Chapter 701

In the next few days, Shao Fang was no longer so easy in Fengguo. Tianzi's book of rebellion was already being drafted. It was imminent for Feng Mo to join forces to attack Ning. Tang Yin and Shao Fang began to determine the specific time, place, and attack of the troops The general direction is divided and coordinated in detail.

Three days later, Shao Fang left Fengguo and returned to China for deployment. Tang Yin also set out to go to Hedong for the second expedition to Ningguo.

Batches of newly recruited Fengguo soldiers were put on the battlefield, and were continuously dispatched to Hedong. A large number of materials, ordnance and grain were also transported along with the recruits, and the gears of the war machine began to accelerate.

Until the day before his departure, Tang Yinzhang went to the palace to resign to Yin Rou.

Hearing that he was going to lead the Feng Army to fight Ning Guo, Yin Rou was surprised and worried. She subconsciously grabbed Tang Yin's sleeve and asked nervously, "Isn't Feng Ning already reconciled? Why fight again?"

Tang Yin said with ease, "Ning country has always looked at the wind country, Ning country will not die, and the wind country will never be peaceful."

"Then ... must hit?" She tightened Tang Yin's sleeve tighter.

Tang Yin nodded and said, "How can I not send the arrow on the string?" After a pause, he patted Yin Rou's small hand, comforting softly: "Don't worry, this battle will end soon, as long as half a year, as long as In March, I will take you to Liangzhou, Ningdu! "

He said with ease, but Yin Rou couldn't relax at all. Impermanent warfare and any accidents could happen ... She shook her head and forced herself not to think about bad places. She whispered, "Can I ... go with you?"

Tang Yin smiled, raised her hand and gently held her cheek, and said, "I'm content with Rouer's heart. Just wait for the news of my triumph in the palace."

"En ..." Yin Rou also understood that on the battlefield, he was a burden and could not help anything, but also needed the protection of others. She said lonely, "Yin, you ... Be careful, I'll wait for you."

Tang Yin didn't say much, and embraced her silently, sniffing fascinatingly the fascinating fragrance on her body.

Half a month later, Yin Xun published an obituary for rebellion, condemning Ning Guo for his infidelity and rebellious heart, and invited the kings of the world to discuss it.

On the second day after the obituary was published, Ning State had not responded yet, and both the wind and Mozambique declared war on Ning State.

At this time, Tang Yin had reached the Hedong camp, and with him were Qiu Zhen, Jiang Fan, and the fifteen generals recruited by Na Wuling.

Hedong Camp in Fengguo now has more than 400,000 troops. The army of the Plains Army, the Three Straits Army, the immediate army, and the Tianying Army all reached more than 100,000 troops.

The first objective of the Feng Army in crossing Nanjing was to cross the Zhanghe River, defeat the Ning Army ’s Hexi Camp, and completely open the channel into Hexi County.

In the past, when Chang Yuanyuan Hong guarded Hexi, Tang Yin suffered two losses and lost nearly 100,000 soldiers. Now Ningguo's commander in charge of guarding Hexi has been replaced by Wei Zheng. Tang Yin does not want to lose defeat in Wei Zheng's hands.

After discussions between Tang Yin and His Majesty Generals, a battle plan was finally formulated. The Tianying Army took the lead and attacked the Hexi Camp directly, pinning the Ningguo battleship, and the Plains Army, the Sanshui Army, and the direct army bypassed the flanks to cross.

Although the wind army has trained in water warfare for a long time in the Hedong camp, but due to the limitation of ships and equipment, the water war is still the soft underbelly of the wind army. This first battle to cross the water is also the most for the wind army. difficult.

On the day Tang Yin declared war on Ning, in order not to give the Ning Army too much time to prepare, the Feng Army launched an attack that morning.

Because the mission of the Aquila Army is the most important and the most difficult, almost all the boats in the Aeolian Army are assigned to the Aquila Army, more than 100,000 troops, and nearly 20,000 small boats sailed from the Hedong Camp to the opposite bank. Crossed out.

Ning Jun was not unprepared for the sudden offensive launched by Feng Jun. Wei Zheng's ability may not be as good as that of Chang Sun Yuanhong, but he is also a famous generation of Ning Guo. After Feng Ning signed the peace treaty, he did not dare to take it lightly, and constantly sent secret agents to monitor every move of the wind country.

When the imperial edict of the day invited King Ning to the holy surface, Wei Zheng had determined that this was a trap. The king has gone, and has not gone back. If he does not go, it will be a reality. From this time on, Wei Zheng began to actively prepare for war without receiving an order from the imperial court, in order to meet the need from time to time.

It turned out that he was right, but Mo's sudden participation in the war was something he never expected.

Hearing that there were changes in the wind camp, tens of thousands of ships sailed towards their own big camp, Wei Zheng sneered, and summoned without hesitation to let his own warships face the battle.

The ships of the Aquila Army were close to 20,000, while the ships of the Ning Army were only a few hundred, but the scales of the two parties were very different.

The Ning Jun's warships are large, tall and long, most of them are divided into three or four layers, each layer has dense arrow turns, and the iron hull is also wrapped with iron, so it is not afraid of collision. The broken crossbow that the Wind Army fell into the hands of the Ning Army was counterfeited by Wei Zheng and equipped on various warships. With such powerful weapons, the combat effectiveness of the warships was significantly improved.

The ships of the two sides have just started fighting and settled.

Ning Jun was standing high on a large ship, first firing a giant crossbow. The crossbow hit a small wooden boat and instantly broke the hull. The wind sergeants and soldiers on the top fell into the water. There is also a crossbow on the side of the wind army, but it does not hurt to shoot on the Ningjun's warships. The large ships and huge hulls do not know how many crossbow arrows may sink.

The wind army has more people than the Ning army, and the ships are several times the Ning army, but the combat effectiveness is not proportional.

Ziyi knew very well where his shortcomings were, and where the enemy's strengths were. He kept giving orders, drumming, drumming, and re-drumming. The army rushed forward, and he must be close to the other side, as long as his generals were successful. Climb to the opponent's warship, the victory is on their side.

With the continuous approach of the ships on both sides, the water battle has also become fierce.

The crossbows on both sides shuttled back and forth on the river. The boat on the side of the wind army was hit by crossbows from time to time and shattered into wooden boards. Numerous soldiers fell into the water. They were saved by fluke, and drowned by the river. Up, layers of corpses, screaming, crying for help.

In contrast to the Ning Army, all warships were constantly being fired by crossbow arrows, especially the warships that rushed in front. The huge hull was filled with crossbow arrows, and the river water was continuously poured into the ship along the breach, and then was again Sergeant Ning died one barrel and then one barrel out of the ship. From time to time, someone in the cabin was hit by a crossbow that had been shot and penetrated his body. His death was miserable.

With the distance between the two sides getting closer, Ning Jun took the lead in launching arrows.

At this time, the tall advantage of the hull was brought into play again, and the high-powered shot allowed the Ning Army to shoot at the Wind Army, but the Wind Army could not shoot at the Ning Army. People, not to mention Ning Jun is still hiding in the cabin, with a hard hull as a cover.

During the battle, the power of the Ning Army Arrow Array was fully demonstrated. After the round of the Arrow Array, the attacked boat was submerged by the carved eagle. The hull was filled with dense arrows inside and outside. In the case of cover, it is inevitable that they will shoot arrows. Often, a ship of wind sergeants will be spared and they will be shot as hedgehogs.

Wei Zheng, who was out of the camp to supervise the battle, stood at the top of the handsome ship, raised his eyes to watch the battlefield ahead, and showed a confident smile. Feng Jun wanted to use a small boat to defeat his own giant battleship. Even if he had put in more troops, he would only seek his own way. This is not a fight at all, it is a unilateral slaughter.

The fighting continued, and Feng Jun was still making a suicide charge without regard to his body, but the number of people killed has soared to 20,000 or 30,000.

At the moment when Wei Zheng felt that the overall situation was in order, all of a sudden, a general behind him pointed his finger north, and said in shock: "General, no good, there is smoke in the north!"

Wei Zheng hurriedly turned his head to look north, but it wasn't. On the west bank of the Zhanghe River in the north, beacon towers everywhere had been lit, and black smoke billowed into the clouds.

It seems that the wind army not only attacked in this place, but also invested troops in the north.

I don't know if the wind army attacked in the north or really attacked. Wei Zheng didn't dare to separate too many warships. He turned back and ordered the herald to mobilize fifty warships to reinforce the north.

Fifty warships had just been separated from his side, and then the southern wolf started again. Wei Zheng did the same and assigned 50 more warships to reinforce the southern attack site.

However, the wind army did not invest in one army in the south, but two armies, the plain army and the direct army.

Commander Tang Yin was directly under the army and forcibly crossed the river ten miles south of the Ningjun Hexi camp. In order to show his determination to cross the river and to let the soldiers abandon the idea of ​​greed and fear of death ~ ~ Tang Yin personally led the battle. Because the ships were given to the Eagles, Tang Yin didn't even have small rafts here, some were just rafts.

The raft he was in front of, rushed to the front, and went straight to the other side. The monarch could die his life and forget the soldiers first. Where is the next soldiers who still have a bit of the idea of ​​stealing their lives, people are all struggling to move. Wooden paddles, immediately following Tang Yin's raft.

Twenty miles south of the Hexi Camp, the place where the Wind Army ate two defeats in a row was the main attack site of the Plain Army.

The last time the Plain Army was defeated in this scene, Xiao Muqing still vividly remembered. This time he had made up his mind to shame before the snow. Even if it was filled by people and piled up, he would have to rush to the opposite bank.

Since its establishment, the Plain Army has never been defeated, and the only stain is in Zhanghe. This time, they were fighting at the same location. All the soldiers in the army were boiling with blood. When crossing the river, most of the soldiers threw off their armors and went shirtless, holding a shield, paddling in one hand, a steel knife in their mouth, and bloodshot eyes. They were all emitting red light, staring at the opposite bank, and traveling faster than the army directly under Tang Yin.

The fifty warships sent by Wei Zhengnan did not encounter the Plains Army, but first encountered the immediate army headed by Tang Yin. Caizi Pavilion

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