Chapter 684

"What do you mean by this?" Tang Yin stared at Qiu Zhen and asked doubtfully.

Qiu Zhen said: "Most of the local officials in our country are from the rank of lieutenant general. They are good at fighting with soldiers and their style is vigorous. Once there are signs of rebellion within their jurisdiction, they will immediately send troops to suppress them. Although the people of other countries hate us, they are even more afraid of us and dare not rise up to resist. Now the king replaces those generals who have fought on the battlefield for years with these unfought officials. I am afraid that it will cause rebellions everywhere. Around the country, the whole country is in the middle of civil war and internal consumption! "

"If this is the case, then the court will directly send troops to suppress it!" Tang Yin said positively: "The corrupt officials, the root cause of the country and the people, maybe they can stabilize the situation in our country in a short time, but in the long run, the foundation of the country will be their Whatever shakes, you can't stay. Long pain is worse than short pain. I have decided on this matter and will not make any changes. You don't need to persuade me. "

"King--" Qiu Zhen wanted to persuade him again, Tang Yin waved his hand, interrupted him, and murmured, "Your worry is justified, which I ignored earlier."

He groaned for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Asan Asi, immediately sent Peng Haochu, Nanye, Zuo Shuang, Qi Heng, and Nanyan to come to see me."

"Yes! King!" A San A Si Shuang both promised, and then passed on Tang Yin's order.

Now that the generals have not left the palace, Tang Yin's call passed shortly after, and the five hurried to the study. After meeting Tang Yin, five people saluted together. Tang Yin waved his hand, signaled that they didn't need to be polite, and then hurriedly said, "Haochu!"

"The end is here!" Peng Haochu stepped forward and stepped in to salute.

"You immediately lead the Chifeng Army back to the wind. If there is a rebellion, all will be wiped out and you will never be tolerated!"

"Finally obey!"

"Left double, Nanye!"

"The end will be here!" Both Zuo Shuang and Nan Ye are out of the queue.

"The two of you immediately led the Flying Dragon Army and the Tiger Army to Ningdi. The left double is responsible for Ningbei Eighth County, and the Nanye is responsible for Ningnan Eighth County. If there is a rebellion, kill and kill all, one is not left!"

"Finally obey!"

"Qiheng, Nanyan!"

"The end is here!"

"The two of you are responsible for the security of Modi, especially Nanyan. Your tiger army is the fastest. I want you to lead the army to be ready to send troops at any time. Once there is a rebellion in Modi, give me the first time. Go up! Do n’t be merciful because the other party is Mo Ren. You must know that you ca n’t put an end to the rebellion today. There will be endless future. There will be more Mo people who will be killed and injured then. Do you understand? ”

Nanyan looked positive and intervened and said, "Although the king is assured, the rebels will never be soft-hearted toward the rebel thief, and they must kill a hundred bucks!"

"Very good!" Tang Yin nodded with satisfaction, looking around the generals, Shen Sheng said: "As long as you, the Central Army, do your best, even if rebellions occur in various places will soon calm down. Remember, after you go out, you represent the court, Your actions also represent the determination of the court and king. "

"The end will understand!"

"Well!" Tang Yin immediately looked at Qiu Zhen and asked with a smile: "Qiu Zhen, what do you think of this arrangement?"

Qiu Zhen smiled helplessly, and said, "The king is ready for the rain, so it's better to arrange it this way, it will be foolproof."

Now he can also see that the king is the eighth king who eats the scales, and he must change the local officials when he is so determined. When the king makes such a big determination, it is useless no matter how he says it, and it cannot change the king's idea at all.

In addition, in Qiu Zhen ’s view, the king ’s approach is not a fundamental question of principle. He does not have to fight for reasons or even break his face with the king. Of course, there are crises, but the strong Military strength, suppression of local rebellions is not difficult.

Seeing that Qiu Zhen was finally subdued, Tang Yin was quite happy and proud, and he smiled with a palm of his hand: "It seems that everyone has no objection. Well, tomorrow, I will write the matter as a notice, post it, and call the world."

"Great King Yingming!" Everyone couldn't change Tang Yin's determination and could only follow his words.

This evening, Tang Yin's banquet in the palace caused a great uproar in the country, and the military and political leaders of counties and counties were replaced, and they also caused a series of chain reactions.

As each new official took office, he immediately began to change the officials of the county, county, and even the cities and towns under his jurisdiction. It was the so-called emperor and courtier, as well as in the court, as well as in the locality.

No matter who it is, I hope that the people below can be their own henchmen and effective assistants!

Moreover, most of those local officials and city owners rely on gold and silver to buy official positions. They have to learn but they cannot learn, they must be capable and incapable. How can the newly-appointed county captains and county captains be seen? Mediocre.

Moreover, their positions are only temporary and not stable. People want to make achievements as soon as possible to show the king and the court to prove their ability, and to remove the word "temporary" in front of their official positions.

It can be said that Tang Yin's actions have transformed the chaotic and suffocating officialdom of the wind country overnight, and of course, the chaos has followed.

Qiu really is concerned. The wind country is expanding so fast, but the situation in various places is very stable. This depends to a large extent on the county captain and county captain who are transferred from the army to the local post. .

Each of them is good at using soldiers. They do everything without any delay, and they are decisive. As soon as rebellions emerge within their jurisdiction, they will lead soldiers to siege and suppress them with brutal and **** wrists.

Now that the new official is taking office, and his subordinate officials are being changed, the local government offices are in a state of chaos. In this way, people who have dissatisfaction and resentment against the wind country can see the opportunity.

In the following month, there were hundreds of rebellions in various parts of the country. In some places, there were as many as three or four rebel forces in a county alone.

During this month, the Central Army of the Wind Country could be so busy that they could beat the back of their heads, running around, tired of conquering, and feeling more tired than fighting in the enemy country.

Within the wind country, the most stable is the wind country. There has been no rebellion. The wind country is the root of the wind country. For the old wind person, whoever is the county head and county capital does not matter. , But it is a great thing.

The most unstable place in the country of wind, and the place where the most rebellions occurred, is 桓 地. Fortunately, there are many garrisons in the country. In addition to the Sanshui Army fighting in the west of 桓 地, there are also the hundreds of troops and the sky eagle. As well as the Plains Army sent by later, these are the most elite Central Army Corps of the Wind Country. They are accustomed to confronting the regular army. They are even more effective in dealing with local rebellious forces.

As for Ningdi and Modi, there were quite a few rebellions, but relatively speaking, the scale was not large, and many of them were not so much rebels as a group of ulterior motives who wanted to take a chance to make a fortune. .

They are playing the banner of anti-wind, but they are doing the work of bandits and robbers, looting homes, looting the people's money, killing and setting fire, * looting, all evil, their style is even more brutal than the brutal wind army of the year.

These rebel forces that were robbed while on fire did not receive the support of the local people at all, but they also hated them. Naturally, they could not become a climate.

Sitting in the palace, Tang Yin saw all the emergency reports from various places every day. As for the extent of the chaos in the wind country, he knew nothing about it.

That day, Cai Gui came to meet Tang Yin and report to him on Li Meier's situation in Anguo.

Li Meier had been sent to Anguo for several months. Tang Yin was trying to ask Cai Gui about the matter, but he took the initiative.

He asked, "How is she now in Anguo?"

Cai Gui arched his hand and said, "Return to King Wang, it went well, but ..."

"Just what?" Tang Yin said impatiently, "Say everything in one go!"

"It's just that things have gone too smoothly, far beyond Wei Chen's original estimate." Cai Gui said indifferently.

"Too smooth? Isn't this a good thing?" Tang Yin was happy, shaking the folding fan easily, and looked at him with a smile.

Cai Gui smiled bitterly: "It won't necessarily be a good thing if it goes well."

He swallowed and said, "Yuexin fell in love with Meier at first sight and became very fascinated. If Meier had not opposed it himself, I'm afraid Yuexin would have made her her concubine."

"Oh!" Tang Yin blinked, and he didn't feel anything bad about it.

Cai Gui continued: "Originally, Wei Chen only wanted Meier to be a servant at Yuexin's side. As a result, An Wang would not have so many worries about her in the future ~ ~ But it can give us a good reason to send troops, but now that the more faithful she has established her as his wife, it is not known whether An Wang will get her desperately. "

That's it! Only then did Tang Yin understand why Cai Gui said that things went too smoothly.

He groaned for a moment and said, "This matter can't be too demanding. Even if she just stays with Yuexin, it's a good thing for us. At least, through Yuexin, we can have a lot of important information and intelligence in Anguo. "

"It's just that this is far from Wei Chen's original idea." Cai Gui frowned, shaking his head again and again.

Tang Yin smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry about this, you have done a good job." At least beyond his expectations. It's so easy to get a man into the side of a son of a country, and he has also been made a wife.

In his opinion, Cai Gui's ability is almost like a bottomless pit. Maybe when it will burst out, it will be scary.

He turned his head and asked, "Since a large number of local officials have been replaced, most of the reports uploaded by the locality are about the insurgency. What do you think of the situation in Ningdi?"

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