Chapter 756

Wang Yi screamed a good sword, and his figure came forward. At the same time, he returned his sword and swept out a spiritual wave, which cut back Tang Yin's head. *. *

Tang Yin set up a parry, Lingbo and Lingjian hit each other, and he heard a bang, and Lingbo broke and broke, and passed by Tang Yin's right and left. Blocking the other side's spirit wave, he followed the steps, and the spirit sword moved forward, piercing the back of Wang Yi.

Wang Yi was shocked with cold sweat and had no time to think about it. He rolled over on the spot and walked out sideways, avoiding Tang Yin's murderous moves.

He jumped up from the ground with a carp, and the spirit knife in his hand flashed again and again. Then, the spirit chaos was released.

Such a top-level spiritual martial arts skill as Ling Chao? Extremely, he can cast it directly without the need to accumulate power. This shows that Wang Yi's spiritual martial arts are superb and sophisticated.

Tang Yin nodded secretly and jumped to the side with all her strength. Even though his movements were fast enough and the distance to jump off was far enough, the left arm was still affected by the spirit blade, leaving scratches on the armor.

Seeing that his spiritual skills did not hurt Tang Yin, but he was able to touch his spiritual armor, Wang Yi's confidence increased greatly, he sang aloud, and once again cast a spiritual disorder on Tang Yin.

Tang Yin still dodged and evaded, but this time he was faster and more flexible.

Wang Yi gritted his teeth and shouted, "I see where you are hiding!" Between the words, he cast a cross-cutting pole again.

Tang Yin remained the same, only dodging and not fighting back. Just listening to Wang Yi shouting and drinking on the battlefield, all kinds of large-scale attacking spiritual martial arts were constantly cast out by him, and the dagger in his hand had been shining with dazzling light.

On the surface, Wang Yi has taken the initiative on the field, and Tang Yin has been suppressed by him without a fight back, but insiders understand that Tang Yin is the real dominant player.

In the case of continuous top-level spiritual skills, Tang Yin can't be hurt in the slightest, so how to fight next?

really. After casting skills six times in a row, Wang Yi has begun to feel inadequate front force, poor back force, and powerlessness. He is too tired to bend down, snoring and panting, while opponent Tang Yin still looks like nothing.

"What? Isn't it so fast?" Tang Yin asked with a smile.

"Tang thief--" Wang Yi roared, and the dagger in his hand flashed a bright light again. He spotted Tang Yin and planned to cast the spirit chaos again. .

Tang Yin saw that Wang Yi was almost exhausted. This time he didn't dodge again, watching the spiritual chaos? The wind-generated spirit blade greeted him. He lifted up the sword and rushed back. After he came in contact with the Spirit Blade, the Spirit Sword in his hand waved up and down, dialing again and again.

I ca n’t use the Lingwu skill of the Light Department, I just want to use a spirit sword to fight my own spiritual chaos? The wind, in Wang Yi ’s view, Tang Yin is looking for death by himself. Smash.

I saw Tang Yin on the field flying around the sand and stones, and the dust was diffused. I couldn't see a smile slowly appearing on his body, Wang Yi's face, and there was a natural flash of excitement in his eyes. An electric light suddenly shot out of the dust, straight to Wang Yi's throat.

Inadequately prepared, Wang Yi screamed in fright, almost instinctively reacting to dodge. He let his neck pass, but Dianguang still nailed his shoulder fiercely. There was a flutter in the earwheel, and then looking at Wang Yi, there was a dazzling spirit sword on his shoulder.

"Ah-" Wang Yi screamed in pain, unable to stand due to its inertia, sitting on the ground with one butt, looking down, and the spirit sword had pierced his shoulder blade, leaving only the hilt exposed.

"That's all, how can you kill me?" The dust on the field slowly dissipated, and Tang Yin slowly walked out of it. At this moment, the spirit armor on his body was covered with scratches, but none of them were scratched. The broken armor hurt his flesh.

Wang Yi sat on the ground and looked at Tang Yin like a monster. His eyes were full of incredibleness, and he couldn't help squinting.

He had previously heard that Tang Yin's Lingwu was very strong, but he did not expect that it would reach such a high level that it would almost reach the level of a demigod.

"You ... you ..." Wang Yi stuttered, and you didn't say a word for a long time.

Tang Yin approached him, looked down at him, and said, "I thought it was a terrific character who dared to stay in Chigou to ambush our army. It turned out to be awesome."

His words made Wang Yi ashamed and angered, and he shouted, "Tang Thief, I have fight with you!" Between words, he screamed to jump up from the ground and flew towards Tang Yin. The sword cuts to Tang Yin's head.

The latter did not have a weapon in his hand, but did not even hide. He took a step forward and raised his hand to block Wang Yi's wrist with the back of his hand. Before the opponent changed his moves, his wrist turned suddenly. Clasp Wang Yi's hand, and then, with the kick below, hit Wang Yi's abdomen.

Snapped! The armor of Wang Yi's abdomen shattered, and the whole person fell to the ground without giving him a chance to breathe. Tang Yin grabbed his hand, turned around while he turned around, and gave him a back and shoulder fall.

Huh! Wang Yi was severely slammed into his back by Tang Yin. Tang Yin was also snatched by Tang Yin. The latter only scratched in his hands, then sneered, holding the knife in one hand and pinching in the other. The blade of the knife was folded hard, and when it clicked, the steel knife was broken into two pieces. He threw away the steel knife casually, bent down, grabbed Wang Yi who was beaten, and said with a grin, "Now it's your turn!" The words didn't fall, and the fire of darkness had burned to the king Yi's body.

His cultivation is far from that of Tang Yin. The spiritual armor on his body was burned by the fire of darkness, and it disappeared without going through for ten seconds. Next, the fire of darkness burned directly to Wang Yi's. Physical body.

The leader of the An Army ambush, also known as Wang Yi in the Modi Ranger, eventually failed to escape Tang Yin's poisonous hand, and was absorbed by Tang Yin under the burning of darkness.

As soon as Wang Yi died, the soldiers below were even more chilling. The original soldiers surrounded Tang Yin. Now the Dark Arrow personnel surrounded the soldiers on the periphery of the soldiers. There is no unnecessary nonsense between the two sides. Come and go. Fight together.

The main force of the An Army has already withdrawn from Chigou. This An Army is just an ambush, isolated and helpless, and one death is one less, but Tang Yin is not the case. The dark arrow personnel are rushing over continuously, hitting more and more people.

At the end of the battle, looking around, there were very few remaining soldiers on the battlefield. On the contrary, the dark arrows in black and red were everywhere, standing full of trees.

The presence of Tang Yin was tantamount to a heavy blow to An Bing, and the arrival of the Dark Arrow was undoubtedly the final blow to An Bing. In this battle, a thousand soldiers ambushing in the forest did not run away a few, almost all of them were killed.

As for Dark Arrow, Tang Yin was very relieved. After the Dark Arrow personnel arrived, he exited the battlefield early and found a quiet place to meditate.

Wang Yi, the thousand captain of An Bing, was again entrusted with this task. He must have grasped many secrets of An An. Of course, Tang Yin must dig out as much information as possible from him.

However, after searching for Wang Yi's memory, Tang Yin was disappointed. Wang Yi knew no more information than ordinary soldiers.

Now Tang Yin can be sure that there is indeed a ‘Mr. Yu’ in the An Army. As to whether he is the true general of the An Army, he is not clear, but he really planned these tactics.

Judging from Wang Yi's memory, this Mr. Yu is more like the first Murong's staff in Kawaguchi-gun. Zhang Murong trusts him very much, obeys his words, and looks forward, but this person is very mysterious and Wang Yi has not even seen him His deity.

Another thing that made Tang Yin quite surprised was that in Kawaguchi-gun, there was no Kawaguchi or Shenchi power, let alone any assistance to Kawaguchi-gun, but Kawaguchi-gun did spend a lot of gold and silver on hiring rangers. Wang Yi, including Wang Yi, was hired, but where did the gold and silver come from? Wang Yi didn't know.

Could it be said that these gold and silver will be the private money that Zhang Murong quietly greedy during the administration of Kawaguchi-gun? But Tang Yin thought it was impossible, because the amount was too huge, even if Zhang Murong was a huge greed, he couldn't get so much money.

Moreover, if he is such a greedy man, how good it is to flee with his money to flee for refuge, why bother spending all his money and hire so many rangers to stay in Kawaguchi Prefecture and fight his own to the end?

Tang Yin is now getting more and more clueless, and more and more confused, he sighed helplessly and opened his eyes slowly.

"Dawang ~ ~ You are awake!" Yin Lan didn't know when to stand next to Tang Yin, two big eyes were staring at him without blinking.

"I didn't sleep at the roots!" Tang Yin heard her footsteps while meditating. He stretched his back, stood up and asked, "The battle is over?"

"Yes, King, General Cheng and Shadow Arrow's brothers are cleaning the battlefield." Yin Lan must respectfully "I'll take care of it." Tang Yin straightened his clothes and walked to the battlefield.

With the arrival of Tang Yin, the Dark Arrow personnel stopped the work at hand and bowed and saluted, Cheng Jin quickly stepped forward, arching and saying: "King!"

"Well! Cheng Jin, you immediately send someone back to the camp to inform our army that we can continue marching. In addition, we need to divide up a wave of brothers as the front army, prepare more water, and pour the trees on both sides of the road nearby. The trees have been previously coated with oil by the soldiers, and the sticky fire is on, so it is always right to be safe. "

"Yes! King! Your subordinates understand that they will send someone back to camp immediately!"

Tang Yin nodded, holding his hand and asking casually, "Where are An's captives?"

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