Chapter 706

The Ning Army had not fled back to Yingzhai before the battle. The Ning Army camp's gate was closed first. A large number of Ning Army were trapped outside the camp gate. People banged on the gate and issued heartbreaking shouts and calls for help. .

It was not anyone else who ordered the closing of the camp gate, but Wei Zheng, who hurried back. He could see clearly on the tower. If he put all his soldiers and soldiers in the camp, he would not be able to close the camp door at that time. The wind army would definitely take the opportunity to smash the recent ones. Once the camp door fell, his camp would also It is at stake.

Even if he couldn't bear it anymore, he could only order to close the battalion gate in advance and completely isolate the enemy from the camp. Subsequently, Wei Zheng made an immediate decision and passed a general order. All the archers went to the wall and placed an arrow array to the outside. No matter the enemy or himself, they shot and killed everyone within 30 feet.

This command was a nightmare for the wind outside the camp and the two Ning armies. Thousands of defeated Ning Guo troops and the 6,000 Plains Army daring to die were the first to be attacked by the Ning Army's arrow formation.

The defeated army of Ning Guo was too close to the camp, and the arrows were the most violent. Even with a shield, it could not stop such a dense array of arrows. Only one round of arrow rain fell, and hundreds of Ning army turned into hedgehogs. After the rain, more than a thousand defeated soldiers were no longer viable.

The Plains Army ’s death squads are not much better. Since they are death squads, they are all lightly loaded. Most of them are light, that is, without shields and armor. Under the Ning Army arrows, the soldiers are not one by one. Down, but down into pieces.

The headed Nanye and Zhanpeng were not spared, and they each took several arrows. Fortunately, they had a spirit armor to protect their bodies. For the first time, the two tried the powerful Ning Army's arrow formation. They were frightened and ordered the army to retreat and give up the attack.

The Six Thousand Plains Army dropped thousands of corpses and hurriedly retreated to its own position.

Nanye and Zhanpeng looked like defeated cocks, and bowed their heads to commander-in-chief Xiao Muqing.

"Admiral, the general is incompetent and failed to lead the brothers into the enemy camp!" The two kneeled on one knee.

Xiao Muqing smiled and asked: "You two know who the coach in the enemy camp is?"

Zhan Peng replied: "Isn't it Wei Zheng?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Muqing stared at the Ningjun camp village in front of him and said, "If it's so simple for you to break through the big camp, what kind of famous player is Zheng Wei?

Nanye and Zhanpeng glanced at each other and said nothing. After a moment, Nanye suddenly thought of the injured Wei Xuan, and asked quickly: "General, how about General Wei's injury? Can he be worried about his life?"

Xiao Muqing quite admired Nanye's person and felt that this person was kind and righteous. He shook his head and said, "It's just a minor injury, and a few days off will not be a problem."

"Oh! That's good, that's good!" Nanye hesitated after listening.

Xiao Muqing converged with a smile, his face was positive, and Shen Sheng said, "Nanye obeys orders!"

"The end is here!" Nanye trembled and hurriedly intervened.

"The coach will give you five thousand elite soldiers, go to the enemy's north camp, and attack at noon. There must be no mistakes!"

"Finally obey!"

"Zhanpeng's orders!"

"The end is here!"

"The coach also gives you five thousand elite soldiers, and goes to the enemy's west camp, attacking at noon, there must be no mistakes!"

"Get orders!"

Xiao Muqing issued orders in succession, sending Nan Ye and Zhan Peng separately, then he rode on a war horse and walked back and forth in front of his army.

He looked around the plainsman in front of the crowd and shouted, "The earliest time for the establishment of our plains army, the longest time to follow the king, and the most merit. He is a man's husband, dominate the sky, or do not do it. Well, since joining the army, it is necessary to compete for the greatest martial arts and strive for the greatest glory. This time, in the battle with the Ning Zei, our army was the first to successfully cross the river and the first to hit the enemy ’s camp. Battalion, our army must also be the first to make the greatest contribution! "Between words, he pulled back his sword and grabbed the blade with his other hand, and slowly swiped. Then, he raised his fist and ran down with blood. The gap between his fingers dripped, and he didn't even frown. He shouted loudly: "This battle is unsuccessful, then Cheng Ren, can only enter, not retreat, even if there is one soldier and one soldier left in the war! Success, I and you The brothers cheered at the enemy camp. If it is unsuccessful, I will meet my brothers Jiuquan! "

After speaking, he waved a sword in his hand, pointed at the Ningjun camp, and shouted, "God bless my army, strengthen my hero! Kill—"


There will be a mortal heart, do men have a desire to live? Xiao Muqing vowed with blood, and lived and died with the generals of the army. People were boiling with blood and shouting in unison. Before the war began, their eyes became red. The army of nearly 100,000 people was listed in a neat square array. Without the aid of siege equipment, it began to approach the Ningjun camp.

"Wind! Wind! Wind--"

In the advance of the Plains Army, the shouts continued, and the sound of the shields of the weapons had overwhelmed the drums of war. The sound of that loud boom shook the fear of its own side, and the enemy was shocked.

Inside the Ningjun camp. Wei Zheng stood on the tower and looked at the wind army that was pressing over the camp. His brows grew deeper and deeper. The plain army flag everywhere in the wind army camp also made Wei Zheng feel abnormally dazzling, and even the back spine began to burst. Let it cool down.

It is the name of a person, the shadow of a tree. As the strongest legion of the wind country, the Plain Army has long been known by the Ning Army.

On the battlefield, fear of the enemy can only increase your chance of defeat. Wei Zheng knows this. He took a long breath and cheered up, preaching: "The whole army is preparing, the enemy is nearly thirty feet, let down the arrow!"

The Herald promised, and immediately passed on Wei Zheng's general.

Beyond the enemy's range, the Plains Army's advancement has been unhurried, mainly by oppressing the opponent with sound momentum, causing psychological pressure on the enemy.

Xiao Muqing is not a commander-in-chief, nor does he agree with stealing tricks on the battlefield. His style is stable. His criterion is to first ensure that he does not make mistakes, and then use a tough and tough game. Opponents make mistakes, so they seize the opportunity and hit the enemy in one shot.

It is precisely because of this style that he has also cultivated the plain army to fight hard.

As the Plains Army got closer, the atmosphere on the battlefield became more tense. The graveness on the eve of the war was under everyone's heart. The Plains Army, driven by Xiao Muqing, had abandoned fear, but the Ning Army officers were straining their nerves. Many soldiers were holding their arms in arms.



Seeing that the Fengjun had entered thirty feet, the shouting of arrows in the Ningjun camp was continuous.

Om-a black cloud composed of arrows vacated in Ningying, and the screams together became dull whistling. The dense tens of thousands of arrow rains drew a perfect arc in the air. , Into the camp of the wind army.

Ding-Dong-Dong—Flop, flutter, flutter—the sound of arrows hitting the shield and the sound of armour breaking into the body sounded at the same time. The Plain Sergeant appeared invisible to the arrow rain of the sky. He stood on the shield and stared at his eyes. Step forward. The brother in front was shot down by Liu Ya, and the soldier in the back didn't even blink his eyes. It seems that there is no emotional machine, and there is only one thought in consciousness, that is to move forward! As if there was only one way to stop them from going forward, to end their lives.

The rounds of Ning Jun's arrow formation followed by rounds, and the soldiers of the Plains Army fell down one after another, but instead of slowing down, the overall camp was accelerating. People stepped on the corpse of the same robe, and there was no fear in their hearts, but a jam Full of anger, bloodshot eyes became scarlet.

The attacker with less than 100,000 people attacked the garrison of nearly 200,000 people. No matter which army it was, it was like a suicide attack, but the morale of the Plains was completely on the battlefield at this time. Overwhelming the opponent, the plain army's square array is like a moving steel fortress. It may be able to open the gap, but it cannot stop it from advancing.

Facing the arrow rain of the Ning Army, the Plains general stepped on the companion's body and advanced to the Ning camp.

Under the wall, the ladder was set up, and the general of the plains held a steel knife in his mouth and began to flock up.

Due to the limited ladder, most people couldn't squeeze near the ladder. Sergeant Pingyuan immediately set up the ladder and let his companion step on his own body and smash into the camp.

The battle between the two sides was officially launched.

On the wall, the Ning army layed down its arrows. Outside the wall, the wind army drew up its arrows. The arrows on both sides shuttled in the air, devouring the lives of the soldiers on both sides.

At this time, there is no one who is absolutely safe. A lively life can be shot in the blink of an eye and turned into a cold body.

At this time, no one is lucky, in the **** to extinction of humanity ~ ~ war death may also be a relief.

Wei Zheng has been in the field for a long time, and he has experienced countless wars and small battles. However, facing such a crazy plain army, he suddenly developed a sense of weakness, 200,000 to 100,000, and he should be stable even in frontal battles on flat ground. He won, but now he still feels a guilty conscience in the presence of Yingzhai.

The Sergeant of the Plains seemed to have turned into a beast, climbing to the wall with all available methods, but when he climbed up one batch, he was killed, and the corpses outside the wall were covered with ground. At this time, the Plains Army collected the bodies of their own brothers and used them to pile up into mountains, allowing people to climb on the piled up bodies.

As the battle continued, the piled up bodies of the Plains Army had accumulated to be the same as the wall of the Ningjun camp, and the soldiers below did not need to climb. As long as they stepped on the corpses of their companions, they could run up to the wall. For both parties, they have entered the most difficult stage. No matter which side is relaxed first, the ensuing defeat is a fiasco.

The Plains Army fell into a state of complete madness, no matter how many soldiers were killed, wave after wave of storms showed no sign of abating, but Ning Jun, who had a geographical advantage and a large number of people, was scared first, facing the red-eye killing wind Army, people developed fear from the bottom of their hearts, the Ning Army on the wall was gradually retreating, and more and more Plain Army surged in. Caizi Pavilion

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