(Literature Big M) Chapter Ten The 180th Chapter

Chapter 180

"Mr. Captain Qian, the villains and the brothers went to Zhenbei during the night and found that there were suspicious people in Zhenbei approaching the town at night, suspecting that they were scouts of the wind army!" Captain Mo Bing lowered his head and finished his speech.

"Is the Wind Army scout found?" The tall man heard his words discolored and hesitated for a moment. He asked urgently: "When was it found? Did anyone get caught? Advanced House speaks!" Then he said Captain Mo Bing. Pulled into the room. Tang Yin and Wu Ya followed suit.

The space in the room is not large, but it looks quite booky and antique, with many calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls, and various decorations are carefully crafted. In addition to the tall man in the room, there was another person, because he was lying on the bed, blocking the curtain, and could not see clearly, but he must be a woman.

Captain Mo Bing was tense, with his head lowered, and he did not dare to squint. He whispered, "Return to Captain Qian, we failed to catch each other, and when we found each other, they ran away."

"They? Not alone?"

"Oh ... this ..."

"It looks like five or six people," Tang Yin replied. "It seems that they want to sneak into the town at night. If the villain went to the town to release their hands, they might let them in."

The tall man did not pay special attention to Tang Yin, and his whole heart was occupied by the sudden news. Is it really the Scout of the Wind Army? But why did the Fengjun scouts come to Jindong Town? Is it true that Fengjun wants to attack here?

While he was thinking, Tang Yin's tongue flipped, rolled out Juliandan, which was originally under the tongue, and chewed twice, then swallowed into the stomach with saliva. With Ju Lingdan's belly, Reiki quickly gathered in his body, but for a moment, the air around Tang Yin produced waves.

The leakage of the spiritual pressure of the spiritual practitioner is not something that the spiritual practitioner can control, it is a completely natural phenomenon. Tall man and Wu Ya are both spiritual practitioners, and the two felt the sudden appearance of spiritual pressure at the same time. When the two of them were shocked and wanted to find the source of spiritual pressure, Tang Yin's arm suddenly waved, burning with black flames. The palm of his hand was like a knife, slashing across the face of the tall man.

"Ah-" The tall man screamed in excitement, stepped back instinctively, leaned back, and listened only for a whisper, and Tang Yin's palm passed in front of him.

"It's an assassin ..." The tall man was shocked, exuding his aura, and wanted to cover up his armor, but he was still a step slower.

The aura in his body had dispersed outside his body, and just as it was about to condense into a armor, Tang Yin strode forward, his arm leaned forward, and he heard a bang, his palm passed through the aura, and he clasped the tall man's neck tightly.

call! The fire of darkness rushed from the palm of Tang Yin to the tall man's neck, and then covered his whole body instantly from his neck. He had no chance to condense into the armor and burned in the dark fire. Below, the aura suddenly dissipated into the air, and with Tang Yin's appetite, the spirit weather floating in the air was a life-like speed into his body.

The tall man who was still alive just now turned into a rag doll that lost his life, his eyes were hollow, his mouth was wide, his head was pulled down weakly, and the body was hanging on Tang Yin's hand.

"Assassin!" Wu Ya finally reacted, his face changed greatly, he yelled, pulled out his sword, and raised his hand to stab Tang Yin.

His cultivation is not weak. Tang Yin felt this very early. It is not easy to defeat this person in two or three moves.

Thinking of this, Tang Yin shook his body and shook off the corpse, and at the same time flashed a sword from Wu Ya side by side. Then he did not fight back, two consecutive strides, approached the rear window, the speed did not decrease, and he directly broke through the window, see Seems to want to escape.

The captain of his own had let the assassin kill under his eyelids, and Wu Yan refused to let Tang Yin leave. He roared with his sword and chased, and ran out along the open window.

But just as he ran out, a cold light flashed from above the window, and a crescent-shaped curved sword stabbed from top to bottom.

The assassin escaped by breaking through the window, and Wu Ya never dreamed that there would be an enemy hidden above the window. The figure he rushed out of was no longer able to dodge. Just listening to the flutter, the spirit knife pierced his spirit armor and hit him. However, his forward rush was too inertia. Even if he was stabbed behind, he still kept his speed. With the sound of sand, he flew out of the window. After landing, he screamed and rolled around. Time is not long, the person has gradually disappeared, only the limbs are twitching, and then look at his back, from the back of the heart to the hind hips, a gap of more than a foot long, full of blood and Internal organs flow out along the gap.

"Huh!" With a sneer of laughter, Tang Yin was as light as a swallow, jumping from the window back to the room, and at the same time shook the blood on the spirit knife in his hand.

That's right, he fled through the window just now, but immediately after jumping out of the window, he cast a shadow floating, flashed above the window, and hooked the eaves of the house to make the whole person upside down on the window when Wu Ya chased it out. Being hit by his fatal stab.

Looking at Tang Yin who returned, the Captain Mo Bing had been completely stunned and stood there. He could stuff an egg with his mouth open, and he couldn't make a sound.

"Ah-" At this moment, a woman's harsh scream came from the bed again, and Tang Yin yelled angrily: "Shut up!" Between the words, his arm trembled, and the spirit knife came out of his hand, straight to the bed. Shoot it.

Flutter! Precision and power. The blade was stabbing into the woman's mouth on the bed, and her strength was so strong that she bounced her body all the way, the tip of the blade protruded behind her head, and nailed it to the wall.

Except for Tang Yin and Captain Mo Bing in the room, there was no more talk. Tang Yin looked around for a week, laughing, catching the corpse on the ground with his toes, kicking it out, and banging, the corpse was kicked directly under the bed by him.

Captain Mo Bing suddenly trembled. He finally looked back. He looked pale, grabbed Tang Yin's arm in a panic, and screamed, "You said that it would make me okay. Now that things are getting worse, you have to Walk with me ... "

"Walk? Why go?" Tang Yin smirked and shook his hands away, then listened to his ears, and there were rapid footsteps outside, presumably someone outside had heard the sound of rushing over.

He squinted his eyes slightly, and moved as he wanted. The dense mist was scattered all over him, gathered around him, and remained undisturbed. With only a blink of an eye, the more the mist gathered, the more it finally condensed into an adult form.

This man is exactly the same as the tall man who was just sucked out by the dark fire. Not only is his appearance, height, and body shape not bad, he is even shirtless and his white trousers are the same. It was carved out of a mold.

This is the shadow avatar, one of the dark magic skills.

The other party just killed the captain. At this time, he became another captain. Captain Mo Bing felt the scalp was numb, his body was weak, and his heartbeat jumped into his throat. He couldn't scream at this time, sitting on the ground with one buttock, looking at the 'Captain of the Thousand', stunned, while the liquid slowly flowed out from under his crotch.

Tang Yin looked up and down about the thousands of captains she had transformed, nodded with a smile, then walked to the bed, opened the curtain, pulled out the machete from the naked woman's mouth, and put away. thump! The body nailed to the wall fell upright on the bed, and the blood stained the bedding in red instantly.

He had just put away the knife and heard a bang, and the door was knocked open from the outside. Then, three spiritual practitioners dressed like Wu Ya broke in first, followed by a large number of soldiers of Mo Jun.

"Captain of the Thousand ?!" When people came in, they were shocked to see what was happening in the room. "What is this ...?"

The captain came to the clothes rack, picked up a coat and put it on his body. At the same time, he shouted, "You do n’t know what assassins are mixed in. What are you doing? If Mr. Wu Ya arrived in time, you must do it for me It ’s dead! "

"Ah ..." Everyone looked at each other, looked at the angry captain, and bowed their heads. The three spiritualists noticed the corpses on the bed, rushed forward, and pushed Tang Yin, who was standing next to the bed. Kai, first touched the woman's breath, and then looked at her wound carefully, the three changed their colors and said, "What a fast knife!"

One of the older spiritualists turned back and asked, "Captain Qian, what about my second brother?"

The captain pointed at the broken window and said, "Mr. Wu Ya has gone after the assassin!"

Middle-aged people trembled. Just looking at the corpse's knife wound, you can tell that the assassin's knife is extremely fast and repaired naturally. Wu Ya is not his opponent! He didn't think about it, rushed to the window and jumped out.

As soon as he was out, he heard a pig crying outside the window: "Second Brother! Second Brother ..."

The other two spiritualists were shocked ~ www.readwn.com ~ and jumped out of the window in a hurry. This time, there was a chorus outside the window, one crying brother and two crying brothers.

The Qianfu's mouth moved, and he looked up at the Mo Bing who was still standing stupidly, angrily, "What are you still doing here? Go and call your brothers to catch the assassins!"

"Ah? Ah, yes, yes, yes!" Everyone woke up like a dream, nodded again and again, and then swarmed around and ran out.

After the people left, Captain Qian dropped his head, glanced at Captain Mo Bing who was still sitting on the ground, reached out and pulled him up, looked at his pants that were so wet, grinned, and said softly, "Relax. ,nothing."

Captain Mo Bing slowly raised his head, and it took a while for the focal length of his eyes to fall on the face of the captain. He wanted to speak, but his lips were closed and he couldn't spit out a word. It ’s not like looking at a person, but like looking at a monster.

The captain patted his cheek lightly and said, "Go! Pass my order and let all the brothers gather outside!"

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