Chapter 435

It wasn't until the sharp blade approached that people could clearly feel the sting from the strong wind, and Xiang asked suddenly abruptly. He hurriedly bent down, and the whole person was almost attached to the body of the war horse. Heared in the ear wheels. With a sound, a purple light passed over his head.

Xiang Wen had just straightened his body, but the purple light turned back from the air and took his neck throat. Damn! Great Spirit Arrow! Xiang Wen is no stranger to the generals of the Wind Country. Even if he doesn't need to see the attackers, he can guess it.

I did n’t have time to think about it. He smashed the knife in his hand out of subconscious reaction. When he was stunned, his knife was smashing into Ziguang. However, due to the haste of the knife, the strength was a bit smaller. Falling in the wrong direction.

flutter! The purple light didn't hit Xiang Qin's neck, but deep into his calf. The force was so strong that he not only pierced the spirit armor on his leg, but also pointed out his back.

He groaned at the pain, shaking his body for a while, almost planting a war horse on the spot.

At this time, people could clearly see that it was a purple gold arrow that was nailed to Xiangwen's leg. The man who fired the arrow was Jiang Fan, one of the four great men of the wind country. He fired the soul-receiving arrow of the Eight Soul Arrows.

Xiang Wen was out of reach, and now his leg was hit again. Where did he dare to stay? He was trying to urge the horse to escape back to the front, but Guan Yuanrang and Qi Heng both rushed forward. Both of them came out with both swords. Divide into the head and waist.

The latter first blocked the knife cut from the waist and then whispered quickly, but it was still a little slower, and the spiritual armor at the top of the head was cut off sharply by this knife, and the black hair was exposed.

Xiang Wen was so frightened that he stunned and continued to run, but Guan Yuanrang and Qi Heng would not give him another chance to escape. Taking advantage of the time when the horses circled, the two of them gave out their swords again, and they asked each other from the front to the back.

This time, Xiang Wen only took the knife swept in front, and the knife on the back couldn't escape. He only heard a crackling sound, and the surface of the three-point two-edged knife was being shot behind Xiang Wen.

Xiang Wen couldn't stand still on the horse. He dropped a war horse and looked at his back. The spirit armor was broken, and even the steel armor inside was smashed and deformed.

Thanks to Guan Yuan's mercy to his subordinates, he used a knife face instead of a knife edge, otherwise he would have to be cut alive by this knife.

Xiang Wen, who had fallen to the ground, felt that the bones under his body seemed to be scattered, his chest seemed to be crushed by a boulder, and a heat wave came from the lower abdomen. He couldn't help but open his mouth, and a wow spit out blood. arrow.

Xiang Wen was still struggling to get up from the ground, Qi Heng urged the horse, and after a short walk, the blade hit his back, this time Xiang Qian didn't even shout out, and passed out on the spot.

So powerful Xiang asked, one of Mo's strongest generals, under the pinch of three top generals, Guan Yuanrang, Qi Heng, and Jiang Fan, did not persist for fifty rounds, and died on the battlefield. In other words, he became a prisoner.

Looking at Xiangwen captured, Mo Jun lost even his last hope. More than 400,000 Mo Jun did not dare to take a half step forward. The back team changed to the front team and broke back, trying to escape back to Pufeng City.

But now they are surrounded by the Fengyu Coalition, and there are enemy forces in all directions. It is easier said than done.

The next battle almost became a side-by-side collapsed battle. The fierce battle was fought from late at night until dawn the next day, and Mo Jun was defeated. In the end, less than 50,000 people really broke out. The rest of Mo Jun were captured. Or died in the chaos.

It can be said that after this war, Mo Jun's main force has disappeared, and the overall situation of the battle of Pu Feng has been settled and there is no suspense. For those Mo Jun who fled back to Pu Feng, Fengyu Coalition did not chase after them, nor did they attack Pu Feng with Yu Wei, who was a great victory. Instead, they adjusted and rested in a hurry, and sent a small stock of arrows. He kept shooting into the city of Pufeng, and persuaded Mo Jun in the city to abandon his lonely city and surrender.

Through the captured Mo Jun, the Fengyu coalition had been aware of the situation in Pufeng City. They had no idea that Xu Lengzhi had not participated in the battle. It turned out that Xu Leng had been assassinated by the mysterious assassin.

As far as the remaining garrison in Pufeng City is concerned, I am afraid that even the round of attack by Fengyu Alliance will not be able to withstand it, but I feel that my own victory is in hand, and Fengyu Alliance is not in a hurry to attack the city. Of course, it is best for the garrison to surrender on its own initiative, at least it can avoid the casualties caused by its own side during the siege.

Within Pufeng City. Now Mo Jun has no fighting spirit from the bottom, the coach Xu Lengzhi has been killed, and Xiang Qen has been captured. The army has added less than 100,000 soldiers together in the city. How can this fight with Fengyu Alliance?

The county chief Ma Qian released his words early. He has made a decision to give up resistance and Kayong surrendered to the Fengyu Alliance. If anyone in the Central Army wants to continue fighting, then he will fight by himself. The local army insists not to Living.

Without the support of the local army, relying only on the tens of thousands of people left by the Central Army, the battle with the Fengyu Coalition was undoubtedly a stone hit. With Ma Qian's resignation to surrender, the Central Army could only follow Ma Qian and surrender to the Wind Army.

Before the surrender, the city of Pufeng was chaotic. What the soldiers saw and grabbed, anyway, they are about to surrender, and they do n’t know what their fate will be. They can only take advantage of the more valuable things now to defend themselves. Use.

Besides, Tang Yin, when he killed Xu Lengzhi, he already predicted the final trend of the battle. Now all he has to do is wait until the Fengyu Alliance outside the city can enter the city.

Regarding the chaos outside, he closed his ears and sat in the firewood room when he was okay during the day. Although he couldn't cultivate his aura, he could also raise his essence.

As usual, the owner-woman was in the diner alone to order the store. She is just an ordinary person. No matter whether Pu Fengcheng is held by Mo Jun or captured by Feng Jun, it has nothing to do with her. She continues to be her boss and open her black shop.

The fighting at night caused more than 400,000 Mo Jun to be completely wiped out. Today, the business of the restaurant is surprisingly deserted. It is empty and empty, and there are no soldiers to eat.

She sits listlessly behind the counter, yawning, and glances out from time to time, all she sees is the empty street.

Just when she was bored, with the sound of Jiayu, a Mo will walk in from the outside. Rare guests came to patronize, but the boss didn't seem to look at her. She stood up and asked with a smile on her face: "What's for the military grandfather?"

As she spoke, she looked up and found out that the general Mo was the general Wang who searched that night.

"Well, it turns out to be General Wang!" So many people have died in the wind camp, why haven't you died there! The old lady muttered.

Her impression of General Wang was not good. She always felt that he looked at his eyes with a thief and looked unwilling.

General Wang looked around the restaurant for a week, and then Pi smiled and asked without smile: "I don't know why the boss's business is so bad today ?!"

The proprietress shrugged and said, "I heard that the soldiers in the city are dying. How can the business of the slave shop be better?" After a pause, she asked with a smile: "General Wang wants What to eat? "

"Do n’t eat it, I finally have a full meal today." General Wang held his counter with both hands, leaned forward, approached the boss, and whispered, "The noodles have been decided, and I will surrender to the wind army. Today, I will leave The rest of the rations were taken out. "

"It's time to surrender ..." Even if the boss didn't care much about this, she was surprised.

"Yeah, there is no way to fight this battle. Give me a bottle of wine!" General Wang lamented and shook his head.

The proprietress raised a jug of wine from under the counter, and General Wang took it. He didn't go to the chair to sit, and groaned loudly before standing at the counter.

After half a pot of wine, General Wang's complexion has become red. He glanced back and forth between the boss and his wife, and said quietly, "The boss has been widow for so long. Why haven't you found a man again?"

Humph! With a sneer in her heart, but with an innocent and helpless expression on her face, she said, "The slave family is not too young. Where are you going to find a man ..."

General Wang was happy and said, "Why not?"


"Far in the sky, near in the eyes!" General Wang said with a smile.

The proprietress took a moment to understand what he meant, and shook his head and said, "General Wang should not be happy with the slaves anymore."

"I'm not kidding." Between words, General Wang turned over the counter and jumped in directly. Standing near the boss, she reached out and rubbed her cheeks, breathing gradually worsened, "As long as you talk to Once I'm ~ ~ I'll keep you in gold and silver, and I won't have to show my face in the business of this small restaurant. "

The proprietress smiled diligently, her body twisted, and she wanted to slip past General Wang, but the latter suddenly stretched out her arm and carried her in her arms. Her big hand stretched down her neckline and said intermittently, "You ... it will fulfill me! "

If it is usual, this daylight, he is bold enough to dare not belittle the boss, but now there is no one, he has no such concerns, he has no stop when talking, and untied the embroidery belt of the boss's waist.

Her clothes opened at once, revealing a low-cut bellyband and a thin transparent coat. The boss's face changed suddenly, and her fake smirk could no longer be maintained. She gave a cold face and said in a deep voice, "Let go! General Wang, please take care of yourself!"

"What else do you pretend to be a chastity lady!" Secretly raising Xiaobailian, thinking I don't know? "

Don't look at the boss's usual flirtatiousness, but she has never been so humiliated. She didn't think about it. She threw back General Wang with a slap, and while backing away, covering her chest, she scolded, "Dirty!"

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