Chapter 830

The Huangfu Xiutai shrouded the spirit armor, took out the sword, shook his hand to spiritualize it, and then the spirit sword was connected, only listening to 'Dang, Dang, Dang' continuous crisp sounds around him, Mars around him Burst up and down, it was only a moment, Huang Fu Xiutai actually blocked all dozens of flying swords flying over, and still holding Jin Xuan. m * /. // *

His sword speed has reached a breathtaking level.

"Kill—" The two dark spiritual practitioners approached him first. One squatted down and drew several knives to his lower abdomen. The other leaped sideways to connect with the chain of the spiritual sword. His neck.

The two of them went up and down one by one. Huangfu Xiutai snorted coldly. At the back of his figure, he first avoided the spirit knife that attacked his lower abdomen, then raised the spirit sword in his hand and heard a click. The opponent's chain was just blocked by his spirit sword.

He yelled suddenly, slashed the sword forward with all his strength, and was pulled by the chain. The dark spiritual monk who had jumped over his head made a strange cry, flew back from the air, and slid out after landing. Far away, knocked the counter of the tea shed into pieces.

Huangfu Xiutai had not had time to take a breath, and behind him came two dark spiritual practitioners. One took his back and the other stabbed him in the back of his head.

He also responded quickly, and while turning back, he cut down the spirit sword in his hand and split it into Huashan.

Hum! The Lingbo blasted out. This long narrow wave is more than two meters high, the sound of breaking wind is harsh, and the energy is amazing.

The faces of the two dark spiritual practitioners changed suddenly, and they hurriedly recruited. As a black mist emerged around their bodies, the two disappeared.

This is the trouble of the dark spiritual practitioners, if it is impossible to limit their shadow drift, it is basically impossible to hurt them.

The two of them just flashed away with a shadow drift, and immediately two of them flashed over with a shadow drift, and at the same time, they were the key to cutting the Huangfu show.

This time, the emperor's show will no longer give them the opportunity to flash away, casting spiritual pressure in advance, severing their shadow drift, and then the spirit sword in his hand shines brightly, and the spiritual chaos will be released.

Chaos? Extremely used by him, the power is great, the world is discolored, making people creepy.

In the tea shed, it was like a hurricane suddenly blown. The table, the collapsed floor, and the wooden boards on the ground were smashed by the spirit blade. Countless pieces and sawdust were rolled up high, which was accompanied by the whistling noise of a ghost cry . ()

The two spiritual practitioners were frightened, but under the huge pressure, they could not use the shadow drift, and there was no room for dodging under the heavenly spirit blade.

Seeing the spiritual chaos? The extreme blade of the spirit was going to smash him together. Suddenly, two spirit knives flew one step ahead, instead of attacking the emperor's show. The two spirit knives were repaired in two dark systems. The waist of the spirit man made a quick turn, and the chain linking the spirit knife entangled them. Then, the spirit knife was recovered, and the two trapped inside the spirit pressure were also pulled out of the tea shed together.

Hum! Spiritual chaos? Extremely scratched, most of the tea sheds of these dark cults cooperate with attackers and defenders, and they are extremely tacit. They also make Huangfu Xiutai and Jin Xuan feel astonished.

Guang Han heard very well the depth of his two spiritual martial arts. Since they dare to send these secret spiritual practitioners to arrest them, they are naturally superior.

At this time, the Dark Soul Cultist suddenly made a whistle. With his whistle, the Dark Soul Cultivators no longer rushed forward, took a few steps back, and then stretched out their palms. The black light ball Began to slowly gather in their palms.

"Dark Shadow Curse ?! Brother carefully!" Jin Xuan said in surprise.

It is horrible for a shadow spiritual practitioner to cast the Shadow Curse, and the power of the dozens of people to cast the Shadow Curse can be imagined.

Huangfu's show was rather bold, but he didn't care. He sneered first, then put down Jin Xuan, then he held the sword in one hand, and held the tip of the other with the palm of the other hand.

As the palm of his hand continued to move towards the point of the sword, the spirit sword became shorter and shorter. In the end, the entire sword disappeared, as if swallowed by his palms.

But at the same time, the spiritual armor on his palms was shining, and the countless light spots quickly dispersed, flowing from his palms to his entire body.

This is the Bingcai Linghe of Huangfu Xiutai! His spiritual armor has just been merged with the spiritual soldiers, and the dark spiritual practitioners around him also throw black light **** in his hands towards him and Jin Xuan.

Huangfu's show moves quickly, pulling Jin Xuan under himself, he squatted on his knees, his arms and the back of the armor extended together, blinking, the armor turned into three huge shields, mutual They are tightly sealed, no water leaks, and he and Jin Xuan are all protected in a triangular cone.

嘭, 嘭, 嘭!

At the same time, the Shadow Curse hit the Spirit Shield at the same time. The muffled sound of the explosion was endless. The original White Spirit Shield suddenly became dark black, corroded by the Dark Curse, and the white smoke from the Spirit Shield. Stop popping up.

"Smash your soldiers and armors together, and see how you can be a turtle!"

The inner monk spiritualist roared, grabbed a spear and turned it into a spirit, and then leapt forward and rushed into the tea shed. The person was still in the air, and the spirit gun in his hand was fully downward. Smash it.

Bang! This heavy heavy gun hit the Spirit Shield firmly, and a loud noise broke out, even the ground trembled. It looked like a magic shield that turned into a triangular cone. It was smashed and flew out, flying directly outside the tea shed.

Before the landing, the Ling shield suddenly separated, Huangfu Xiutai retracted the Ling shield, restored the Ling armor to the original state, and took hold of Jin Xuan's waist, rushing out with the help of horizontal inertia.

He knew that the current battle could not be continued. If Jin Xuan could still fight without being injured, the two of them still had the capital to fight the enemy, but Jin Xuan could not use Lingwu now. I ca n’t even stand up, how can I go to desperately with so many dark spiritual practitioners?

Huangfu Xiutai wanted to run, but how could these secret practitioners let them go?

The crowds chased after each other, taking advantage of the fact that Huangfu Xiutai could not cast enough powerful spiritual pressure while running, and the dark spiritual practitioners from time to time flashed to him with a shadow drift, and took Lengzi to attack.

Fortunately, the Emperor's Armor Linghe of Huangfu Xiutai is too overbearing. The vital armors on the body are all Linghe. It is extremely tough. Even if the spiritual blades of the dark spiritualists cut on him, they would not hurt him .

Not long after, the secret practitioner in the inner ancestors also saw the clue. While he was hunting with a spear, he yelled at everyone around him: "Attack his weakness!"

No matter how high the spirituality of the spiritual practitioner is, there will be weak points that cannot be protected, such as the knee and elbow joints. The spiritual armor is only a thin layer and cannot be like the spiritual armor in other places. It's just as hard, otherwise people can't move.

This Dark Sect spiritual master is very clever, and it is precisely this that is true. No matter how powerful and domineering the soldiers of your Emperor Xiutai are, you will still be unable to reach them. local.

He was reminded that the dark spiritual practitioners immediately changed their tactics, instead of blindly attacking the key points of the emperor's show, instead attacking his ankles, knees, etc., and others also attacked without the armor. Protected golden announcement.

In this way, the pressure on Huangfu's show can be doubled. He ran forward with the strength of feeding milk, but no matter how fast he was, he pushed the Dark Spiritualist farther away, and a shadow drifting beyond him couldn't stop him from flashing near him.

This is exactly the inconvenience of the dark spiritual practitioners. Once they are bitten by them, it is as difficult as possible to get rid of them.

Huangfu Xiu was running and running, not knowing how far he had run. At this time, he had already ran out of the mountains, looking forward, looking at the vast plain, but looking back, he could not help but grin secretly. Many dark spiritual practitioners still followed him closely, still keeping a distance of about ten steps from him.

"Huangfu show, you can't escape anyway today, and go back with us, you still have a way to live, obsessed with obsession, you will have no place to bury yourself!" The secret spiritual practitioner in the inner yell shouted in the back.

Huangfu's show did not answer, but slammed forward and ran forward. At this time, a cloud of black mist flashed in the shadow behind him, and a dark spiritual practitioner appeared, and the sword in his hand pierced forward, straightening his knees.

He responded very quickly, bouncing forward, and at the same time, back to the palm of his hand, the spiritual armor of his fingertips extended out, sharp like a knife, and chopped at the man's head. The man hurriedly raised his sword to block, and with a bang, the body was shaken and flew out.

After landing ~ ~, he rolled a few more times, and Fang stopped. He climbed up from the ground ashamed, continued to run forward, and joined the hunting team.

This is just the tip of the scene. The secret spiritual practitioners kept flashing near the Huangfu show, and kept being shaken away by him, and then returned to the fight for so long, still unable to win Huangfu. Xiutai and Jinxuan, the secret practitioner of the Nei Zong dynasty was also anxious, and shouted: "Flying knife!"

With his order, the secret spiritual practitioners changed their tactics again, gave up close combat, and instead attacked the Huangfu show with a flying knife.

The flying sword is not terrible, and the Huangfu show doesn't care. The key is that all the dark swords of the spiritual practitioners are chained for traction, and they also become spiritualized together and become part of the spiritual sword. When flying, they can change the direction of flight as they want, which is the most headache.

In a buzzing wind, dozens of spirit knives flew across the sky and shot at Huang Fu's show. Some attacked his weakness and some attacked Jin Xuan.

Huangfu shouted in a deep roar, extended the armor on the palm of his hand, and waved his arms continuously, blocking all the dozen swords. However, this time the Spirit Sword was not retracted after being blocked, and the bounced Spirit Swords made a spin in the air and turned back.

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