(Literature m) When speaking, Tang Yin's palm was burning with black flames. The name of the savage general didn't even see what was going on. The man had been burned completely by the fire of darkness, and his body was turned into a faint spiritual mist. up in the air.

Tang Yin raised her head, opened her mouth, and Lingwu sucked into his body along his mouth and nose.

In an instant, the spirit armor on his body seemed to be injected into life, and all the cracks were growing and closing fast, and finally, they were as good as ever. Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers retreated faster.

In fact, Tang Yin just now is just the end of a bluff. Is it confusing? The wind hurts him like never before. He can stand, fight, and rely on his strong will to survive. He knows that if he can't afford to fall to the ground, the surrounding soldiers will soon take himself The corpse was broken, but fortunately, his bluffing effect had taken effect, and the trembling caught many barbarian soldiers, allowing him to successfully **** out the generals and restore his anger.

Of course, a brutal general is not enough to fully recover the damage he has suffered, he needs more aura. At this time, the surrounding soldiers were no longer a threat to him, but food, energy, and something that could fill his void.

Tang Yin will not be merciless because of their retreat. His eyes flashed with greedy and cold cold light, as the evil wolf saw the lamb. The sword rushed into the crowd of brutal soldiers, and the fire of darkness was used to his extreme Not only was the sword attached to the flame, but also the spiritual armor on his body began to ignite a black fire, which enveloped him as a whole.

As soon as he walked through the crowd, the surrounding brutal soldiers were affected by the fire of darkness. All of them began to burn on the face, and then the black fire spread to the whole body. The sound of screaming was endless, and a ray of spirit mist rose from the crowd. Rising, condensing in the air, and finally sucked into his body.

Tang Yin had no idea how many people he had eaten. Only the idea of ​​burning was left in his mind. The knife was burning in his hands, and he was burning as if he were going to burn all life in the world.

When he regained consciousness, a brutal soldier could not be seen in the center of the whole town. Some only had armor and weapons scattered all over the land.

call! Tang Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Under Ling Kai, he was sweating and his clothes were soaked. When he wanted to sit down and take a breath, he suddenly heard a sound in the row of houses on the left. Tang Yin's nerves that had just eased up immediately stretched again. He took a deep breath, carried the sickle, and walked to the row of houses.

At the door, Tang Yin kicked her leg and opened the wooden door of the house. Then, people rushed into the room.

The house was empty, except for the long floor, there were no long things. At this time, there were hundreds of barbarians wearing civilian clothes at the end of the house. Among them were men and women, and old and young. The workers, traders, or relatives of brutal soldiers.

Tang Yin suddenly came in, causing a crowd of screams. The people gathered around and shrank into a ball, and a pair of horrified eyes stared at him.

He stared at God, then tilted his head and smiled, and asked, "Who are you? (Mo)" He had just learned Bessah, but he was not very proficient, and his tone of speech was strange.

"Things ... we are civilians, not soldiers. We have never been to the wind country, nor have we killed the wind people ..." (Mo) "a young barbarian explained in a panic.

Tang Yin was unfamiliar with Bessah, and the other party spoke fast, because the tone of tension changed. Tang Yin did not understand, he said coldly, "Shut up! (Mo)"

Listening to his cold tone, the young man became more nervous, stuttering explanations.

His noise made Tang Yin upset, without warning, the latter raised his hand and the sickle swept out.


This knife is stabbing the young man in the sun. The tip of the knife enters from the left side and protrudes from the right side. It penetrates the young man's head directly. When the knife goes down, the words of the young man suddenly come to an end, and the room finally becomes clean. Tang Yin sighed comfortably and retracted her arms.

Communicate! The corpse fell straight, the splashing blood and brain spilled all around, and the quiet inside the house lasted only a few seconds. Then, the screams started and people screamed like crazy. , Screaming, begging ...

How can ordinary civilians withstand the killing of Lingbo? Tang Yin only released three Lingbo, and the room was silent. Incomplete corpses and broken limbs are scattered all over the ground, and blood and blood stain the walls and the ground in dark red.

Looking around, it was confirmed that there was no live mouth, Tang Yin moved the corner of his mouth, the hand fell off the sickle, turned and went out.

Tang Yin naturally bites blood, and in his eyes, the civilians of Besa and the soldiers are no different, and they are all enemies of Party B.

When he stepped out of the house, a team of cavalry flew head-on. Tang Yin was about to raise his sword to take on the battle, and he took a closer look. It turned out that the soldier was already a soldier. The one for him was not someone else, but it was Shangguan Yuanwu, one of his guards. .

"Master, you are here!" Shangguan Yuanwu Zema rushed to Tang Yin, then turned over and dismissed, looked at Tang Yin with concern, and saw that he was covered with blood, but Ling Jia was intact, so rest assured that he was excited: "Sir, the brutal soldiers in the town have been overwhelmed by us. Except for a small part of them, most of them have become our ghosts, and some have been captured by us!"

At the same time, he was looking around, looking at the weapons and armors and clothing everywhere, he secretly murmured, following Tang Yin for so long, don't know, these are the brutal soldiers who were burnt to death by the fans of darkness With so many weapons and armors left, I don't know how many people Tang Yin killed here. At the corner of his eye, Yu Guang aimed at the room behind Tang Yin again, and saw the corpse on the ground, which was blurred in flesh and blood and wearing civilian clothes, and he was taken aback. He asked, "Sir, they are ..."

"Barbarians! Barbarians," Tang Yin said quietly, "Barbarians are enemies, and they will be killed without pardon!"

Guan Yuanwu nodded his head first, then shook his head again, and said, "Sir, it would be a shame to kill them, it would be better to bring them back to Hengcheng."

Tang Yin frowned, asking instead: "What's the use of taking them back?"

Can be sold as a slave! Shangguan Yuanwu said: "The brutal soldiers arrested our people as slaves, we should also arrest them as slaves, and they are physically strong and very rare. Selling them must be worth the price!"

After listening to Shangguan Yuanwu's words, Tang Yin stomped his feet, secretly blame himself for being too impulsive. Why didn't he think of it, he wouldn't kill those people if he knew it. He nodded and said, "Just as you want, bring all the barbarians here to Hengcheng. As for the barbarian captives, solve them on the spot!"

"Yes! My lord!" Shang Guan Yuanwu promised, calling a few soldiers and letting them convey Tang Yin's order.

In a word, Tang Yin determined the lives and deaths of hundreds of captured brutal soldiers.

After Tang Yin's order, the wind army pulled the captured brutal soldiers into the open space in the middle of the needle town. First, he beat him to the ground, and then the wind soldiers took out their swords and mercilessly cut off the brutal soldiers' heads.

All of a sudden, the blood of the town of Beastmaster was flowing into the river, and the corpses were everywhere, just like **** on earth.

In addition, the Fengjun is responsible for loading the decapitation of the barbarian. The head of the barbarian is also useful. It can be transported back to Yancheng for the court's claim, and it can also show that Tang Yin, a county defender, has a brilliant record.

The battle in Beastmaster Town lasted only half an hour before it was over. The 3,000 brutal soldiers were caught by surprise without any precaution. The master was killed by Tang Yin. The following brutal soldiers escaped 500 There were many people, and the rest were all in the town.

The wind army also suffered more than 400 casualties in the battle, but this loss is much smaller than the brute.

While Liang Yin was patrolling the battlefield, Cheng Jin and others who stayed outside the city to block the barbarian soldiers returned. The dozen members of the Dark Arrow were all covered with blood, apparently also gaining a lot outside the city.

Seeing Tang Yin, Cheng Jin stepped forward to salute, and said positively: "Sir, the dark arrow killed more than 200 Barbarian deserters outside the town, and more than 300 others fled to the northwest. Sir, do we need to catch up? "

Tang Yin heard the words and smiled, but the brute soldiers ran away to the northwest. Fortunately, he had made arrangements early, and Xiao Muqing's 1,000 cavalrymen could eat up the 300 deserters.

He nodded and said, "Don't chase anymore, and work hard with the general!"

"You're welcome!"

The winning wind army kept on searching for supplies of brutal soldiers throughout the town. Soon, several military treasuries in Beastmaster Town were found by the wind army. The hoarding of materials was complicated. In addition to a large number of brutal soldiers' armors and weapons, Siege weapons such as aerial ladders and thunderbolts, as well as huge amounts of grain and silver coins and copper coins of Bethsa State.

With so many spoils, Tang Yin rejoiced. He immediately ordered that all the armor, weapons, grain, and silver coins in the barbarian arsenal were packed and taken away. As for the large pieces of ladders and thunderbolts, they were burned on the spot.

The armor of the brutal soldiers is made of pig iron, which is rough and heavy. Although the wind army cannot be worn, it can be used to make steel and make weapons. As for silver and copper coins, although the wind country is not in circulation ~ www.readwn.com ~ but the silver is Silver and copper are copper. After being converted, they can still be made into silver ingots and copper coins of the wind country.

Beastmaster Town has a lot more military resources than Tang Yin expected. All the horses are loaded. It is estimated that eight thousand horses can't be pulled. The Tang room can only be ordered to discard the heavy things such as grain and armor. Those who threw sacks of grain all over the ground, Tang Yin was heartbroken. It had been known that it would be better to bring 500 fewer brothers and 500 more empty horses.

The materials of the brutal army have overwhelmed the war horses. As for the hundreds of captured Besa civilians in Beastmaster Town, they cannot take them away.

Tang Yin was very straightforward, and ordered all executions.

Feng Jun had been lazy and went to hack and kill one by one, and put all these civilians into the arsenal, piled straw outside, put oil on the wine, and set fire.

The wind army led by Tang Yin is more terrifying than the brutal soldiers. Not only do they kill people, they steal all things, they do n’t even leave towns, and they set fire everywhere. If the town of Beast King is big, it will be caught in a sea of ​​fire in no time.

After watching "Tang Yin in Another World", you can also see six other 2 works "How the Bad Guys Are Made 2" 10,000 and "Qimen Pharmacopoeia" 1.77 million! Link to the work page! Literature m

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