~ Date: ~ September 29 ~

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Chapter 736

"The king has a command, how dare the finals not obey!" Cheng Huaisong bowed and said, "The finals sent his wife out of town!"

Cheng Huaisong's attitude made Li Meier and Hui Hong and Emerald Green breathe out. * / * Li Meier, sitting on the carriage, said diligently, "Thank you, General Cheng."

"Mrs. kills the generals." Cheng Huaisong glanced at Li Meier, then hurriedly lowered his head, walked beside the carriage, and really escorted Li Meier's carriage out of town.

He is the general of Beicheng. In his words, the soldiers below dare not obey, even if everyone hates Li Meier, but at this time, he can only obediently open the gate and let her go.

Seeing the carriage going out of the city gate, the assassins behind had already chased them down, and the assassin headed by the roar shouted, "Cheng Huaisong, you must not let the demon girl out of the city!"

The voice was so familiar that even if the other person was blindfolded, he could determine who the other person was. However, he pretended not to hear it and yelled at the commander of his Majesty: "A thief wants to be bad for his wife, and warns him that if the thief comes forward, there is no pardon!"

"Observe!" The soldiers below didn't care about them, they just acted according to orders. The security forces on the city shot arrows in their hands, and they heard the sound of fluttering. The streets in front of the assassins were filled with dense arrows.

All the assassins were shocked, and they took their steps invariably, and did not dare to continue to chase forward. The assassin who had just yelled was anxious and anxious, and stomped in situ, shouting: "Cheng Huaisong, Cheng Huaisong, is it even you Are you confused by the demon girl? "

Seeing that the assassins had retreated, Cheng Huai-song stopped paying attention to them, guarded the carriage, and walked out of the gate. When he passed the suspension bridge, he took his steps and looked at Li Meier on the car. He arched and said, "I have something to ask my wife at the end, I do n’t know, I should ask."

Li Meier said, "General Cheng has something to say."

"Madam ... will you come back?"

Li Meier froze for a moment, then laughed, and nodded, "Of course it will."

She smiled very lightly, but still made Cheng Huaisong's old face red, and her heart skipped a few beats. A secret voice in his heart was beautiful, and he bowed and saluted: "Mrs. said this, the rest will be relieved, the wind camp is dangerous, Madam ... be careful!"

"General Cheng." Seeing that Cheng Huaisong was about to turn back to the city, Li Meier stopped him, and then whispered, "Thank you."

Cheng Huaisong didn't look back, nodded slightly, and then strode back into the city.

Finally out of the imperial town, Hui Hong and emerald green still dare not delay, the two directly slap on the horse's hip with a sword, causing the horse to rush madly to the wind camp outside the city.

At this time, the second woman was not afraid to care about her. She was covered with a spirit armor and stared at the rear wall without blinking.

Cheng Huaisong released them from the city, but who knows what ideas he has in mind, will he suddenly order an arrow and shoot them outside the city.

When the carriage ran out of Yuzhen's range safely, Hui Hong and Cui Lu mentioned that their throats and eyes finally fell down completely. With the nervousness of the bouncing slackening, it was not easy! It's just the way from the palace to the city that the assassins encountered don't remember how many. To cover the three of them, I don't know how many children of the Cai family have been sacrificed.

The carriage was getting closer and closer to the wind camp. Soon, the wind camp door opened, and a hundred horse cavalrymen rushed out from the inside.

After the cavalry stopped the frightened horse *, one of the wind soldiers with the captain's armband yelled, "Who is in the car?"

"We are the servants of Master Cai Guicai. This is my lady, called Li Meier. Please ask the military grandfather to return to the camp and report it!" Seeing the army of Fengguo, it was like crying and laughing, as he saw his relatives. Wiping tears, said excitedly.

Huh! It's Master Cai! The captain of the wind soldier looked up at the carriage and saw a lot of arrows in the wall of the carriage. He was shocked. Although he did not know how they ran out of the town, he did not dare to neglect and hurried to his men. Said: "You wait for the **** ladies to return to the camp and wait, I will go to the newspaper first!" After speaking, he turned his horse and rushed back to the wind camp.

Hearing the news of Li Meier's return, let alone Cai Gui was overjoyed, even if Tang Yin couldn't sit still in the camp, he went out to meet him in person.

Tang Yin and Cai Gui have always greeted the Fengmen's yamen, and saw Li Meier at the gate.

"Meier!" Cai Gui looked surprised and hurried forward.

After seeing him, Li Meier knelt down with Hui Hong and Cuilu, and the three women said with tears: "Sister-in-law has seen an adult!"

"Come up!" Cai Gui hurriedly lifted the three of them, unconsciously also burst into tears, and the voice was trembling and muttering, "Just come back, just come back ..."

Li Meier turned her eyes and saw Tang Yin coming over, kneeling down again, and bowing her head, said, "Little girl has seen the King!"

Neither Hui Hong nor Emerald had ever seen Tang Yin. Hearing Li Meier's words, the two women were shocked and looked at Tang Yin subconsciously. The original king was so young and so handsome! The two girls stood in a daze, and forgot about the gift.

Tang Yin didn't care. He stepped forward and pulled Li Meier up, and saw her hair and clothes were messy. Then she looked at the wagon parked completely aside, and he knew it already. "Miss son, these days, you have worked hard and wronged you."

Li Meier's nose was sore, she shook her head and said, "The little girl doesn't feel hard, and she doesn't feel wronged."

"Okay, okay, okay! Come back to camp and talk!" Tang Yin nodded secretly when she looked at Li Meier. This woman is strong and patient, which is really rare!

Li Meier was not brought to the Zhongjun account, but was brought directly to his own bed account, and prepared refreshments and drinks. Also present were Cai Gui, Ren Xiao, Hui Hong, and Green Green.

During the dinner, Cai Gui asked: "Looks like a lot of accidents happened out of town this time?"

The two girls, Hui Hong and Emerald Green, were eating and drinking. After hearing Cai Gui's question, the two girls couldn't wait to swallow the food in their mouths, and then they hurriedly said that the second daughter's eyes were red again, trembling Said: "In order to cover us out of the city, Cai Bo and those brothers ... I'm afraid they've all been dealt with by somebody!"

Ugh! It is a pity that Cai Gui secretly said, but after all, Meier was out of the city safely, the sacrifice of Cai Bo and others was still very meaningful. He looked at Li Meier, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "How is Meier's time going?"

"Trust me, everything is fine." Li Meier suddenly turned to look at Huihong and Emerald. "Huihong and Emerald, you two go out for a while. I want to talk to the king and the adult separately. "

Hui Hong and Cui Lu are both together, and don't understand what she needs to carry on her own. The two daughters looked at Cai Gui in unison, and the latter gave Li Meier a deep look, then nodded to the second daughter, and said, "You and the two are also tired, go to rest first!"

"Yes! My lord! My niece retires!" Hui Hong and Cuilu both stood up, and then respectfully and respectfully saluted Tang Yin, and then withdrew from the bed.

Tang Yin also specifically asked Yin Lan to help her two to arrange accommodation.

After the two of them left, Li Meier looked at Ren Xiao again, apparently, there were still outsiders in her eyes. Tang Yin understood what she meant, smiled slightly, and said, "Ren Gongzi is not an outsider, and Miss Meier need not worry."

He said that Li Meier was not good at saying anything. She lowered her head and asked, "After the King breaks the city, what are you going to do with King An?"

Well? When she asked, Tang Yin and Cai Gui were somewhat surprised.

For fear of provoking Tang Yin's unhappiness, Cai Gui took the lead to say: "If the country is King, if the country dies, how can the monarch steal his life?" In the words, Yuze had to die. There was no room for negotiation.

Li Meier nodded, stood up, came to Tang Yin's table, twirled her skirt slightly, and slowly knelt down, bowed her head and said, "King, little girl has a merciless request, and I hope King will answer."

Cai Gui frowned, with a vaguely unpredictable feeling. Tang Yin didn't think about it cheerfully, and laughed: "I have something to say, this time you have made great contributions. No matter what the requirements are, the king will promise you."

Li Meier lifted her head and said to Tang Yin's smiling eyes, "King King, please forgive Wang An's life!"

As soon as this word came out, Cai Gui's body was shocked, and his forehead immediately exuded cold sweat. If you do n’t kill Yue Ze, can Anguo be destroyed? Even if it is annexed by the Wind Country, the Anren have the backbone, how can they be sincerely convinced? The troubles in the future will be endless.

Tang Yin's hand holding the wine glass was also shaken, and a few drops of the drink were spilled. Then, the smile on her face slowly converged, her eyes narrowed, and she met Li Meier's begging eyes.

Cai Gui couldn't sit still anymore, slumped, and whispered, "Meier, do you know what you're talking about now ?!"

Talking ~ www.readwn.com ~ he immediately looked at Tang Yin again, arching his hand and saying, "King, Meier must have been frightened too much when she left the city. There is something wrong, and the king must not be surprised."

On the face of Tang Yin, Li Meier slowly shook her head firmly again and said, "Master! Master! The little girl is not tired now, and she is sober-headed. The little girl dares not to be greedy for work, but dare not ask for any reward. Satisfy this little girl ’s only wish. "

Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "You don't need to talk about it anymore, there is no need to discuss it anymore." No matter whether it is private or public, he will not leave Eizawa.

"King, little girl can guarantee that as long as King does not kill King An, King An will never mess up, let alone ..."

咣 Dang! Li Meier's words only half said, the table case in front of Tang Yin had flown away a long way, the drinks and refreshments on the table were scattered all over the floor, and the plates and saucers were also shattered.

Hearing the sound in the tent, the outside guards rushed in for more than ten people. Before they could understand what was going on, Tang Yin had stood up and said in a deep voice, "Get out!"

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