Tenth episode ninety-seventh chapter

Wei Biao usually doesn't like his second master, but at this time he is nodding his head and agrees again and again and says to Nie Zhen: "Master, the second master is right. Elder, if you want to choose a new holy king, why is Huangfu and Dongfang the best? Master must fight this time! "

The other disciples responded in unison: "Yes! Other things can be allowed, and the master must not let anyone else!"

Nie Zhen cleared his throat, waved his hands to the disciples, and then asked Qin He: "Hey, isn't it good to draw together the two countries of Fengchuan for the teacher? Why choose one of them as the backer?"

Qin Hezhengzheng said: "Master, do n’t look at the two countries of Fengchuan this time to join forces to send troops to the pool of gods. In fact, the two countries are inseparable and considerate. In the future, there will be a decisive battle between these two countries. When you get to the right and left, it will be counterproductive. If you do n’t please the two ends, you ’ll end up in a bamboo basket to fetch water. Therefore, the only reason is for the master to choose one of them as the backer.

Nie Zhen nodded and thought Qin He was right. He asked again, "Which side will be elected for the teacher based on Heerer's opinion?"

"Well ..." Qin He rubbed his chin into deep thought, without answering immediately.

Wei Biao said hurriedly, "Master, Tuer thinks that being elected to Sichuan is the top priority!"

The disciples also agreed: "Master is right, Sichuan is the best choice."

Regarding their opinions, Nie Zhen did not take his mind seriously. What he wanted to hear most was Qin He's opinions.

After a long time, Qin He nodded slowly and said, "The big brother said that the country of Sichuan is indeed the first choice. On the strength of the country, Sichuan is better than the country of wind. On prestige and credibility, Sichuan is also far better than the country of wind. Wind The only advantage that the country has over the Sichuan country is that they are in control of the Son of Heaven. However, from the perspective of the children, this advantage is not enough to make up for the country's disadvantage.

Hearing Qin He also said that, Nie Zhen finally made up his mind, he took a deep breath and said, "Okay! I will wait for you as a teacher to draw the Sichuan Kingdom." Speaking, he looked to Wei Biao. , Said: "Biaoer, Peng Jun also came to Fengchuan Allied Army Camp. This time, you will accompany him. First, you will meet the elders such as Huangfu and Dongfang on behalf of the division. Upon seeing His Royal Highness Chuan, he made his intention to be a teacher and made it clear to the King that he would support him as a teacher. "

Wei Biao bowed and saluted, and said positively: "Yes! Master!"

After negotiating things properly and formulating the next plans and goals, Nie Zhen let the disciples leave.

The next day, Peng Jun was invited by Nie Zhen to Nie House. After meeting, Nie Zhen explained his plan to Peng Jun in 1510.

The time will be set at tomorrow night. He will dispatch those who are still loyal to the King to guard the Fengchuan Coalition Camp, and let Peng Jun speak to the Fengchuan Coalition on his own behalf. Be prepared and ambush in advance. These people were wiped out in one fell swoop, smoothing the obstacles for the smooth entry of Fengchuan Coalition.

Peng Jun listened carefully. After Nie Zhen had finished speaking, he was happy and excited: "Elder Nie has such a great idea. Tonight, my nephew will go to the camp of the Fengchuan Coalition Forces again to plan for Elder Nie. Tell the King of the Wind, King of Sichuan and the elders. "

"En!" Said Nie Zhenhan with a smile: "This time, the old man's great disciple, Wei Biao, will accompany you. One is to take care of each other, and the other is that Wei Biao can understand a lot of details in the plan. . "

Of course, Peng Jun didn't object, and answered hand-in-hand: "It's naturally best."

During the day without words, late at night, three days later, Nie Zhen repeated his tricks, and once again sent Peng Jun and Wei Biao out of Shenchi City on the grounds of sending out spies.

This time they went to the Fengchuan Coalition Camp, but the two did not go straight. Wei Biao's experience is much richer than Peng Jun. Before entering the Fengchuan United Army Camp, he deliberately took Peng Jun to go around twice, removing the Shenlin eyeliner hidden near the camp one by one, and confirming that there are no more leaking fish. Then he and Peng Jun went to the battalion gate of the Fengchuan Coalition.

Since Peng Jun had just visited once a while ago, the soldiers guarding the battalion gate also knew him, and had a much more polite attitude than the last time, and enthusiastically invited the two of them into the camp.

This time, Wind King Tang Yin and Sichuan King Xiaoxuan met the two of them together. Elders such as Huangfu Xiutai and Dongfang Yehuai were also present. After meeting in the Chinese military account, Peng Jun and Wei Biao saluted Tang Yin, Xiao Xuan, and a group of elders.

The elders present knew Wei Biao, and Nie Zhenken sent his great disciple whom he trusted most, which just showed his sincerity.

After the greetings, Wei Biao explained the plan made by the master to everyone in detail. After he finished speaking, Tang Yin, Xiao Xuan, and the elders all nodded again and again that they thought the plan was feasible.

Later, Huangfu Xiutai asked in detail about the current situation in Shenchi City. Wei Biao knew everything and answered them truthfully.

Through the question and answer of the two of them, Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan also got a better understanding of the internal conditions of Shenchi City, and they became more confident in eradicating Guanghan.

After the talks ended, Wei Biao and Peng Jun were settled in the barracks.

Peng Jun was called by Dongfang Yehuai before he stayed in the account for a long time, and Wei Biao did not stay in the account for a long time. Peng Jun did not leave for a long time. He also stepped out of the tent and asked the soldiers to go straight. The Sichuan army's Chinese army left.

Although Fengchuan's Chinese army tents are not next to each other, they are not far apart. Not long after, Wei Biao came to the Sichuan Army's Chinese army account. Through the gap in the tent curtain, Wei Biao could see the light inside, knowing that Xiao Xuan had not rested yet.

He adjusted his clothes and walked over. Before reaching the army's account, he was stopped by the nearby Sichuan guards. One general, headed by Shen, yelled, "Stop! This is the ground of the Chinese army, is it that you and other people can approach you?"

Wei Biao was in casual clothes, and Sichuan's guards didn't even know him. Naturally, his attitude to him was not polite. When Wei Biao was so scolded by others, he felt very unhappy, but after all he was asking for help, and he could only put up with it.

He gave a gift and said with a smile: "This general, the elder Nie's elder Wei Biao, came here to see His Royal Highness Chuan!"

"Oh! It's Mr. Wei!" The general did not know what Wei Biao looked like, but he had heard his name.

He looked Wei Biao up and down, his attitude softened a lot, and the hand on the hilt also let go. He said, "Mr. Wei, please wait here and go down to report to the king!"

"I'm tired of General." "Ah? Mr. Wei is polite."

The general raised his fist to Wei Biao, then turned around and walked into the army's tent. At this point, Xiao Xuan was indeed in the army's tent, and there was a Ganchuan general on both sides. They were discussing the actions of the Sichuan army after entering the city.

Hearing Wei Biao's begging, Xiao Xuan's face flashed with astonishment. He had just met Wei Biao in Fengjun's Zhongjun account, and now he came to see himself again. What does this mean?

Xiao Xuan had not spoken yet, and Lu Youxi laughed and said, "King, Wei Biao came to see him. Apparently, he was appointed by his teacher to please the king."

"Huh? Please please? Why is this?" Xiao Xuan asked with a smile.

"After Guanghan heard the death, the **** pool needs to establish a new prince. Nie Zhen, as the elder, can't be indifferent to the position of the holy king. He must hope that he can get the king in the contention of the holy king. His support helped him to become the new holy king of Shenchi! "Lu You said with a smile.

"Huh!" Xiao Xuan heard the words, sneered, and said in disapproval: "Nie Zhen is a man who is greedy for life and is afraid of death. He is a selfish villain who is full of selfishness. Is such a person worthy of being the holy king of God's Pool? Being an elder is a defilement of Shenchi! "He said, looking up at the guard general who came in to report, Shen Sheng said:" If you don't see him, let him go. He is lonely and has rested. "

"Yes! King!" The guard general responded with a hand and turned and walked out.

The Sichuan generals on the left and right did not stop. In the eyes of everyone, Nie Zhen was simply not worthy of the support of Sichuan. Moreover, Sichuan had long been the candidate of the new King of God in Chichi, which was the Oriental Night with integrity and excellent reputation. Pregnant.

Wei Biao was waiting impatiently outside the army's account. At this time, the guard leader stepped out, and when he approached, he smiled and said, "Mr. Wei, I'm sorry, it's getting late, and my king is tired. It ’s going to take a break, it ’s really inconvenient to meet Mr. Wei, why not, Mr. Wei will come back someday! ”

When he said that, the fool could hear that Xiao Xuan didn't want to see Wei Biao. He took the initiative to come to see him, and he refused to see him, so he turned himself away. Wei Biao's face turned red, and his blood surged upward.

He took a deep breath, pressed his anger, and said with an arched hand: "This general, the next generation, came to see His Royal Highness the King, and the troublesome General will report to His Royal Highness ..."

Waiting for him to finish ~ www.readwn.com ~ Na Chuan waved his hand and said, "The King is tired and tired, no one will see you again, Mr. Wei will go back earlier!" After speaking, he ignored him. Anyway, Wei Biao turned around and walked away.

"You ..." Wei Biao was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck. If it wasn't for others on the way back to the camp, Wei Biao hated that his teeth were itchy. What's so great about your Sichuan king? He was the acting teacher to see him, but the king of Sichuan avoided it. It was himself who was humiliated, obviously the master!

While he was gnashing his teeth, he walked up to him.

"Mr. Wei, my king has invited me!"

Wei Biao froze and looked up. He had seen the person in front of him. It was one of the escorts around Tang Yin. As for the name, he didn't know.

With doubtful expression on his face, he hurriedly saluted, and asked indefinitely, "Yes ... is His Royal Highness the Wind King?"

"Exactly!" The wind will be Ah San, he said with a smile: "Mr. Wei has worked hard all the way, my king has set a banquet in his tent, and I hope Mr. Wei will not reject my king's kindness what."

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