This remark is the heart of the old mayor. The old town mayor was the victim of this war, and not only his daughter was almost robbed by Yubing, but even his aunt was unaccounted for in the war, his life and death are unknown, and his daughter washed her face with tears every day.

He sighed sympathetically and said, "Yeah! If this war could be ended sooner, I wouldn't have to wait for the people to live a life of fear."

Tang Yin said: "When the war ends is determined by when Shao Fang collapsed." After a pause, he said: "If our army can capture Zhenjiang one day earlier, the war will end one day earlier, and vice versa. Mr. Old What do you say? "

"Yes, yes, yes! The words of Eun-gung are extremely!" The old town mayor nodded again and again.

Tang Yin said with regret: "But the Zhenjiang sailor on the opposite side is very strong, and Zhenjiang's defense is also very tight. If our army storms in the past, it will be difficult to win, but if the battle is dragged on for a long time, our army will have a million The people are stationed on the north bank of Zhenjiang and eat and drink every day. I'm afraid the people who suffer last will be the north bank. "

The implication is that if the people on the north bank wanted to be relieved sooner, they would have to help the Fengyu Alliance to strike Zhenjiang earlier and capture Zhenjiang City.

The old town mayor is not an ordinary flat-headed person, how can I not hear Tang Yin's voice. He was shocked, and dropped his head, silent.

Seeing this, Tang Yin smiled indifferently, and said, "The old gentleman is the local mayor. He should also be most familiar with the environment of Zhenjiang. However, he should be aware of the deployment situation on the south bank!"

The old town mayor froze carefully and replied carefully: "Engong didn't know that Zhenjiang had been blocking the river for a long time. Since the closure of the river, the little old man has never been to the south bank, so ... so I do n’t know anything about the south bank. . "

"Is that it?" Tang Yin smiled lightly, without further questioning. He picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish, put it in his mouth, chewed it twice, and couldn't help but praise: "Yes, what kind of fish is this, it tastes very good It's delicious. "

The old mayor glanced down and said busyly, "This is a special red bass from Zhenjiang."

"Oh!" Tang Yin nodded his head, then asked with a smile: "The old man said that Zhenjiang had been in Fengjiang for a long time?"

"Yes ... yes." I didn't understand why Tang Yin asked this, and the old town mayor nodded.

"Since the river was sealed for a long time, where did this Zhenjiang specialty red bass come from?" Tang Yin picked up a piece of fish again and looked carefully, and said, "After two days, the fish will stink. This fish is obviously Fresh, old gentleman, what do you say? "

I couldn't think of the other person's thoughts so carefully, he discovered this loophole, which was hardly noticeable, and even the old mayor himself did not realize it. The face of the old mayor was suddenly changed, and I couldn't figure out how to answer.

At this time, the young fù side said: "Engong, these fish were bought by fishermen from the fishermen. For the sake of life, even if the river is closed, some fishermen still venture out of the boat and go fishing in the river."

This explanation sounds plausible. If the old town mayor responded freely like his girlfriend at the beginning, Tang Yin would not be suspicious, but it was such a simple matter that the old town mayor could not answer. This is too much. Strange.

Tang Yin put down her chopsticks, then stood up, facing the old mayor and said, "Old gentleman, I'm full, I'm going to leave." Talking, he turned and walked out.

The old mayor stood up in a hurry and looked at Tang Yin's table. He didn't drink a sip of wine and only ate two dishes. How could he be full? He stepped forward and asked, "Engong, but the food and wine are not suitable?"

Tang Yin slowly shook her head and said, "Wine is good wine, and dishes are also good dishes, but unfortunately, the old man has hidden hostility towards me and concealed everything, which makes me wait for the needles to make delicious wine and food difficult. I swallowed. "

After a pause, he added: "The old man is a big family in the town. I do n’t know how many people are stunned. If someone comes to the house to find trouble later, it will cause today's things to repeat. I am afraid that no one will come out to help the old people. Sir. "

After speaking, he didn't stop anymore and strode out of the meteor. Cheng Jin and Asan Asi also followed. Tang Yin's last words were actually the threat of * lu *, and the faces of the old mayor and the younger people changed greatly.

The old town mayor would like to let Tang Yin and others leave, feeling that they should be high-ranking members of the Feng Army, offend them, can they be better in the future? It was nothing to suffer, but I was afraid that my family would be implicated.

He was so anxious and sweaty that he chased from the hall to the courtyard of the vestibule. Seeing that Tang Yin and others were about to leave the gate, he swung his heart, bit his teeth, and shouted, "Engong stay here, this town. Fifty miles to the east, there is a place called Huishuiwan, where there is no defense on the other side, and fishermen are quietly fishing there. "

These remarks were better than anything. Tang Yin and the four abruptly took their steps, turned around invariably, and looked at the old mayor together. The latter's face turned red, and the bean-sweat beads rolled straight down, and both Tutu shuddered suddenly.

Tang Yin's original expressionless face had a sharp bend in his eyes, the corners of his mouth provoked, and a soft smile appeared. He walked back to the old mayor, patted his shoulder gently, and said with a smile: "Old Is this true, sir? Is there a place in Huishuiwan? "

The old town head nodded helplessly and said, "There is indeed this place. The river channel there happens to be a large bend, the water is turbulent and dangerous, and the ship should not be docked on the shore, so it is relatively difficult to deploy, and it is far away from the capital. The division may have given up on defense. "

"That's what happened." Tang Yin's eyes turned round, secretly saying: This is a good opportunity! Thinking of this, he asked, "Would the old gentleman take me to see?"

"Oh ..." The old town hesitant hesitated, and whispered, "Is it now?" Fifty miles is not near, and the road along the shore is not easy to go. It takes two or three hours to talk less.

Where can we wait for such a critical military situation? Tang Yinzheng said: "It is now, why, isn't it convenient for the old gentleman?"

"No, it's just a long way ..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Yin replied, "If the old man doesn't have a carriage, I can ask someone to arrange one."

Hearing what Tang Yin meant, he had to go, and he had to go. The old mayor was helpless and smiled bitterly: "There are still carriages. Since ... Engong is determined to go, the little old man is more respectful than his life."

Tang Yin smiled happily, but frowning without a brocade, A San A Si, they never heard that there is a place like Huishuiwan, and the king just rushed to it. What if it was a trap? What if an accident occurs?

Cheng Jin whispered, "The son ..."

Tang Yin understood what he meant, and before he finished speaking, he slightly waved his hands, turned his head back, and whispered, "It's all right, with the spirits I waited, even if something really happened, what can happen?"

That's what he said, but Cheng Jin was still not assured. He whispered: "When he will go out, his subordinates will issue a secret sign to remind the Dark Arrow's brother to follow the protection."

"Yeah." Tang Yin nodded, not talking.

The mayor of the old town took only one servant to drive the car and led Tang Yin to the back to Shuiwan. Asan and Asi rode around the carriage, Tang Yin and Cheng Jin did not ride, but sat in the carriage and chatted with the old town mayor.

On the way, Tang Yin said puzzledly: "Our military soldiers have conducted careful inspections of the upstream and downstream of Zhenjiang, but have never found a place called Huishuiwan."

The old town mayor said quietly: "The backwater bay is just a humble little place, and its location is relatively closed. It is not easy for outsiders to find it."

Tang Yin can understand this. It is extremely difficult for outsiders to be familiar with the local environment at once. Even if the spies of Tianyan and Geonet are capable again, it is impossible to find all the places in the upper and lower reaches of Zhenjiang, not to mention the distance. A few dozen miles away from your own military barracks.

He smiled at the mayor of the old town and said, "If Huishui Bay is really a great place to cross the river, I will definitely reward the old gentleman. Even if the old gentleman is the master of a city, it is not impossible!"

The speaker is unintentional, and the listener is attentive. The old town mayor secretly moved, even more doubting Tang Yin's identity.

To make a long story short, after a long walk along the potholes along the Yangtze River, the carriage could not move forward. At this point, there is no way to go to the shore. Looking at it all, it is a strange rock wall and can only walk through the mountain forest on the shore.

Walking into the woods, Cheng Jin and A San A Si both took twelve minutes of caution, carefully observed their front and back, and feared that there was an ambush nearby. However, their worries were superfluous, the forest was normal and there was no ambush at all.

There is a small road in the forest ~ ~ It seems that some people often pass here, walking along the forest road for a while, and when they reach the bifurcation, the old mayor changes direction and walks towards the bifurcation. Cheng Jin chased forward and asked, "Mr. Old, how long will it take?"

"It's almost coming out of the forest along this road." The old town mayor was clearly familiar with the environment. Following the old town mayor for a while, out of the forest, there really was a winding waterway in front of me.

This is a mountainous terrain. Zhenjiang just passes between the two mountains. With a cold eye, it looks like a huge knife that cuts a large mountain in half from the center.

Due to the large up and down slopes and the existence of a huge curve, the river water looks turbulent and abnormal. In addition, there is no sand on both sides of the river bank, and there are strange rocks and moss, and it is light and slippery. It is difficult to find a place to stand by. In such a place, it is impossible to defend, whether it is the north bank or the south bank.

Between the rocks at the feet of Tang Yin, there were several small rafts hidden. Obviously it was the fishermen's. Some fishermen borrowed this place to fish on the river.

Tang Yin does not know water warfare, but he can also see that this is really a unique place to cross the river. @。

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