After hearing this from Ai Jia, Tang Yin also remembered the recent acquisition of a batch of Zhen Guo Orion by Diwang. At that time, she also brought those people to the palace for him to see, for a man named Amu Ke.

Since Ai Jia was confident that he could pass the order to the WWII, he certainly would like it. Tang Yin nodded and said, "Okay! It's up to you to do it."

"Subordinates obey!" Ai Jia promised to simply, backed away.

Ai Jia's self-confidence was not born without reason. Amu Ke and his people are really good at climbing mountains and wading mountains. Panling may only have a way for others to live, but for Amu Ke and other people who live in perennial life As far as hunters living in the mountains relying on hunting and collecting herbs, such as flat ground, there is no obstacle at all.

On the same day, Ai Jia approached Amu Ke and asked him to select two savvy and capable clans, turned over Panling, and conveyed the king's order to the hundred battles in Changdu. Amu Ke took the lead, and according to Ai Jia's request, he picked out two young and strong guys, and then handed Tang Yin's hand to them, letting them pass through the mountains from the mountains to the usual. All.

The family of Amu Ke did not disappoint Tang Yin and Ai Jia. It took them only three days to successfully get out of Panling, and use Falcon to send the news back to Fengying Camp.

After receiving this news, Tang Yin was very happy. All he had to do now was to wait until the 100-armed army killed from behind Mo Jun, and his side attacked Mo Jun in Panling in front and back.

However, things did not go as smoothly as he thought.

After a few more days, the letter from Diwang was sent back again, this time from Changdu. The content of the letter was written by Nie Ze, the coach of the 100 Battle Army. In the letter, Nie Ze made it clear that the Hundred War Army had no possibility of returning to Panling.

It is not that Nie Ze did not obey Tang Yin's orders, but now that the One Hundred War Army cannot withdraw. Since it was known that the Fengjun had captured the county capital of Zeping County, the Mo's court was shocked. Zhenjiang directly transferred 200,000 Central Army troops to Zeping for reinforcements. At the same time, Shao Fang ordered the survivors of Surabaya and Tianyang. Reinforcement Zeping. At present, the three-way reinforcements of Mozambique have advanced into Zeping County from the east, west, and south, and quickly gathered to Changdu. The three hundred-armed army stationed in Changdu has formed a three-sided encirclement trend.

Now if the Baizhang Army evacuates Changdu and goes north to attack Panling, I am afraid that they will not reach Panling, and they will have to be overtaken by Mo Jun. At that time, the Mo Army will besiege the Baizhang Army three times. Will also suffer a lot. Therefore, at this time, the Hundred Fighting Army could only stay in Changdu, relying on the city defense of Changdu, and decided to fight against the reinforcements of Mo Guo.

It can be said that the situation of the WWII army is much more critical than that of Tang Yin. The three-way Mozambique reinforcements, totaling no less than 600,000 people, are fierce, and the WWII army cannot guarantee itself. Not only can it not help Tang Yin's side, it also needs urgently. Tang Yinwei's Fengjun broke through Panling and went to Changdu for reinforcements.

Nie Ze's letter was passed back to the Fengjun camp, which made the generals uproar. Unexpectedly, Mo Guo had assembled such a large army in such a short period of time.

As the saying goes, a thin camel is larger than a horse. Mozambique is a traditional power. Although it was lost in the first battle of Mozambique and Mozambique, it has not hurt the country's vitality, and Mozambique has been fighting for more than a hundred years. It is very light and strong, which makes Mozambique extremely capable of recruiting new recruits. As long as Mozambique is not killed, as long as it does not completely destroy the court of Mozambique, it will use Mozambique's strong national strength in a short period of time. Restore your heyday. This is exactly the terrible aspect of Mozambique.

Tang Yin was obstructed by Pan Ling, and the hundred battle army side had to face the encirclement of 600,000 Mo army. The period of advantage of the wind army sending Mo army had ended, and now it has entered a period of fierce fighting between the two armies.

As the battle became increasingly difficult, it was not until this time that people remembered the three teams of Jade, An and Qiang.

Now the Feng Army urgently needs the three armies of Yu, An, and Qian to advance into Mozambique, thereby pinning the Central Army of Mozambique and gaining opportunities for its own side.

In fact, the troops of the three countries, Yu, An, and Lu, have been hoarded on the border with Mozambique. There are two main reasons why they did not break in. As soon as Fengguo sent troops to Mozambique, the king of Sichuan Xiaoxuan released his words. Fengguo's war against Mozambique was a brutal invasion. No duchy should stand on the side of Fengguo, otherwise it would be against enemy of justice, and Sichuan is an enemy, and Sichuan will retaliate against it in the future.

Xiao Xuan's such a straightforward threat played a great deterrent effect on the two countries. The two countries wanted to send troops to Mozambique and to divide Mozambique's territory with the wind country, but they had to worry about Sichuan. So the two countries Although the army was assembled at the border with Mozambique, it did not dare to enter. To put it bluntly, these two countries are also waiting, waiting for the battle of wind and wind to show obvious advantages. If Mozambique has an overwhelming advantage, then they will abandon the plan to send troops to Mozambique and stand on the Sichuan side. If the wind state has an overwhelming advantage, then the Mozambique's wind state will be annexed in national strength. No longer weaker than Sichuan, they can rest assured to stand on the side of Fengguo and no longer fear Sichuan's revenge in the future.

As for the Yu country, it does not have the same concerns as the An and Nian countries. Whether the Yu country listens to the orders of the Sichuan country or not, and because of the relationship between the jade country and the wind country, it is an enemy of the Sichuan country. Now the country can only stand in the wind. On this side of the country, all glory is glory, and all is loss. Yujun didn't enter Mozambique. It wasn't that Yujun didn't want to come in, but he didn't come in.

The place where the Jade Army sent troops to Surabaya is Surabaya. To enter Surabaya, you must win the Chilong Altar, the border town of the country. The position of the Chilong Altar is special. It is not easy, but to attack the Red Dragon Altar, you have to fight from the bottom up, the difficulty is even more doubled. Mo Guo's garrison stayed in the red dragon altar to stay at work, holding on to the city, and the jade army made several onslaughts, but all returned without success. If the Red Dragon Altar cannot be beaten, the Jade Army will not dare to rush into it. If it is not interrupted, the situation of the Jade Army will be in danger.

On the one hand, the armies of the three kingdoms, Yu, An, and Lu, wanted to enter Mozambique but could not get in. On the one hand, they were worried, they could go in but did not dare to act rashly. It was for these two reasons that the jade, The armies of the three kingdoms of An and Lai did not advance into Mo territory to cooperate with the wind army.

Intelligence from various places is continuously flowing into the camp of the wind army. There is almost no good news, all bad news. Knowing that the armed forces of the two countries of An and Laos were not moving at the border, the wind generals scolded the two countries for their shamelessness. At first they promised well and said that they must work together to eliminate Mo. Now it is better. It's just a capricious villain.

Tang Yin's heart is also so annoying that it is really difficult for countries like An and He to conspiracy to conspire! It was just that hate could not solve the problem. Even if he cursed the ancestors of the two countries for eighteen generations now, it would not be possible to scold the troops of the two countries.

The most important thing right now is that you must quickly gain an advantage over Mo Jun. Otherwise, if the war is prolonged for a long time, Sichuan may intervene, and the two states of An and Lu may also go to Sichuan and go to Sichuan and Mo. The Kuomintang teamed up against itself, and by that time, it would form a second alliance of cutting winds.

In order for Fengjun to gain an advantage over Mojun, he must first destroy the Mojun main force in Zeping County. To destroy the Mojun main force, it is not enough to rely on the WWII itself, but also to rely on the cooperation of the entire army. After all, breaking through Panling is still a top priority.

At this time, Tang Yin had already made up his mind that even if the entire army had suffered a great loss, they had to break through Panling as soon as possible and join the hundred battle army.

Tang Yinqiang's order to attack Panling has not yet been issued, but Yancheng first came to the Flying Pigeon Biography, the content is from the Military and Political Hall.

The Junzhengtang made a detailed study of the current situation of Fengjun, and subsequently changed the original design. Now they have proposed a new plan for Tang Yin, decisively giving up Panling, withdrawing from Zeping County, and attacking Surabaya County.

Now that Mo Jun stationed in Surabaya has accepted Shao Fang's deployment, more than half of his troops have entered Zeping County to besiege the hundreds of troops. Surabaya's troops are empty and his own forces have attacked Surabaya. One is to occupy this strategic place. The Jade Army opened Mo's portal and assisted the Jade Army to enter the country.

However, this scheme can also be called an illusion. According to the prediction of the Military and Political Hall, once their own army withdrew from Zeping, the Mo army stationed in Panling would certainly withdraw from Panling and go with the other three-way Mo army to encircle Changdu's patrols.

Therefore, if ~ ~ our army withdraws from Zeping, we must withdraw with great fanfare, and in the dark, quietly leave an army ambush near Panling, as long as Mo Jun stationed in Panling retreats, This legion seized Panling with a thunderbolt.

If Mo Jun is not fooled, he will remain indifferent even if he sees his army withdrawing, and then stay in Panling. Then he will turn the illusion of changing Surabaya into reality, and use the Baizhang army as a bait to attract Mo's main force. , His side took the opportunity to win Surabaya and merged with the Yujun.

It can be said that this is a two-pronged strategy. If Mo Jun is deceived by Feng Jun's false retreat, then the Feng Jun will occupy Panling. If the Feng Jun's actions have not deceived Mo Jun, then nothing will happen. For true attack, occupy Surabaya.

After reading the plan proposed by the Military and Political Hall, Tang Yin couldn't help beating his forehead again and again. This new combat plan of the Military and Political Hall is complicated to say, but it is actually very simple. Why didn't you think of the case?

You don't need to think about it carefully. Instinct alone, Tang Yin has determined that the new plan proposed by the Military and Political Hall is a good policy. He then summoned the army generals and announced the plan.

[... Tenth episode 370 ...] a! !!

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