Tenth episode nine hundred and eighty-four

If Biyu didn't take the initiative to attack, and relying on their superior advantage to make the attacking wind army suffer heavy casualties, now they take the initiative to attack, it is completely weak and strong, no advantage at all.

After they all rushed out of the hall, the wind army's arrow array began to show its might.

As the bowstrings bounced around, I saw the dense arrows flying up in the Wind Army camp. The scene was really like a black rain in the sky. The sound of the wind breaking through thousands of arrows gathered in one place. It turned into a throbbing thunderous sound.

Bi Yan and others clenched their teeth, and continued to rush forward while wielding their swords to block the arrows. But is the arrow array that can change the color of the heavens and the earth can human beings resist?

From time to time, the guards headed by Bishou fell to the ground during the charge. Even Bishou and Bai Fan did not know how many arrows they had suffered, and the body armor was already full of cracks.

"The enemy still has fifty steps, continue to shoot arrows!" Wei Hong stared at the guards who rushed forward, all referring to his throat.

Don't look at each other as women, but they are all powerful and powerful, and it's no exaggeration to use tigress to describe them. If you really let them rush to the front and start a face-to-face white-blade battle with their own, their own casualties will certainly not be small.

Wei Hong rushed to release arrows, and the army's arrow array became more and more dense. This short distance of fifty steps has become an insurmountable gap between the palace guards.

From time to time, the guards who rushed forward fell to the ground with arrows, and when they rushed into the first twenty steps of the Wind Army, there were just less than a hundred people left, and all of them had arrow injuries and nailed their arrows.

Seeing that the enemy's distance was close enough, Wei Hong shouted, "Change the crossbow! The whole army will change the crossbow-"

The crossbow is a weapon for the wind army to fight at medium and short distances. Although it is not as powerful as a bow and arrow, it can also cause strong lethality when the distance is short. Moreover, the crossbow machine is convenient and can be fired continuously. The hand can shoot the arrow out.

The generals of the wind army replaced Weibo in accordance with Wei Hong's orders. This time, the wind army's arrow array is more dense, and the roar of the arrows is endless.

Biyun who was rushing to the front was unable to escape at this time. With a flutter, the spirit armor on her shoulder was the first to be overwhelmed and was crushed by the crossbow. At the same time, the crossbow had been deeply nailed into her shoulder socket. .

She was shocked, and her forward shape stopped. At the moment when she paused, the muffled sound of flapping, fluttering, and fluttering sounded around her. Looking at Biyu again, she hit at least a dozen arrows.

Seeing this, Wei Hong couldn't help laughing, and hurriedly urged the soldiers around him: "Arrow arrows! Continue to dart arrows! If you don't stay, kill them all!"

Just when Bi Yue was shaky, and even stood still, Bai Fan rushed forward, pushing her to the side.

She pushed Biyu away, but she herself was exposed to the arrows of the wind army, and the sound of crunching sounds was heard for a while. Looking at Bai Fan, she had lost her human form, and looked like an arrow target. There were black crossbows all over his body.

Bichen looked so real and shouted, "Bai Fan--"

Unfortunately, Bai Fan was unable to respond at this time, and Feng Jun's arrow formation killed her instantly. Watching the sisters who lived together day and night in order to save herself from the tragic arrows, Bi Yue roared with a hissing exhaustion, and did not know the strength in her body, struggling to stand up, and then she returned with a sword and stuck her body in All those crossbow arrows were cut off, leaving only the arrows in the body. Then, her blood-red eyes glared at Wei Hong not far away, and growled, "I want your dog's life--"

Between words, the sword in her hand flashed a dazzling light, and the blade of the sword quickly grew, and became extremely soft, like an embroidered band. She carried the Ling Jian after the spirit change of the soldier, and flew towards Wei Hong.

Now the person she hates most is Wei Hong, as long as she can take Wei Hong's life and let her be broken.

Wei Hong originally thought that it was the end of the crossbow that he had hit so many arrows. He let himself be slaughtered. He did not expect that he would be able to fight again, perform the spirit change of the soldiers, and continue to kill himself.

He was so frightened that he couldn't help but step back and exclaimed to the left and right: "Put your arrows, let your arrows go! Shoot and kill this thief, and shoot this thief-"

However, at this time, the distance between Bichen and him was too close. Most of the wind army could no longer aim at Bichen. Only the wind army beside Wei Hong could continue to shoot the crossbow.

Flutter, flutter, flutter! Just a few steps away, Bishou shot a few more arrows on her body, but she gritted her teeth and rushed to Wei Hong. The spirit sword rose and swept out.

Wei Hong's mother frightened and rolled her head backwards, letting the sword pass by. The surrounding wind soldiers immediately lowered the crossbow, raised the heavy shield, swarmed up, and protected Wei Hong behind him.

Bi Yue screamed like crazy, and the Sword swept out again. Click! Just listening to the scene, there was a crisp sound, and a whole row of heavy shields was swept into two pieces under the sword, and even the wind army behind was dead and died.

Wei Hong, who was crawling on the ground, twisted his head and saw that his own heavy shield hand was as weak as a mustard in front of the enemy. His face was blue, and then he looked at Biyu, his body was full of crossbow arrows, but he could still wave his spirit. Sword came to chase and kill himself. Where is this human? It is just a ghost incarnation.

He shouted, "Stop her, go stop her!"

Why did the wind army not want to protect the Lord and block Biyu, but they couldn't stop it at all. Under the spirit soldiers, people rushed up and were swept into a wave.

Bi Bi's potential is like breaking bamboo, he just killed a blood path, caught up with Wei Hong, cut his sword, and yelled, "Bring your dog's head!"

In fact, Wei Hong's Lingwu is also good, not so bad, he was completely intimidated by the appearance of Bijie Ligui. Watching each other with a sword slashing at himself, he froze, forgetting to dodge for a while.

Just then, a spirit sword suddenly stuck out in the oblique thorn, blocking Wei Hong.

When 啷! Click! First there was a sound of iron collision, and then there was a crisp sound. The spirit sword stretched from one side was severely cut off. However, taking advantage of the fleeting gap in which Bichen's attack was blocked, Wei Hong was thrown out.

Click! Bi Ling's Spirit Sword did not hack Wei Hong and cut the ground into a long gap. She turned her head subconsciously to look aside, to see who would rescue it. As a result, she saw an extremely familiar face, Ziyue.

"Yueer, is it you? You ... you haven't died yet?"

There is only half of the spirit sword in Ziyue's hand, but for spiritual practitioners, half of the spirit sword is enough to take human life.

She didn't say anything, taking advantage of Bi Bi's opportunity, she approached forward and stabbed half of the spirit sword in her hand.

flutter! Biyu didn't dodge, or she has lost her ability to dodge now. Ziyue's sword was right in her jaw, and the sword was pierced by her jaw, and it protruded above her head, piercing her skull on the spot.

When Bi Ling fell on his back, his eyes were bewildered, and he didn't understand why his favorite and most trusted sister in his daily life would put a bad hand on himself.

Ziyue loosened her sword and held Bi's body down. Then, she lowered herself and whispered in Bi's ear, "Isn't the Holy King always suspecting that there are fine works in the palace? I am . "

Biyan's eyes widened sharply and she looked at Ziyue incredibly. Ziyue Youyou said: "I know you hate Fengjun and don't want to die in Fengjun's hands, so ..."

She didn't finish talking, and Bi Bi who was in her arms was out of breath. Zi Yue's eyes were complicated looking at the corpse of Biyu's flesh and blood, but more of them were sad.

In normal times, she and Bizhen are relatively close. After getting along for so many years, it is impossible to say that they have no feelings. Now, she has no ability to rescue Biyu, she can only cut her off with her own hands.

Wei Hong, who had just been chased and killed by Bi Yue, got up from the ground at this time, and saw that the fierce thief had died in Ziyue's hands. He couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, feeling that he was turning at the ghost door again. For a lap, I did n’t come back.

He stepped forward quickly, giving a hand and giving a gift, sighing longly: "This time thanks to Miss Ziyue's rescue, and I am grateful for it. In the future, if Miss Ziyue is useful to get to the next place, even if it is hard-working, she will be rewarded. The two lives of Miss Ziyue ... "

Before he finished speaking, Ziyue, who was holding Biyu kneeling on the ground, waved his hands and motioned him to stop talking.

Wei Hong hurriedly closed his voice, and he turned to look left and right ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seeing the soldiers around him staring at him with big eyes and small eyes, his old face suddenly became red. If there is a seam, he can get in without hesitation.

His performance just now can be described by shame. Wei Hong was ashamed and angry, raised his hand in anger and raised the sword, and said to Ziyue, "Miss Ziyue just let it go. This thief is really abominable and has killed countless brothers in our army. This time, I will take this thief. The female corpse snippets of revenge, revenge for the dead brothers! "

Bi Ling was dead. Seeing Wei Hong did n’t even want to let go of her body, Wei Hong was taken aback by her fierce and fierce eyes, and she took a long time to return to her spirits. The raised knife was put back and swallowed. After spitting, Gan said with a smile: "Since this thief is dead, then ... forgive her for now!"

Speaking, he shouted to the generals around the wind army, "You wait to see if there are still undead thieves, and in addition, place our injured brethren in a quiet place in the palace for treatment."

"Yes! General Wei!" The generals around him led together. At this time, a wind general came to him and asked in a low voice, "General Wei, what about these concubines? Did they kill them?" ? "

Wei Hong frowned and thought, then shook his head and said, "I can't decide on this. I have to ask the general first."

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