(Literature m) Twenty Besa spirit warriors secretly opened the city gates and planned to release their own heavy armored cavalry into the city, but the mantis caught the silkworm and the birds were behind, just as they thought they were done, dozens of black shadows suddenly Appeared behind them. ??

These fifteen people appeared out of thin air, coming silently, as if they were standing there. They acted in unison, approached the Bessling Warriors behind the spirit sword, and stabbed the sword in their hands. ??

Things went very smoothly. At this time, the Besaring warriors were full of joy, and their attention was focused on their own heavy armored cavalry. I just hope they can get there as soon as possible. Wherever they think of a sudden come from behind, they suddenly come up. . ??

Flutter, flutter, flutter-none of the fifteen spirit knives were stabbed in the air, and the fierce heart of fifteen Besar spirit warriors was pierced accurately. Only a slight muffled sound was heard when the spirit knives penetrated the armor. The spirit warrior screamed even if he could cry in the future. However, this subtle sound still caught the attention of the spirit warrior in front. ??

Three of them turned their heads in doubt, and wanted to see what was going on behind them, but the moment they turned their heads, the dark sword came to their eyes. The three did not even look at each other and how many people looked at Clearly, what I saw was just a flash of darkness, and then there was a swirling sky. ??

It turned out that their heads had been chopped off sharply with a sharp razor blade and smashed to the ground. ??

The spurt of blood spattered everywhere. Until then, the remaining Bessalin warriors realized that it was not good. They turned around and looked at it. All of their companions had fallen into the pool of blood, and fifteen spirits wearing black spirit armor. The soldiers stood behind them, and the dagger in their hands was still dripping with blood. ??

Oops, bad, hit the enemy's trap! Several Bessalin fighters reacted very quickly and did not intend to fight with each other. They ran outside the city gate for the first time, and wanted to ventilate their cavalry, so that they immediately turned back and did not enter the city. ??

They were fast, but they were not faster than the shadow drift of the dark warrior. Fifteen men in black arrived at the side of several warriors in an instant, the swords came out, and flashed with dozens of dark cold lights. Look at the Bethalin warriors, their bodies were cut into several pieces, and their broken limbs and torso were scattered in the city gate hole. ??

A big head rushed out along the gap that the city gate opened, unbiased, and just rolled to the foot of the spirit warrior who ignited the message. At this time, he didn't know what had happened inside the city gate, and felt something hit. At the root of his own feet, he looked down and saw his companion's decapitation, his face changed in fright, and he ran forward instinctively while yelling, "Don't ever ..." ??

His words just shouted out, and suddenly a big hand was stretched out from the gap in the gate, covering his mouth with a slap, and pulling it back into the gate. ??

Then, the gate of the city was quiet again, and the sound of a knife-splitting and cutting meat in the door hole could be heard faintly. Then, scarlet blood flowed out along the gap of the gate. ??

Not to mention that Besa ’s heavy armored cavalry is too far away to be real. Even if it is near, it is hard to see what happened in the dark hole, and the cavalry square is still noisy in the process of advancing. Even if the horseshoe is wrapped, the sound of friction between the armors is not small, and the slight sound in the gate of the city gate cannot be heard at all. ??

Soon, the five thousand heavy armored cavalry approached the Shing Mun cave. Instead of evacuating, the fifteen men in black completely opened the gates of the city, showing a welcome to the cavalry. ??

The sky was dark, and there were no fingers in the gate of the city gate. Besa ’s heavy armored cavalry was undoubtedly there. It only succeeded as a spirit warrior of his own. Since the gate was wide open, there was no reason to go in. ??

Five thousand cavalry rushed into Hengcheng. Their front feet came in, and the fifteen men in black who stayed at the gate closed the gate, and added the latch to hear the gate behind them.

With the closed voice, the heavy armored cavalry were shocked, and they looked back one by one. The leader of the leader whispered and asked, "What is the gate closed? Our army is still behind!" ??

His voice had just fallen, and suddenly, a series of whistles came around, and then, on the city wall, under the city wall, on the roofs of houses on both sides of the street, and under the houses, countless winds sprang up, and the torches also ignited. , The city will be illuminated as day. ??

At the same time, there was a female wearing a armor and holding a spear gun standing on the roof and shouting, "Your army, you can't get in!" This female is not someone else, but Ai Jia who is in charge of the net. At the request of Tang Yin, she had learned the Bessian and was not proficient in it, but ordinary conversation was fine. ??

"Ah?" At this moment, even a fool can see that he is in the trap of the wind army. The heavy armored cavalry general exclaimed, instinctively looking back at the people standing at the gate, from a good one two or three at this time there was a firelight, look at it, where is his own spiritual warrior, but a group The stranger in the black armor was broken, crisscrossed, and shattered. They were broken when the heavy armored cavalry entered the city, but they can be distinguished by scattered pieces of armor scattered on the ground. Bessarian warrior who sneaked into Hengcheng first. ??

Oops, the enemy was already prepared, and he was fooled! It is now too late to realize this. Five thousand cavalrymen are surrounded by tens of thousands of plains regiments, and the city gates have been shut down again. This has really become a catch-and-race attack and closed dogs. ??

"Brothers don't have to be afraid, everyone kills me!" The general of the heavy armored cavalry quickly recovered his calmness. Although he was deeply trapped in the enemy camp, he was not afraid. He was very aware of his own combat effectiveness and was surrounded by the wind army. Even if you can't kill each other, there is always no problem rushing out of the siege. ??

If in the past, the wind army did not have the ability to take Bessa's heavy armored cavalry, fearing it like a tiger and leopard, but now it is different. Before the heavy armored cavalry broke through to the gate, the surrounding plains took the lead in attacking. ??

These plain infantry infantrymen carry the clear saber-knife in their hands. The blade is the same length as the blade of the sword. Both hands are gripped and they do not attack the horseman on the horse. They specialize in the horse's legs. But wherever he went, Besa's warhorse always hissed to the ground. ??

The horse that lost the horse leg was painful, but the knight immediately became more painful. From the moment he fell to the ground, people were shocked and dizzy. What's more terrible is that the armor on his body is too heavy and he wants to rise from the ground. If you do n’t come, it ’s even harder to take off the troublesome armor. Without the help of others, they would n’t be able to do it themselves. ??

In just a moment, the heavy armored cavalry fell down, and the roar of war horses and the shouts of people came one after another. It ’s quite possible to see this scene, and the eyes are about to fall out. What kind of play is Fengjun? Why have you never seen it before? He hadn't figured out the tactics of the Wind Army. The two Plains Army had reached into front of his horse, and both swords came out. Poorly, he stepped down and struck the horse four times. The horse collapsed and turned him down. ??

Huh! ??

It fell very hard to the ground, as if it were a boulder. The two Plains Army rushed forward, and one of them cut out his eyes, and the other cut his neck with a sword. But the brute is comparable to ordinary brute soldiers. Not only is he born with divine power, but the spirit is also strong. Before the two swords of the wind army are cut, the spirit gun in his hand has swept out. ??

Click! ??

The two Plains Army were swept straight by the spirit guns, both of them were cut off by the waist, and they climbed up from the ground, waved the Spirit Guns in their hands, and picked up and killed several Plains Army. While he was on the verge of killing, a dark shadow appeared behind his back, and the sword stabbed silently at the back of his neck. ??

He didn't hear anyone coming from behind, but he felt the pressure that naturally spread out of his body. When his face changed, he immediately evaded himself, and shivered! The Spirit Knife flickered against his cheek, screaming angrily, and swiping back with a shot and turning back into shape. ??

But the back is empty, where is there a half figure, when he was surprised, the pressure on his side was shaking, and someone was secretly panicked by the strange body of the other side, yelling He dared to shoot with a gun to block, but as before, there was still no half of him on his side. ?? From time to time, he can feel that his side and rear are under attack, but he often sees no one when he turns to look. He feels that he is not fighting with people at all, but he is facing a erratic ghost. After playing for so long, he didn't even see each other's clothing. ??

I was caught in a siege, coupled with the strangeness of the enemy, the mind of the savage was completely chaotic, and the feeling of pressure was not as accurate as it was at the beginning. There was no one at all, he just hit the air. ??

Just when the general was about to be mad ~ www.readwn.com ~ A black shadow appeared behind him. This time, the black shadow did not use a blade, but smashed the back of the general with a sharp knife. ??

The blow came too fast and suddenly. The semi-mad man was completely unresponsive, and the back of the head was hit. With a crackling sound, the head's spirit armor and the The helmet was shattered, blood ran down the top of his head, his face covered, and the man grabbed two steps forward, then stood unstable, and sat on the ground. ??

Until then, he didn't see his opponent clearly, but his vision had begun to blur, faintly seeing that there was not one person standing around him, but fifteen people in black, which was the last thing he saw before losing consciousness. Sight. ??

The fifteen men in black are the dark arrow team with Cheng Jinwei as well as the most elite team of dark arrows. Their members have achieved spiritualization. ?? According to Xiao Muqing's request, Cheng Jin, like other wind forces, was ambush near the city gate. When the spirit warrior of Besa sneaked into the city, they were already there, but they did not move, waiting for the other party to open the city gate And after the wind and the letter were reported to the Besa camp, they suddenly shot out. They were caught off guard by a shadow drift. The battle against the generals just now was indeed not Cheng Jin alone, but fifteen of them took turns. If Cheng Jin had been casting Shadow Drift so frequently in a row, he wouldn't be able to do it, but the last one he smashed was right. Literature m

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