Chapter 386

The face-to-face battle between Feng Mo and the two armies not only caused the Mo cavalry to be stunned by the heavy cavalry of the Wind Country, but even the three commanders Wu Mo, Gao Zong, and He Cong were not confident enough, and lost their fighting spirit .

The three of them gathered together for a nuclear calculation, and they thought that their own war would be defeated. Rather than eventually annihilating the entire army, it would be better to save their strength and temporarily withdraw from Zeping County. After the reorganization in the future, they would compete with the wind army for a long time.

They reached a consensus and each ordered their army to continue to retreat south, but this time their retreat had a goal, that is, Hao Wan County.

The front battlefield was still fighting, but the three coaches gave the order to retreat. In this way, Mo Cavalry defeated faster.

Fortunately, the mobility of Mozambique cavalry is unique. They can't beat heavy cavalry, but they can definitely run.

The Mo cavalry, who was struggling to support the battlefield, heard the sound of Jin Ming in the rear. If he was relieved, he could escape from the brain. They could easily get rid of the ninth legion, but Mo Infantry could not do this.

Seeing the Mo cavalry fleeing and fleeing, the ninth army coach Qi Heng increased his confidence and led the lower part of the congregation, regardless of the pursuit.

The Mo Cavalry ran faster than the rabbit, like a whirlwind, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Qi Heng poured his anger on the Mo Infantry.

He rushed into the camp of the Mo Infantry at first, and then turned the Soul Sword with nine turns. When he saw someone, he slashed, and when he slashed, he could hardly find a complete body within three meters around him.

Qi Heng was brave, and His Majesty's heavy cavalry was unambiguous. People urged the horse to rush into Mo Jun's crowd. Instead of stabbing with a gun, he just walked and walked. Countless.

Poor Mo's infantry camp was fragmented by the ninth army and broke out. There is no formation at all, and it has lost its resistance. Now people only want to quickly escape from this nightmare-like battlefield.

Only the power of the Ninth Army in the front defeated more than 600,000 troops in Mo Guo. Tang Yin in the back saw his face and was very happy. He jumped out of the carriage and went to the warhorse next to it. Raising the banner of the wind country, while urging the horse to run forward, he shouted, "The generals, kill the enemy array--"

Wow——With the order of Tang Yin, the four-armed army of the Plains Army, the direct army, the flying dragon army, and the hundred battle army moved forward together. The current situation is to shoot down the water dogs. No one wants to miss this performance. opportunity.

The soldiers below shook off their two legs and rushed forward like crazy, and many people even threw off their armor in order to reduce the burden on their bodies and allow them to run faster.

The crazy scene of the wind army chasing the enemy can be completely described by 'losing the helmet and removing armor'. Run one, throw the armor, know the inside story and know that they are hunting down the enemy. If you do n’t understand the inside story, I am afraid that the wind army will be defeated. It's fleeing!

The madness of the wind army is comparable to that of the virgins. Seeing the appearance of the wind people around, the soldiers of the hundred battle army are also grinning. The zhenren always competes and wins. The mentality of the rush was to take the lead first, and immediately after the Ninth Army, it also entered the Mo camp.

The ninth military had already dispersed the entire formation of the Mo army. Now the twentieth army, like a wolf and a tiger, is coming in again. The defeat of the Mo army is like an avalanche, and no one can return to heaven.

This defeat was a terrible defeat for Mo Jun. Mo Jun's body and wounded soldiers can be seen within a hundred miles, and the army of more than 600,000 can be described as a thousand miles. When they defeated Zeping County and Hao At the junction of Wanjun County, there were only 300,000 people, and the other 300,000 or more were either killed, captured, or broken up. Under the army, there was no fighting spirit, just like a plate of scattered sand. Mo Jun's main strength was greatly damaged, and there was no strength to confront the Feng Jun.

The most important point of the defeat of Mo Jun this time was that he lost to Yuan Chengyi. If Yuan Chengyi can hold the camp, so that the main forces of the 100 battles and the wind army cannot be merged together, then the battle of Changdu What does the end of the game look like?

In the final analysis, Yuan Cheng ’s disastrous defeat was in the hands of the WWII Army. If Mo Jun can destroy it in more than ten days during the siege of the WWII Army, it is equivalent to changing the battle of Feng Mo Unfortunately, Mo Jun did not seize this heaven-sent opportunity, but instead listened to Shen Yuan's idea and tried to trap the hundreds of soldiers alive in a sleepy way, resulting in today ’s bitter results.

For Mo Jun, the decisive battle was wrong again and again. For Feng Jun, Zeping County's great victory was mainly attributed to the Hundred Fighting Army.

Perhaps the Ninth Army killed more enemies in the battlefield, but if no one hundred battle army often restrained Mo's main force, the wind army could not even pass Panling, let alone the victory of the first battle.

The WWII can play such a big role, all thanks to themselves. The characteristics of the Zhen Army is that it is extremely independent. It does not have the concept of cooperative operations, and it does not emphasize the support of logistical supplies. It can be self-sufficient wherever it is hit. It is because of this that the Zhen people are not good at it The local warfare is better at fighting in other countries, especially when it is in trouble. The Zhen army of thousands or even hundreds of people dared to form a group, penetrate the enemy's hinterland, and deal with the enemy. This is the terrible thing of the Zhen army. Office. Although the reputation of the Hundred Battles Army is under the banner of the wind army, in fact, the Zhen army is down-to-earth from the bottom, and it also inherits the traditions of the Zhen army.

After Mo Jun's main force escaped from Zeping County, the winning Feng Army was stationed in Changdu. When discussing rewards and achievements, Tang Yin greatly praised the performance of the 100th Army and the Ninth Army, especially when the 100th Army and the entire army ran out of food and supplies, they were able to hold on for more than ten days, and It also has a strong combat power, which is incredible.

At this time, even Tang Yin didn't know how the WWII did this, but according to his speculation, it was likely that there was a lot of grain and grass hoarded in the city of Changdu, which created long-term conditions for the WWII.

In recognition of the 100th Army and the Ninth Army, Tang Yin awarded the first counts of Nie Ze and Qi Heng respectively, and raised the score of each of them by 30%. In addition, all the soldiers in the army also received rewards.

Regarding the rewarding officers and soldiers in the army, Tang Yin has never been softened. Even if the treasury is empty, the soldiers must be fed. Only in this way can the soldiers work harder and desperately in future battles.

Just after the reward was over, Chen Xiu, Tao Yuanfeng, Zhang Cheng, and Guan Dai, the four deputy commanders of the Combat Army, came to Tang Yin together and asked Tang Yin to take his life and deprive Nie Ze of his earl position. Duties have also been cut.

After listening to the words of the four of them, Tang Yin was quite surprised. With the credit of Nie Ze in this battle and the brave performance of the generals of the hundreds of warriors, he felt a little low even after giving the title of Earl Nie Ze. Why Chen Xiu and others Should he cut Nie Ze's title and military rank together?

He frowned secretly, without a horse talking, turned to look at his personal maid Ji Lianyan, and said, "Pity tobacco, pour tea."

Ji Lianyan responded cautiously. While pouring tea for Tang Yin, she quietly asked the maid below to give tea to Chen Xiu and others.

Soon, the maids handed out a handful of tea, and before they waited for them to drop the tea, Tang Yin waved her hand and said, "The four generals are so angry now that they are not suitable for tea, you go down first!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiu and the others looked at each other, all slowly lowering their heads. Listening to the king's tone, he seemed very dissatisfied with telling Nie Ze himself!

Tang Yin held up the tea, blew the tea foam on her face, took a slow sip, then cleared her throat, and said, "Nie Ze is a virgin, but now he has taken refuge in the strong wind, so he is me, and he is you. Waiting for the head division, now being rewarded, you should be happy, why did you sneak up to me to sue him? But jealousy failed? The internal unity is directly related to the strength of a legion's combat power Don't you understand that? "

Chen Xiu, Tao Yuanfeng, Zhang Cheng and Guan Dai exuded cold sweat on their foreheads. They stood up in unison, bowed in front of Tang Yin, and said, "King, I am not jealous of Nie Ze. It was ... but what he did was not worthy of being an army commander, or even an earl! "

"Oh?" Tang Yin narrowed his eyes, and his heart was trembling.

The actual battle proved that the 100 Battle Army is so easy to use. It is a legion that can be reused like the Plains Army. He is most worried about the issue of loyalty. If Nie Ze made a mistake in this regard, it would be difficult for him to do it. .

He took a deep breath and raised his head. "Details."

"Is the king able to know how the hundreds of combat troops have stood for more than ten days in the case of food shortage?" Chen Xiu whispered.

Tang Yin slowly shook his head, waiting for him to continue. Chen Xiu said tremblingly: "That was done by cooking the people in the city ~ ~ Seeing Tang Yin's incomprehensible face, Chen Xiu then cooked the Bai Zhan army to the common people, the whole army. Talking about the situation of cannibalism in the past, he reported it to Tang Yin one last time. In the end, he said eloquently: "King, such a detrimental act against human nature, will be condemned in the future, and let people like Nie Ze do it for me. The commander-in-chief of the military and the Count of the Wind Country is really a shame and shame to my Wind Country. In the future, I am afraid that our country will also be affected by it and suffer from angry anger ... "

He thought that the king would be as angry as himself after hearing his explanation. The more he said that Tang Yin's expression was more cheerful, and the corners of his mouth were bent slightly.

After he finished speaking, Tang Yin asked with a smile: "Did you come to sue me because of this?"

"Yes, King!" Chen Xiu, Tao Yuanfeng, Zhang Cheng, Guan Daiqiqi nodded.

"Haha--" Tang Yin couldn't help but laughed on his back, whispering with a smile: "Nie Ze wants to eat human flesh, too!" As long as Nie Ze did not show disloyalty to the country, No matter what he does, for Tang Yin, things can be made smaller and smaller. Moreover, as far as the situation was concerned, he did not feel that Nie Ze's approach was wrong, but he admired Nie Ze's decisiveness and the bravery of the generals of the WWII.

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