Chapter 742

Listening to Li Meier's words, Yue Ze felt a throb in his heart.

He beckoned aside, and a maid came over with a tray tremblingly. On the tray, there was a jug and a wine glass. *. * Etsuzawa took the jug and glass, filled it with a glass of wine, and then he drank the maids around him.

The wine in the jug is a fine wine, but it is also highly toxic, and a drop of it can be deadly.

Koshizawa shook his hand involuntarily, and it was easy to drink this glass of poisonous wine, and then all his troubles would be irrelevant to himself. However, he also had to be forever different from his beloved woman.

Looking at Li Meier's beautiful face, he felt a burst of perseverance in his heart and said intermittently: "I really want to ... I want to stay with Ai Ji again ... even ... one more day ..."

Speaking of this, Eizawa slowly closed his eyes, sighed for a long time, and then lifted his glass horizontally and put it on his lips.

"King ..." Li Meier was shocked, snatched the glass, and said softly, "King, let Chen Xuan go one step ahead!"

During the conversation, she drove the poisoned wine in the cup, and at this moment, a loud noise came suddenly from the palace, and then the door was kicked open from the outside, and several wind soldiers from the outside Rush in.

Yue Ze and Li Meier were shocked at the same time. The wine glass in the latter's hand was not stable, and then fell to the ground.

The wind soldiers who rushed in hurriedly inspected for a week and found that there was no one else in the hall except Yueze and Li Meier, so they conceded to the sides.

As they separated, another person walked in from the outside. This man was wearing the official uniform of a Fengguo civil official. He was of medium build, was not too old, and was under thirty. He didn't need to be white-faced, and he was very handsome.

This is not a bystander, it is the chief counselor of Fengguo Sentangtang, Cai Gui.

When Cai Gui entered the hall, he first looked at Yue Ze, and then looked at Li Meier with a complex look. After a moment of groaning, he gave a gift and said: "In the next Cai Gui, I have seen His Royal Highness An Wang ... Madam Yaning!"

Of course, Zeize knew Cai Gui, and he also met with Cai Gui several times when he visited Zhenjiang in Fengguo. I didn't expect Cai Gui to appear in his palace. At first, Yuzawa smiled, then smiled bitterly, and lamented: "Why is Lord Cai so polite?"

Cai Guigan laughed, cleared his throat, and said, "Below ... there are a few words I want to talk to Madam Yaning alone. I wonder if His Royal Highness can make it convenient?"

His words immediately aroused Yue Ze's alertness. He subconsciously caught Li Meier's tenderness, glaring at Cai Gui, and asked intently: "What do you want to do?"

Cai Gui waved his hand and said, "His Royal Highness Do not have to be nervous, and you will never be malicious to Madam Yaning ..."

His voice did not fall, Li Meier gently patted the back of Yue Ze's hand, and whispered, "Lord, let Chen Xuan pass by, Chen Xuan believes in Master Cai's person."

What she said was that she looked at Li Meier blankly to Yuzawa Yuzawa. After a long time, he held her hand tightly and then slowly let go. Li Meier came out of the inner room. When Cai Gui approached, she first gave her a blessing and then whispered, "Thank you."

She thanked him because Cai Gui didn't break her identity, and she didn't call her by name, but honored his wife.

Cai Gui understood what she meant, pursed her lips, and asked, "You ... really decided to die with Yue Ze?"

"Yes!" Li Meier nodded firmly.

"Do you really think he deserves you?"


"I regret it now, there is still a chance." After speaking, Cai Gui approached her and whispered in her ear: "The king has already explained, if Meier is willing, she can stay with the king and be his wife!"

"Please go back on behalf of Meier to thank the King for his good intentions, Meier ... can only lead it." Li Meier looked at Cai Gui, the firmness in her eyes was heartbreaking.

Ugh! Cai Gui sighed and looked at Li Meier for a long time, but finally nodded helplessly. He beckoned to a wind soldier on the side, and the wind soldier immediately stepped forward, took off the package on his shoulder, and handed it to Li Meier.

"Sir, this is ..." Li Meier looked at the parcel and looked at Cai Gui puzzledly.

"There are two sets of uniforms of the wind army inside. While the royal palace is still chaotic, you and Yueze ... get away quickly, escape far, to the point where no one can find you." Cai Gui After receiving the parcel, he couldn't help but tuck it into Li Meier's arms.

I never expected that Cai Gui, who was only thinking about his future, would dare to risk his head, and magnified Wang and escaped by himself. Li Meier looked at him in disbelief, tears burst out indiscriminately, and she trembled, "Master ..."

"Don't say it, let's go!" Cai Gui took out a dozen silver bills from his arms indiscriminately. He didn't even look at it. He directly stuffed it into the parcel and took a deep breath. There is only so much, hurry up! "

After speaking, he pushed Li Meier hard, then shook his head to the left and right Fengbing.

Several wind soldiers took out the prepared jars with oil, opened the lid, and quickly poured oil on the ground and walls of the palace.

With tears in her eyes, Li Meier held the parcel and slowly retreated while watching Cai Gui.

In the past, she thought that she was just a tool in Cai Gui's heart, destroying An Guo's tool for him to fly to Huang Tengda. This was not the case. In his heart, he had a place.

She stopped suddenly, raised her skirt, and fell on her knees without saying a word. She just threw three heads at Cai Gui, and then stood up without any delay. She turned and walked back to the inner room. Military uniform.

Cai Gui's two sets of military uniforms seemed to be tailor-made for them, one large and one small, and Yue Ze and Li Meier were fitting well. Soon, another wind soldier came forward, took off his helmet, took off his armor, and handed it over to Yuze, now completely confused, blankly wearing his army uniform and armor.

He couldn't understand why Cai Gui did this and why he wanted to help himself so much. When he was in Zhenjiang, although he had met with Cai Gui a few times, he didn't have a deep relationship, but he had no friendship at all!

When Yue Ze and Li Meier had both their military uniforms and armors on, Cai Gui ordered the two wind soldiers to **** him out of the palace, while he himself took the remaining wind soldiers out of the palace, lit a torch and threw them into the palace.

The palace has been poured with oil, and the sticky fire is on. With just a blink of an eye, the huge palace has become a sea of ​​fire. The fire from the inside out quickly opened the roof of the palace, and the flames flew into the air.

Cai Gui stood outside the palace, watching the fire burning more and more, he also hissed for a long time.

None of the people present noticed that there was a squat sitting on the courtyard wall not far away. This is not a bystander, it is Tang Yin. Now his eye injury has healed, but there is still a little redness around the eye sockets, but this has not affected his vision.

"It turned out that Her Royal Highness also had a time of tenderness and tenderness." With a chuckle, Ren Xiao also jumped onto the courtyard wall and sat down beside Tang Yin.

Tang Yin turned to look at him, and deliberately asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Master Cai himself does not have the courage to dare to let away the King Yue and Miss Meier without permission. Presumably, this must have been the consent of His Highness beforehand." Ren Xiao smiled and looked at him.

Tang Yin shrugged, not at all, but it was a tacit consent.

Just as Ren Xiao said, even if Cai Gui had the courage to dare to leave Yue Ze privately, this is not a trivial matter. If it is passed to the court, not only he will have to move his head, the whole family may be alive. If it fails, the Cai family must be destroyed.

"The king once had a bad behavior towards the princess. His Royal Highness' willingness to let him live is not in line with His Highness's usual style! Wouldn't it be ..." When he said that, he deliberately didn't finish talking, but just looked at it with a smile Holding him.

After waiting for a while, Tang Yin didn't see the answer. He secretly said that he was boring, and had to continue to say, "Have your Highness liked Miss Meier, can't bear to see Miss Meier dying with King An?"

Silent Tang Yin said suddenly, "I want to ask you something."

Seeing his seriousness on his face, Ren Xiao put away the joke, and asked in earnest: "What does His Highness ask?"

"Does Lingwu's cultivation for the realm really affect the mind?" Tang Yin frowned, staring at him.

"It stands to reason." After a pause, Ren Xiao said again, "However, I think it is a good thing that His Highness is broad-minded."

Tang Yin gave him a glance ~ ~ The front of the conversation turned and said indifferently: "Miss Meier Yu Feng has the power to give her and Yuze a way of life, it is also my reward to her, that's all, Nothing else. "

After speaking, he leaned back and fell from the courtyard wall to the outside.

"Uh ... Your Highness is really indifferent!" Ren Xiaoyueze's palace was burned to the ground by the wind army, and the wind army claimed that Yueze and Li Meier were both burned to death, let alone that Anren did not understand the inside story, even if It is a wind man, and there are only a handful of people who know the inside.

To completely sever the peace of mind of the peaceful people, Tang Yin must create the illusion that Yue Ze is dead.

However, even Cai Gui didn't know that Yue Ze and Li Meier didn't really escape from Tang Yin's control.

After the two of them quietly escaped from the palace, they were immediately controlled by the ambush personnel behind the ambush. Tang Yin ordered them to place them in an old forest in the isolated mountainous area. Tang Yin can also provide unconditional food for people to build and eat, but the two can't take half a step. Around their two residences, there were special personnel stationed. It can be said that Yue Ze and Li Meier were under permanent house arrest by Tang Yin. Of course, this is the limit that Tang Yin can do.

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