidnappers. He died in ignorance and ignorance.

The death of two brothers, Montian and Meng Chong, was also a fatal blow to Meng Luo. The old old man lost his son in his old age and could not afford such a tragic blow. There is nothing but this intangibility. Instead, it is Tang Yin who eliminated the biggest political opponent in the imperial court.

The next day, early.

Gu Yan and Qi Heng reported this to Tang Yin at Chaotang. At the time of the report, Gu Xun was expressionless, but was just stating a fact, but Qi Heng lost his arrogant attitude, and kept his head down, like a frosted eggplant.

Regarding this matter, Tang Yin didn't know the inside story very well. She only knew that although she had left the matter to Dark Arrow, Gu Gu was actually planning behind the scenes. Qi Heng's participation must be Gu Jie's idea. After careful consideration, he also understood why Gu Jie had to pull in Qi Heng. Since Gu Yan has already done so, don't waste his mind. Tang Yin deliberately showed unhappiness, holding Qi Heng, and asked, "General Qi, was Mongolian killed by robbers in front of you?"

Although hard to tell, this is a fact.

Qi Heng bowed his head, his face was red and his ears were red, and if there was a seam in the ground, he could drill into it without hesitation. He continued to clenched his head, his voice so low that he could barely hear himself, and said, "Yes ... yes ..."

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows ~ ~ and said, "Several robbers could kill General Meng in front of your General Qi, and then all escaped in peace. You said whether the King should believe you ? "

thump! Qi Heng's legs softened, and he knelt down on the ground, bowed his head, and trembled, "King, this is indeed the end of the general's intention, let the robbers find out, please ask the king to punish the general, and the general will admit punishment!"

"Yeah!" Tang Yin sighed heavily and said: "This can't blame you all, if you want to come, the robber's spirit must be very powerful." After a pause, he said: "Qiheng, now you should always Understood, at the critical moment, you will have strength again, but your strength will be limited after all, and it will be difficult to change the overall situation. You should learn a lesson this time, and you should never be arrogant. Fortunately, you will only encounter a few thieves this time. The battlefield made the mistake of underestimating the enemy, and you still have your life! "

Qi Heng was shocked and responded in a hurry: "The King has learned a great lesson, and the Admiral will abide by the teachings and never commit another crime!"

"Remember what you are saying today! The young man has the will, the youth is frivolous, and it is human nature, but now you are expensive commander of the army, your life is no longer yours alone, but the army of 100,000 soldiers "Tang Yin said sternly:" Today's fault, to repeat it in the future, you commander-in-chief, you can stop doing it. "

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