w Chapter tenth Chapter 986

Chapter Ten Chapter 986

Feng Jun issued another warning, seeing that the other party was still unmoved, and continued to run quickly. People were no longer polite, they twisted their bows and arrows, and kept aiming at the wide cold outside.


With the sound of shouting and drinking, the wind army on the palace wall shot arrows. Hum! A dark curtain fell from the palace wall, and he smashed to Guang Han. The latter laughed loudly, the sword emperor just picked up slightly, and the chaos? The wind was already released.

The spiritual chaos cast by Guanghan Ting? The range of the wind is not wide, but it is extremely dense, just to protect his whole body.

When the arrow array flew close to him, the rattling and clicking sounds were endless, and the countless arrows were smashed to the ground by the spirit blade. After only a few minutes, Guang Han heard that the arrows were all broken.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the gap in the wind army's arrow array to continue to rush forward, but the wind army's arrow array was continuous, there was no gap in the middle, and Guang Han heard a dark frown. Awesome, well-deserved!

He didn't care too much. Between the thoughts, the spirit armor behind him gave birth to wings. As the wings stirred up, the ground seemed to be a hurricane, how high the sand and the sky were, and the weather disappeared. In the sand and fog.

The wind army on the palace wall is also a gang. Now they can't see the figure of the people at all, and they see the yellow sand dust outside the palace wall. People unconsciously stopped shooting arrows and turned to look at their own generals.

The wind will groan for a moment and wave his hand: "Continue to shoot arrows, shoot me wherever the sand is the most dense!"

The left and right sergeants Qi Qi agreed and continued to put arrows outside the palace wall, but now they have lost their aim and shot completely.

It is true that Guang Han's ability to listen to the country is not very good. When it comes to united soldiers to fight, it is even unknowable, but his ability to respond to changes is not simple.

He transformed the wings with the spirit of the armor, and lifted the sand to cover the sight of the wind army, which was the flash of light in his mind.

When the wind army blindly released an arrow, people suddenly heard the buzzing wind breaking in the sky. The general of the wind army subconsciously looked up and saw a strange bird suddenly flying in the sand and fog in the air. People still Without knowing what was going on, several electric lights shot out of the strange bird and flew towards them.

Fluttering, fluttering, fluttering—Several murmuring sounds of sharp blades and piercings were heard from the wind army crowd on the palace wall. Everyone looked intently. Several wind soldiers were nailed to the ground, and one was inserted into their chest A bright steel sword.

"It's the enemy! The enemy is flying from the air!"

The celebrity would first realize what was going on, and yelled at the surrounding soldiers and shouted. At the same time, he picked up a steel bow and spiritualized it. Then, he took out a spiritual arrow and shot an arrow at the figure in the air.

When 啷! When the spirit arrow hit the air, the "strange bird" approached, it made a crisp sound, and the spirit arrow flew down and swirled down, and then looked at the "strange bird", leaning forward, straight towards the wind army on the city head Come here.

At this time, Feng Jun wanted to put an arrow to stop him, and it was too late.

This 'weird bird' is the Guang Han who gave birth to wings. While flying to the palace wall, he kept waving the sword emperor in his hand, controlled the seven sub-swords, and opened the killing ring on the city head. Time stirred up the chaos on the palace wall.

Taking this opportunity, Guang Han heard flying down on the palace wall, and at the same time gathered up the wings of the armor spirit.

Even if Guang Han listened to such a deep cultivation practice, he could not maintain the wings for a long time. That was too much consumption of aura, and now, his aura has been consumed very seriously.

As soon as he landed on the palace wall, the surrounding Fengjun shouted and rushed to kill him. A Feng Sergeant had the fastest speed and came to the back of Guanghan's listening. His hands were full of strength and he shot a shot fiercely.

Guang Han listened as if he had eyes behind him. He leaned slightly, letting the sharp-edged gun start, and he did not wait for the opponent to close the gun. He shot like a gun and grabbed the gun body.

The soldier's face suddenly changed, and even the strength of feeding milk was used, and he wanted to pull out the spear, but the spear seemed to grow on the hand that Guang Han listened to, without moving. I didn't see how hard he was, just walking back around casually, and shouting, "Bring it!"

The wind soldier was obedient, and the spear in his hand was snatched by Guang Han at once, and then looking at the palm of his hand, he was hardly abraded with blood and dripped with blood. Guanghan listened to holding the spear with one hand, and turned his wrist over so that the tip of the gun was in front, and yelled, "Give it back to you!"

The words did not fall, and the spear in his hand was back. Flutter! The wind pierced the chest with a spear.

However, Guanghan didn't stop listening. He held the gun and rushed forward, and he heard three buzzing, fluttering, and fluttering sounds in the ear wheel, and the spear continued to pass through the chests of the three wind soldiers. The corpses of four wind soldiers already hung on them, looking like wearing sugar gourds. Guang Han listened to holding the tail of the gun with one hand and swiping backwards sideways, he was shot out with the four corpses above him.

The corpse slammed into the Fengjun crowd on the other side of the palace wall, immediately causing a scream, at least seven or eight people were hit by the palace wall alive.

Guang Han heard the gun tail released, waved the sword emperor, and fought against the dense wind army around. In the close-bladed white-bladed battle, how can an ordinary wind soldier be an opponent of Guang Han Ting, even if there is a spiritual practitioner in it, it is difficult to parry his half trick.

But the wind army had too many troops, and the reinforcements came from all directions, and there was no end to killing.

Guang Han heard that he no longer remembered how many wind soldiers had been cut down, and counted only the corpses left on the ground. As for the number of people who fell off the palace wall, I do n’t know how many, but looking around, the palace wall and the palace wall are still They are all wind forces, and there are no boundaries. Guang Han heard a secret sigh in his heart, he gave up and continued fighting, and suddenly rushed out a few moves, and rushed to the nearest Fengjun to retreat, and then he again performed the armor transformation, giving birth to wings, from the palace wall Fly down.

He did not fly outside the palace, but inside the palace, passing over the head of a dry army, and heading towards the harem.

When Guanghan listened to the flight, he also suffered from the arrows of the Feng Army. Numerous arrows struck the spiritual armor on his body, jingled, and Mars splashed. Guang Han couldn't hear it. He gritted his teeth and rushed out of the army's arrow array and flew into the harem.

After landing, he retracted his wings and looked down at himself, his face also changed. It turned out that his spirit armor had been covered with fine cracks. Although it was not obvious, his spirit armor did show signs of cracking.

Guang Han Ting can no longer remember how long he hasn't been so embarrassed, at least for hundreds of years. Unexpectedly, Fengchuan Erguo could make himself so much! Guang Han listened to the mixed feelings in his heart, and couldn't help but laugh on his back.

He was laughing wildly, and there were sounds of footsteps around him, and he looked up, well, there were a few wind troops gathered around him, and he looked around, and the red helmet covered the sky, forming a red sea.

"Kill—" Guang Han heard the laughter, suddenly screamed, and the sword emperor rushed into the army crowd again. He also knew that he could not only kill the wind army. The longer he fought, the more wind army gathered, and the harder he was to get out.

He spotted a direction, rushed with all his strength, and rushed through a **** path in the crowd of wind, then rushed to a palace in the harem.

When he reached the palace door, he kicked the door open. After entering, it was empty, there were no people he wanted to find.

There was a bitter smile on Guang Hanting's face, yeah, how could Feng Jun already occupy the palace, how could he still keep his concubines in the palace. He slowly spit out the stale gas, leaning on a pillar in the palace and sat down slowly.

He was tired, fighting till now, Guanghan heard a rare feeling of exhaustion, he wanted to sit down and rest, but how could the outside wind army give him such a chance, with the sound of rumbling footsteps, dense Hemp's wind army poured in from the gate of the hall.

Guang Han heard his eyes dazzled and said, "Get out!"

Between the words, the sword emperor cut out by the volley gave birth to cross-cutting. The wind army who had just stepped into the palace was strangled by the dense spiritual blades coming from the roar. The sound of screams rang immediately, and people were hard-pressed Hit out.

Inside the palace, there wasn't even any blood stains. On the other hand, outside the gate of the hall, the corpses were scattered all over the ground, and the blood flowed into the river, which looked like a purgatory.

However, the fierceness heard by Guang Han failed to prevent the wind army from killing, and soon, a large number of wind army continued to storm into the hall. Guang Han listened to it, and once again cast a cross.

As before, the wind army that rushed in was hit by the blade again, and the inside of the hall was still clean as before, but a layer of corpse flesh outside was added, and the blood gathered together continued to flow down the steps of the palace.

Feng Jun rushed up once and was dismissed by Guang Han once. After so many times, there were no less than 200 corpses of Feng Jun outside the hall. Seeing that such a kill was not a solution, the general of the wind army immediately issued an order to take the oil and set it on fire.

Guang Han just wanted to rest for a while, but the wind army did not give him such a chance. Soon, the wind army outside took the oil and poured it from all directions to the palace, and then set fire to ignite the oil.

Suddenly, the hall became a hall of fire, and the flames were rising so high that the smoke billowed, not to be scary. Guang Han, who was sitting in the hall, sighed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Helplessly stood up and had to rush out from the hall.

However, at this time, a group of elders headed by Huangfu Xiutai and Nie Zhen had already been chased. As soon as Guanghan heard it, the elders besieged up.

At this time, Guang Han was already disappointed and low-spirited. After fighting with the elders for only a few strokes, his mind began to take off.

It seems that the people under him are right. Shenchi City has no place to stand on its own and can only retreat for a while. Afterwards, it is planned to return to Shenchi.






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