(Literature m) Chapter tenth one hundred and seventy

Chapter 170

Don't yell at Qi Heng, the sergeant who pushed the car rushed out to **** the milk, and shouted to push the car to the gate.

At this time, in order to prevent accidental injury, the wind army's stone thrower and the city breaking crossbow have stopped. The Shangwan garrison finally took advantage of this gap to stand firm on the city's head. They are all wind soldiers.


When the wind army's rushing car began to hit the city gates and the city walls, the defenders who returned to the city returned to the city. People twisted their bows and arrows, jumped on the arrow stacks, and leaned towards the city to drop arrows. But their arrows had not yet fired, and the arrows under the city had already shot up.

Dozens of Mo Jun who jumped on the arrow stack were hit first and were hit by the arrow array of the Wind Army. It was only a moment when dozens of people turned into black hedgehogs with arrow feathers all over their bodies, or the body was hung on arrows. On the pile, or planted a wall at one end.

Shang Wan ’s city defense was not solid enough to withstand the heavy impact of a rushing car. Under continuous impact, the city gate was first opened, and Qi Heng, who had been waiting impatiently, rushed in first, and at the same time, the city gate hole A scream came from within.

Qi Heng is infinitely powerful and has a superb spiritual martial arts practice. On the battlefield, there are indeed 10,000 people who are invincible. In the face of the densely guarded troops, he simply entered the city from the cave of the gate, and wherever he passed, blood flowed into the river, and the body was densely packed. During this period of time, Mo Jun Shao died tragically under his spirit knife. As many as two or three hundred.

These ordinary Mo Sergeants were not his goal, he was looking for the county's highest crown. After entering the city, he successively released Lingwu skills, killing the surrounding Mo Jun, and then saw a Sergeant Mo Sergeant sitting on the ground with his legs paralyzed, not far away, he urged the horse to rush forward and buckle The scapula of the sergeant lifted it up and asked sharply, "Where is the high crown? Say!"

The soldier turned his eyes frightened, almost fainted on the spot, and stammered, "The county ... the first adult of the county ran towards the city ..."

He had just finished speaking, Qi Wang waved his arm and slammed the soldier directly into the city wall. There was a crackling sound in the earwheels, and there was a large pool of blood on the wall. Qi Heng had already planned, and he had to make his first contribution if he wanted to make a contribution. Nothing could be better than to kill or capture the enemy commander in chief.

Knowing that Gao Guan ran to the city, Qi Hengpai horse chased to the city. At the same time, a large number of Feng Jun also poured into the city, and those bandits who followed Qi Heng to join the Feng Jun flew to catch up with him, asking in a eloquent manner: "Brother Qi, where are we going now? "

Qi Heng looked back at the crowd and waved the knife: "Brothers follow me to catch the crown!"

"Yes! Capture the crown alive!" Everyone agreed.

Qi Heng wholeheartedly wanted to capture the high crown, made his first effort, and rushed into the city with a dry run. He saw the high crown, but he only saw it. When he saw Gao Guan from a distance in the street, someone had already shot one step in the dark.

I can't see the figure of the Dark Arrow, but with the formation of black mist, dozens of people in black appeared in the air around the high crown. Even how to return to the division didn't figure out, the dozen relatives around the high crown were already The vital knife fell into a pool of blood. The dark arrow personnel who appeared only slashed out, and immediately withdrew and retreated, disappearing. Then, a dozen other dark arrow personnel appeared, and they only made a fatal stab. After killing the relatives around Gao Guan, they went out of thin air. disappear.

Gao Guan has never seen such a terrible and weird enemy, his face changed greatly, guarded by dozens of soldiers, running forward.

However, they are fast, but they are not close to the shadow drift of the Dark Arrow personnel. During their running, the Dark Arrow personnel are looming around them, but every time they appear, they will be accompanied by the screams of their relatives, and there will be relatives. Heng corpse on the spot.

Slowly speaking, it is extremely fast. The high crown only ran for twenty steps. Originally, hundreds of soldiers around him had no one live mouth and all fell to the ground. Then, every figure appeared around him and showed him. Tuantuan surrounded.

Gao Guan was also tough, knowing that he would not be defeated, he would not surrender, he pulled out his saber, raised his head high, and yelled at a dark arrow person in front of him. The dark arrow officer did not even hide. He raised his leg and raised his chin in the middle of the crown. The latter groaned, his eyes turned white, and passed out on the spot.

His body has not fallen yet. Two Dark Arrow personnel step forward from one left to one right, take out the rope, pull the shoulders, put the two backs together, tie it strong, and then lift it like a chick. Turn around and walk out of the city.

Killing a hundred relatives who protected the high crown to capture the high crown, it was just a blink of an eye. Qi Heng, who was not far away, and his men were stunned. People opened their mouths unconsciously, and forgot to breathe. For the first time, they have seen so many dark spiritual practitioners, and for the first time, they felt that the attack of a group of dark spiritual practitioners was so terrible.

Qi Heng is not as shocked as his men. It is true that he sighed and regretted it. It was only one step away. If he could take another step forward, he would grab the arrow in front of him! Dark Arrow's shot was too fast, so fast that he was not given any chance.

As the Dark Arrow staff walked past him, he chuckled coldly: "Your shots are quite fast, no wonder the King values ​​you so much!"

No one ignored him, and no one even glanced at him, and dozens of Dark Arrow personnel passed by silently.

After the Dark Arrow personnel had gone, Qi Heng's talents reacted one by one, muttering indignantly: "What's the air? What can't be done?"

"Brother Qi, Gao Guan asked them to take them away. What shall we do now?"

How to do? Can only be second best! Qi Heng secretly shook his head and said ruthlessly: "Go to the county capital, you all remember clearly, kill me when you see someone, especially the family members of the high crown, don't let one go!"

"Yes! Brother Qi!"

Qi Heng missed the opportunity to capture the high crown, venting his breath to the family of the high crown. They were originally bandits, killing people and getting more goods, as usual, there is no word of conscience in their hearts. This large group of people led by Qi Heng entered the county capital, turning the grand palace's official residence into a **** on earth, regardless of the ages of men, women, children, and the sick.

The battle of Shang Wan was similar to Tang Yin's expectations, and it was easy to win. It ended in an hour without success. Nearly 30,000 defenders were killed. Most of them were killed. Another 10,000 people were captured by the wind army. Among them, Including the county's highest crown.

Although Gao Guan didn't know whether to die or not, he was a man with a praying arm, but he was pretty good. He was loyal. Tang Yin planned to persuade him. Tang Yin simply did not advise to surrender. He directly ordered that the high crown beheaded and his head hung to the city to show the public. In addition, he asked Qiu Zhen to write a notice and post it to appease the people.

After the end of the city war, the Feng Army was stationed inside and outside the city of Shangwan. In this battle, Qi Heng did not make his first contribution, but there was also a large-scale killing ring. Mo Jun who died in his hands did not have a thousand or eight hundred, which at least proved his determination to return to the Shunfeng Army. During the reward, Tang Yin also specially praised Qi Heng, and named him the head of the 10th Corps of the immediate army. Wuying is most pleased with this. After all, Qi Heng's strength is there. With his joining, the strength of the direct army can also be improved.

The fall of Shangwan heralded that there was no more Mozambican forces in Anqiu County, and the Wind Army had basically occupied the county.

Anqiu is not a large county, but also barren and backward. Whether it is occupied by the wind army or not, it has little impact on Mozambique ’s national strength, but the key is that the wind army has occupied Anqiu county, and the next step can directly threaten Surabaya. This is The most uncomfortable for Mo.

As Tang Yin's direct army occupied Anqiu, the Plains Army and the Tigers Army moved southward, and the Sanshui Army and the Tianying Army again and again in Ningdi. Now the Mozhao court has to re-evaluate the full invasion of the Wind Army .

Observing the current situation, Feng Jun did not stop when he knocked down a few cities, nor did he have any intention to rescue the Jade Kingdom. It seems that Feng Guo really swallowed up Mo's posture.

On the third day after the Battle of Shang Wan, the news came back to Zhenjiang, Modu. Shao Fang was shocked and furious when he heard that he immediately convened civil and military ministers to discuss how to deal with the southward movement of the wind army.

On the chapel, Zuo Xiang Guo Hui analyzed: "Our army's battle situation in Ningdi is very unfavorable, but it is still far from our country, and there is no reason to be frustrated. The plain army and tiger army of the wind country are powerful, but our country goes north. The Central Army has been hoarded in Zeping County, and if you want to, you can also stand against the south of the Plains and Tigers. The only trouble is the direct army directly led by the Wind King. Although the strength is not large, less than 100,000, it is strong and powerful. The King of Wind fought in person and it was extremely difficult to deal with. Now that the immediate army has occupied Anqiu County, he will enter Surabaya County further south. The King must make arrangements early! "

After listening to Shao Fang ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can't wait to slap Guo Hui's slap in the face. What he wants to hear is not these but the countermeasures. He Shen said: "You don't need to repeat the analysis of the current situation. It is naturally clear in my heart. What I want to know is how to stand up and fight back against the wind!"

Guo Hui shrank his neck, being reprimanded, and dared not say much.

Shao Fang turned to look at General Li Jin and asked in a cold voice: "Li Jin, as a general, at this time, is there nothing to say?"

Li Jin hurried out and said, "King, for the time being, our country can only use the reserve army and relocate the reserve army to Surabaya County to deal with the direct southward army."

Shao Fang didn't understand the military and his disposition was tyrannical, but he was not a fool. What is the reserve army? It is a logistics army composed of recruits who have just been recruited and veterans who are about to retire. Use this army to resist the wind army like a wolf, aren't you trying to hit the stone with your eggs and seek your own way out? Furthermore, if Zhenjiang travels thousands of miles to Surabaya, it is still too late to deploy a reserve army?

He raised his eyebrows, leaned forward, and the yin and yang strangely asked, "General Li, this is your opinion to the king?"

\ "Literature m

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