Chapter Thirty

"Misunderstanding?" Tang Yin looked at Pan Tai with a smile, and then looked at the sword in his hand, and asked, "Is Elder Pan helping his brother to drive away mosquitoes and flies?"

"Oh ... this ... this ..." Pan Tai subconsciously looked at the sword in his eyes, his face was red and white for a while, he was uncertain, and he couldn't tell what to say.

At this time, from outside the window and outside the door came in a large number of wind army guards and children of the Shenchi, people glared at Pan Tai one by one, clenched their fists.

Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "Pan Tai, what else do you have to say now?"

Pan Tai's eyes turned round and round, glanced from side to side, without warning, he suddenly yelled, exhaled aura, covered the armor, and rushed out of the door.

There are also many children of the Shenchi standing at the entrance of the gate. People saw Pan Tai coming violently and bumping on his side, and all of them also covered the armor and waved swords.

Dang 啷, Dang 啷! There were several continuous beeps in the room. The spirit swords attacked by the disciples of Shenchi were blocked by Pan Tai. Then he kept going, slamming a passage from the crowd and rushing outside.

Walking outside, there were more children from the Shenchi gathering, and people shouted and sieged together with swords. As an elder, Pan Tai is really not bad. Facing the siege of so many children of the God pool, he saw no confusion, and the spirit sword waved out. He successively cast a number of Ling Wu skills to retreat all the people around him. Then he was obese His body stood up and jumped up onto the courtyard wall.

"Don't let him run away!" The famous disciple of Shenchi first walked up the wall of the courtyard, stabbing several swords at a stretch in front of Pan Tai.

If it was alone, how could Pan Tai put their eyes on it. His wrist was flipped, and the spirit sword flipped up and down, blocking the opponent's swords one by one, and before the opponent attacked again, he had pulled away and jumped down the courtyard wall. At the same time, he returned to the sword and swept out a spirit wave.

The child of the **** pond thought that Pan Tai was about to jump off the wall and run away, and the instinct jumped down the wall of the court to chase, but others were still in the air, Pan Tai swept out Lingbo and shot back at him.

I heard a thump. This Lingbo was in the middle of the disciple of the Shenchi disciple. He cut his body in the air, and even the Lingbo that passed through him cut a deep crack in the courtyard wall. .

As soon as Pan Tai remembered his hand, he rushed out of Renfu quickly without further delay.

Along the way, he encountered a lot of disciples from Shenchi and Fengguo's guard who intercepted him, but no one could stop him. Seeing that the courtyard of Renfu was ahead, Pan Tai felt ecstatic.

As long as you can escape from the office, there are too many places to hide outside, and they don't want to catch themselves again!

Pan Tai exerted his strength, striding like a fly, three steps in two, and rushed to the wall of the courtyard. He was about to jump down and suddenly heard someone chuckle on the wall: "Pan Tai, you really deserve to be here Is it where you want to come and where you want to go? "

Hearing the words, Pan Tai was taken aback, instinctively stepped back and looked up. I saw Tang Yin holding his hand on his back, standing on the courtyard wall with a smile, and Humu looked at him without blinking.

The latter was taken aback. Just now there was no one on the courtyard wall. It took only a blink of an eye for Tang Yin to appear here, and how he passed himself, Pan Tai didn't see clearly.

"Today's thing is ... it's something inside of my **** pool. It has nothing to do with His Royal Highness. Please also His Highness not to intervene, and Your Highness to let the old man a way of life ..." Pan Tai trembled.

Tang Yin slowly shook her head and said, "My brother is my friend. If you want to kill him, how can you say that it has nothing to do with me? If I let you go today, tomorrow, I'm afraid there will be more people who want to treat my brother. The plot is wrong. "

Pan Tai's face changed suddenly, and he saw that Tang Yin hadn't let go of his meaning. He gritted his teeth and said, "This time the assassination of the son is not the idea of ​​the old man, and the old man ... is also under the direction of others ..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Yin waved his hand and interrupted the following words, saying, "Pan Tai, you are dead, who do you want to bite back? You do n’t want to say that the king has instructed you to do this. ! "

Pan Tai shook his head again and again, hurriedly: "Of course not His Royal Highness the Wind, but ... His Royal Highness the King of the Sichuan to let the old man ..."

"The King of Sichuan is the benevolent monarch. How could you have instructed you to do such things?" Tang Yin said indifferently, and saw a cloud of black mist scattered around his back, and then, people disappeared on the wall of the courtyard and reappeared. When he was standing, he was standing in front of Pan Tai.

"In addition to the charge of assassinating the Prince Chu, you now have another charge of framed King Chuan. There is no excuse for it. You should kill!"

He looked at Tang Yin who was close to him, Pan Tai was frightened back and forth, he trembled and said: "The old man's words are true, and His Royal Highness clearly observes it!"

Tang Yin shook her head with a sneer, raised her hand and slowly pulled out the sabre under the ribs. When Pan Tai saw this, his whole heart had shrunk, and he yelled: "It is indeed the King of Sichuan ..."

He was only half-talked, Tang Yin's sword had already attacked first. too fast. As soon as Pan Tai didn't even see clearly, Jian Feng was less than half a foot away from him. He screamed, and hurriedly dodged.

沙! The spirit sword flew past his chest, even with it, the sword's spirit armor scratched a long scratch on his chest, and Mars splashed.

At this time Pan Tai also finally understood that Tang Yin did not want to give herself the opportunity to speak and explain, she seemed to be protecting the King of Sichuan intentionally.

One is trying to kill Ren Xiao by himself, the other is protecting Ren Xiao, and the two are still protecting each other. Pan Tai is confused, feeling that it is like the King of Wind and the King of Sichuan are teasing themselves together.

In fact, he didn't know. Tang Yin knew that Pan Tai was instructed by Xiao Xuan, but he couldn't let Pan Tai tell the truth and told the truth. Xiao Xuan would definitely not get away, and Shenchi would never give up. Finally, Can only evolve into meeting soldiers.

At that time, Fengguo will not be able to withdraw from the incident and also have to be caught up in this dispute. In Tang Yin's view, it is not the time for his party and Sichuan to tear his face. Too many things need preparation.

Rather than let the situation develop out of control, it would be better to kill Pan Tai's mouth now, a hundred.

At this time, Pan Tai was backed up by Tang Yin's fast sword *, finally managed to stand still, looked down, and the armor on his chest was all scratches.

He felt that Tang Yin didn't want to stay alive, and was anxious and angry in his heart, yelling suddenly, thinking about Tang Yin and desperately fighting with him.

If in the past, Tang Yin was not necessarily Pan Tai's opponent, but now he looks like a child to Tang Yin. After ingesting Nie Zhen with the fire of darkness, Tang Yin's spirit and wu rushed forward, and a qualitative change occurred compared with the past.

I watched Pan Tai's spirit sword stab at herself, Tang Yin dodged sideways, Pan Tai didn't pause for a moment, while spreading spiritual pressure to limit Tang Yin's shadow drifting, she shouted to cast out the spiritual disorder.

The pressure he exudes is not strong. He thought that it could limit Tang Yin's shadow drifting, but what he never expected was that with the body's dark mist, Tang Yin's figure disappeared in front of him. , The spirit of the chaos extremely hit only a ball of air.

When he saw this, Pan Tai was shocked, his eyes rolled round, his scalp was tingling. Under the pressure of his own strength, Tang Yin can still use the shadow drift. How high is his cultivation? Is it comparable to Guanghan?

When he was pondering, he heard the evil wind behind his head was not good. Due to the instinctive reaction of practicing spiritual martial arts for many years, Pan Tai hurriedly bowed his head. Sand and the spirit sword passed by his brain and passed over his head. He also cut off the piece of spirit armor above his head.

I felt chilly on my head, Pan Tai screamed, and did not dare to fight anymore. She didn't even dare to return, holding a sword, covering her head with one hand, and ran away.

"Hum!" There was a sound of cold humming behind him, at the same time, the world in front of Pan Tai suddenly became dark.

At this time it was late at night, and the sky was already dim, but the black at this time was different from the night. This was no darkness when he lit the light, and he lowered his head. He couldn't even see his body clearly. It's dark.

What ’s even more weird is that even the noisy world has become extremely peaceful, no shouts, no footsteps, no wind, and no noise in the ears.

Pan Tai froze for a moment, then excited Lingling to fight a cold war, exclaimed in his heart: No, this is Shadow Illusion! Realizing what happened, Pan Tai screamed and ran forward madly.

"Pan Tai, where do you like to go?" With the words, Tang Yin gradually appeared in front of him. There was a halo around his body. Pan Tai could clearly see that he was step by step. Welcome to himself ~ ~ Pan Tai quickly took his steps and slowly backed away. After a while, he turned his head and ran back.

But the figure of Tang Yin slowly emerged from behind him. Pan Tai's head was buzzing at this time, and his hair was almost standing up. He ran to the left, but Tang Yin still appeared there.

No matter which direction he ran, he could always see the figure of Tang Yin. At this time, he looked around himself, and wherever his eyes were, it was all of Tang Yin's figure. .

Is an illusion! These are all illusions! Pan Tai's heart is mirror-like, but she can't hold back her fear. He glanced around from time to time in panic, and then held up his spirit sword like a mad man, slashing down at a Tang Yin fiercely.

brush! The middle sword Tang Yin was split in two by him on the spot, but no blood flowed out, nor did he fall. The disconnected body was suspended in the air, and slowly closed in front of Pan Tai, as intact, then, this Tang Yin returned Take a sword and take Pan Tai's neck.

Even if he knew he was an illusion, Pan Tai subconsciously took a step back. sand! Jian Feng brushed in front of his neck, Pan Tai's eyes widened incredibly.

He slowly raised his hand and touched his neck. The armor at the neck had been pulled away by the sword. Even the skin at the neck was cut. Although the trachea and veins were not injured, blood was still flowing. come out.

Illusions can also hurt people? This time Pan Taico was completely dumbfounded, at this time he was trapped in the shadow illusion completely beyond his understanding.

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