Final Chapter 24

Tang Yin's remarks came into the hearts of the elders. Now Shenchi is full of scars and can no longer afford to toss. If the newly-selected sage king looks like Guang Han, he has one set on the surface and one on the back, and Shenchi is not far away from the country.

An elder named Fan Li got up and said, "The old man thought that His Royal Highness the Lord made sense. This time, the sacred king we chose can not be superb and prestigious, but the character must be correct. You must be the same in appearance and you can no longer choose the scourge of widespread cold listening! "

Fan Li's words resonated with many elders. People nodded and thought about it. They thought that Ren Xiao was also a good candidate. First of all, his character was good, and he had no sympathy with the Wind King. He would not harm Shenchi into danger. Second, He is young and relatively easy to control. Choosing him as the Holy King is not harmful to himself at least.

Seeing that the attitudes of the elders have softened, and there seems to be a tendency to agree with Tang Yin's proposal, Lu Jian was anxious, and he said again: "The new Holy King can only be elected by the elders. In any case, the old man will not agree to be treated by Yi Huang Mouth children become the holy king of my **** pool! "

The opinion of Lu Jian also represents the mind of a considerable part of the elders. As soon as his words fell, some elders came forward and echoed, "Elder Lu is right. Is there no one in my divine pool? Pass it to a hairy kid! "

"Yeah, with so many elders, why can he be a holy king with a smile?"

"But His Royal Highness Wind is right. The quality of the Holy King is far better than the level of Lingwu and prestige. Everyone knows the character of Ren Gongzi. It is most suitable for Ren Gongzi to be the Holy King."

Everyone, you say a word to me, and soon your opinions become polarized. While agreeing to Ren Xiao as the Holy King, you are resolutely opposed, and the two sides are caught in an endless debate.

Seeing this, Tang Yin shook her head secretly. This is the disadvantage of Shenchi. Elders and small matters are decided by the elders. However, how can people's minds be consistent when people are the same? To argue endlessly, the end result is nothing but efficiency.

He tilted his head slightly, looked at Asan behind him, and winked at him, the latter knew, and took two steps backwards, and slowly walked out of the Presbyterian Church against the wall.

Xia Yao walked in from the outside not long after she was out. Listening to the loud noise, she smiled indifferently, and said, "I wonder what the elders are arguing about?"

Hearing the words, people turned their heads and saw that the people were saints and the elders were all together.

When Guang Han heard it, he had set up a statute and forbidden the maiden to leave the temple. Now Guang han listened to death, and the statutes he had settled with him, but people suddenly saw the maiden in the Presbyterian Church, and there was some reaction. But come.

After a moment's pause, the elders returned to God, one after another standing up, and saluting respectfully: "Have seen the Virgin!"

"Elders haven't said what they are arguing about!" Xia Yao walked slowly into the Elders' House and looked around at the crowd calmly.

Lu Jian said: "Sir, I am waiting to discuss the choice of the King!"

"Oh? I don't know if you have the right elders?" Xia Yao asked curiously.

The relationship between Xia Yao and Ren Xiao was not a secret at Tang Yin, but the elders were unaware of it.

Lu Jian frowned and said, "His returning to the maiden, His Royal Highness proposed that Ren Xiaoren be the prince, but Ren ren is young and once the son of Guanghan, it is not a suitable candidate! "

Xuan Fanli said, "Ren Gongzi has a good character and a gentle nature. The old man thought it would be appropriate for Ren Gongzi to be the holy king."

She Xia Yao smiled with a smile, and said indifferently: "I shouldn't have intervened in the matter of choosing the Holy King, but I was worried that I would repeat the same mistakes, and then I chose the second Guanghan to listen to, and touched the temple, attracting condemnation!"

The elders of the elders all understood her meaning. Guanghan heard the promulgation of a ban on the maiden to go out, as if she was under house arrest in a holy temple. To do so was indeed a blasphemy to the gods. Lu Jianzheng asked, "I don't know what is the sage's opinion on this matter?"

"Don't dare to say opinions, but I also think that His Royal Highness's proposal is good. The son Ren is indeed a good candidate for the Holy King. Among Guangyi's many sons and daughters, only those who are muddy and unstained can come out. It is clear that Ren Gongzi is simple and different from ordinary people. He is the new King of the God Pool. At least I no longer have to worry about the temple being affected by the wicked people and the pool of God ’s people. ”Xia Yao said slowly. .

The few words she made lightly were too heavy in the hearts of the elders. If it is said that Tang Yin supports Ren Xiao because of their personal relationship and hidden selfishness, then the maiden also supports Ren Xiao, which has to be thought-provoking and re-examine the matter.

I heard what she said, the elders who originally supported Ren Xiao were more determined, and the elders who opposed Ren Xiao as the holy king began to shake, one by one silent.

Lu Jian frowned, he looked at Xia Yao, and then looked at Tang Yin with a smile, and his mind turned sharply. The maiden does not come early or late, but it happened when the elders elected the sage king, and once they showed their attitude, they supported Ren Xiao. Are these all coincidences or are they secretly designed?

"Sir, this matter is of great importance, and you should not make a reckless decision ..."

"The dragons cannot be without heads, and the country cannot be without a king for a day. The Shenchi is now in a state of utter waste, and urgently needs a new king to preside over the whole situation. How can we say that this matter is not urgent?" Being a holy king, but having personal grievances with him? "

Bian Lu Jianzi shook, and waved his hands again and again, saying, "No, no, no! There is no selfish grievance between the old man and Ren Gongzi ... just, I just feel that Ren Gongzi is young and it is hard to convince the public ..."

Xia Yao laughed and said, "Guang Han is said to have lived for more than 500 years and is old enough, but he is still the first sinner in Shenchi for thousands of years."

Xun Lujian blushed, and Xia Yao was speechless. Seeing this, Fan Li immediately said, "Even the maiden thinks that the father-in-law is the best candidate for the King. According to the old man, this matter can be completely discussed without further discussion. It is so decided!"

Xi Xiayao stepped forward to support Ren Xiao and became the key to transforming everyone's minds. The elders looked at each other, and although no one spoke, no one stood up against it.

Tang Yin nodded secretly. The position of the sage in the Shenchi was extraordinary. Her words were better than her own words. He turned to Xiao Xuan beside him and asked, "Brother Xiao, what do you think?"

肖 For Xiao Xuan, the Holy King of Shenchi can be anyone, but it cannot be Ren Xiao alone. The friendship between Ren Xiao and Tang Yin is too deep. If Ren Xiao becomes the king, then Shenchi will definitely stand by the side of the wind country. If the Sichuan country and the wind country tear their faces and engage in battle, the wind country with the support of the Shenchi will undoubtedly increase their strength. How can Sichuan be its opponent?

This matter has already involved the fundamental interests of the Sichuan state, and even life and death, Xiao Xuan cannot give in half a step.

He said positively: "I do n’t agree with Ren Xiao as the new sage king of the God Pool. Guang Han listens to the sins, and just because Ren Xiao is his son is not enough to convince the world."

Of course Tang Yin can understand Xiao Xuan's thoughts, he said with a smile: "But Brother Xiao, the selection of the Holy King is ultimately a matter of the Shenchi. We can only provide some opinions, but we cannot influence the decisions of the elders! Now all elders He has agreed with Ren Gongzi as the new sage king. If Brother Xiao further imposes further obstacles, he will be overrun. "

Xiao Xiaoxuanton frowned, Tang Yin was sealing her mouth! He said positively: "The holy king of the God's Pool has always been admired by the people of the world, and he chooses the righteous son of Guanghan to listen to him. Who in the world will admire him? This will have a great impact on the reputation of Shenchi, so the new Holy King of Shenchi must not be Ren Xiao. "

I heard Xiao Xuan's words, and the elders thought that what he said was also reasonable. They are clear-minded and human-oriented, but it does not mean that the people in the world are also clear that people will only spread the word of God and select the righteous son of Guanghan to be the holy king, which will really damage the reputation of God.

Seeing the elders frowning for their own words ~ ~ Hesitant, Xiao Xuan said again: "If you elders choose Ren Xiao as the holy king, the king will not agree first. In the future, Chuan Guo also asserted that he would no longer provide any supplies to the Shenchi! "

When the elders heard the words, they all took a breath. It must be known that Sichuan has always been the most important source of supply for Shenchi. Especially recently, the wind country has successively annexed the four countries of Ning, Mo, An, and Wa. The wind country does not have a tradition of providing supplies to the Shenchi. Now it annexes the four kingdoms, causing these four countries to no longer supply supplies to the Shenchi. At present, the only country that provides supplies to the Shenchi is the Sichuan kingdom. If even the Sichuan kingdom has broken the supply of the Shenchi, the **** pond What do you need to survive?

"This ... His Royal Highness Chuan is exasperated, this is absolutely impossible ..." Some elders couldn't hold their breath, and hurriedly stood up, arching their hands.

Wu Xiaoxuan wanted such an effect, and he knew very well what kind of disaster would happen to Shenchi once the supply of Sichuan was lost.

However, some elders were anxious, and some elders were indignant, including Lu Jian. Although he did not support Ren Xiao as the holy king, but everything was done all at once, Xiao Xuan said that it was a direct threat to Shenchi If this time he did what he wanted, would n’t Shenchi have to obey everything in Sichuan in the future, would n’t Shenchi become a state of Sichuan?

Before waiting for Lu Jian to stand up to refute Xiao Xuan, Xia Yao had hummed, and said quietly: "The nations replenished the Shenchi on the money and grain, so that the Shenchi could devote himself to spiritual martial arts and carry them forward. At the beginning of the establishment of the kingdom, the agreement between the monarchs, but now His Royal Highness has used it to coerce the Shenchi. This is really a disgrace to His Royal Highness, and also to the previous Kings of Sichuan!

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