Tenth episode nine hundred and ninety-four

Hum! The overwhelming crossbow and arrows flew towards Guang Han, who yelled and called the sword king. The crackling sound crackled around him, but the wind army's arrow array was not separated, wave after wave, fierce and continuous.

After only a while, Guang Han could not find a good place on the ground around him. There seemed to be a layer of black grass on the ground, dense and dense, and he couldn't tell the number. Looking at Guanghan again, I did n’t know how many pieces of the spirit armor were broken. There were no fewer than dozen arrows in his body. Blood dripped down his spirit armor and the clothes exposed outside. It is not clear whether it is his own or someone else's.

Seeing that he was standing still, people couldn't see whether he was alive or dead. The generals of the wind army stopped shooting arrows in unison, extended their necks one by one, and looked forward.

Two daring wind soldiers carried spears and carefully listened to Guang Han.

When the two of them came to Guanghan listening, they could not help but grin, and the arrows nailed to Guanghan's body were too many, making him look like a hedgehog, especially when he looked close, shocking, almost impossible. Humanoid.

The two wind soldiers looked at each other, and one of them bravely shot forward with a shot in his gut, and tapped Guanghan's chest lightly.

After tying it twice, he saw that Guanghan was still still. He looked happy and shouted, "Guanghan heard it, Guanghan heard him die ..."

Before he finished speaking, Guang Han, who was originally like a dead man, suddenly looked up and shot two red lights with his eyes. At the same time, the sword king in his hand became golden again.

Without warning, the two wings of the sword emperor suddenly gave birth to two long tentacles. The two wind soldiers had not seen what was going on, and their necks had been entangled with tentacles.

The two of them screamed strangely, their bodies rose from the ground, and were hung high in the air by the tentacles of the sword emperor. The necks of the two wind soldiers were severed and severed. First, the headless body fell from the air, and then two tumbling heads also fell.

Guang Han, with his crossbow in his body, sounded like a ghost and a monster. He growled and shouted, "Tang Yin! Yan Lie! Get out and fight with me!"

While talking, he rushed into the crowd of the wind army, and the side round sword slashed the surrounding wind soldiers and generals, while yelling Tang Yin and Yan Lie's name constantly.

At this point, Tang Yin had already run away without a trace, and Guang Han, who had gone completely crazy, could not find him?

Cannot see the figure of Tang Yin, Feng Bingfeng generals became a punching bag for Guang Han to listen to. He hung a crossbow and waved the soul-changing sword emperor.

After only a while, Guang Han heard that the bodies around him had piled up like a mountain. When he was killing more than ever, there was a sharp sound of wind breaking on both sides of him. He didn't even think about it. He took a step back and hit the sword.

I only heard two bangs and two bangs. Originally from the two sides were two disc knives attached to a chain. Both disc knives clasped the sword king, and the chain entangled the sword king several times.

Guang Han heard this, laughed wildly, and growled, "Do you want to use your weapon developed by your king to stop him?"

While talking, he tensed his arms and turned his wrists out, only to hear a click, and the chain wrapped around the sword emperor broke off.

He looked around again, and he didn't know when he was standing full of dark spiritual practitioners before or after him. People held their swords, and the chain made a crackling noise from time to time.

"Dark spiritual practitioners, all of them should be killed!" Guang Han shouted, dragging the sword king straight ahead and rushed to the past. Those people hurriedly threw the disc knife in their hands, and divided the upper, middle, and lower three paths that Guang Han listened to.

Guang Han didn't evade at all, but waved the sword emperor outwards, blocking the disc knife from the upper and middle lanes. As for the disc knife that hit him, he completely ignored it.

flutter! The blade of the sword crossed the outside of his thigh, and the fragments of the Ling armor splashed far away. The sharp edge of the blade cut a large four-inch long hole in his leg, and blood spewed out instantly.

Only now that Guanghan's hearing had become numb, as if he had no pain, he didn't pause for a while, and continued to run forward. In a blink of an eye, he had approached several Dark Arrow personnel, and cut his sword with all his strength.

His appearance was scary, and his sword was even more scary. The Dark Arrow personnel did not dare to reach its edge, and all wanted to use the shadow to drift away. But when they were about to perform the Shadow Drift, they suddenly found that the surrounding area was covered with spiritual pressure.

The shadow drift of several Dark Arrow personnel could not be exhibited. At this time, the spirit sword of Guang Han Ting had been chopped near them. A few people were frightened, but at this time they wanted to take back the sword and block the sword king, and it was too late.

There was a click in the ear wheel, and the three Dark Arrow personnel were chopped straight by Guang Han's epee. The three of them even made their calls in the future.

After waiting for Guang Han to receive the sword, two more swords flew on his left and right sides. This time the sword attacked his ankle.

With the rattling two beeps, the chain of the two swords just wrapped around his feet. Guanghan heard the roar and waved his sword to cut the chains, but two more swords flew to him Both left and right wrists were locked together.

Guanghan heard the anger, and was about to use all his strength to break the four chains that locked him. Just then an arrow flew towards him, right in the middle of his left eye.

flutter! The accuracy of this arrow shot was abnormal, and Guang Han heard it screaming in the sky, and the sword emperor landed.

Looking at him again, the crossbow inserted in his left eye revealed that three-quarters were outside, and the other quarter was all inserted into his eyes. Scarlet blood ran down the black water and flowed out.

Guanghan heard the strange screams and growled and rushed forward, regardless of the four Dark Arrows who had pulled the chain and fell to the ground together, his body rubbing against the ground, followed by Guanghan listening to continue to move forward Taxi.

There was also Feng Jun trying to stop Guang Han from listening, but he was hit by a broken bone, and Hula fell down. The rest of the wind army did not dare to move forward anymore, and people showed fear and retreated involuntarily.

Guanghan raised his hand, grabbed the crossbow outside Lulai's left eye, and pulled it out with a force. He slammed the arrow out, and his left eye had become a blood. hole.

At this time, his appearance was horrible, just like a ghost. He stared at a blood-red eye, looked around, and shouted, "Where is Tang Yin? Where is the severity? Don't hide if you have the courage, come out and fight with me!"

The soldiers of Feng Jun looked at each other and took a step forward. People don't know who Yan Lie is, but they know that Guang Han listens to the name of the king. Even if he is full of fear, he still surrounds him.

"Kill-" The famous wind will take the lead in yelling, holding a spear, rushing to Guanghan Ting, killing him with a single shot, and fiercely provoking Guang Han Ting's lower abdomen. The latter did not dodge, but raised his fist, pointed at the spear's spear, and slammed it down.

Snapped! His fist was sturdy, and he smashed the gun of the spirit gun, but the armor of his hand was also broken, and the fragments flew up so high. Looking at his fist, the flesh was fleshy and the bones were white. Exposed.

After waiting for the wind to close the gun, Guanghan listened to the body of a spirit gun and pulled it back hard. The wind would not stand, and banged into Guanghan's arms. Guanghan listened to the other hand and took hold of his neck, pressing him to the ground.

Under his big palm, the wind significantly deformed the spirit armor at the neck and twisted. His mouth opened, his eyes turned white, and his limbs kept moving.

When the surrounding army saw this, they shouted to step forward together, and several lances and lances stabbed at Guang Han's body.

Flutter, flutter! Click, click! Some spears and halberds were blocked by the remaining spirit armor on Guanghan's body, but several lances penetrated him. Guanghan heard roaringly, holding up the spear gun that he had just captured, swept to the left and right.

Flutter-After a shot, look at the wind soldiers around him and be swept to a round person. Some people were cut off directly by the pistol. Some people were torn off their lower abdomen and the white intestines flowed all over the ground.

Guang Han heard grabbing the spirit gun and stabbed downward. Flutter! The wind that was strangled by him will be run through his head by this gun and killed on the spot.

Now, it is not clear how many wounds Guanghan heard on his body, but he can still fight, and the mighty wind general is fragile in front of him, which is what Guanghan listens to.

People stared at him with big eyes and couldn't help but back again. No matter how powerful the enemy is, the wind army will not shrink back half a step, but when listening to Guanghan, the generals of the wind army have a sense of fear in their hearts, and dare not come forward to reach their edge.

Not to mention the following general Fengjun generals, even Tang Yin who is so arrogant and has no one to look at at this time has been hiding away, and is unwilling to confront Guanghan, who is doing his last fight.

It is said that the camel is thinner than a horse ~ www.readwn.com ~ Guang Han heard that there were at least ten fatal injuries on his body. Ordinary people were fatal if they suffered only one of the injuries, but he did n’t feel at all. Who can not be afraid of such a monster that looks like a human but not a ghost?

Tang Yin and others watching the battle in the distance frowned, and could not tell what it was like.

Tang Yin hated him and wished to peel his skin and slap his flesh, but he had to admire the high spirits of Guanghan's listening. I am afraid that he has reached the point where there are no ancients and no later.

So proud of Shangguan Yuan that he was convinced at this time, and could not help but sigh sincerely: "On singles alone, I am far behind this person!"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "Yuan Rong doesn't have to be discouraged. There is only one broad cold listen in the world, not to mention, even if he has the ability to master the sky, now, isn't he going to die in our hands?"

Shangguan Yuan made a bitter smile. For him, victory not achieved by his own strength is not really a victory.

Let's say that Guanghan in the battlefield is like a blood gourd with a chain on his body. He is holding a pistol, looks around, and shouts, "Who? Who dares to stop the king?"

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