Let's not pretend to be fighting the fire, even if it is sincere and sincere. The fire in the granary burned from the inside to the outside, like an eruption volcano, it was difficult for people to get closer, let alone put the fire down?

When a large number of Mo Bing arrived, they saw such a scene. The corpses, flesh and blood all over the ground, Cheng Jin, Lotte and others shouted ‘desperately’ and poured water to fight the fire. The scene was chaotic.

The headed member, Mo Jiang, saw this situation, and the cold sweat immediately flowed down. He was very aware of how fatal the granary would be if he was burned. He also knew how much his fault would be.

He stared blankly at the blazing granary for a while, then the general Mo came back and shouted, "Who can tell me, what is going on?"

Hearing his shout, Cheng Jin, who was in "fire fighting", glanced back, immediately lowered the basin in his hand, and ran over quickly. When he reached that moment, he would respectfully bow on one knee and intervened and said, "Little man See General Chen! "

This general is Chen Zhong, who is responsible for guarding the granary. He saw the person of Cheng Jin, but did not know his name. He waved angrily and said, "Get up, what happened here, and how did the granary catch fire?"

"Back to General Chen, I rushed over when I saw the fire in the granary. When I waited there, the bodies of the brothers were already lying there, and the fire was burning ..."

Chen Zhong interrupted the following words and asked: "You didn't see who moved your hands?"

"No!" Cheng Jin's head shook like a rattle, and said, "General, we have just arrived, and we haven't seen a living person!" Those Mo Bing who had been knocked down by them had already been completely killed by them. , Did not leave a living mouth.

After listening to Cheng Jin ’s remarks, Chen Zhong was dumbfounded. The granary was attacked here. Not only did hundreds of brothers die, but the granary was also ignited. It was too incredible to see the shadow of the attacker. .

He can also predict what will happen when the coach Xu Lengzhi hears the news, his head ... I am afraid I can't really hold it. Thinking of this, he raised his hand subconsciously and mō mō his own neck.

I don't know how long, Chen Zhong looked to the left and right, and saw many of his subordinates squinting at him with big eyes and small eyes. His lungs exploded, and he raised his bracelet to point at everyone and growled: "You What are you watching me do? Go to the fire! Fire! "

"Ah ... ah! Yes, general!" Everyone seemed to be awake like a dream, looking for tools and water, and went forward to fight the fire.

There is no water source near the granary. People get water from the far wells. The terrible thing is that people are unprepared. It takes a lot of time to find tools for water.

When people came back with the water, the fire in the granary was already bigger and fiercer. As long as it was close to ten meters, people could hardly breathe again. The air seemed to be ignited and sucked into the lungs, making people feel 〖body〗 The inside seemed to burn.

The flames that flew into the air turned the sky half red. Soon, not only the generals of Mo Jun in Pufeng City found the fire in the granary, but even the Fengyu Alliance outside the city saw the fire in the city, and many soldiers approved their clothes. , Out of the camp, watching the direction of Pu Feng watching the lively.

Now the city of Pufeng is in chaos. People are shouting horses. The granary is surrounded by General Mo Jun who heard the news and rushed to the fire. However, people's efforts are limited. They can only stop the fire, but they cannot suppress it. .

Xu Lengzhi, who lives in the county capital, was also awakened by the noise outside. He came out of the bedroom with his cloak and bare feet, and asked the shì guards at the door, "What's going on? Why is it so messy outside?" "

Seeing the coach coming out, the shwei guards pointed towards the granary and said, "General, there's a fire over there, I don't know what the situation is yet!"

"It's on fire!" The old man rubbed his dim sleepy eyes, looked up in the direction of the fingers of the shì guards.

The county capital is located in the center of Pufeng, and the granary is in the south of the city. The two are not close to each other, but at such a long distance, you can still see a huge flame rising into the air.

"That's ..." Xu Lengzhi murmured, and suddenly, his heart shook, jī Lingling fought a cold war, and said, "So ... that's the direction of the granary?"

The shì guards blinked, and nodded one after another: "Yes, general, there is indeed the direction of the granary!"

"Ah, that's bad!" Xu Leng strange screamed, and turned and ran to the room. It's too late to get dressed, put on your shoes, grab your sabre, and run out of the room again.

"Hurry up! Call your brothers to come and rescue the granary with the coach! The granary must have been attacked by the enemy!" Xu Lengzhi is indeed an experienced commander, and immediately judged the seriousness of the incident.

The shì guards are all together, the enemy sneaks in? The enemy did not attack the city, how could he run into the city and attack his own granary? The guardians didn't dare to delay, they responded one by one and broke up to convey Xu Lengzhi's order.

Before Xu Leng led his subordinates to the granary, the reporter arrived first.

A sweaty Mo Bing was led by the shì guards. When he saw Xu Lengzhi, the Mo Bing was kneeling on one knee and said hurriedly, "General, the big thing is bad, the granary was attacked by surprise, and our brother was killed and injured. With more than a hundred people, the granary was also ignited and is now trying to rescue it! "

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the people at the scene changed a lot, and Xu Lengzhi was still calm. After all, he had just guessed that the granary had an accident. He took a deep breath and asked, pretendingly calmly, "Is the enemy coming to be captured?"

"This ..." Mo Bing faced the letter, which was difficult, and did not dare to answer immediately.

"Say!" Xu Leng's fury sang.

"Back to General, all the enemies who sneaked into the granary ran away. Our generals failed to ... failed to catch the enemy alive!" Mo Bing replied stiffly, kneeling on the ground with his head down.

"All run away?" Xu Leng was almost stunned, and he condensed, "Our generals are all over the city. Can the enemy run to the sky?"

"Yes, yes, yes! But ... but I didn't find out what the enemy was doing, and it's not clear which direction the enemy is fleeing, but the city hunt has started ..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Lengzhi raised his eyebrows and asked incredulously: "I don't know in which direction the enemy is running? You mean that our army has not even seen the shadow of the enemy?"

"Yes ... yes ... general ..."

Snapped! This slap in the face, sturdyly hit Mo Bing's face, with great strength, knocked Mo Bing directly to the ground. Xu Lengzhi is not a grumpy person, but the current situation has made him angry and difficult to control his emotions.

The city's own generals, the granaries guarded by heavy soldiers, and uninterrupted patrols around it, but that's how it was still attacked by the enemy, and even the enemy's shadow was not seen. So stupid!

Xu Lengzhi tremblingly pointed at the reported Mo Bing and shouted, "Let Chen Zhong raise his head to see the handsome coach! Let Jiang Song and Ding Youchun raise his head to see the handsome coach!" Chen Zhong is responsible for guarding the granary. Jiang Song and Ding Youchun are in charge of law and order in the city. The granary was attacked by the enemy, and Chen Zhong could not be held accountable. Jiang Song and Ding Youchun couldn't escape the blame.

Mo Bing was so scared that he didn't dare to stay for more than half a second, and agreed quickly, then got up from the ground, turned and ran out.

Xu Lengzhi put his hands on his hips, hovered back and forth a few laps, and waved, "Go! Let's go to the granary!" At this moment, he was so anxious that Chen Zhong, Jiang Song, Ding Youchun came to see himself, and went to the granary in person. See what's going on right now.

He led the crowd to the gate of the county capital. The front foot had just stepped out of the gate, but suddenly he seemed to remember something, and the stepped foot was immediately retracted. He stood up, his eyes turned round and round. Without stopping, the face will change.

"General, what's wrong?" I wondered why he didn't leave, and the guards on both sides asked puzzled.

"No! Go to Fengge!" The old man screamed suddenly, then turned and ran back. The captain hurried forward and asked, "Does the general think that ... the dark warehouse has also been attacked?"

"This time the enemy was clearly prepared, the Ming warehouse was attacked, and the dark warehouse was also in danger!" Xu Lengzhi said sharply as he ran.

"It's ... unlikely, General, the county capital was not attacked by the enemy!" The general shook his head again and again.

Xu Lengzhi no longer cares about those things. The old man relied on the good Ling Wu Xiu behavior, throwing away two tu ǐ, the speed is not slow.

He rushed into the listening pavilion with a guard and shì guard, and turned to the rockery. When he saw the guards were still standing outside the cave mouth, he was relieved.

It seemed that he was really anxious, the enemy just sneaked into Mingcang and did not dare to rush into the county capital to move into a dark warehouse. As long as the dark warehouse is still there, even if the grain in the bright warehouse is burned clean, your own army can stand at Pufeng for three months!

Seeing Xu Lengzhi bringing a large number of escorts and shì guards, the guards intervened in saluting and said, "Subordinates see generals!"

"How are you doing here, have you found any enemies?" Xu Lengzhi looked around and asked blankly.

"General Huihui ~ www.readwn.com ~ everything is calm and normal," the guards replied carefully.

"That's good!" After speaking, Xu Lengzhi turned back and said, "Leave a large team of people, be sure to guard this place, if an accident occurs, the coach wants your heads!"

"Yes! General!"

Xu Lengzhi sent another man to protect the dark warehouse. Just before leaving, a guard suddenly said, "General, I didn't find the enemy, but there is something strange!"

"Eh?" Xu Lengzhi stopped and looked at the talking guard in puzzlement.

"Just ..." The guard hesitated for a moment and said, "It's the heat of the ground tonight ..."

Xu Lengzhi raised his eyebrows suspiciously, then looked down at his feet, his heart trembled suddenly, and he immediately crouched down and pressed his palms on the ground.

But it ’s not. There is no sense of coldness on the ground, but it ’s still warm. It ’s late at night, not the day when the sun is shining, which is abnormal. @。

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