w Chapter tenth Chapter 986

Even Nie Zhen, who had always been obedient to Guanghan, was subdued and accepted his own persuasion. It seems that Guanghanting has really gone. After everyone heard Peng Jun's words, they were all surprised and full of excitement.

"In this way, we can invade Shenchi City immediately and fight against Guanghan!" Huangfu Xiutai stood up, his eyes flashed with ng light, and his pale hair was made without wind.

Peng Jun said busyly: "Although Elder Nie agreed to retreat, many of the guard leaders who guarded the city walls remained loyal to Guang Han. We still have to discuss with Elder Nie carefully how to enter the city."

Dongfang Yehuai said positively: "June is right, this matter is urgent, you must be foolproof, you must succeed in one blow, and you must try to avoid a large-scale confrontation. After all, you are fighting and beating. My Godpool child! "

The elders nodded one after another, feeling that Dongfang Yehuai was justified. If you do not count on the onslaught of casualties, with the strength of so many elders, you can definitely break through the city defense of Shenchi City. The main purpose of persuading Nie Zhen to avoid casualties is!

Tang Yin rubbed his chin, pondered for a long time, and said to Peng Jun: "Brother Peng first rested in the camp for one night. After tomorrow, you will return to Shenchi City. After seeing Nie Zhen, let him think of a perfect strategy that will save our soldiers. He entered the city and told him that once the situation is completed, neither Fengguo nor Sichuan will forget his merit, and he will be grateful. "

Peng Jun didn't dare to respond rashly, but turned to look at Dongfang Yehuai, and when the master nodded, he arched his hand: "Yes! The villain obeys!"

That night, Peng Jun stayed in the camp of the Fengchuan Coalition. He and Dongfang Yehuai had been separated for so long. There were also many questions to ask the master.

He thought that Nie Zhen's arrangement was very clever, enough to hide anyone's eyes and eyes, but he was wrong, or he was too careless and inexperienced.

He shouldn't come to the Fengchuan Alliance Army Camp in an upright manner to see the Eastern Night.

The spies on the Shenchi side can't get into the Fengchuan Allied Forces Camp, but many spies are hidden around the Fengchuan Allied Forces camp. Peng Jun came upright, but how can they not be seen?

He came out of Shenchi City, and was invited to the camp by the Fengchuan Coalition Forces. The detectives in Shenchi immediately noticed that there was a problem. A detective hiding nearby hurried back to Shenchi City to report the news.

At this time, the leaders responsible for guarding the city walls were Yuan Yu and Yan Kai.

Hearing someone said that a spy came back and said there was something important to report. Both of them were taken aback and thought that there was a change in the Fengchuan coalition. The two hurriedly ran up to the city and let the spies outside the city. Pull it up.

Soon, the spies outside the city were pulled up by the guards with ropes. Seeing Yuan Yu and Yan Kai, the detective hurriedly bowed and saluted, and said, "You see Master Yuan and Master Yan!"

"No need to be polite. What do you mean if you report something important?"

"Oh ... two adults, was there someone in the city who was sent to the Fengchuan Coalition camp?"

When Nie Zhen sent Peng Jun, Yuan Yu and Yan Kai were both present. Both nodded and Yan Kai said, "Yeah! Isn't he able to sneak into the Fengchuan Coalition Army and was killed by the Fengchuan Coalition?" "

"On the contrary, he has now entered the Fengchuan Coalition Camp, and it looks like he has been invited by the Fengchuan Coalition." The detective whispered cautiously.

"What?" Yuan Yu and Yan Kai's eyes widened in disbelief, and they were invited to the Fengchuan Coalition Camp. How could this be possible? Yan Kai was upright and didn't think about it. He stomped his feet and lamented: "It was careless to choose a person. Elder Nie actually chose such a cartilage villain as a spy. This time, many of our information Afraid to be mastered by the Fengchuan Coalition ... "

Before he sighed, Yuan Yu suddenly caused Lingling to fight a chill, and he yanked open severely, interrupting what he said, and then looked around nervously, and whispered to Yan Kai and the detective: "You two follow me down the wall!"

Yan Kai and the spy looked puzzled, looked at each other, did not understand what Yuan Yu was suddenly nervous, and they somehow followed him and walked below the city wall.

When he came to a quiet place where no one was, Yuan Yu stopped. He looked back and forth to confirm that no one was there. Then he turned to Yan Kai and said, "It's something wrong! Elder Nie can send the name in person. When a spy comes out of the city, it must be a person that Elder Nie trusts and values. How can he surrender the Fengchuan Coalition Army as soon as he leaves the city? I worry, Elder Nie he ... "

He didn't finish his words, and Yan Kai's face changed suddenly, exclaiming: "Brother Yuan thinks that Elder Nie knows the enemy?"

After speaking, he himself stirred up a cold war and shook his head again and again and denied: "No, no, Elder Nie has always been loyal to the Holy King. How could he secretly communicate with the enemy? There must be some misunderstanding."

"It's a misunderstanding, it's a fact. In short, it matters. I have to be careful."

Yuan Yu's eyes rolled, his face was positive, and he said to Yan Kai and the detective Shen Sheng: "This matter, you two don't tell anyone, I will go to the temple to report the Holy King, and ask the Holy King to make a claim. . "

"But what if there is a misunderstanding? Brother Yuan, Elder Nie is not something you and I can afford!"

"You can't control that much. Elder Nie is in charge of the city defense. If he secretly communicates with the enemy, Shenchi City will be in danger!" Yuan Yu exuded cold sweat on his forehead and said hurriedly: "You two are waiting for me, I will go back when I go!" "

Yan Kai solemnly said: "Brother Yuan must not add any jealousy to the Queen, and his report of one hundred and ten is enough."

"I understand." Yuan Yu responded, nodded to Yan Kai, and then strode away.

The spy's return made Yuan Yusheng vigilant. He quietly left the city wall alone, and drove away in the direction of the temple.

It is now four days, the night is quiet, and there is no one on the street. Yuan Yu waved his whip, and the horses ran like a whirlwind.

As he hurried to the temple in a hurry, he suddenly saw a person standing in the middle of the street in front of him. The sky was too dim and the horse was too fast. When Yuan Yu noticed someone on the street, he even The man led the horse to a distance less than ten steps away from the man.

Yuan Yu frightened the cold sweat and hurriedly tightened the reins of the war horse.

Hesitant-the war horse hissed a long hiss, and the two front feet were raised high as if to stand upright.

It took a lot of effort for Yuan Yu to stabilize the war horse. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then, furious, yelled at the man standing in the middle of the road: "Standing in the middle of the night, you do n’t want to Did you die? "

The man gave a smirk, and asked quietly, "I also find it strange, in the middle of the night, where is Master Yuan going?"

Upon hearing the words, Yuan Yu was startled. He lowered his head and looked closely, and it turned out that the big disciple standing in the middle of the road was Wei Biao, a great disciple.

Seeing clearly that the other party was Wei Biao, Yuan Yu's head buzzed. He stunned for a few seconds, then hurriedly turned over and dismissed the horse, politely saying, "Originally ... it was Brother Wei, I do n’t know it was Brother Wei here , I have offended many people, and I also hope Brother Wei forgive me. "

Wei Biao has no official position in Shenchi, but he is the chief disciple of the elder. He is a well-known teacher with a distinguished background. If nothing unexpected happens, he will enter the Presbytery and become a member of the elders of Shenchi.

"You haven't answered me yet. It's so deep in the middle of the night that you don't guard the city defense and run to the city to do it?" Wei Biao turned his back and looked at him with a smile.

Yuan Yu swallowed and grinned secretly. Who was not good enough for him, why did he run into Wei Biao? He certainly did not dare to tell the truth, stuttered, "Yes ... it was an emergency in the next house, so ... so I was in a hurry to get home ..."

Wei Biao laughed and reminded slowly: "If I remember correctly, your house should not be in this direction, but this is going to the palace!"

"Oh ... this ... this ..." Yuan Yu couldn't answer indifferently.

"Master Yuan bears a heavy load and is the city defense of Shenchi City, but he leaves the post arbitrarily and lives up to the trust of the Holy King and his teacher. What crimes should you blame?" Wei Biao stared at Yuan Yu directly.

Yuan Yu trembled, clenched her fists, and finally her heart crossed. She said straightly, "It's not about leaving the post, but going to meet the Holy King!"

"Oh?" Wei Biao provoked the corner of his mouth, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "Meet the Holy King? So Master Yuan must be something important!"


"I don't know, can you listen to what is called?"

When Yuan Yu's face changed, Shen Sheng said, "I have something important to report to the Holy King. Brother Wei is not convenient to ask questions!"

"Haha!" Wei Biao smiled on his back, shaking his head and said, "Yuan Yu, Yuan Yu, the teacher trusted you so much, and recommended you to be one of the leaders in defending the city defense, but you, what you return to the teacher is to sneak to the Holy King Tell me? "

what? Yuan Yu took a breather ~ www.readwn.com ~ Unbelievably looked at Wei Biao, and was shocked in his heart: Did he know?

The hand behind Yuan Yu's back was finally put down. It wasn't until then that Yuan Yu could see clearly that a **** human head was still being carried in his hand, which was just the first level of the spy who had just returned to the city.

Seeing that detective's severed head, Yuan Yu felt as if a sap was taken, his body shook, and he could not help but take two steps backwards. Then, he looked up at Wei Biao, and said in shock and angrily: "You ... you take him ... "

Wei Biao slowly raised his hand, raised the first level in front of himself, and said with a sneer: "How can I stay with such a villain who corrupts the reputation of a master teacher, and it is considered cheap if he doesn't make him a thousand swords? Now. "

Talking, he turned his eyes to Yuan Yu's face and asked with a smile, "Master Yuan, what do you say?"

At this point, Yuan Yu's body suddenly swelled, and now he finally understood Wei Biao's purpose here, he was here to intercept himself, to kill people.

He stepped back and said, "It turns out that Elder Nie has really betrayed the Holy King. The Holy King is not bad for Elder Nie. He has also given the heavy responsibility of the city defense of Shenchi to Elder Nie. How can he live up to the Holy King ..." m

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