Chapter Ten Chapter 964

Peng Jun groaned for a while and carefully asked: "Is Miss Ziyue testing my loyalty to the Holy King, or does she want me to test Elder Nie's loyalty to the Holy King?"

Ziyue laughed silently on her back and said, "None. I have already said that this is what the teacher meant, and what His Royal Highness meant."

"That ... then you ..."

"You're right, Yeye and I have taken refuge in Fengguo." Ziyue said quietly.

Seeing Peng Jun's face puzzled, she said quietly: "You should never hear the name of the night. He is one of the secret spiritual practitioners secretly cultivated by the Holy King. His name is Ling Ye, but he is dead. , Was killed by the Holy King *. When they are useful to the Holy King, the Holy King will give them grace, but when their existence threatens the Holy King, the Holy King will show them mercilessly. Abandon, kill and kill, this is the holy king of our divine pool! "

When she was talking, Ziyue's eyes shot fine and her fist was clenched tightly. If she was close to her at this time, she could obviously feel the air flowing slowly.

Peng Jun didn't know that there was Ling Ye, and he didn't know what the relationship between Zi Yue and Ling Ye was, but looking at Zi Yue's expression at this time, he could guess about it.

He groaned for a moment and said, "I believe Miss Ziyue's words, but I also ask Miss Ziyue to show the voucher transmitted by your teacher."

Ziyue shook her head and said, "I don't have the credentials of the elders of the East. The letter of His Royal Highness the Wind has been burned by me as soon as it reaches my hands. You should understand that such letters should not be left for a moment."

"This ..." Peng Jun frowned, empty of words, how could he believe what Ziyue said?

Seeing his expression of doubt and hesitation, Ziyue stood up and said, "I just came to pass the letter on behalf of your master. As for whether you believe or not, it's your own business, leave." After speaking, she said Step outside.

"Wait a minute!" Peng Jun hurriedly stopped her. It was a big deal. How could he make a hasty decision, and he asked, "Why did I go to persuade Elder Nie to go?"

"Because you are reliable, because things are dangerous, and because my position is more important than you, so you can only go."

Ziyue stood at the door of the room and looked back at him with a deep smile and said, "Of course, if you're scared, I'll take a trip for you in the end."

Peng Junyu's face turned red, and she said positively, "Ms. Ziyue has misunderstood. She is not afraid of death. Since this is the meaning of the teacher, I will do it even if I am broken!"

Ziyue took a deep look at him, then took a breath, and said, "Nie Zhen, who is expensive as an elder, is greedy for life and is afraid of death. His bones are very soft. No matter whether he agrees or not, he should not kill. You, he will leave a way out for himself. "

Peng Jun almost laughed when she heard the words. Ziyue's evaluation was a bit rude, but she also got into the third. Nie Zhen was exactly what she called the boneless person. He nodded and said, "Thanks Miss Ziyue for reminding me."

Ziyue didn't make any more stoppages. As she opened the door, she said without looking back, "I'll wait for your good news." After that, she quickly walked out.

Peng Jun looked at his back. He did not return for a long time until Ziyue left for a long while. When Peng Bo came in from the outside, he suddenly woke up. Peng Bo approached Peng Jun, and whispered, "My son, why did Miss Ziyue come here?"

"Nothing." Peng Jun waved his hand, unwilling to talk more about the matter. He didn't distrust Pemb, but felt that the less he knew, the better.

Now, Peng Jun is also considering whether Ziyue's statement is true or not. After all, she is empty-handed and thinking backwards, he thinks it is more likely to be true.

He is just a small, insignificant figure in Shenchi. He ca n’t get into the eyes of the holy king. The holy king has to deal with him. It is as simple as pinching an ant. It wasn't like lying, she dared to show ridicule and hatred towards the Holy King, even if she pretended not to pretend. Furthermore, it is true that the master turned to Fengchuan Coalition. For the master, it was imperative that Nie Zhen could persuade Nie Zhen and several elders joined forces to impeach Guanghan.

After some thought, Peng Jun finally decided to go to Nie Zhen and give it a try. Of course, success is the best. If not, he is ready to lose his head.

The next day after Ziyue found him, he went to Nie Zhen's house. Now Niefu is very lively, with vehicles flowing in and out, people come in and out, and there is a continuous stream of gates.

But Nie Zhen, the master, was not happy. In his opinion, the current city defense of Shenchi City is full of loopholes. The city defense facilities are insufficient. What's more terrible is that the food and grass in the city are not good enough to be maintained for a long time. All these problems are on him, and he has to solve them all.

Now he really hopes that he is not the elder of Shenchi, and he doesn't need to bother about these and those troubles.

Niefu lobby, main hall. At this time, Nie Zhen was there, as were his apprentices.

Nie Zhen has only ten disciples, but there are hundreds of unnamed disciples. Named disciples are gathered in the hall, while unnamed disciples are gathered in the outer courtyard. One after another.

When Nie Zhen and his disciples were discussing how to strengthen the city defense and how to solve the problem of food and grass, a family rushed in, hurriedly approaching Nie Zhen and said, "Master, Peng Jun, please see me!"

Nie Zhen didn't even think about it. He waved his hand absently and said, "I haven't heard of it, I haven't seen it."

The family responded, and was about to go out. Nie Zhen's great disciple Wei Biao raised his hand to stop him, and then whispered to Nie Zhen: "Master, Peng Jun is a close disciple of Dongfang Yehuai!"

"Oh?" Nie Zhen blinked, and then, remembering that there was indeed a number Peng Jun under the door of Dongfang Yehuai, he shot the case and asked aloud, "Do you still have disciples in Dongfang Yehuai?"

"I don't know, the disciples who thought Dongfang Yehuai had already defected with him. Unexpectedly, there was a Peng Jun left in the city."

"Hehe, haha—" Nie Zhen still chuckled, then laughed on his back and said, "If he doesn't come, I don't know that there is such a person in the city. Now it is better, he took the initiative to come to the door. . "

Talking, he waved to Jiading, and Shen said, "Bring Peng Jun in!"

"Yes! Master!"

Nie Zhen glanced at the disciples on the left and right, everyone knew, and immediately two disciples stood up and went out with the family. Since Peng Jun came to the door on his own initiative, Nie Zhen did not plan to let him go easily.

After waiting for a while, Peng Jun was followed by two disciples into the lobby from the outside. Seeing Nie Zhen sitting in the middle, he hurried forward and bowed, saying, "Nephew Peng Jun, see Elder Nie!"

He claims to be a nephew, and that's right. Don't look at his young age, but his seniority is not low at all. Nie Zhen heard that he almost laughed on the spot and did not wait for him to speak. Some disciples scolded him: "Who are you nephew? The apprentice of the prince and the thief, and the self-proclaimed nephew in front of the teacher?"

After all, Nie Zhen is an elder, and he has more grace than the disciples below. He waved to the disciple who spoke, motioned him not to say much, then looked at Peng Jun, and asked: "Peng Jun, come to this seat today, but come to ask for sin?"

When he wanted to come, Peng Jun must be afraid of being implicated by Dongfang Yehuai, so he took the initiative to come and see himself. Peng Jun nodded, then shook his head, and said, "Elder Nie, my nephew came here to discuss something with Elder Nie."

Yep? Nie Zhen frowned, at the same time his heart moved, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Uh ..." Peng Jun didn't speak right away, but looked around in embarrassment.

Seeing this, the disciples around were not angry at each other, and they all yelled, "Say something fast, let there be fart quickly, if you support me again, don't blame me for being polite to you!"

Peng Jun ignored the others. He looked at Nie Zhen with an expression of embarrassment: "Elder Nie, it is very important for nephew to talk with each other, and he must discuss with Elder Nie separately."

"Master, you don't have to listen to his ghost words. According to Tutu, he's here to find trouble ..."

Nie Zhen didn't think so, unless Peng Jun ate the bear heart leopard, he didn't want to live anymore. He thought about it and said to his disciples, "You go out first, Wei Biao stays!"


"Go out!"

Seeing that Nie Zhen's old face sank, the disciples did not dare to say more. They gave Peng Jun a stern glance, and then went out.

When they all left, Nie Zhen motioned Wei Biao to close the door, and then asked Peng Jun, "What do you have to say ~ ~ can you say now?"

"Elder Nie!" Peng Jun hurried forward a few steps, and Wei Biao on the side was frightened, and was about to stop, but Peng Jun knelt on the ground first and said with an arched hand: "This time my nephew was entrusted by his teacher , Come here to see Elder Nie. "

After hearing this, it seems that Peng Jun did not come to ask for sin, but to persuade him to surrender. Wei Biao clenched his fists and shot fierce light in his eyes. Nie Zhen was very calm, or just now he had more or less guessed Peng Jun's intention.

"What did your master ask you to do with this forum?"

Peng Jun asked in earnest: "Can Elder Nie think that the current city of Shenchi can withstand the nearly one million troops of the two countries?"

Nie Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "The Shenchi City is a dangerous place, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Not to mention the million enemy forces, even if it is two million or three million, it will not break the defense of my Shenchi.

"Once the war begins, there will be no more way to say, even if Elder Nie can block this wave of offensives from the Fengchuan Coalition, what will happen next? Fengchuan and the two countries will definitely continue to dispatch troops from the country and launch a second Wave, the third wave, and even more offensives, how long can Shenchi City resist even if it is as solid as gold? At that time, I am afraid that I will be trapped and trapped. "

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