The enemy's strength cannot disappear out of thin air. The 200,000 Chuanzheng Allied Forces who have not entered the battlefield must remain in the big camp, but they can be washed down all the way, but they only encounter scattered scattered soldiers. Alert?

He hurriedly ordered the army to stop rushing. The plain army of more than 50,000 people stopped together, and the soldiers did not understand what was going on. Why did they stop chasing the enemy when their side had taken advantage?

Xiao Muqing ignored the doubtful expressions of the people around him. He walked to a high place and raised his eyes to look around. Well, this spacious and open camp can't see the edge at a glance. In the camp, all the sights are military. Tents, tents next to the tents, arranged in an orderly and chaotic manner, but the enemy soldiers were very few, and all the enemy soldiers they could see were fleeing to the center of the camp.

What's wrong! The battle was too smooth. From breaking through the battalion to entering the battalion, the combat effectiveness shown by the Chuanzhen Coalition was too poor, and the number of soldiers participating in the battle was too small. It did not have the determination to fight against the water. We need to know that the camp is related to the lifeline of the entire army. Once destroyed, heavy, and damaged grass, the coalition forces can only be forced to withdraw, how can they not pay attention?

Xiao Muqing had already determined in his heart that there must be an ambush in this seemingly empty camp, and his own side could never venture into it.

He took a deep breath and passed down the order. The entire army changed to the front team and retreated the same way. In addition, during the retreat, you can set fire and set fire.

战 The war tiger was very puzzled about his order. He returned from the former army and found Xiao Muqing, questioning: \ "General Xiao, the enemy resisted very little, why did our army retreat?"

I am suspicious of the enemy because of little resistance from the enemy. Xiao Muqing now has no time to explain to Zhanhu, and said firmly: "" No need to ask, this is a military order! I will explain to Zhanhu when I withdraw from the enemy camp. "

Although Zhan Zhanhu and Xiao Muqing are equal and both are generals, the latter is the commander-in-chief of the whole army. He ordered a retreat, and Zhanhu had no choice.

When the Plains Army went deeper into the enemy camp, they did not encounter many enemy obstacles, and when they were about to retreat, they heard the sharp and long whistle around them loudly, and then, innumerable flooded out of the tents around the Plains Army. The soldiers of the Chuanzhen Army.

士 The soldiers, all dressed in neat armor, each with a weapon in their hands, rushed out of the tent and shouted. For a time, the left and right sides of the plain army shouted to kill Zhentian, and countless ambush rushed forward.

What's more terrible is that a large number of ambushes have appeared before and after the Plains Army, especially the side near the center of the barracks.The ambushes of the Sichuan and Zhenzhen armies quickly set up a battle array, looking up, crowds of people, and black pressure. To say the least, there are tens of thousands of troops, and more and more enemy soldiers are continuously integrated into the formation, causing their camp to expand rapidly.

The wave of enemy troops blocking the retreat of the Plains Army was relatively small, but it also exceeded 10,000 people. The array was blocked in the center of the road, with heavy shields in front and dense archers on the back.

He was just in an instant. The plain army was surrounded by enemy forces before and after.

There are a large number of enemy soldiers swarming on both sides, enemy archers in front are blocking the array of arrows, and in the rear are more and more tens of thousands of enemy troops fighting over them. At this time, change to any army group. Any commander-in-chief must be panic-stricken, and the army is in chaos, but the Plains Army is not the same.When they see themselves breaking into the ambush of the enemy, there is no need to wait for the superior to order. At the outermost area, the enemy's attack is blocked, and the inside is full of soldiers with halberds or spears, and the weapons are placed on the shoulders or shields of the front companions.

The array of Wu Fengjun was completed in an instant. The outer periphery was composed of a steel defense line. The sharp edges of the halberd and spear brushed out and looked out from afar. Numerous blade tips emerged from the group shields, like hedgehogs.

The officers and men of the Pingyuan Plain trained very quickly, and Xiao Muqing was even more stable. Soon, he analyzed the situation on the battlefield. The enemy camp did have an ambush, but fortunately, our own found it earlier and did not fully penetrate into the ambush circle. Otherwise, it is not the 10,000 archers who cut off their retreat, but the tens of thousands of enemies who are pressing over Army.

Xiao Muqing ordered the entire army to prepare for battle, and at the same time ordered that the original retreat, forcing the enemy's 10,000-person arrow formation.

The Plains Army was in a battle line and retreated step by step. At this time, the enemy soldiers on both sides had taken the lead in killing them.

Most of these enemy soldiers were soldiers of the Zhen army. Regardless of the charge, even if they saw a lot of sharp points protruding from the shield of the wind army, the soldiers who rushed in front of them still yelled and ran straight.

Flutter--Zhen Bing's body slammed into countless sharp blades, was stabbed with scars, and his body was incomplete.At the same time, people screamed and fell, while the back robes stepped on their unfallen bodies and jumped high. Rise, jump over the shield of the wind army, and fall to the top of the wind army inside.

Although they were brave and jumped high enough, the plain generals were not wood, so how could they watch them kill themselves into their own camp. The soldiers in front ignored them, and continued to kill the enemy soldiers in front with their halberds and spears, while the wind soldiers in the rear raised their crossbow arrows and volleyed at the soldiers who were still in the air.

Flutter, flutter, flutter!

The sound of Jian Jianfeng breaking through the armour into the flesh was endless. The numerous sergeants of the sergeant Zheng were still in the air, without falling, they were nailed into hedgehogs by the crossbow of the wind army. When they fell into the crowd, they were dead. But for the Zhen army that launched the charge, death will not scare them away, it will only make them more crazy and desperate.

On the battlefield, the soldiers of the Zhen army went up and killed a group.Many people were shot down by crossbows before they rushed into the array of the wind army. . However, the wind army is not without death.The shield hand facing the front is cut and stabbed by the Zhen army from time to time.At this time, the wind army will immediately throw away the halberd and spear in his hand, catch the shield, and continue to stand on front.

While the Plains Army blocked the attack of the Zhen army on both sides, the overall camp was constantly moving forward. The elapsed time is not long, and the 10,000 archers in the Sichuan Army and the archers in the center of the Plains Army fired at the same time. I saw two black curtains rising from the heads of the two armies, crossing each other in the air, and landing on the heads of the opposing armies.

He fluttered--the soldiers in the camps of both armies flew a large area in an instant, with hundreds and thousands of people full of arrows and feathers dying. Immediately afterwards, the second round of mutual shooting started again. The arrows shuttled through the air and fell into the crowd. The arrows were almost empty, and they all accompanied the screams.

With more than 10,000 Sichuan troops blocking in front, the withdrawal speed of the Plains Army was slowed down at this time.At this time, the number of Zhen army rushed from both sides was more, and most importantly, the enemy army behind It was close to the end of the Plains Army, and the distance between the soldiers on both sides was close. They could even see the perspiration on the opponent's face and hear the gasp from the enemy.

The original situation was at the end of the battle with Tigers around Xiao Muqing, and he said to Xiao Muqing: "General Xiao, I will go after the army is gone!"

Xiao Muqing didn't have time to think too much, and nodded: \ "Be careful."

\ "Understand." The war tiger dragged his hammer toward the rear of his own camp.

人员 When he came to the end of the Plains Army, the personnel of the two sides had come into contact. Both armies were stabbing the opposite enemy with halberds. The muffled sounds of thumping and fluttering came one after another.

The battle tiger roared loudly, rushed forward, separated his own crowd, and smashed the enemy with a round hammer.

There are heavy shields on the perimeter of the battle array, and the warhammer's spirit hammer is hitting the heavy shield. The heavy shield is different from ordinary shields. It is rectangular and stands on the ground. The height can reach a person's chest. It is made of pure iron. It is extremely heavy. However, the tiger's hammer was smashed, and a heavy shield was smashed into a U-shape.The shield hand behind was smashed by the shocked sternum. The whole person flew backwards and fell into the crowd of his own. To a group of people.

He did not wait for the opponent's other heavy shields to come in to fill the gap, and the war tiger swept a hammer to the left and right.

Hey, hey!

With two deafening sounds, and two heavy shields were completely destroyed, the enemy's crowd fell over again.

Taking advantage of the rare chaos of the enemy army, the wind sergeants and soldiers took out the crossbow arrows hanging on their waist arrows, and aimed at the enemy's crowd continuously.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sharp edge of the crossbow hits the steel armor, and the sound is crisp. If the distance is long, the power of the crossbow is not enough to shoot through the steel armor, but now the distance between the two sides is too close. Although they are not close to each other, they are less than five steps apart. At such a close distance, the crossbow can easily penetrate the steel armor and nail into the opponent's body ~ ~ for a time, the enemy battle side on the war tiger side is in chaos, and the heavy shield is not on the top. Going up, the halberds of the wind army can hurt people as long as they are stabbed, and the threat of crossbow arrows is even greater. Groups of soldiers and soldiers fell to the pool of blood.

The confusion here also caught the attention of the enemy generals. Soon, a head of the Sichuan army rushed over and saw a war tiger with a spirit armor holding a hammer. Without a word, he lifted the knife and cut it.

The fierce fighting tiger has great strength and has no worries about the enemy.

Dang 啷 ——The spirit knife was chopped on the spirit hammer and was bounced upwards by the force of the rebound. The arm of the commander of the army was numb and the tiger's mouth was broken. People couldn't help but retreat in two steps. Because his body was covered with a spirit armor, his expression could not be seen, but judging by his horrified eyes, he was amazed by the brute force of the battle tiger.

\ "You pick me up too!"

No matter if you are surprised or shocked, fight back and swipe your opponent's waist. The head of the army already knew that the tiger was powerful and terrifying. Where did he dare to fight? He hurried down and finally avoided the hammer of the tiger, but he didn't pay attention to the kick from the tiger below. foot.

他 When he feels bad, it is too late to try to avoid.

He heard a click in the ear wheel, and the war tiger's foot was right in the face of the opponent's face, kicking the body of the regiment's body off the ground.

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