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The improvement of Xiu Wei is sometimes not necessarily a good thing, such as Tang Yin now. If his cultivation is only below the spiritual realm, there is no need to obey Sanling at this time, and the spiritual pressure emanating from him will not be noticed by others.

But his cultivation at this time has reached a terrible spiritual void, and even if he deliberately converges the spiritual pressure emanating from himself, he will still be aware of the spiritual practitioners nearby, and the only way can only be to surrender. Lingdan, completely dissipate the aura in the body.

The distance from the side courtyard to the main hall was not too far. Tang Yin walked for a while, stopped for a while, traveled slowly, and some narrow and guarded intersections, he could not pass at all, and could only climb to the roof aside On, quietly sneaked past by Yufukuro.

By the time Tang Yin finally managed to approach the main hall, half an hour had passed. He walked to the back of the main hall, seeing no one left and right, his body slowly lowered, and he slowly took a deep breath. Then, his body suddenly ejected, and he jumped more than three meters high, first grasping the beam By swinging back and forth between the inertia, the toes hooked to the eaves, and the waist and eyes were forced upwards, and the person had already stood on the room.

When he got up to the roof, he immediately lay on his back, and looked around first. He didn't find that he could see his sentry, so he crawled forward slowly.

He stopped nearing the highest point on the roof, and then carefully pulled out a tile beneath him to expose a gap, and he squinted his eyes and looked down.

The hall was brightly lit and bright like daylight. Tang Yin saw it real, and saw that it was Xiao Xiang who sat in the middle, and basically she sat on both sides with her undercover guards, including Xing Yuan and Qian Nan.

Among the people, only the first Zhou Cong in the county was wearing an official uniform, and at this time, Xiao Xiaoxiang was sitting with a smile on the side.

The banquet seemed to have just been removed. Xiao Xiang was sitting there and the old **** was drinking tea.

When Xiao Xiang dropped the tea cup in his hand and gave a contented sigh, Zhou Cong finally found an opportunity to speak.

He did not smile hard and asked, "His Royal Princess, the meal was made by the villain to the best chef in the county, but it was also in the taste of the princess."

"Although there is still a little gap compared with the chefs in the palace, it is quite good."

Xiao Xiang said calmly and softly, but then she murmured with a gloomy face and gnashed her teeth. "Don't think that you can only pass this palace with just one meal. Today's affairs, this palace will not just let it go. of."

As the head of a county, Zhou Cong is also a senior official in Sichuan. He has been "fortunate" to see the five princesses a few times, and he has not heard her rumors. She knows that her temperament has changed, her waywardness is insignificant, and she has no one in her eyes. Tang, this time she committed it to her hands, and deserved to be unlucky. He did not smile hard and nodded again and again and said, "Yes, yes, yes, villain deserves to be killed and poorly protected. His Royal Highness is frightened, and His Royal Highness's horrible disaster ..."

"Where is Xiaoyu's corpse?" Xiao Xiang remembered the 'undead ghost' who was stabbed on his own when he mentioned his stand-in.

"Xiaoyu?" Zhou Cong responded with a stunned response, and he hurriedly replied: "His Royal Highness Princess, the villain has placed Ms. Xiaoyu's body in the backyard of the county capital, and sent someone to guard it closely and block the news. The officials and the people thought it was His Royal Highness himself who was assassinated! "

"Well!" Xiao Xiang didn't hesitate to do what he did, but he said a little lightly, "Xiaoyu is also pitiful, you are responsible for burying her thickly."

"Yes, yes!" Zhou Cong responded, "Will the Royal Highness go to see ..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Xiang's eyes flickered and Shen said, "A dead ghost, what do you want our palace to see? Do you want this palace to know how miserable it would be if you didn't use a stand-in today?"

Zhou Cong was sweating like rain, and he couldn't wait to slap himself. If he talked too much about this mouth, he shook his head again and again and said, "No, no, no, villain has no intention, no intention!"

"Huh!" Xiao Xiang sneered, glared at him, and muttered, "You dare not measure."

In that age of rigorous ranks, as a princess with more than 10,000 people, everyone around her was just a toy for her. How could she be devoted to true love, even if the maid died for her? Of course, this has nothing to do with the essence of Xiao Xiang, for better or worse, her character was created by that era and special identity background.

Seeing that Xiao Xiang's face had eased somewhat, Zhou Cong said boldly again: "His Royal Highness, my subordinates have found out that the assassination today is the fine work of Feng Guo to sneak into our country!" Xiao Xiang raised an eyebrow and stared at Zhou Cong.

"Yes, yes!" Zhou Cong said as he wiped his sweat.

"Then the palace is going to ask you, Mr. Zhou, how did you find out that this was done by the wind?" Xiao Xiangyang asked with a smile on his chin.

"The villain has evidence!" Speaking, Zhou Cong owed to Xiao Xiang, then stood up, waved to the door, and urged: "Get up, get up!"

With his voice, a middle-aged man dressed as a domestic servant was holding a tray in his hand and trot to Zhou Cong and handed him the tray.

Zhou Cong took it, and was about to be delivered to Xiao Xiang. Xing Yuan stood up and took the tray first, looked at it carefully, and then respectfully put it in front of Xiao Xiang.

On the tray were placed two blood-stained steel arrows. Xiao Xiang frowned, asking: "What is this?"

"This is the assassin who shoots the public ... No, shoot the two arrows of Miss Xiaoyu. Please see the princess. The arrows are engraved with the word Armor Division. According to the villain's investigation, only the Wind Country has the name Armour Division. That's where the National Wind Division specializes in researching and producing special weapons, so ... "

"So, based on this, you consider the assassin to be a wind man!" Xiao Xiang grabbed a steel arrow, then slowly stood up, came to Zhou Cong, and said with a smile: "The wind man came to assassinate the palace. I ’m afraid that others do n’t know it is Wind Country ’s actions, and they left the arrows of Wind Country exclusively. Are you a fool in this palace? ”Then, the smile on her face swept away, and she raised the steel arrow in her hand. Aimed at Zhou Cong's head and pumped hard.

There was a crackling sound in the ear wheel, the steel arrow was pumping on Zhou Cong's fat face, and the latter was groaning with a strange scream. Then, he threw himself to the ground and scratched his head like a garlic. Shouted: "Princess forgiveness, princess forgiveness--"

"Pig! Even raising a pig is smarter than you!" Xiao Xiang looked at Zhou Cong who was bleeding from the red mule on his face, and was still embarrassed. He raised his leg and kept hoeing. Zhou Cong kicked away, then threw the steel arrow in his hand to the ground, and said in a condensed voice: "If the wind man wants to kill this palace, why wait till now? Why is it so expensive ..." Camp, long before she and Tang Yin were trapped in the tunnel, she had already died thousands of times.

Zhou Cong sat on his knees, his cheeks were numb, and sweat mixed with blood, making his half of his face a big face. He trembled: "Yes, yes, yes, Her Royal Highness's analysis is extremely good, it's a stupid stupid, a villain's incompetence, oh ... but, I don't know what Her Royal Highness thought the Assassin was ..."

"Huh! Of course, those who see the palace obstructing eyes and want to stir up the Sichuan wind war immediately!" Xiao Xiang sneered, watching Zhou Cong kneeling on the ground and pitiful Zhou Cong, and she walked away with conscience again. Come forward, grabbing the clothes on his shoulders, and pulling while saying, "Get up, this palace beat you, also to remind you, let you learn a lesson, and become smarter later. Sometimes what you see with your eyes It may not be true, do you understand now? "

Zhou Cong heard that his tears fell down. Now he feels nothing to Xiao Xiang, and I do n’t know whether to hate her or thank her. He only has one impression of Xiao Xiang, that is fickle, he Never seen such a fickle woman, who was kind and immortal for a while, and then became a tyrannical demon.

"Yes, yes, Her Royal Highness's lesson is that the villain knows the wrong, and the villain remembers the princess' teachings." He stood up tremblingly as he spoke.

"This palace shot a little harder." Xiao Xiang inspected the blood on Zhou Cong's face, whispered twice, and said on the side: "Xing Yuan, come to help Zhou Chou apply medicine. Use the medicine the father gave to this palace. ! "

Upon hearing this, Zhou Cong, who had just stood up, had softened legs and knelt back again ~ ~ Princess is to reward herself or to kill herself?

Xiao Xiang didn't pay attention to his reaction, turned around and sat back to his seat, with his arms resting on the table, holding his cheeks, and murmured, "Father Wang tuned this palace back to the capital, this palace didn't want to go back, Ben I was planning to move flowers and collect flowers, make a fake return to the capital, and fool the father, but this happened, and it seems that the palace does not want to go back.

That's it! Listening to Xiao Xiang's mumbled sound, Tang Yin, who was just above her head, almost laughed out loud. The corner of her mouth provoked unconsciously. It turned out that Xiao Xiang was not an unknown prophet, but wanted to deal with Xiao Xuan's order. Get a stand-in to fool around, but she was smashed away to avoid it. It seems Xiao Xiang's luck is not good!

However, she was still very clever. First of all, she ruled out that the assassin was a wind man, and listened to the meaning of Xiao Xiang's words. Whoever instructed these assassins who came to assassinate her seemed to be inferred to some extent. Some clues.

After Xing Yuan gave Zhou Cong a good medicine, Xiao Xiang said: "Tomorrow, the palace will return to the capital. During this period in Bianyang County, the safety of the palace will be borne by your adult. If the palace calculates Yes, assassins will continue to do assassinations, but this palace does not want to find a second ghost for the dead. If there is another accident, Master Zhou, you should wash your neck and your family ’s neck and wait for your head to behead! "

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