(Literature m) Tang Yin first visited the camp of the Plains Army and then went to the Chifeng Army camp with Li Wei as the leader.

The Plain Army is tight inside and the Chifeng Army is the opposite. The sentinels loose inside and outside are not many. The military discipline and military style are strictly forbidden. It is difficult to see the chatting and laughing soldiers in the camp. Most of the soldiers had fallen asleep and regained strength. The entire camp looked quietly deserted.

Li Wei, Lotte, and Ai Jia are regarded as the same generals who follow Tang Yin. They are very familiar with him. He is 100% trusting. The two enemies with Tianyan and the earth net will naturally report that he does not need to expend manpower and send a whistle. It is better to let the brothers. We take a good rest and support our spirits.

Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen walked around the forest again in the Chifeng Army camp.

In order to hide their tracks, their camp is located deep in the forest and has to go out two or three miles to get to the official road.

After Tang Yin and others got out of the dense forest, they looked back and watched the dense trees in their eyes. If they did not go deep into any of them, they would not be able to detect that there were so many troops in the forest.

Secretly nodding, Tang Yin raised his head to Lin Zi, who was opposite the official road, and said, "Let's go to Liang Qi's camp!"

"Good!" Qiu Zhen and Cheng Jin promised to follow Tang Yin and walk towards the station of the Sanshui Army.

After entering the woodland on the other side through the official road, I didn't go far enough to just listen to the trembling sound of leaf trembling above my head, and then several figures jumped from the tree branches to stop Tang Yin and others in a semi-circle. Qiu Zhen was startled and hadn't waited to see clearly the appearance of the other person. The others had stepped forward and whispered to Tang Yin Shi Li, "It turned out to be an adult!"

Tang Yin looked at a few people and saw that they were all wearing light casual clothes and asked, "You are ..."

"Master Huilu, we are the secret whistle of the Sanshui Army."

"Oh!" Tang Yin nodded and Liang Qi placed the dark whistle far enough. He waved his hand and said, "Go and do it for you."

"Yes! Lord." Several dark whistle retreated to the tree, clambered with their hands and feet, and cleverly crawled back to the tree, hiding in the foliage.

Tang Yin and others went deep into the forest about five miles before they reached the Sanshui Army's camp all the way. The Sanshui Army's bright and dark whistle they encountered came to the camp. With a long fence, many soldiers of the Third Marine Corps are accumulating mounds of earth and accumulating half-height earth walls.

It was learned that Tang Yin had come to Liang Qi and Bai Yong to greet him. Tang Yin was very puzzled about the defense of the Sanshui Army and asked, "Why a fence and a mound?"

Liang Qi said: "As long as three hours have elapsed, it will be necessary to build fortifications, and our army will be stationed there for several days."

Tang Yin looked at him and shook his head, saying he couldn't understand him and said, "The soldiers are exhausted to rush on the road all night. Wouldn't the construction of such a complicated fortification cause complains from the soldiers?"

Liang Qi said with a smile, "Since the military is not a place to enjoy the mountains and rivers, if you choose to join the army, you must be prepared for hardships. If you ca n’t bear this, why not go to battle and kill the enemy? It ’s better to go home and marry a wife and have children ! "

Although Liang Qi was not talking about Tang Yin, he was still blushing and nodded embarrassedly after he heard the words, "General Liang made sense."

Liang Qizhi's thinking should be closer to the current soldier's thinking. He also considers the soldiers below. However, it is completely different from Tang Yin's indulgent consideration. His requirements are very strict and the military law is very important. In his opinion, the heavier punishment will be the only way to get up and down and bring the whole army together to gain the largest living space on the battlefield.

Let the soldiers live so that they can leave the battlefield intact. This is the best consideration for the soldiers.

From the different conditions of the camps, we can also see the differences in the personality of the commanders in each army.

Xiao Muqing is flexible and Li Wei is strictly forbidden to use Liang Qi's sharpness. As for the direct army that is based on Gu Yue, the most characteristic is not that Gu Yue is incompetent but the direct army is under Tang Yin's eyelids. From time to time, he also has to intervene. In addition to training fairly well, the army could not find any other strengths.

The Plains Army, the Chifeng Army, and the Sanshui Army each have their own characteristics. As for who is good, who is bad, who is strong, and who is weak, they can only be seen in battlefield practice.

Two days later, the agents of Tianyan and the ground network both returned the news that Zhong Tian's local army had entered the border of Guannan County and was heading towards Sanchi City. One of Zhong Tian's confidants was Xiao Kui.

Xiao Kui was the commander of the Corps. He was famous for his bravery, and was very famous for his appreciation of Zhong Tian. This expedition Zhong Tian can rest assured that he has handed over 200,000 local troops to him to see the importance and trust he has placed on him.

After the local army entered Guannan County, the march was soon. From the heart, Xiao Kui did not take Tang Yin in his eyes. I think that the reason why Tang Yin can achieve today's achievements is due to the cultivation and promotion of dancers. This is already known in Yancheng. Now that the dancer suffers, Tang Yin is in power. He not only failed to return the dancer, but also took the soldiers' team and kicked the dancer away from the villain. How could a person such as this be united? How could he lead the war? Although His Majesty has a lot of troops, a coach like Tang Yin can only be a group of black people.

This time he was commanded by Zhong Wen as a former military commander. He just wanted to take this opportunity to take the lead to fight with Tang Yin first and make a great achievement. After winning the victory, he would not only be rewarded for his status in the royal court, but also further improve.

With this in mind, Xiao Kui repeatedly urged to speed up the march. It is best to move Zhong Wen's army farther away. He never thought that there would be Tang Yin's ambush in Guannan County, who had already declared himself to Zhong Tianfu.

After only one day, 200,000 local troops arrived in Miike.

At this time, there was no movement in Sanchi City.

Xiao Kui immediately walked in front of the team and saw Sanchi City frowning. They frowned as they walked from Yancheng to the city along the way to meet the calm Sanchi City, but they didn't mean to meet them.

He snorted coldly in his heart, and asked the general next to him, "Does the owner of the city of Three Pools know that we are here? Why not come out to meet Master Wang?"

"This ..." said the general, spit his tongue out, and whispered, "I don't know!"

Xiao Kui gave a general glance to urge the horse to move forward and gave an angry command: "Keep marching into the city!" He muttered again: "The best Miike Castle Lord can give me a good explanation, otherwise I will be very light. Can't stop him! "

"Yes, yes, yes! There is no one in this city's eyes!" Partially seeing stitches echoed.

The local army with Xiao Kui entered the Sanchi City with great fanfare. Not to mention the city ’s owner, even ordinary soldiers did not see a wide-opened gate, and no one was allowed to pass in and out by the people in the past. Seeing this, Xiao Kui is even more angry. Even if the side of Sanchi City is not the front line, it cannot be so relaxed. It seems that the owner of this city is not planning to live!

"I'd like to see what the Lord of the City is doing at home!" Xiao Kui ordered the generals around him to send him to the Lord of the City to bring him to see him.

Pian promised to lead someone immediately.

It didn't take long for the general to return. Xiao Kui didn't see the others frown when he inspected the circle and asked, "Where is the master of the city?"

Partially shook his head and said, "It's not in the main city."

"Not here? Where did he go?"

"The subordinates have inquired about the people who said they were leaving early in the morning. They said they were going to Tongzhou early in the morning and they brought their families. They did n’t say why. People speculated that they might be removed.

What a mess! Xiao Kuiqi snorted to see that it was nearly evening. It is impossible to continue marching today. He said to the generals on the left and right: "It is said that I will lead the whole army to rest in the city and continue to hurry tomorrow morning."

"General Miike is too young, so I'm afraid we can't live with so many soldiers," said a general in a difficult position.

"Then stay outside the city! Do I also teach this kind of thing?" Xiao Kui glanced at the general.

This general is the commander of the local county army. Xiao Kui, the general of the local army, is one hundred and twenty. I look down on it. If it had not been for the stability of the local army, he would have replaced these people all the time. How could he stay close to himself?

The red-faced, red-eared red that the general was scolded by him didn't say anything more to retreat.

Xiao Kui ignored him and took his underbelly and hundreds of guards to the city main house directly.

Since the city master is not there, the city's main residence has become his place of stay in Sanchi City ~ www.readwn.com ~ According to Xiao Kui's military order, some local sergeants were stationed in the city and some were camped outside the city.

The local army was low in morale and rushed all the way. The generals were exhausted and unguarded. When the army was resting, even the soldiers who sent out whistle were poor. .

In the evening, I waited until the sentry stationed on the tower early in the morning the next day to wake up from his sleep. The sentinel woke up with a sleepy glance and glanced out of the city. He stretched his waist and yawned for a while before he was able to recover some saneness. At the same time, the body suddenly shook his hands and rubbed his eyes vigorously, leaning on the wall, leaning his head and looking at the city.

The small army of the local army is mostly in the city outside the camp wall. It is near the city, but now there is an extra large army on the periphery of the local army camp wall. This army of troops is looking at the endless borderless city belt. The Yingzhai Village encircled the three layers of the inner and outer layers and the three layers were leaking. The flags flying in the team were all black and white.

Now they have been replaced by Zhong Tian * ’s flag change. What is going on in the current wave of the army? Literature m

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