(Literature m) "That's it!" Tang Yin looked at the burning stick on the ground and slowly nodded. No wonder Mo Jun would easily give up all ten levels in Xishankou. It turned out to be a premeditated plan. Apply Chinese pine in advance and use fire attack on yourself.

"King, if our army does not withdraw from the Xishankou, I think that Mo Jun will still do the heavy lifting and steal the camp at night without having to approach our army camp. Just launching a rocket from a distance can cause losses to our army. This Our army had good luck this time, only to destroy some of the camps. If the forage is damaged next time, the consequences will be serious. "Qiu Zhen reminded meaningfully.

Tang Yin tapped his forehead, pondered for a long time, and Fang smiled bitterly: "It seems that we are too underestimating this Xishan County, and we are also underestimating Shao Yu!"

"That's right!" Qiu Zhen agreed, saying: "Shao Fang was able to kill the Shao family, but he did not dare to move Shao Yu, the head of a county. It can be seen that even Shao Fang was quite afraid of this person."

Tang Yin sighed lightly and said, "Okay, just do what you want. Our army withdrew from Xishankou and camped outside Xishankou."

Qiu Zhen arched his hand and said, "Great King Yingming!"

The wind army entered the Xishankou, advancing fast and withdrawing quickly. After the attack on Fengyang was blocked, Tang Yin ordered that the entire army withdraw from the Xishankou and guard against the Mo attack. Now that Feng Jun is riding a tiger, the offense is not, nor is the retreat. Xishan County has become Tang Yin's confidant.

When the wind army was in a dilemma outside the Xishankou, one person rushed to the camp of the wind army, the internal history of the governance of the wind country, Zhang Xin, and one with Zhang Xin, Cai Gui.

Zhang Xin came from Ningdi. At that time, the Third Marine Corps reinforced Tiya and fought with the Duke Army. Zhang Xin was sent to Ningdi by Tang Yin to take charge of the logistics affairs of the Third Water Army. After Zhang Xin arrived in Ningdi, he severely punished a large number of corrupt officials in Ningdi. It also involves Cai Song. In order to avoid trouble, Cai Song gave Zhang Xin a lot of benefits, and the relationship between the two became close.

With the end of the Tiya War, Zhang Xin should also return to Yancheng, the capital of the wind. At this time, the war between the country of wind and Mozambique broke out again.

The Sanshui Army and the Tianying Army in Ningdi all went south and launched an attack on Ningnan eight counties within the sphere of influence of Mozambique. It stands to reason that Zhang Xin can stay in Ningdi and coordinate the logistics of the two armies. However, Zhang Xin felt that the future of staying in Ningdi was slim. Even if he did his best, the king far away from Mozambique might not be able to see it, and then he decided to go to Mozambique. Although he may not be able to do anything, but the king ’s It's better to do things around me than to be in Ningdi.

It was learned that Zhang Xin was about to leave Ningdi to see Mo Guo and Tang Yin converge. Cai Song took the initiative to present it, and also presented a gift to Zhang Xin, hoping that he could recommend his second son Cai Gui to the king, so that Cai Gui could Find a job in the court.

Eating people ’s mouths are short and others ’hands are short. Zhang Xin accepts too many bribes from the Cai family. Now that Cai Song makes such a request, he is not good at rejecting it. Besides, when he wants to come, the king ’s impression of the Cai family is not good. The reason why Cai Song is important now is only an expedient measure. Even if Cai Gui is recommended to the king, it may not be reused and will not affect his position in the DPRK.

Zhang Xin, the treacherous and sly, never dreamed of it. He was countless, but this time he looked away.

Cai Guiken sent his most powerful assistant and closest son to the court, which is all Cai Cai himself meant.

Zhang Xin can see that Tang Yin's heavy use of the Cai family was only a temporary expedient. Where could Cai Gui, who is extremely smart, not see it? He suggested to Cai Song that the Cai family wanted to consolidate their status and power. It was not enough to rely on the relationship between the younger sister Cai Youling and the king. As for the right-hand Shangguan Yuanji, it was even more unreliable. The Cai family must have a person in the central government, and at the same time it must be re-trusted and reused by the king. Only in this way can the Cai family's status in Ningdi last for a long time, and no one will be killed suddenly.

It is okay for Cai Song to sneak and play tricks, but in the big picture, he is far inferior to Cai Gui, and he knows himself very well, and knows that the second son ’s mind is far better than himself, so he has always All strategies are obedient. This time I heard Cai Gui proposed to use Zhang Xin as a springboard to serve in Central Korea. Although Cai Song was reluctant and very uneasy, he finally nodded in agreement.

This is how Zhang Xin and Cai Gui went through the camp.

Regarding Zhang Xin's arrival, Tang Yin and the generals in the army were very surprised. He was in the history of Zhisu. Although he was a senior official, he was a civilian and had no role in the army.

Zhang Xin and Cai Gui met Tang Yin in the Chinese army account of the Fengjun camp.

Seeing Zhang Xin, Tang Yin was very surprised. When he saw Cai Gui also came, he was puzzled, but he didn't ask questions urgently. First, he asked Zhang Xin: "Zhang Xin, how did you come to Mo Guo?"

Zhang Xin had long thought about the wording and was busy returning: "The Uighur King, the Sanshui Army has been withdrawn from Tiya, and Wei Chen's affairs in Ningdi have already returned to life. On the way, Chen heard that Mo Guo Offensive to our country, the king personally led his troops on the expedition, so Weichen rushed over to see if there was any place where Weichen could contribute. "

After hearing this, Tang Yin didn't feel anything, Qiu Zhen frowned. Qiu Zhen and Zhang Xin have always been unpleasant to each other, and their contradictions have a long history. Qiu Zhen sneered and said, "Master Zhang, as the minister of the central government, don't you know the rules of the central government? The king has not called you. You come here privately, and only this one can condemn you to be a bully!"

Zhang Xin rolled his eyes darkly, but his face was still calm. He said, "Xiaguan came out thousands of miles because of his loyalty to the king. Even if Qiu Xiang looks at the official for a long time, he doesn't have to treat his eyes." The crime of bullying the monarch's big hat on his head ?! "

"Haha!" Qiu Zhen was so angry, he raised his head and asked, "Is it true that you have been wronged against you? From Ningdi to Mo, the journey is more than a thousand miles away. Hello‘ shundao ’!”

The two of you are confrontational with each other. Cai Gui keeps his head down and is silent, but he is observing the expressions of everyone in the presence, and hopes to identify the factions of the Central China as soon as possible so that he can plan for himself. Which side is most advantageous in the future.

All the people present were either generals or counsellors. Basically they were subordinates of Zuo Xiang Qiu Zhen. Naturally, Qiu Zhen was the first to look forward. Qiu Zhen didn't like Zhang Xin's eyes, and others didn't look good at Zhang Xin.

Seeing him arguing again, Tang Yin, who was already upset, waved his hand and said, "Don't make any more noise." He turned to Qiu Zhen and said, "Qiu Zhen, Zhang Xin was able to rush from Ningdi to Mo, but also out of a rush. Good intentions, in very unusual times, you don't have to worry about etiquette any more. "After that, he said to Zhang Xin again:" You have nothing to do with fighting between the two armies. Let's go back to the central government to deal with government affairs earlier. Now Yuanji also needs a powerful helper. ! "

Tang Yin's words do not sound like both sides. In fact, he can still feel his trust and attention to Zhang Xin.

Zhang Xin dare not respect Qiu Zhen, but he did not dare to neglect Tang Yin. He nodded again and again and said, "The king has learned so much that Wei Chen will return to China tomorrow."

Tang Yin smiled and said, "You don't have to be in a hurry, you can take a few days off in the army."

Zhang Xin said calmly, "Thank you for your understanding."

"Huh!" Qiu Zhen grunted coldly, turned his head, and didn't even look at him.

Afraid that the two of them would quarrel again, Tang Yin interrupted, looked at Cai Gui, and asked, "Cai Gui, would you rather help your father to come to the battlefield ahead?"

Before waiting for Cai Gui to speak, Zhang Xin took the lead: "Now is the time for me to use the wind, and Cai Gongzi is resourceful and rare, so Weichen brought him to recommend it to the king." He also winked at him repeatedly.

Tang Yin was so smart that when she saw this, she immediately understood Zhang Xin's intention. He said that recommending Cai Gui to himself actually brought him a hostage. If Cai Song dared to make trouble in Ning Di, one of his first deaths would be his own son Cai Gui.

He smiled on his back and pushed down the river and said, "Since it is a talent recommended by Mr. Zhang, it must not be wrong." After a pause, Tang Yin said, "Cai Gui, you can temporarily serve as Zuo Ye's speaker history. If there is success in the future , And then improve. "

The history of the left-hand speaker of Fengguo is only an insignificant sixth-ranking official in the DPRK. He has no right to participate in the talks. His immediate supervisor is the history of the prime minister. To be clear, he is the secretary and assistant of the prime minister. No, it's hard work.

Cai Gui didn't expect Tang Yin to give himself any big officials, so he listened to Tang Yinfeng himself as Zuo Yi's speaker history and immediately bowed his head, saying, "We thank you, King Longen!"

Tang Yin nodded with a smile and said, "When Master Zhang returns to the capital ~ www.readwn.com ~ You will go with Master Zhang."

"Yes! King." Cai Gui responded respectfully and asked, "King, our army is stationed outside Xishankou. I don't know what the intention is?"

Hearing this, all the generals present at the scene were all red, and their own side couldn't beat Fengyang. They were attacked by Mo Jun in Xishankou, and were forced to station outside Xishankou.

It was hard to see everyone, especially Qiu Zhen was among them. How could Zhang Xin miss this opportunity to humiliate political opponents? He answered quickly: "Yeah, King, now is the time when our army commander drove straight into the hinterland of Mozambique, why were he stationed here?"

Everyone was his own, and Tang Yin didn't have to hide it. He shrugged and sighed, saying, "Originally, our army wanted to capture Xishan County, but the gate of Fengshan, Xishan County, was easy to defend and difficult to attack. And it also hurt the soldiers and soldiers, so they could only be forced to be stationed here, thinking hard about the enemy's strategy. "

"This is the case! I believe that with the presence of Qiu Xiang, our army will be invincible, and we will not be able to attack, but we will be blocked by a Fengyang." Zhang Xin did not forget to glance at Qiu Zhen sarcastically, In a nutshell, so is your dignity.

\ "Literature m

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