(Literature big m) Flutter, flutter, flutter-Arrow Rain Cheats. For a time, the arrow fell into the flesh, and the barbarian soldiers and people crowded in front of the city gate fell down.

This is just the beginning. More arrows are following, mercilessly killing all life in front of the gate. With only a blink of an eye, the ground was full of arrows, the body was stacked with corpses, and blood gathered on the ground and circulated into the moat. Crying, shouting, crying for help, and roaring on the gates of the city and the suspension bridge.

The frightened people outside the city are still madly unable to lift up to the city agent. Seeing that Tang Yin's cavalry is about to rush to nearly a thousand, the brutal soldiers responsible for defending the city are also decisive, turning the knife edge, and killing themselves. The common people just pulled it out of the suspension bridge, and then they operated. With the sound of the tensed iron chain being tightened, the suspension bridge was replaced and lifted, while the corpse lying on it was like a dumpling, and the thunder rolled normally. This moat is Hanoi.

If they were to put away the suspension bridge, Tang Yin wouldn't even think about rushing into the city, and the attack plan would also fail.

While the suspension bridge was slowly lifting, Tang Yin rushed to the front. At this time, the suspension bridge was more than two meters above the ground. Tang Yin quickly pulled out the two knives and merged them into a sickle. Then, he took a single-handed knife. , With the other hand pulling the reins of the war horse like a shadow, shouting, "Get up!"


Ruying Xinshen mastered the mind of his master, his legs were bent, and he stared at the ground suddenly, leapt forward, and flew forward, not only jumping over the moat, but also surpassing the suspension bridge, the war horse had not landed yet, Tang Yin's sword had been waved Out.

With two clicks, the two chains were chopped on the two iron chains of the suspension bridge, and the iron chain with the thickness of the arm was broken under the sickle's hard chop. He dropped heavily.


Tang Yin's warhorse landed and stood on a suspension bridge. The rushing peak of the one-handed warhorse shocked everyone present. The barbarian soldiers and the people crowded at the gate of the city had not yet reflected it.

Wow—seeing that, the barbarians finally showed up, cried and cried, and ran to the city crying, because there are too many people here, crowded people, crowded people, and clumped together, no one can run. They blocked it, forming a big meat shield, and Tang Yin couldn't get in.

But no time and boring time, Tang Yin handed the sickle to his left hand, his right hand stretched out, surrounded by black mist in the palm, and instantly formed a black light ball. As his wrist trembled, a black ball of light flew into the crowd and was hitting a middle-aged person.

call! The black light sphere exploded and turned into black mist, covering the body of the middle-aged person. Through the black fog, the body of the middle-aged person can be seen faintly black and begins to expand rapidly, as if constantly Inflated balloons, the body has expanded several times, and then it really exploded like a balloon.

The broken black flesh splashed everywhere, and the surrounding people, covered with it, were covered by the black mist, the body swelled, and finally swelled out. A slamming explosion exploded, and the splashed black flesh again Reach more people ...

This is almost like a plague. As long as it is affected by it, it will be difficult to escape and spread to more people.

Tang Yin's actual combat skills are just one of the three major skills of the Dark Department of Lingwu Studies, Shadow Curse.

Shadow Drift, Shadow Clone, and Shadow Curse can be called the three major skills of the Dark Department. Naturally, each has its own unique features, especially Shadow Drift, which is widely used by shadow practitioners. The Shadow Curse is a very vicious spiritual weapon. Skills are not practical on the battlefield, mainly because this skill is not under the control of the releaser. Killing the enemy does not distinguish you or me. If you do n’t have a soulguard, you ca n’t escape if you are affected by it.

Of course, it is also easy to stop it, as long as the people around you retreat, and it is not affected by the flesh and blood mixed with the dark spirit.

At this point, the city gate was blocked by the barbarians, and his own side could not rush into it. Tang Yin had to use the shadow curse to blast the crowd.

In this scene, without Tang Yin's obstruction, Feng Jun did not dare to rush forward, even the warhorses that were striding backwards kept back.

With so many people blocked at the gate of the city, under the scourge of the Shadow Curse, there was no more living person in the blink of an eye, only the black blood and rags covered in the ground.

Tang Yin looked back and saw that his soldiers and soldiers were stunned at the gate, including the Shangguan brothers and Lotte. He gritted his teeth and Zhen drank: "What are you waiting for? Rush!"

All I saw was that Tang Yin had rushed into the city of Besa.

The wind soldiers sobered up from the shock, looking at Tang Yin's back, and couldn't help bursting into the hair. Fortunately, the adults are their own adults, not the enemies. Otherwise, the soldiers look at each other. Then, Qi Qi shouted, urging Ma to rush into the city with Tang Yin.

The 4,000 cavalry is insignificant compared to the huge city of Besa and millions of people, but they come too suddenly, they are too vicious to start, kill when they see someone, and hack at everyone, regardless of whether the opponent is a soldier or Ordinary people, wherever they went, blood flowed into the river, turning the city of Besa upside down and crying.

Tang Yin said to the Shangguan brothers, "Yuan Wu, you take 1,500 brothers to kill to the left, Yuan Biao, you take 1,500 brothers to kill to the right, and the rest will follow me!"

He led a thousand cavalrymen and rushed directly to the main CITIC road in Besa. Besar city states used all available troops. There were no more soldiers available in the city except for a few thousand defenders.

They raided from the main road, like entering a no-man's land, and only saw the scattered Besa people on the road without encountering a single soldier.

Crossing the main road unobstructed, and looking forward, is the palace of Besa.

The palace of Sa is golden and glorious, and the wealth that plundered the surrounding kingdoms has been gathered here for many years. The palace walls are surrounded by tall palaces. Looking inward, the buildings in the palace are large and majestic, occupying a large area, and they have been invaded. Command over the territory.

Tang Yin watched, his blood was boiling, and the eyes exposed outside Ling armor gradually became scarlet.

At this time, the palace had long been warned of enemy attacks, the gate of the palace was closed tightly, and the palace guards were on the walls.

Tang Yin had just stepped forward, the arrows on the city wall were raining, and more than a dozen soldiers were not prepared enough. They were shot with a horse and turned into a hedgehog, and died tragically in front of the palace gate.

Although Tang Yin has a spirit armor body and is not afraid of shooting arrows, the war horses that step down are not protected by spirit armor.

He rolled over and dismounted, dragged a sickle and rushed directly to him, and the arrow rain of the barbarian immediately focused on him.

The dense array of arrows was like raindrops. Tang Yin waved the sickle in his hand and dialed the arrow, but there were still arrows passing through the sickle from time to time and nailed to him. The tip of the arrow hits the armor, and it clangs. Tang Yin's body will also be affected by its inertia, and she will involuntarily take a few steps back.

The endurance of the Spirit Armor is not unlimited, and the contact with the sharp weapon will also be broken. Tang Yin's current practice is to reach the Spiritual Realm, and the Spirit Armor on his body is tough enough, but he is still afraid to carelessly under such a dense array of arrows. He reluctantly stepped forward a few steps, and then performed Shadow Drift, first flashing at the foot of the wall of the palace wall, before waiting for the barbarian guards to react, he once again performed Shadow Drift and appeared on the palace wall.

The stand-in melee was Tang Yin's long item. The sickle and his body were covered by the fire of darkness. Then, he stormed into the camp of the barbarian guard, wielded the sickle, and opened the killing ring.

The guards on the palace wall are very fighting, but relatively speaking, they are not spiritual practitioners after all, and the palace wall is narrow and many people ca n’t perform it. Man slaughtered.

The fighting time is not long. Hundreds of barbarian guards have died from the burning of the dark fire, turned into a spiritual mist, and inhaled into Tang Yin's body. Many other people didn't even move their hands in the chaos, they were squeezed down the palace wall, and the broken bones were broken.

The enemy on the palace wall was restrained by Tang Yin. The wind army below took the opportunity to kill it. The palace door of the palace was a wooden door wrapped in iron sheet. The wind army dismounted, and they collided, only to hear the sound of crickets. It can withstand it, but the latch frame cannot withstand such a strong impact.

Soon, the latch broke, and the gate of the palace opened in response. A thousand troops, like tigers from the mountains, swarmed in, or rushed into the palace, or climbed up the palace wall, and lumped with the barbarian guards.

Seeing that his own brother had killed himself recently, Tang Yin was not fighting in the palace wall, flashing with a shadow drift, striding toward the main hall of the palace.

Before he entered the gate, two figures flew out head-on.

Tang Yin was sharp-eyed, and when he was about to be killed by a sword, his soldier was flying. He responded very quickly. He dragged the sickle horizontally, dragged the two flying troops, and looked down at the two. The leather armor had been picked up by a sharp weapon, and the intestines flowed out of the body.

Slowly lowering the corpse, Tang Yin raised his head fiercely. The scarlet in his eyes did not know when it had become bloodthirsty blood red ~ www.readwn.com ~ Between his body shaking, his two shoulders rushed into the main hall of the palace.

The man just came in, and there was a double-edged sword on the face. Tang Yin hid and did not hide, but just waved the sickle in his hand and slammed it. With the collision of the two irons, the two sharpened swords were bounced together, and At the same time, the two spiritual practitioners who came out of the sword also doubled back two steps.

Tang Yin lifted her eyes and watched. In front of her were two barbaric spirit warriors, wearing a spiritual armor and a spirit knife in their hands. Behind them, there were more than twenty barbarians wearing Chinese clothes. Looking at the clothes, they should be the ministers of the Barbara. After looking at these ministers, look inside, and sit on a golden chair in the middle of the middle seated a middle-aged barbarian in his early 50s. This man is burly and tall, even if he sits On the chair, he still looks stout than the people around him. He is wearing a gorgeous red and gold brocade, wearing a gold crown and a gold belt around his waist. He sits on the chair and is as stable as Mount Tai, even in the case of the attack on the capital city and the broken palace Next, the expression on his face was not as panicked as others, and this solemn and solemn majesty is not comparable to others.

No need to ask, just looking at his dedication and overbearing demeanor, he must be the king of Bethsa.

Tang Yin ignored the two spirit warriors in front of her. Twenty raised her knife slowly, pointed directly at King Besa's nose, and said coldly in the language of the Morpheus Federation: "Today, I want your head! (Mo ) "Literature

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