Chapter 661

Xiao Muqing's words were immediately agreed by other generals. -Liang Qi said: "The An Army's armaments are the strongest among the nations. The An Army's style is toughened and its combat power will never be worse."

"Yes, in the case of the Battle of Fengyang, General Bai Qing commanded the 200,000 An Army and stood by a solitary city. It can withstand more than 300,000 Sichuan troops' attack for more than a month. It is a miracle!"

Nie Ze admired his face with admiration, admiring: "You must know that the Sichuan Army is best at fighting tough battles. At the time, even if we replaced our army, we may not be able to keep it!"

Xiao Muqing laughed and said, "It seems that General Nie admired and liked Bai Qing. After China annexed Anguo, General Nie accepted her!" Then he lowered his voice and said, "Bai Qing's husband is said to be early He died. "

Nie Ze blushed, but instead of refuting it, he said solemnly with his chin: "This matter is worth considering."

Qiu Zhen first glanced at Tang Yin, and then coughed heavily, reminding him: "Two people, we are discussing the state affairs now, and want to go home and talk."

Xiao Muqing and Nie Ze laughed embarrassedly and stopped talking. However, the atmosphere of the scene was much relaxed by the two of them.

Tang Yin has never spoken, while listening to the crowd's discussions, while secretly observing the expressions of everyone.

Among the people present, the most relaxed and calmest person was Cai Gui. Although he didn't say a word, his face kept a smiling smile.

Tang Yin knew that Cai Gui was very talented, and his head might even be better than Qiu Zhen and Guan Yuanji.

He cleared his throat and motioned for the people to pause the discussion first. Then, looking at Cai Gui, he smiled and asked, "Cai Gui, why haven't you kept talking? What do you think about the use of soldiers?"

When the king asked his own head, Cai Gui hurriedly offered to salute, saying: "King, Wei Chen thought that An'an could not blindly seek to use force, at least before using force."

"Oh?" Tang Yin became interested, and asked, "So what do we do for our best?"

Cai Gui pondered for a moment and raised his head and said, "Please ask the king to give Weichen a month. After one month, Weichen will give the king a way to destroy safety!"

Alas, what a breath! Everyone present looked at Cai Gui. With so many people gathered together, they can't discuss a practical solution. Cai Gui alone can figure out a solution to safety.

"Master Cai's tone is not small, you know, there is no joke before the king?" Zhang Xin sneered, his face full of scorn, and squinted at him.

"Xiaguan certainly knows." Cai Guihan laughed.

"If one month later, you can't give peace, it's a crime of bullying, it's about losing your head ..."

Without waiting for Zhang Xin to finish, Cai Gui laughed and laughed, "Master Zhang, how about you and me?"

Zhang Xin hesitated and asked: "Bet ... what?"

"After one month, if the Xiaguan failed to give the plan of annihilation, the Xiaguan pleaded guilty. If he surrendered the plan, how would you and I change their official positions?" Cai Gui said with a smile.

"Why ... why ?! Isn't this a child's play?" Zhang Xin flushed, turning his head to see Tang Yin.

Tang Yin was also happy and shook his head and said, "This kind of bet is really childish. In this way, the Chief of Staff of the Senate Church is still missing, Cai Gui, if you can really say that, then the role of Chief of Staff of the Senate Church is yours. Now. "

Everyone at the scene heard that their faces were the same. At present, the powers of the Senate and Military Affairs Halls in the Wind Country have become greater and greater, and the people in charge of the Senate and Military Affairs halls have become more and more important. Since the posts of the Chief Counselor of the Senate and Political Halls have always been vacant, the Minister in this position is not in Zhang Xin is one of the few.

As soon as Tang Yin's words fell, Cai Gui stood up and nodded, and said aloud, "Weichen Xie King Long En."

"Don't thank first," Tang Yin said with a smile, "let's get things done before talking!"

"Weichen understands." After Cai Gui got up, she also looked at Zhang Xin with special gratitude, and the meaning, thanks to you ...

Zhang Xin could see clearly, his nose was crooked, but after a moment's thinking, he laughed in his heart again. He wanted to see what Cai Gui's ability could come up with a strategy to eliminate security within a month.

The issue of using troops was temporarily delayed because Cai Gui boasted of going to Haikou. During this time, Tang Yin, while dealing with ground affairs, began recruiting new recruits, and continued to increase the strength and reserve of the army.

With the further increase in the strength of the Feng Army, Tang Yin also had plans to build a twelfth legion. The Twelfth Regiment is still an infantry corps dominated by infantry. There is absolutely no problem in the strength of the army. It is just that the selection of the commander of the army makes Tang Yin quite difficult.

As the so-called thousands of troops are easy to obtain, it will be difficult to find. Among the many generals in the wind country, it is too easy to find the brave champions, the brave and brave warriors, but I want to choose a general who can command thousands of troops. Not easy.

Tang Yin also specially sought Qiu Zhen's opinions for this matter, but the matter was very important. The commander of the army related to the lives of the generals, Qiu Zhen did not dare to give his personal choice at will.

His opinion is that at present there is only one talented commander in the imperial court, that is, Lei Zhen, the general leader of the Duwei camp, but Lei Zhen has the taboo of a country that cannot be outdone, and it is difficult to bear this responsibility.

What he said was equivalent to not saying that Tang Yin was still worried about the matter, and sometimes he didn't even understand it. With a huge wind country and a population of tens of millions, how could the talents used by the court be so withered.

He really did a lot of research on this matter, and finally found the answer. There is a problem with the employment mechanism of Feng Guo.

At present, the employment of Fengguo is mainly based on the recommendation system. Talents are recommended by officials from various places and the court. However, it is inevitable that some people are selfish, and the recommended talents are also mixed.

As for Tang Yin's summoning orders and martial arts orders, they are not available every year. Even if they are issued, the number of recruited talents is very limited.

Feng Guo's employment mechanism must be changed, and it must also be changed drastically. Tang Yin thought about it, and finally only thought of the imperial examination system.

From a modern perspective, the imperial examination system has various disadvantages, but in this era, the imperial examination system is the most practical, most applicable and most popular system for selecting talents. It is at least better than the noble inheritance system and The official recommendation system is much more advanced.

With a rough idea, Tang Yin conveyed his thoughts to the Senate Hall, and the Senate Hall drafted a specific implementation plan, which he first looked at, and after he confirmed that it was feasible, he announced it in Chaotang.

The Senate Hall was surprised by Tang Yin's imperial examination system. In their conception, they had never seen such a way to train and select talents, and it took a certain amount of time to fully accept them.

Tang Yin had no time to spend with the Senate, and passed the order. Within ten days, the Senate had to hand over a specific implementation plan. If it was not overdue, it would have resisted the order.

In a word, the ministers of the Senate began to work day and night.

Ten days later, the Senate Church finally gave out a concrete plan for implementing the imperial examination system. In the plan of the Senate Hall, all schools in the country of wind were built with Lingwu Colleges and Military Colleges to ensure that there should be at least one higher college, Lingwu college, and military students in a county, and at least one junior in a city. School, Lingwu College and Military Academy.

Junior colleges, Lingwu colleges, and military colleges transfer outstanding talents to the corresponding higher academies, Lingwu colleges, and military colleges. After studying and training in high-level colleges, they finally transfer talents to the court, and the court To uniformly screen.

After reading this plan, Tang Yin studied it several times carefully, and then made a large revision.

He merged Lingwu Academy and Military Academy into one and named it Lingwu Military Academy. To build a college, it takes a lot of money, and it has to be built all over the country. There is one more type of college. The extra money is an astronomical figure. In his opinion, there is no need to separate the Lingwu Academy and the Military Academy. At home, the spiritual practitioners who have studied in the martial arts must learn the military, and those who study the military can be non-cultivators. In addition, the number of callers of the Lingwu Military Academy must be limited. It is necessary to ensure that all those who enroll can be recruited by the military. Otherwise, after learning for many years, it costs a lot of tuition, and it is not the military. Hiring, that would be too unfair.

As for the hospital, there is no need for quota. On the contrary, everyone thinks that everyone should come to the hospital to study. He even planned to implement a house reward and punishment system. All nationals who came to the hospital would be rewarded. Those who did n’t study would be punished. Doing so may make Fengguo sell iron and the state treasury is empty, but he knew in his heart that there has never been any Only those who are ignorant and backward will be plundered and annexed if the country dies due to education.

Of course, in terms of the current national strength of the country, it is not possible to open so many homes, and he can only temporarily suppress this plan. UU reading books www.

He returned his revised plan to the Senate Hall, and the Senate Hall discussed it and confirmed that there were no changes. This was only announced in Chaotang.

As soon as this plan came out, the court ministers were dumbfounded on the spot, followed by opposition.

First of all, the concept of the recommendation system has been deeply entrenched. Many ministers have been dissatisfied with Tang Yin's call for a sage and a martial law. Now that the recommendation system must be completely abolished, how can the ministers accept it?

Moreover, many ministers rely on the referral system to make their families rich. It is also another source of income other than Lulu. Even the referees receive more money than Lulu. Once this privilege is abolished, life is better than It was much poorer before.

Even those ministers who don't have the money or the heart to recommend talents also oppose this plan, because from the perspective of these ministers, only the talents they recommend are the true pillars of talent and morality, and they rely on passing the college exams. That's the real difference between good and bad!

Regardless of whether they are selfish ministers or unselfish ministers, at this time they all clung together and objected unanimously, which also made Tang Yin truly feel how terrible the difference in ideas.

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