Chapter 844

The man in black said firmly, "I, can't leave, I will sneak into the palace and complete the task that the Holy King confessed!"

The woman was anxious and said, "But the palace is now heavily guarded. How can you sneak in?"

The man in black said, "I will rush in even if I punch hard!" After speaking, he gently pulled away from the woman, and said positively: "Yueer, Zhaoyang is too dangerous now, you still go back to Shenchi. M (Please use Visit our Pinyin domain name.) "

"I won't go! If we go, we will go together. If you have to go to the palace, I will go with you!" Said the woman, looking directly at him.

"Why is this? The Holy King just abandoned me, but not you!" The man in black smiled bitterly: "Since the Holy King sent you to kill me, it means that he still trusts you now."

"But I just want to be with you ..." The woman's voice trembled and choked.

The man in black sighed secretly in her heart, how could he not know her sincerity towards himself, but this made him even more painful.

He was silent for a lot. Suddenly, he turned to look out the window and said coldly, "It seems that the Holy King does not trust you so much, and someone else is sent!"

His words changed the woman's complexion, and subconsciously looked out the window along the eyes of the man in black.

It was just as empty outside the window, not even a ghost shadow, and there was no spiritual pressure. She was very puzzled and was about to ask him back when the man in black shot like an electric power and slashed a knife to the woman's neck.

His shot was too fast and too sudden, the woman was completely unprepared and was slashed by his hand knife.

The strength he used was not light. The woman's body was crooked and she stepped back a few steps. Then she looked up and looked at the man in disbelief in disbelief. "Night ... you ..."

"Sorry, Yueer, I can't let you accompany me to adventure!" The man in black stood still, looking at her eyes full of pity and perseverance, but she could no longer think or think at this time. There was a faint of faintness, and everything around was spinning fast. She stared blankly, and murmured, "You ... can't ... go ..." Before she finished speaking, she suddenly became dark, passed out on the spot, and fell softly on her back.

When she fell to the ground, the man in black stepped forward and hugged her body tightly.

He looked down at her, stroking the pale pale cheek gently, and he didn't know how long before he woke up from the intoxication. Taking a deep breath, he stood up, hugged the woman to the idol, gently laid it on the ground, and then stopped. A black mist suddenly appeared around his body. Then, the person had disappeared.

The man in black flashed out of the earth temple with a shadow drift, and then headed straight for the direction of the palace.

The current Sichuan Palace is so heavily guarded that I can't even get into rats.

Inside and outside the palace walls, armors such as forests, and patrolling guards are one after another, which is also mixed with a large number of spiritual masters who are trained deeply. With this level of alert, no one can be silent at this time. The palace was very lively. Xiao Xuan set up a banquet to entertain Tang Yin. Not only the sons and princesses of the Sichuan Kingdom were present, but also the civil and military officials were almost there. The banquet extended beyond the main hall, and people came in and out. The scene is quite lively.

Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan both sat in the hall, and from time to time some ministers came to toast, and the two also drank red.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, and everyone at the meeting was seven or eight minutes drunk, the general of the Sichuan state let Tang Yin approach him and said, holding his glass, "His Royal Highness, I respect you! "

Tang Yin didn't drink less tonight. He didn't plan to drink anymore, but when he saw the toast was Ren Fang, he grinned, patted himself to the table, and laughed: "Sit here, General! "

"Don't dare!"

"Hey, you don't need to be polite!" Tang Yin waved her hands with a smile.

Ren Fang bowed to him, and Fang sat down at Tang Yin's table.

Tang Yin picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Tonight, the king has drunk too much. If someone came to toast, the king would never drink again, but since it was a general who came to toast, the king could not Pushed it out. "

Ren Fang laughed when he heard the words, and said, "Thank you His Highness the King for your attention."

"Please, General!" "His Royal Highness, please!"

The two greeted each other, touched the cups, and each drank the wine. Later, Ren Fang put down his wine glass, converged his smile, and asked in earnest: "After the two countries negotiate peace, I wonder how His Highness plans to eradicate Guang Xuanling?"

Tang Yin blinked, but didn't answer immediately. He knew that letting this person go is not easy. He has always been resourceful. Whether he is in charge of war or planning, there are advantages. He really wanted to hear what he thought.

After a moment of groaning, he laughed, "Feng Chuan and the two soldiers are united in one place.

Ren Fang shook his head and said, "Shenchi has a difficult terrain and is easy to defend. Besides, there is no army in Shenchi. There are only a large number of spiritual practitioners. They are very suitable for ambush in the mountains. It may not be effective to use it on the Shenchi. Furthermore, it is only Guangxuan Ling who does evil, but not someone from the Shenchi who rushes into the army, and only sends the Shenchi people to the side of Guangxuan Ling, which is against us. "

Tang Yin said so intentionally, waiting for Ren Fang to pick up his faults, and hearing what he said, he seemed to nod his head in a very instructive way and asked, "What's the best way to do this?"

Let it be free, Tang Yin couldn't hide from him, but he didn't mind. He said with a smile: "Len Fang is just a martial arts, how dare you make such a big deal!"

Tang Yin smiled on his back and said, "General Ren should not be modest in front of the King. Now it is not in the court, we just have to talk casually."

Ren Fang licked his lips, pondered for a while, and said, "Since Your Highness has said so, then I will say something courageously, leave it alone, and be wise."

Let's leave it alone. These eight short Tang Yins carefully pondered for a while, Fang murmured: "How can we insert the fine works into the Shenchi, or even Guang Xuanling's side?"

Ren Fang smiled, but said, "This will depend on His Highness to find a way. In short, I thought that it would be an unwise move to raise soldiers to conquer Shenchi."

It will only increase the casualties of the soldiers in both countries. He added another sentence in his heart. The life and death of Fengren has nothing to do with him, but he doesn't want the brothers of the Sichuan army to die in vain for nothing and make no sense of sacrifice.

Tang Yin laughed secretly, and now he understands that it was only a cover for Ren Fang to toast, and the real one came to persuade himself not to use Shenchi. Of course, he himself didn't think it was the best policy to use soldiers in Shenchi.

He smiled and nodded and said, "General Ren is right, yours will be carefully considered by your king."

Ren Fang said: "The next to the King of the Wind is Yingming. I must have made a decision in my heart, but I'm talking a lot."

Tang Yin laughed and patted Ren Fang's shoulder, and said, "My King hopes that there are more talkative people like General Ren around him!" During the conversation, he looked at Ren Fang with open eyes, love The meaning of talent is in words.

Before waiting for Ren Fang to answer, at this time, Xiao Xiang came over and looked around him, asking, "What are you talking about so happy?"

Seeing that Xiao Xiang was here, Ren Fang hurriedly offered his gift and said, "Princess!"

Tang Yin said with a smile: "It's nothing, just talk about the Shenchi."

"What's so cool about Shenchi!" Xiao Xiang sat down on the other side of Tang Yin with a grin and asked, "The peace talks have been completed, when are you going to return to the wind country?"

Tang Yin thought about it and said, "It should be soon!"

Xiao Xiang asked, "When is it soon? Two days a day, or ten and a half months?"

Tang Yinle did not answer her immediately. In fact, Tang Yin hasn't decided on the specific day when he will return to China. He has to discuss with Xiao Xuan about how to deal with Guang Xuanling.

"In my opinion, you don't have to worry about returning to the wind country. It's so easy to come to Zhaoyang. There should be a lot of interesting places near Zhaoyang ..." Xiao Xiang began to talk about it.

Tang Yin listened absent-mindedly, and when he was impatient, he suddenly saw Yu Qing stepping in from outside.

Yu Qing did not attend tonight's banquet. Xiao Xuan limited him to find out the whereabouts of the spiritual practitioner in the dark line within three days. He had been busy all day.

Seeing Yu Qing's solemn face and hurried steps, Tang Yin speculated that something important had happened. He subconsciously turned to the side, and secretly paid attention to Qing's actions.

I saw that Yu Qing quickly stepped forward to Xiao Xuan, dropped down, and whispered in Xiao Xuan's ear.

At this point, the hall was arrogant, and Yu Qing's voice was soft again ~ ~ People may be "King, Wei Chen has found out the whereabouts of the assassin!"

"Oh?" Xiao Xuan heard, his eyes flickered, he put down his glass and asked, "Where is he?"

Yu Qing looked to the left and right and lowered her voice, saying, "The undercover agents of Weichen found that he had appeared in a land temple in the south of the city and met a woman."

Xiao Xuan didn't want to listen to this, he whispered: "Guo must know where he is now!"

"Uh ... this guy is near the palace."

"What?" Xiao Xuan widened his eyes.

"It looks like this person intends to sneak into the palace."

"Sure enough, he came lonely again." Xiao Xuan murmured, thinking for a moment, he whispered: "You think of a way, catch this thief!"

Yu Qing said indifferently: "King, this person is very alert. His subordinate agents of Wei Chen are difficult to approach him. Others cannot get closer to him. In addition, this person's cultivation is extremely profound. Wei Chen ... There is no power to capture him. "

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