The two sides discussed the conditions proposed by Tang Yin, which also kicked off the tug-of-war. The ministers of Besa also participated recently.

Regarding the first condition, the army was not stationed at the border between the two sides. Besar City agreed, but asked Tang Yin not to be stationed at the army as a fairness. At present, Tang Yin had no extra troops at the border, and naturally accepted Besa's conditions.

The second condition is to open all the cities in Besa for business change. At the same time, Sanchez agreed and asked Tang Yin to open the cities of the wind country to Besa. At least all the cities in the area under the jurisdiction of Tang Yin were open to Besa. At this point, Tang Yin resolutely refused to concede. Opening the city was tantamount to allowing Besa people to come in and out freely. In case Besa's troops were mixed into the city in large numbers, suddenly it was difficult. And Besa also has the same concerns as Tang Yin. You and I come and go on both sides, and strive to reason, no one will make concessions. In the end, the discussion was deadlocked, Tang Yin and Sanchez could only take a step back. Tang Yin promised to open the border city and Hengcheng, while Sanchez promised to open the five cities on the Besa border. On this second point, the two parties finally reached consensus.

When the third condition was met, Tang Yin asked Besa to pay compensation to her own. One mouth was five hundred thousand gold and five million silver.

Bessana would obediently give so much gold and silver, and the two sides bargained on the issue of compensation, and in the end, they did not reach a result.

At this time, it was already dark, and the two sides were also a bit tired when they talked about it now, and felt harder than fighting on the battlefield.

Sanchez said, "General Tang, it's too late now, how about we discuss it tomorrow?"

Tang Yin nodded and said, "Of course you can."

Sanchez laughed: "Tonight's dinner is held in the Royal Palace, and General Tang is expected to stay and participate."

Tang Yin just wanted to refuse, but after a moment, he answered, "Well, respect is worse than life."

Sanchez laughed when he heard that.

The dinner at the Bessar Palace was extraordinary.

The banquet hall is nearly five meters high, and almost 20 meters in length and width. The large hall is full of people, all of which are the noble officials and their families of Bessat City. Groups of servants come in and out, shuttle through the crowd. among.

Tang Yin is no stranger to this kind of western-style banquet, but Shangguan Yuanrong was surprised. Everything looks fresh, especially the glass cups used at the banquet are crystal clear, like crystal. This kind of thing is not seen in the wind country. To.

The people in the congregation were all nobles of Besa. Only Tang Yin and Shang Guanyuan made these two men, and only they were different from other people. Naturally, they became the focus of the banquet. Many nobles had already heard of Tang Yin ’s name. So take a special look at the banquet to see what kind of person he is.

After seeing Tang Yin's appearance, Besa ’s nobles were disappointed again. I thought that Tang Yin had three heads and six arms. It turned out to be inferior to ordinary Besa. His height of 1.8 meters can only be counted among Besa. Medium, thin and thin, plus natural smiles, and the faces of the Orientals look like a half-old child to the Besa, and have nothing to do with any devil with a sickle. It was the Shangguan Yuan beside him who had a mighty wind, a **** face, not angry, and a cold expression, like a black-faced god.

During the banquet, the official of the Royal Court of Bessat was responsible for entertaining Tang Yin from time to time to introduce him to the surrounding nobles. Even if Tang Yin's mind was smart, he could not remember so many names.

However, a young girl wearing a white sand skirt next to Sanchez caught Tang Yin's attention. This girl is twenty-three or four years old, blonde, with white skin, and a raised nose bridge. From the perspective of Westerners, she can be called glamorous.

The reason Tang Yin can pay attention to her is because she glances at herself from time to time, her eyes revealing self-confidence and provocation, as if the two had met before, but in the impression of Tang Yin, he did not impress this woman.

Shang Guanyuan let his eyes point to Tang Yin's side. He looked at the girl next to King Besa and asked, "Do you know her?"

Tang Yin shook her head.

"She seems very interested in you!" Shang Guanyuan made the thief laugh.

Tang Yin frowned, raised his nose and sniffed, and the wine was blowing his nose. Apparently Shangguan Yuanrong didn't get too greedy. He didn't answer, but Shen Sheng said, "Drink less wine."

"Compared with the spirits of Fengguo, Besa's wine is like sugar water." Shangguan Yuanrang said in disapproval.

"This kind of drunkenness is very powerful, and it is easier to be intoxicated. Don't forget where we are now. If we are drunk, our lives will not be guaranteed!" Tang Yin Youyou said. The wine at the banquet was red wine. It tasted sour, sweet, and astringent. The wine taste was insufficient, but it was easy to make people drunk without knowing it.

Shang Guanyuan looked at Tang Yin in amazement, feeling that his knowledge was wider than himself, as if nothing was unknown to him. He was impressed, but he didn't say anything. He said indifferently, "It's not enough to drunk my wine in this world!" Then he put the cup down and didn't drink any more.

At this moment, Knesse was walking towards Tang Yin surrounded by a group of people.

Just looking at his arrogant posture as he walked, Tang Yin felt trouble beforehand, and the nobles around him seemed to realize that they were wrong, so they stopped talking and looked at them.

Knies walked directly to Tang Yin, smiled, and asked in a false way: "General Tang, are you satisfied with the food and drinks at the banquet?"

Tang Yin calmly said calmly, "It's not too good, it's not too bad."

Knies stunned, and then laughed. He turned to the side slightly, pointed back at a strong man behind him, and said, "This is our Besa's fighting king. He has won on the arena. More than 50 games, never lost. "

Tang Yin lifted his eyes and looked at the big man with Kness's fingers.

This is a pure black man with a height of more than two meters and a strong body, like the same buffalo, without head, light and bright, black skin is about to oil, flat nose, thick lips eversion, side of forehead The ring-shaped cross mark unique to Bessar slaves, I do not know which slave the Bessans captured from which country.

Tang Yin looked at the black man, and the black man looked up and down Tang Yin, only glanced at him, his flat nose banned, and he snorted heavily.

"Your martial arts are very strong, I admire them, but I don't know how the fighting skills are? Does General Tang have the courage to dare to fight him without spirit martial arts?" Kness raised his chin and squinted glances at Tang Yin.

Hearing this, the entire banquet hall was quiet, and people turned to look at Tang Yin, including King Sanchez of Besa and the girls around him.

Shangguan Yuanrong didn't know what he was talking about, but he felt a sense of it. He laughed and said to Tang Yin, "Let me come if you want to fight!"

Tang Yin waved his hand at him. Shangguan Yuan let Xiu Wei be high, but if it is only about fighting skills, it really may not be able to fight such a slave specialized in gladiatorial fighting.

He smiled at Kness, "Why not? I just feel sorry for your Excellency."

Kniss was puzzled and asked, "What a pity?"

"It's a pity to lose a very capable slave."

"Haha!" Knis laughed, whether it was teased by Tang Yin or ridiculed by him. He leaned his head close to Tang Yin and said, "If General Tang considers himself defeated during a fight, you can also use Lingwu to save your life. . "

Tang Yin shrugged and smiled, "There is no need."

"Okay!" Knies slammed and yelled at the nobles around him: "Let's get out of the way, how powerful our general Tang's fighting is!" As he spoke, he was backing away, passing by the black man's side. He whispered, "Gru, kill him!"

The black slave named Gelu stared at Tang Yin, wheezing and panting, the adult's thigh-thin arm, how high the blue muscles bulged, and it looked like a beast that was about to get out of the cage.

At this time, a Besa guard came forward and handed a spear to Gru, and another guard also handed Tang Yin an identical spear, but after Tang Yin took it, he didn't see it, and threw it away. Then, turned around and walked to the table, pinched a wine glass with two fingers, and said with a smile: "To take his life, the wine glass is enough."

Wow—After hearing Tang Yin's remarks, the Besa nobles were uproar. Although Grew was only a slave, he was very famous in Besa. As Kness said, he never lost in the tore on the gladiator field. Countless gladiators died in his hands. This Knicks brought him here, too, deliberately frustrating Tang Yin's spirit.

Seeing that Tang Yin was going to take a wine glass and a Guru gladiator holding a spear ~ ~ King Sanchez also laughed and waited for the good show, the girl next to him was full of light, his eyes staring at Tang Yin without blink.

In the field, looking at Tang Yin holding the wine glass slowly towards himself, Grew suddenly roared, pounced on it with a spear, and pierced Tang Yin's chest with his spear.


The Besa nobles exclaimed one after another, and people were full of horror and excitement, whether male or female, old or young. In their eyes, this is not a confrontation between two lives at all, but a game that can bring them excitement and fun. This is the aristocracy of Besa.

Tang Yin sneered in her heart, and she could make use of it in the future simply because the Bessians did not treat slaves as people.

I thought to myself that others were not idle. When the spear approached him, he took a slippery step, and his body flashed behind Gru at an incredible angle and degree.

Gelu does have something special, such a huge body, but the response is extremely fast, the action is extremely sensitive, and then a backhand spear, stabbing Tang Yin behind.

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