Gao Hang saw the wind and the Jade coalition's strategy, and began to lay ambush in full swing.

He first borrowed cavalry from Shao Fang. There were as many as 120,000, all ambush in the dense forest five miles away from Linzhuang. In addition, he borrowed 100,000 infantry. This infantry was not used to deal with crossing the river. Enemy forces, but used to sneak attack on enemy camps.

From Gao Hang's point of view, if you fight, you will fight a big battle, if you win, you will get a big victory.

He repeated his tricks, prepared to take a two-pronged approach, used cavalry to deal with the enemy crossing the river, and used his own ship to transport the infantry to the opposite bank. This time he not only attacked the Fengguo Shui Army, but also the Fengyu Alliance's camp.

Once he succeeds and successfully burns the fodder and grass in the enemy camp, the Fengyu Alliance will have to retreat, not only solving the danger of the capital, but also taking the opportunity to fight back against the enemy and regain the lost land. The biggest hero in the war.

Perhaps it was too easy to win the first battle, and he achieved a great victory with almost no effort. At this time, Gao Hangye had developed a mentality of pride. In his eyes, Fengyu Coalition seemed nothing terrible.

Both the Fengyu Alliance and the Mo Jun are dispatching generals, each with its own strategy and deployment, and the next battle is imminent.

When crossing the river from Huishuiwan, the rafts produced by the Fengyu Coalition lost a lot, and now it needs to be replenished. It also takes time to make the grass. Of course, these are just cover. Most importantly, they also need Wait for the first batch of ships to be completed and store as many ships as possible to transport more soldiers to the opposite bank.

For these reasons, although the main force of Fengyu Coalition had secretly assembled across Linzhuang, it did not immediately launch an operation. At the same time, Mo Guo's spies also reported to the Mo Jun from time to time the dynamics of the Fengyu Alliance.

Time passed day by day, Feng Yu's coalition crossing the river has been slow, which makes Mo Jun can not help but start to doubt. You have to know that the more the war drags on, the worse it will be for the Fengyu Alliance. Now the East Sea Division is approaching the Zhenjiang estuary. Once you enter Zhenjiang, you will arrive in the capital in less than 20 days. It is even more difficult to cross Zhenjiang.

According to the secret report from the spies, the Fengyu Coalition's camp is under construction with great fanfare. Someone will propose to Gao Hang that such a large-scale construction of the Fengyu Coalition seems to have a confrontation with its own side. Beware of it.

Gao Hang disagreed. First of all, he did not think that the enemy had the strength and courage to face the enemy. Secondly, even if the enemy wanted to fight an unpredictable confrontation, they had to build a ship secretly. How can the effect be built like today without completely avoiding the fanfare. There is only one possibility. The shipbuilding is an illusion of míhuò's own side. The real situation is probably to build a raft in secret to sneak into Zhenjiang.

He did not listen to the reminders of his generals, and remained focused on Linzhuang. During this time, his main research was also on how his cavalry would attack after the Fengyu Alliance landed in Linzhuang.

After all, he is a general of the navy, not a commander of the marines. How to use the cavalry is not his specialty. Now it takes a lot of time and brain to study it. He has to ask the cavalry general to teach him a little bit. Dynamics cannot do the most detailed research.

A talented and extremely arrogant person like Gao Hang, once the first step is right and establishes an advantage, then the enemy can be crushed to death in one go, and the enemy will not have a chance to breathe, but the same, once the first step Wrong, then the next step is to make mistakes every step, there is no room for recovery.

After another ten days in the calm, Mo Guo ’s East China Sea Division has entered Zhenjiang, heading up against the current, and heading towards the capital. At this time, Mo Jun ’s mentality has been relaxed and the East China Sea Division is inconvenient. At this time, our own strength will be further enhanced. Now Gao Hang is anxious. He is anxious how the Fengyu Coalition has not crossed the river, the other party does not move, and it is difficult for him to carry out operations. I am afraid that a series of designs will be lost.

He was anxious, and Tang Yin was in no hurry. The East China Sea Division was getting closer and closer to Modu, and the time left for his side was getting shorter and shorter. Now, the battle of Linzhuang is his last battle. If he wins, Mo will die. , Defeated, his second battle against Mo is afraid to end with defeat.

But when the first batch of ships were completed was not determined by his will. It depends on the progress of the craftsmen and workers. Now they are rushing to build the sky, and the progress cannot be faster.

Time elapses minute by minute in this situation of waiting for each other.

After another five days, the first batch of ships rushed by Fengyu Coalition was finally completed and launched. In such a long period of time, tens of thousands of manpower had created only 30 ships.

But for the Fengyu Coalition, thirty ships are too precious, and that will transport an additional 20,000 or 10,000 people, which will allow them to gain a firm foothold after successful landing.

Although the first batch of ships was completed, the Fengyu Alliance did not stop, but continued to build with great fanfare, but in secret, the attack plan has already begun.

In so many days, Tang Yin and His Majesty's generals have studied the plan several times, and now they are also extremely skilled in implementing it.

Under the arrangement of Tang Yin, the 9th Army and the 100,000th Army stayed in the camp. The 9th Army's heavy burden was too large. It was unrealistic to cross the river in the battle between the two armies. Therefore, the task of landing with the ship across the shore It fell on the battlefield.

Letting the WWII take this risk was not that Tang Yin took the WWII generals as cannon fodder, but decided according to the characteristics of the WWII.

The army of the virgins is the least dependent on logistics supplies in Fengyu's coalition. In Tang Yin's view, it is unknown if his own ship can successfully transport the soldiers to the other side. As for the logistics supply, it is even more impossible to guarantee. On the other side, the rest of the battle will depend on the soldiers themselves. Can I win the Moslem Marine Camp and how long the enemy's camp can be occupied? It depends on the soldiers' ability. In such a difficult situation, I am afraid Only the generals of the 100 battles are qualified.

Originally, Tang Yin didn't plan to move with the Hundred War Army. After all, he had to fight water. For his dry duck, he was not his own director, but just before the action, he temporarily changed his mind and decided to stay in the camp. The generals boarded the ship together.

His temporary change of rank could scare the generals down, and everyone urged them, but Tang Yin didn't listen to anyone and gave the command of the main army to Xiao Muqing and Qing Yu.

If Tang Yin becomes obsessed, there is nothing he can do about the others. In the end, he can only do what he wants. Along with Tang Yin were the Commander of the Battle of the Ninth Army, General Nie Ze, generals Shang Yuanyuan, Jiang Fan, and Cheng Jin.

Let's say that Xiao Muqing and Qing Yu, the leaders of the two armies of Fengyu, rushed to the secret assembly place of their main army across the bank of Linzhuang at night, and when they were late in the middle of the night, Xiao Muqing immediately ordered the soldiers to make their own All the rafts were dragged into the river, and the prepared grass men were fixed on the rafts.

The waiting time in the early stage was too long. The Fengyu Allied Forces also did a good job in preparing the work. The grass people were nailed or tied, and all were properly placed on the raft. Seeing that they were almost ready, Xiao Muqing sent a water xìng An excellent elite, quietly swimming across the bank with his skin.

This elite has only fifty people, and their mission is to solve the Mo Jun sentry card near Lin Zhuang on the opposite side. Even if the smuggling on their side is fake, the foreplay has to be done, otherwise how can míhuò win Mo Jun.

This fifty-person wind army squad took off its armor and uniform, leaned on a simple, lightweight, and relatively tight-fitting water leaning, using its skin as a support point, and silently sneaked across the shore.

It's been a month since the Mo Yu and other Fengyu coalitions have been sneaking in, and it's just a piercing look. It can be said that this Fengjun squad has just entered the water and hasn't swam halfway. It was discovered by the Mo Jun agents on the other side, and the For a while, the information was passed to the camp of Zhenjiang Marine Division.

At this point, Gao Hang had fallen asleep. When the soldiers below reported to him that Lin Zhuang had heard the news, Gao Hang, who was asleep, sat up from the chuáng couch, blinked, and he stunned for a few seconds, then , Waving his hand to drag the soldier in front of himself, and asked, "Where did the news come from?"

Do not understand why the general had such a fierce response, the soldier stammered and said, "Back ... back to General, it was ... It was Linzhuang's scout who returned the news!"

"Hold it up to me." Gao Hangteng stood up and said to the soldiers while he was getting dressed.

The soldier hurriedly handed the note from the flying pigeon to Gao Hang. The latter took it and unfolded it. With a rush of joy on his face, he said, "God help me, the enemy has finally acted!"

Talking ~ ~ He put the note in a ball, throw it away, and said to the soldiers: "Have my general and call the generals!"

"Yes! General!" The soldier promised and turned and ran out. After hearing the news, Mo Junzhong did not enter the army's tent at all. As soon as he walked out of the tent, he saw that Gao Hang was riding on the horse, and there were many shì guards and guards riding horses.

When people were almost there, Gao Hangzheng said, "The enemy ’s crossing of the river is about to begin. I will have to go to Linzhuang to fight in person. You will stay in the camp and wait for the general. Ben passed the command of the attack. Except for the eighth and ninth two corps to stay behind in the big camp, the other generals took the infantry brothers to Ben to kill the enemy camp. After the enemy camp saw what was burned, The most important thing is to kill the enemy ’s food and grass. Do you understand me? "

"I see, general!" The generals spoke in unison, intervening in saluting.

Gao Hang nodded and continued: "My Da Mo lives and dies here, and it depends on the brothers if he can turn into a victory. In this battle, our generals must go all out and go forward to attack the enemy camp. At this time, no matter what happens, you can't stop, and you will be rushed to kill me in the past. If there is an violator, if you are born to fear death and wince, you will be forgiven! "! .

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