When Tang Yin felt that something was wrong, he heard a rattling spring sound from the belly of the mountain statue in front of him. Then, three crossbow arrows were shot continuously from the belly button of the mountain statue, all directed at Tang Yin. Noodle door.

Tang Yin stood in front of the incense case, and was close to the statue of the mountain. The crossbow shot was anxious and sudden, and even he was really difficult to dodge.

Although he was vigilant and did his best to avoid it, he just avoided the first two crossbows, and the last one couldn't escape, let alone cover the armor of the spirit armor, with a muffled sound He was shot straight by the arrow, and the crossbow was nailed firmly on his face.

I saw Tang Yin with a crossbow in his face and fell to the ground on his back. This sudden change caused everyone in the audience to panic.

Because it is worshipping the mountain god, there are only Tang Yin, the village chief, and the witch in the hall, and A San A Si and others are standing outside the hall. When the accident happens, they have no time to rescue.

Watching the king's arrow fall down, people screamed involuntarily, and rushed into the hall subconsciously, and at this moment, a loud bang was heard again, followed by a violent sky shaking There was smoke billowing.

People couldn't stand and fell to the ground one by one. Before they stood up and looked at the temple of the mountain temple, it collapsed. The more than ten pillars supporting the temple collapsed, and the roof collapsed, even the huge one. The mountain idols were smashed.

When the ground stopped shaking, the dust and smoke gradually dispersed. People climbed from the ground and looked up. If the big mountain shrine is left with only a piece of ruins, broken bricks, and scattered ground, where can you see the scene Can you see the figure of Tang Yin?

For a moment, people felt the air behind them, their legs and stomachs turned straight, A San A's four eyes immediately covered with bloodshots, and the two yelled, "King--"

They rushed into the ruins of the hall like crazy, dug desperately to dig bricks on the ground, shouting, "King? King?"

The rest of the people also returned to God, and Cheng Jin fought a cold war, but he was still calm and immediately drank to the surrounding dark arrow personnel: "Catch me all the services here, and one can't run away!" "

Then he shouted to the guard camp: "Zeng Die, you immediately led the brothers in the guard camp to surround the Goose feather village. You can't just leave one person alone! The rest will wait for me to rescue the king!"

Cheng Jin ordered successively that the dark arrows and the guard camp move together. For a time, the mountain temple was a mess, people shouted and hissing continuously.

For the servants in the temple, this is really a disaster from the sky. I thought that the wind king came to worship at the mountain temple, which would make the mountain temple of Goose Yushan more famous and the incense more prosperous. What a big change?

Now not only are they going to suffer, I am afraid that all the young people in the village will not be able to eat.

Soon, the servants in the mountain temple and the villagers of the goose feather village were all controlled by the guard camp. At the same time, the collapsed mountain **** hall was also pulled away by shadow arrows and guard camp personnel to search for the figure of Tang Yin.

The mountain shrine was indeed collapsed. The strong smell of gunpowder permeated the air at the scene. Knowing that gunpowder was a rare and rare thing, not everyone could get it. The use of gunpowder to assassinate Tang Yin has never happened. happened before.

As people removed the broken bricks layer by layer, they heard a crackling sound from the ground, and then an arm covered with a black spirit armor protruded from under the ruins.

All the people present were shocked. Before they could see what was going on, they saw a sudden bulge of the ruins, and then there was another clamor, and Tang Yin, who was covered with a spirit armor, stood upright from the broken bricks. Stood up.

At this time, the spiritual armor on his body was not complete, but was lumpy. In some places, there was no spiritual armor, and in some places, his head was completely exposed. The whole man looked gray and soiled, covered with blood, so he was embarrassed. .

The most shocking thing was that there was a black crossbow in his mouth, which was the arrow that just hit his head.

It turned out that at the critical moment, Tang Yin could not escape the crossbow that came from his back. He had to open his mouth forcefully and bite the last crossbow with his teeth. However, due to his impulse, he also fell on his back to the ground. .

What he did not expect was that the assassin was still behind, as long as a lot of gunpowder was buried under the mountain shrine. When it was critical, he had no time to think about it, or even to spit out the crossbow in his mouth, even Ling Kaihua didn't have time to complete it all, the shed beam above his head had collapsed and hit him severely.

He was smashed in at least a dozen places on his body, thanks to Tang Yin covering up a part of the spiritual armor, otherwise he would have to be crushed into a meatloaf alive, even if there is a dark spirit to protect the heart, it will not protect him. life.

Tang Yin has experienced so many assassinations since becoming the Wind King. It can be said that this is the most dangerous one. If his response is a little slower, his head will have to be penetrated by a crossbow on the spot. To make it even worse, he was already a puddle of meat.

Seeing Tang Yin, who was standing there shaking with blood on his half of his clothes, the hearts of the people around him had huddled up, and he hurriedly called, "King ..."

thump! Tang Yin's body just stood up straight and fell down again. Ren Xiaoshou's eyes were fast, and Tang Yin's body was supported by one hand. Then, he returned to his arms, quickly took out a porcelain bottle, and poured out an elixir from it. Tucked into Tang Yin's mouth.

"What's the medicine?" A San A Si's eyes turned red, and he stared at him intently.

Ren Xiao was afraid that the two of them would misunderstand him, and he threw the porcelain bottle directly to them, saying, "It is the protector of Shenchi. You should know each other."

Asan took the porcelain bottle, poured out one, sniffed it under the nose, and when the back was positive, he carefully put the elixir back into the bottle. He would respectfully return it to Ren Xiao and whispered, "My son, I'm sorry ... "

Ren smiled and waved his hand, interrupting the words of the two of them, saying, "His Royal Highness was very badly injured, and immediately called the medical officer!"

Asan, Asi, and Ji Lingling fought a cold war. The two raised their heads and shouted, "Doctor? Where is Dr. Su now?"

With the shouting of the two of them, Tang Yin's personal medical officer, Su Yelei, quickly walked over, separated the people in front of him, walked to Tang Yin, looked down and looked at the injuries on his body, some were smashed, some were blown. The flesh around many wounds was already purple and smoking blue smoke. She saw her heart tremble and said, "The king must get first aid immediately, and you must go and clear a place!"

No longer dare to stay in the temple. People pulled up curtains directly outside the temple and camped there. Then, under the command of Su Yelei, they were carried by Asan, Asi and others, and Tang Yin was sent in. Within the temporary tent.

There are too many people entering the camp. In addition to A San A Si, Ren Xiao, Cheng Jin, Yin Lan, Liu Zhang, etc., there are also many Dark Arrow personnel and the leaders of the guard camp. So many people are crowded together. Su Yelei had difficulty turning around, let alone doing first aid.

She was not polite and coaxed everyone out. Ren Xiao stayed in the camp but did not leave, and said positively: "Medical Officer Su, I also have a little research on medical techniques, and staying may help."

Su Yelei glanced at him, pondered for a moment, and finally nodded, and said, "There will be a son of labor." Talking, she cut off Tang Yin's clothes, and commanded without looking back: " The son prepares clear water as soon as possible. "

The pretty female medical officer was really rude to herself, and Ren Xiao shook her head secretly, but still prepared a few pots of clear water and set them aside as she intended.

Tang Yin hasn't suffered such a serious injury for a long time. While Su Yelei cut off his clothes, she couldn't help but straighten her fingers.

At this moment, Tang Yin, who seemed to be in a coma, suddenly opened her eyes, looked at her with a smile, and whispered, "You don't have to be nervous, just a minor injury."

Su Yelei was taken aback by his sudden words, and the palm of the scissors followed, she was surprised: "Is the king unconscious?"

"This little injury, I can still stand it. Just now I was dizzy and now I feel much better." Tang Yin said, looking away, and looking at Ren Xiao aside, couldn't help asking: "You just gave me What medicine did you take? "

"Huxinxindan has the purpose of condensing aura and protecting the pulse of the heart." Ren Xiao has learned a wide range, and he is not a ‘slightly researched’ doctor, but very proficient.

Just now, he carefully looked at Tang Yin ’s injuries, which seemed shocking. In fact, most of them were skin trauma. Even if there were injuries to the bones, it was nothing to Tang Yin ’s dark spiritual practitioners. Loss, he's fine.

Tang Yin nodded with a smile and said, "The medicine works well, and it is quite comfortable after taking it."

Of course. Huxindan, the holy medicine of the Shenchi, is hard to find outside, even within the Shenchi, few people can hold the Xindan. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. Ren Xiao laughed at it, but just said lightly: "It's worth mentioning."

Before speaking, Su Yelei had cut off all the clothes on Tang Yin's body. Only now he looked at the wound on his body. The broken and broken bones had grown back, even the swelling. They were all swollen, leaving only a few unhealed wounds on the body.

It is self-healing without medical treatment, and the self-repairing ability of the dark spiritual practitioner is too terrible. Although Su Yelei has seen Tang Yin's self-healing ability more than once, she still feels amazing and horrible even now.

Of course, to connect and heal the broken bones, it also takes a lot of aura in Tang Yin's body.

Su Yelei skillfully took out the crochet needle and the thin and tough silk thread, and sutured the wound on Tang Yin's body.

At this time, Ren Xiao on the side was shocked. It was the first time that he saw such a treatment for trauma, and it was incredible to sew the wound like sewing clothes.

Su Yelei is now very skilled in suture wounds, her fingers pinching the crochet are turned like flying, suture the wound fast and precise, wait for all the wounds on Tang Yin to be sutured, and then apply the special gold sore medicine, finally Fang bandaged the wounds one by one.

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