(Literature University m) Tang Yin asked with a grin in her heart, "Master Qiu, what's your opinion?"

Qiu Zhen turned his head and looked at Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Zi Yang Haochun, saying, "To defeat Zhong Tian, ​​the old thief, it is not enough to rely on the strength of the county defender alone. Liang Xiang, Wu Xiang, and Zi Yang are needed. The general can help! "

"Oh? How can I help?"

"Now that although Zhong Tian controls the corps of three adults, I believe that most of the soldiers in the corps are still loyal to the three adults. As long as the three adults shout their arms in Tianyuan County, many soldiers will be abandoned by Zhong Tian. Fang's military strength will greatly increase and Zhong Tian ’s strength will be sharply reduced. This will expel the Ning Army, destroy Zhong Tian, ​​recapture the capital, and restore the wind country. ”Qiu Zhense said.

What he was going to say was exactly what Tang Yin was going to say, but it was more appropriate for him to say it than for Tang Yin.

After listening to his words, Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Zi Yang Haochun all took a breath and meditated silently for a while. Yang Haochun Fang smiled bitterly and said, "Now the three of us are the same as before. It's really ambiguous whether we will continue to be loyal to us ... "

"Why not try it?" Qiu Zhen said, "If anyone comes to vote, it's best if no one comes to vote for us.

The three old men nodded and looked at each other, thinking that Qiu Zhenzheng also made sense.

Wu Yu first responded: "Well, listen to what Master Qiu said. I'll first write letters to those seniors, but it will be difficult to send them to Yancheng."

Qiu Zhen said with a smile: "Even though we can rest assured that we have always kept secret agents in Yancheng, it is definitely not a problem to pass a letter."

"Well!" Wu Yu nodded.

After hearing what he said, Liang Xing and Zi Yang Haochun both expressed their willingness to persuade the original members to go to Tianyuan County. Ken Qiu, who got them, was very glad to give a secret glance at Tang Yin, who was sitting still on the chair, but his eyes were flowing.

It can be seen that Tang Yin was very satisfied with her persuasion. Qiu Zhen continued for a moment and said, "Zhong Tian usurped the people all over the country and hated him just because he lacked a leader. So people dare to be angry but dare not speak The three adults have always had high prestige and reputation, and now the country is in distress. The three adults should take up the burden of rebelling against the people in the world, and the heroes and people of the whole country will fight against the rebels. "

His remarks can be regarded as holding the three to the extreme and faintly respecting the three of them, which naturally made the three old men greatly useful.

But they are not stupid. Now Tianyuan County is in charge. Tang Yin Qiu Zhen is just a deputy. His words may not represent Tang Yin's meaning.

The three turned around and looked at Tang Yin who was sitting in a chair and said nothing.

If Tang Yin was still very happy just now, then she is angry and outraged. She has worked hard to save Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Zi Yang Haochun. They want them to increase their soldiers and weaken Zhong Tian's strength. Instead of letting these three people take their place. Qiu's true words obviously let these three be the bosses and do what they do? Dare to spend a long time to make wedding dresses for others! If someone said something like this, Tang Yin would have to turn his face on the spot, but Qiu Zhen said it differently. Qiu Zhen's loyalty to him Tang Yin is 100% trusted Qiu Zhen's ambition is how big he is also 100% understand that taking Qiu Zhen as a person will never let himself be given power to others, so if he says this, there must be something he cannot tell. Human secrets.

Tang Yin still smiled for a moment and then smiled and said, "Master Qiu said what he said is exactly what I want to say."

After hearing this, Qiu Zhen's eyes were suddenly bright, and he couldn't help but secretly lament how much trust Tang Yin could say to him! I am afraid that under the world, only Tang Yin can trust such a person so how can he help him with no effort?

The relationship between the two of them is gradually improved on the basis of this increasing trust in each other.

Tang Yin's words made Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Zi Yang Haochun immediately relieved that the three old men laughed with joy and also said, "We are going to draft tomorrow's rebellion!"

Qiu Zhen stood up and laughed, "That villain is waiting for good news!"

Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Zi Yang Haochun were satisfied enough that they were the nobles of the Wind King's court, and now they are still the leaders of the Wind Country. They will fight back to the capital and kill the old thief Zhong Tian. They are the first heroes to save the Wind Country. The Zhan clan has been mutilated by Zhong Tian, ​​and the new Wind King, which is the Lord of the Wind without the Lord, is taken for granted from three of them. In order to defeat the other two competitors, their own credit must be overwhelmed. At this time, the three of them have begun to secretly wonder how they can make their own remarkable achievements and win the hearts and minds of the people of the world.

Now that they have just escaped from danger, they have begun their own mischief, which is considered to be the root of the noble tradition.

After the meeting, Tang Yin prepared a feast for Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Zi Yang Haochun. After everyone left in succession, only Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen did not leave.

Qiu Zhen looked at Tang Yin and grinned. The latter is no longer a smile, frowning and questioning: "Do you dare to laugh? I am almost sold by you in this county!"

"Haha--" Qiu Zhen laughed on his back and said, "adult, what do you say the army is relying on?"

Tang Yin didn't understand what he meant and asked, "What?"

"Military funds, armaments, and military crickets!"

Qiu Zhencong said with a smile on his face, "Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Zi Yang Haochun wrote to their subordinates to come and take refuge. Once people really come, can they still obey the orders of these three people? Don't forget, adults We are the ones who provide them with military food. If they want to kill them, they have to kill them for us. It ’s easy for them to take them into the Tianyuan Army. As for the heroic and ordinary people who are collected by the cloth, they are taken by the Tianyuan Army. It ’s the adults who are holding the army instead of Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Zi Yang Haochun. The soldiers in the troubled times have the right to have no soldiers in their hands. Everything is empty talk about Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Zi Yanghao. I'm afraid no one will listen to Commander Chung. We are just using their name to enhance our strength for us. When the time is right, we can kick them off. Even if the three of them have resentment, he dare not complain. Because they and their families are now in the hands of adults, a word of the hostages in the hands of adults can determine their life and death! "

Tang Yin listened carefully when Qiu Zhen finished his analysis and grinned, and he said, how could Qiu Zhen take the initiative to give up his rights? It was premeditated.

A sinister and treacherous Qiu Zhen is probably deeper in his imagination and city government than the usurper Zhong Tian. However, Tang Yin was very fortunate to have such a good helper.

If Tang Yin is a wolf, then Qiu Zhen is definitely the sly lynx attached to the wolf!

After listening to Qiu Zhenzheng, Tang Yin completely relaxed her attitude and became more respectful of Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Zi Yang Haochun.

After leaving the large account, Tang Yin asked his soldiers and soldiers about the charming place where he stayed without taking his followers alone.

These days, he does n’t spend much time with Wumei alone. It can be said that there is n’t even one. It ’s because he ’s too busy rushing around. There are too many dancers around. Tang Yin is not easy to find a Wumei speaker. Oneself will be put on a big hat attached to power climbing.

Even the hard work and hard work of the people have been exhausted. At this time, the dancers must have rested. Tang Yin thought that there should be no other people in the charming room. As a result, he was wrong. Not only was someone else, he was also an unexpected person Fan Min.

When Tang Yin saw Fan Min in Wumei's room, he couldn't believe his eyes could not figure out how Fan Min came here?

His face was slightly surprised, but Fan Min calmly smiled at him as if he knew he was coming and said, "Brother Tang, you are here!"

Tang Yin stood still at the door and did not answer the charming glance sweeping at the two of them. With the natural instinct of the woman, she immediately felt that the relationship between Tang Yin and Fan Min was extraordinary, and Fan Min came to find his own purpose. not simple.

Wu Mei comes from aristocratic family and Fan Min comes from the Fan family of a rich country. Wu Mei and Fan Min naturally have known each other, but the two have very different personalities. They are so charming that they are so beautiful that they do n’t see Fan Min It is pleasing to the eye and Fan Min's full copper smell also makes Wu Mei sniff the noses. The two people have too many different personalities. There has been no deep friendship or intersection. Www.readwn.com In fact, she was trying to test the relationship between Tang Yin and Wu Mei to see if Tang Yin would come.

Sure enough, Fan Min expected that Tang Yin really came.

When Tang Yin stood there, she was surprised and then embarrassed. Fan Min immediately stood up and hugged his arm to pull him into the room. He smiled and said, "Miss Wu is a close friend of my girlfriend. Brother Tang is my fiance and it's a coincidence that you and you know this again. "

Although she was mentally prepared, she was shocked to hear that Fan Min said that Tang Yin was her fiance.

If it was replaced by someone else with her self-esteem, then she would definitely quit without hesitation, but the object was Tang Yin and the other person was her most indifferent Fan Min's heart. The sorrow just born was immediately replaced by dissatisfaction and anger . Literature m

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