Chapter 674

The students at the level of Gui were surprised by Tang Yin's joining. Liu Zhang did not see the battle between Tang Yin and Grade A students with his own eyes, nor could he estimate how high his strength was. He just wanted to see him again after going back.

There is also Tang Yin who talks the most about Grade A students. Yan Yan walked beside Bai An, sighed softly, and said, "Actually, we lost this test, but we didn't lose in the hand of Gui Gui, but in the beginning of Tang Dynasty."

"Early Tang? Who is that?" Bai An still asked the name curiously for the first time.

Yan Yan shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know. It is said that it was a student who had joined the december for less than five days."

After a pause, he smiled bitterly again: "But this is the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, and by one's own strength, even blocked most of our people, Xiao'an, can you believe it?"

Of course, Bai An doesn't believe. How can a person stop more than half of his own people? Unless the other person is heavenly. It can be seen that Yan Yan said that she was serious and lonely, and she was not joking. She asked suspiciously, "Really?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it." Yan Yan recalled the battle between Tang Yin and his students, and he almost felt that the strength of the other party was beyond his lifetime.

"There are still such people ..." Bai An muttered.

Yan Yan smiled bitterly, and said, "In fact, in this competition, the gui class did not need to use any tactics or tricks. It only needed to send this directly to the beginning of the Tang dynasty and kill it into our headquarters. Then the gui class had already won.

Bai An looked at him in disbelief. She had never seen Yan Yan feel so discouraged, and never heard him say such disheartened words. In his description, this early Tang Dynasty was simply too much to add. , Even he can challenge the entire Class A alone.

If it wasn't for Yan Yan's nervous disorder now, then he would be deeply shocked.

At this time, Bai An became more and more curious, wanting to see what kind of person in the early Tang Dynasty, can actually stimulate Yan Yan, who has always been calm and weak, to such a degree.

It is a pity that when the A and G students returned to the academy, they did not see the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. They turned the academy down and did not find him. Even if they asked the academy ’s gentlemen, gentlemen, Also, the two monks of Zhang Er were scratching their heads. They didn't even know that there was such a person in the early Tang Dynasty in the college.

How could a living person disappear for nothing? And still such a powerful person, how could the gentlemen in the college not remember him?

The unwilling students went directly to the supervisor who brought the early Tang that day, but the steward pushed the matter clean and insisted that he was not in the college that day, and it was impossible to take the students to their place where they were deceased. The reporter said that students have strict date restrictions for the promotion from intermediate to advanced. How could it be possible to insert a freshman into the deceased class for no apparent reason?

The supervisor did not admit that there was a new student inserted at the december level, and the gentlemen also said that they did not know the beginning of Tang, and they did not know that there was such a person. At this time, the students could not help feeling a burst of hair, and now they are not even sure. Sitting with them in the academy for a few days and fighting with them in the test arena were early people or ghosts?

For the past few days, Grade A and Grade Ⅲ students have been disturbed and disturbed by the incident in the early Tang Dynasty, as if the anger in the college has suddenly become very heavy. By late night, many timid students did not even Dare to go out of the hut alone.

That night, late at night, Liu Zhang was resting in his room, but he didn't sleep well. He was lying in bed, tossing around, tossing and turning, until now he didn't believe the ghost said.

If it was a ghost at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, it could still appear in the broad daylight. What kind of ghost should it be?

While he was pondering, he suddenly heard a slight noise over the door of the room, and his heart moved, pretending to be doze, his eyes opened a gap, and he peered. I saw the door slowly pushed open, and then a dark shadow flashed in from the outside.

Even if Liu Zhang was more daring, he was startled at this time. He called subconsciously: "Who is ..."

"Shh!" The comer came quickly to the bed, made a silent gesture to him, and whispered, "It's me!"

By the faint moonlight outside the window, Liu Zhang fixed his eyes, and the man who came in was exactly a gentleman of the academy. With a look of surprise on his face, he hurriedly got up from the bed and shouted, "Mr. Li, how are you ..."

"Don't ask anything, get dressed and follow me!" Mr. Li urged him.

Liu Zhang didn't know what was going on, but still obeyed his instructions, quickly dressed and followed Mr. Li's outwards.

Along the way, Mr. Li did not say a word, and took Liu Zhangjian to the gate of the college. Liu Zhang was curious and wanted to ask questions a few times, but saw the gentleman hurriedly, and swallowed the words down.

After a short time, the two got out of the college's gate and looked outside. There was a carriage parked at the door. There were two Tsing Yi people beside the carriage.

Mr. Li quickly came to the two Tsing Yi people, and respectfully saluted, saying, "Two adults, Liu Zhang has been brought by the villain!"

The two Tsing Yi men looked around at Liu Zhang, then shook his head and said, "Car!"

Liu Zhang couldn't help but asked, "Who are you? Where are you taking me?"

"When you wait, you will know, as for who we are, Dark Arrow." The two Tsing Yi people said indifferently.

stab in the back? Liu Zhang was shocked. Why did Dark Arrow suddenly find his own head? Shouldn't he be guilty of crime, not to provoke Dark Arrow? He took two steps subconsciously, and looked at Mr. Li incomprehensibly.

Actually, this Mr. Li doesn't know much more than him, he said softly: "Since the adult has orders, you should hurry up! In addition, the dean also knows this, you should not have to worry about it."

Do n’t worry about it! You are standing and speaking without back pain. Liu Chang glanced at Mr. Li surreptitiously, and finally took his heart to the side. It was a blessing or a curse, and a curse could not be avoided. See what the dark arrow is doing!

He scrambled up the curtain of the carriage and jumped in.

The carriage was very spacious. Two oil lamps were placed in it. After Liu Zhang came in, he found that there were others in the carriage.

He took a closer look. Well, all of them were acquaintances, including Class A Bai An, Yan Yan, Yang Yi, Xu You, and his classmates Yin Lan and Xiong Gu.

"Well! Another one was invited!" Xu You smiled grinningly when he saw Liu Zhang.

"You are also here!" Liu Zhang looked at the crowd in surprise, asking: "What the **** is going on?"

"Ghost knows! I was sleeping well and was brought up here by my husband." Xu You still looked cynical and shrugged.

"Sinner, shut up!" One side of Yang Yi glanced at him angrily.

"I have already explained that I did not deliberately put water in the test. It was really a stomachache. You have to believe me." When everyone saw his head turned away, no one looked at him, he lowered his head and lamented: "The world is cold It ’s warm and cold ... "

Liu Zhang ignored him, even though he and Xu You were not of the same level, but he knew that almost none of the words spoken by this man were serious.

He said quietly, "The people outside are dark arrows. Where are they taking us?"

"Isn't it a dark house?" Xionggu frowned.

"How is that possible? We haven't broken the law, let alone we are still old-fashioned, how can the dark arrows deal with us?" Yin Lan said angrily, but his tone seemed to be low.

Bai An sneered, looking at Yin Lan, and said, "Dark Arrow wants to kill you, but it doesn't matter if you are an old man." Bai An wasn't born in the wind, and he also looked at the superior attitude of the old man.

Her words made Yin Lan stir up a cold war and her face turned pale.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I will protect Laner!" Xu You sticked to Yin Lan like gum, and kept digging into her arms.

"Bitch, stay away!" Yin Lan shoved him away.

Xu You's face was hurt, it seemed like how much grievance he had suffered, and said, "Laner, you can't take revenge ..."

The mood of the crowd at the scene was very dull and depressed. At this time, no one would have a leisurely mood to play with him.

Soon, the carriage started, and two Tsing Yi people sat in front, waving their whip.

While the carriage was traveling, Yan Yan raised the curtains of the window and looked at the appearance. After looking for a while, he retracted his head and said, "It is toward the capital."

Hearing this, everyone was half-hearted. Xionggu stomped his foot fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "At the dark house ~ ~ is a dead end. I want to survive, and now is the only chance. There are only two people in the dark arrow. It may not be a loss. "

His words brightened the eyes of Bai An and others, but Liu Zhang shook his head again and again and said, "We don't know what is going on, but once we move with the dark arrows, then we will really be overwhelmed. There is life. "

Yan Yan nodded in agreement, saying, "Even if we can run away now, we will be chased by dark arrows in the future. It is better to die. Besides, our family will be involved."

Hearing this, the fist that Xionggu originally held up loosened again weakly, and finally sighed, and dropped his head to stop talking.

The carriage did go in the direction of the capital. Outside the Nancheng Gate, the dark arrow personnel who drove the car showed their military badges, and the soldiers at the gate did not even search the carriage and released it directly.

When they entered Zhenjiang City, the hearts of everyone in the car also mentioned their throats, and they did n’t know what would happen next, but one thing they knew was that almost anyone who entered a dark house could go out alive.

However, to their great surprise, the direction of the carriage was not to go to the dark house, but to the palace.

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