Chapter 797 The 200,000 Sichuan Army is stationed at the border, and there must be a small army of Sichuan soldiers nearby. It is not difficult to find a cavalry team of the Sichuan Army.

The people avoided the village, quietly detoured to the official road behind the Sichuan Army Camp, and then hid in a wood near the road. All they had to do now was wait for the cavalry of the Sichuan Army to pass by.

Coincidentally, they only rested for two teas in the forest, and Asan and Asi observed outside the forest both ran back, and said cheerfully to Tang Yin, "King, a Sichuan army cavalry is coming in front, It looks like there are two or thirty people. "

The Sichuan cavalry in their twenties and thirties are basically insignificant to them, and they can be solved in a blink of an eye. Tang Yin, who was holding a dried jerky and eating meat, immediately stood up and wiped his mouth and said, "OK! It's them!"

Tang Yin and others on the edge of the ambush woods, just waited a moment, and saw a Sichuan cavalry running fast on the official road, as Asan Asi said, at best it was more than twenty rides, one by one helmet, behind Wearing a large white cloak exclusive to the Sichuan Cavalry.

Yin Lan came out of the woods and walked a little forward, suddenly squatting to the ground, rubbing her ankles constantly, as if walking accidentally twisted her ankles.

At this time, the Sichuan cavalry just passed by her, and when he saw this, the head of the cavalry captain Lema stopped, looked up and down Yin Lan, and asked in earnest: "Is the girl injured?"

"Well ..." Yin Lan raised her head, Dai Mei frowned tightly, and said a softly. She didn't dare to talk much. The two countries, one south and one north, had very different accents. As soon as she spoke, she would be recognized by the soldiers as a wind person.

Seeing the appearance of Yin Lan clearly, the captain of the cavalry could not help but take a breath and secretly said: What a beautiful girl! The Sichuan cavalry in the back were also surprised, watching her face dazed.

The cavalry captain said, "Where is the girl's house? Would you like me to send you back?"

The Sichuan people respect etiquette, and the Sichuan military discipline is also strict. This can be seen from the cavalry captain. Although Yin Lan is as beautiful as flowers, and here is a sparsely populated border, the captain of the Sichuan Army did not show any indecent assault.

Yin Lan nodded while sitting on the ground, then arbitrarily pointed in a direction. The captain of the Sichuan army turned back and nodded the two Sichuan soldiers, and said, "You two sent the girl home, and then returned immediately to the camp!"

"Yes! Captain!" The two Sichuan soldiers both jumped off immediately and approached Yin Lan. They wanted to fight each other, but they felt unsuitable. They immediately retracted their hands and whispered: "Can the girl stand Up? "

Yin Lan moved, then shook her head helplessly. The two Sichuan soldiers glanced at each other, and then said, "Let's get you up!" After speaking, the two of them stretched out their hands again and went to care for Yin Lan's arm.

But as soon as the two of them stretched out their hands, Yin Lan, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly stood up. At the same time, an electric light appeared in the air, passing in front of the necks of two Sichuan soldiers.

The two Sichuan soldiers couldn't even see what was going on. The throat had been cut by the dagger in Yin Lan's hands, and blood spewed out.

This sudden change surprised all the other Sichuan cavalry. People changed color on the spot. The Sichuan captain shouted: "You ..."

His words had just come out. Two crossbows and arrows suddenly shot in the forest next to the road, and he heard two flutters. The crossbows were nailed to the neck and chest of Captain Chuanbing. He was shaking twice immediately, and then he fell. Go on.

The Sichuan cavalry never dreamed that they would be ambush in Sichuan. When everyone responded, Tang Yin, A San A Si, Ren Xiao, and Chang Feng who hid in the forest had jumped out, and then they died. hand.

Those of them, even Yin Lan, who is the weakest in Lingwu, is very easy to solve the twenty or so Sichuan soldiers, not to mention they still shot together.

More than twenty Sichuan soldiers, not to mention resistance, did not even have the chance to escape. All horses were dropped in an instant, either in a pool of blood or dying under the dark fire of Tang Yin. The essence of the body was squeezed out. Lean.

After solving these Sichuan cavalry, in order not to leave any traces, Tang Yin burned the Sichuan army's corpse and the extra war horses on the spot with dark fire. As for the clothing and armor of the Sichuan soldiers, they were moved to the forest and buried .

While disposing of the clothing and armor left by the Sichuan Army, Asan sent a letter from the cavalry captain's clothes with a letter printed on it bearing General Kim's personal notice.

General Kim? Is it a letter to Jin Zhuo? Asan moved in his heart, he hurriedly handed the letter to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin took it apart and took a look. It turned out to be a letter written to Jinzhuo by Jiuxuan County, Bianyang County, Sichuan Province. The letter roughly said that the 80,000 stone grain that Jinzhuo wanted would be delivered to Sichuan Army University in the near future. Camp, please Jinzhuo be patient.

After reading the letter, Tang Yin said: "It turned out that these cavalry were sent by Jin Zhuo to ask for food."

Yin Lan took a note, took the stationery, looked down, and said puzzledly, "Strange, the Sichuan Army ’s food and grass can help the 100,000 An Army in Guankou City for a long time. It should be sufficient. Why should we go to the locality? How about asking for forage? "

"It's very simple, because Sichuan is going to increase troops on the border, and it is still a large-scale increase!" This seemingly inconspicuous letter, Tang Yin could get some of Sichuan's future actions on it.

As the so-called soldiers and horses have not moved, the grain and grass first, the Sichuan Army is still asking for food from the localities when there is sufficient grain and grass. There is only one explanation. Sichuan will continue to hoard heavy soldiers at the border.

After hearing Tang Yin's words, everyone took a breath, Yin Lan asked nervously: "King, so, in the near future, Sichuan will use our troops in China?"

"Of course, this possibility is possible, but it is not very likely. According to the investigation reports returned by Tianyan and Diwang, Sichuan is not very peaceful at present. The Zhen people do not submit to the control of the Sichuan people. The Sichuan court is now in the strife between the old and the new, and it would be inappropriate to launch a large-scale national war in the short term. "

"The additional troops at the border of Nagawa are ..."

"The ten is to guard against our country's invasion." Tang Yin smiled and said, "We regard Sichuan as a powerful enemy, a terrible behemoth. Similarly, Sichuan views us like this. We must say that the Sichuan people are not afraid of the sudden initiation of war by our country. That is absolutely impossible. "

Yin Lan thinks about it carefully, and feels that Tang Yin is justified. If he is a Sichuanese, there is such a large and belligerent wind country in the north, and he will also have trouble sleeping.

At this time, Ah Si came over holding a set of Sichuan army armor and said, "King, we have a lot of inconvenience walking around the Sichuan border. It is better to change into the Sichuan army's costume, which is not very suspect."

Tang Yin blinked and smiled: "Good idea! Let's pretend to be the Sichuan Army this time!"

At the suggestion of the Fourth Party, everyone changed into Sichuan uniforms and armors, and then went on horses and went straight to the northern border of Sichuan to Rongcheng. Rongcheng is located in Jiuxuan County, which is one of the closest cities in Sichuan to Andi.

Rongcheng is not big. It looks like a small city. The population in the city is quite large, there are as many as 70,000 to 80,000 people. The city is very prosperous, and there are many shops. Many of them are open for business.

Anguo is a big commercial country. It used to have close contacts with Sichuan. Especially in terms of commerce, commerce and trade between the two countries have already been very developed and prosperous. When Tang Yin and his party arrived in Rongcheng, it was almost evening.

Since the 200,000 Sichuan army is stationed at the border, the soldiers in the Sichuan army often go to Rongcheng for recreation, so the people in the city and the local army are common to the Central Army that goes in and out. No one pays more attention to Tang Yin. The city's local army did not come to investigate.

Entering the city smoothly and looking around, this humble town is very lively, and people are on the street, and there are endless streams of shops and shops on both sides, and even the women in the green building are lying on the pavilion. On the railing, from time to time, he winked at the pedestrians outside.

What a magnificent peace of red and green! A smile appeared on Tang Yin's face. He slowed down the horse, followed the pedestrians on the street, and slowly walked towards the city, watching as he walked.

Sichuan's architecture is different from Anguo's. Most of its architecture is based on wooden structures. Woodcarving is widely used. Even ordinary people's houses have very exquisite carvings.

Although she is her own enemy, Tang Yin couldn't help feeling good when she saw such a grand occasion.

He walked forward, a silk scarf slowly falling from the air, just hanging on his helmet, he lifted his hand to take it down, without smelling the thick aroma above it.

He immediately raised his head and looked up with a grin, and saw that there were several rouge, young and beautiful women lying on the wooden attic side. ~ some waved at him Some people beckoned him to Lianlian, and one of the women shouted, "Brother comes up to drink!"

Tang Yin froze, smiling on his back, and shook his head slightly. The girls looked a little disappointed, and another woman turned back to pick up a hip flask and shouted at Tang Yin: "Next!"

While talking, he threw the jug directly. Tang Yin raised his hand to catch it, put the jug under his nose, smelled it, and raised his head to praise: "Good wine!" Then, he lifted the jug and sipped a big sip.

Tang Yin's boldness attracted a series of silver bells of laughter from the women upstairs, and the girls shouted at him as they waved: "Little brother remember to come and play next time you enter the city!"

"Okay!" Tang Yin responded cheerfully, shaking the jug in her hand to pay tribute to them, then holding the jug in one hand, holding the reins in one hand, and walking on while drinking.

Asan, Asi, Yin Lan, and others followed Tang Yin and looked at them secretly.

This is Sichuan Country! Completely happy and peaceful, the city is almost like a festival, people don't seem to be so distant from each other, even strangers and strangers seem so close.

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