Final Chapter 39

Shuangtang County is located in the north of Sichuan.

To the south of Shangjing, there is Lezhe County in the Sichuan Province, and further south is Yisu County, and the south of Yisu County is Shuangtang County. There are many mountains and mountains in Shuangtang County, among which there is a very famous and very important checkpoint, Xuangu Pass.

It can be said that Xuanguguan is the only way to connect the three counties of Leze, Yisu and Shuangtang in the middle of Sichuan. If Xuanguguan is stuck, it is equivalent to breaking the connection between the three counties and the native of Sichuan. Of course, As long as Fengguo can occupy Xuanguguan, it is equivalent to cutting off the three counties of Sichuan at once, then Fengguo's advantage over Sichuan will become even greater.

Tang Yin knew very well that although Xiao Xuan's violent death would temporarily cause the chaos and chaos in Sichuan to be in chaos, the strength of Sichuan was still there, and it was impossible for Fengguo to defeat Sichuan's behemoth at once.

He took the second step and seized the three counties of Leize, Yisu, and Shuangtang in Sichuan to control the Xuangu Pass. Then, in the future, Fengguo will send troops to Sichuan, and it will be a leveling river, and Sichuan will be able to defend itself without risk.

Therefore, Tang Yin set the target of this troop to Shuangtang County, the second is to grab the ground, and what he wanted most was Xuanguguan.

Liang Qibian looked at the map and nodded, and said, "Xuangu Pass in Shuangtang County is a must-try place for military soldiers, and it is also the only way for the central hinterland of Sichuan to connect the three counties of North and North. Just after his illness, Sichuan has just given up to Beijing, and our country has suddenly sent troops to invade. It is really a nameless division! "

Xiao Muqing and Qing Yu nodded again and again, indicating that Liang Qi was right. If he wants to send troops, at least he must be famous, so that his side can become a division of justice.

Tang Yin heard the words, smiled lightly, and said, "Since Sichuan has dominated Shanghai for so long, hasn't it really taken a penny from Shanghai, a treasure? We can ask Sichuan for it first. If Sichuan cannot deliver it, we Aren't you famous for your studies? "

"The king means ..." Everyone looked at Tang Yin in unison.

Tang Yin asked Wu Ying: "How much tax does Beijing have for one year?"

Wu Wuying took a moment, hurriedly took out her booklet again, looked it over carefully, and after confirming it, she said positively: "Return to King Wang, the tax in Beijing last year is close to ten million."

Tang Yin said: "Tianzi Lidu has been in the situation for four or five years. Over the past four or five years, taxes have been reduced by tens of millions. In addition, the treasures lost in the palace have been countless. It has to be twelve thousand yuan. This money should come from Sichuan! "

Everyone took a breath in unison. Sichuan had only occupied Beijing for more than a year, but they had to let them take out ten thousand two silver. How could Sichuan have done so? Xiao Muqing said: "King, Sichuan will certainly not accept such a request."

"Therefore, our country has a justified reason to send troops for crusade." Tang Yin said with a smile: "If Sichuan refuses to surrender 10 million silver, then take the three counties of Leize, Yisu and Shuangtang to pay off the debt. Come on! "

It turns out that this is what the king is famous for. Everyone looked at each other and nodded slowly, thinking that this would be feasible.

Seeing that there was no objection from everyone, Tang Yin's heart was even more bottom-lined. He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Since everyone agrees, this is the case."

Speaking, he looked at Xiao Muqing and said, "Mu Qing, it was immediately edited and passed on to the court of the Sichuan state. The Sichuan state must return 102,000 silver in a month. If it is overdue, the consequences will be at your own risk."

"Yes! King!" Xiao Muqing responded with an arched hand.

Soon after, Tang Yin ordered Xiao Muqing's letter to Zhaoyang, the capital city of Sichuan. Now Zhaoyang City is in chaos, and the court is even more disturbed. When you see the letter suddenly sent by Feng Guo, it is undoubtedly To make matters worse.

Twelve thousand dollars is not a big deal for the wealthy and powerful Sichuan country, but the key problem is that the reason for the wind country is not convincing. The Sichuan country has occupied Shanghai for more than a year, but this During the period, the tax revenue collected by the Chuan Kingdom was pitifully small, at most only a few million yuan. Why should I give it to Fengguo's silver of 12 million yuan at once? In addition, during the period when Sichuan went to Beijing to take care of it, it was in a good way to manage Beijing. Even if there is no credit or hard work, how can it be put down without being appreciated?

Xiao Xiang, the twenty-fifth princess, was the first royal family to stand up against it. They believed that Feng Guo was taking the opportunity to blackmail, and Sichuan could not agree to this. However, the second son Xiao Yuan's opinion is contrary to her. He believes that the father has just died, and Sichuan is in a state of sorrow. If at this time the country is evil, the country will not take advantage of it. The army crusade, I am afraid that the ultimate loss of Sichuan will not only be more than 12,000 silver.

Xiao Xiang and Xiao Yuan have very tough attitudes. One believes that the country's extortion cannot be accepted, and the other believes that it is better to save money and avoid disasters. The ministers of the DPRK also divided into two factions, one side supported Xiao Xiang and the other supported Xiao Yuan.

Due to Xiao Xuan's illness, he died too suddenly and did not make a will. Whoever inherited the throne was not immediately settled, which was the root cause of the panic in the Sichuan court.

However, how to deal with the matter of Feng Guo demanding 10 million yuan of silver has become the key to the royal family's struggle for the throne. Whether it is a son or a princess, if this matter can be handled well, it will surely win the hearts and reputations of the people, and it will become a matter of course to reach the throne.

At this time, Xiao Yuan, the second son who has always been weak and fame, suddenly became active, lobbying the ministers of the Central China to let them support their ideas, first meet the requirements of the wind country, and then seek revenge after the situation in the country stabilized.

肖 Under Xiao Yuan's active lobbying, many ministers changed their position and stood on Xiao Yuan's side. Above the chapel, the voice of compromise with Fengfeng also became louder.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Xiang was greatly disappointed. Fengguo is an insatiable greedy wolf. This time it can ask you for ten thousand dollars. If you accept it, then next time it will ask you twenty thousand two hundred thousand. Thirty-two thousand or more, can Sichuan continue to compromise?

It's a pity that most of the civil servants in the chaos in Sichuan now are frightened by Xiao Yuan's words. Many people dare not insist on a tough attitude towards the country. After thinking about it, Xiao Xiang simply gave up the court and went directly to the Sichuan Army who returned from Shenchi.

Xi Changchang said that Xiao Xiang did not inform the court at all, and only took his relatives away from the capital. He traveled day and night in Dayan County, Sichuan Province, and finally joined the Sichuan Army that returned to the capital.

Seeing his father's death in the army, Xiao Xiang burst into tears. I never imagined that a wise father would have died on the way back in triumph.

She asked Zhongchuan how the father died.

The generals of Zhongzhongchuan were full of grief and helplessness, Zhang Situ choked and said, "The king's health has always been bad. This long journey to the expedition to Shenchi, all the way, plus water and soil dissatisfaction, accumulation of labor, so ...

"Did the father say anything before he died?" Xiao Xiang wiped the tears on his face to calm down his emotions as much as possible.

The public will shake their heads one after another, Zhang Situ said, "Princess Hui, the king was unconscious for several days before he died."

Xiao Xiang sighed secretly, then she took out the book of Feng Guo and gave it to the generals, and said, "Presumably Feng Guo already knows the news of the death of his father, and Tang Yin wants to take advantage of this opportunity to ask China for ten thousand yuan. Two silver. "

what? The generals hurriedly gathered forward to take a closer look at the contents of the letter. After watching it, people all took a breath, Zhang Situ clenched his fist subconsciously, and gritted his teeth and cursed: "Shameless! Damn! What a brazen country!"

Bu Ying, who was next to him, said, "No wonder there are reports that Fengguo has hoarded its army in Shanghai. Want to come, asking for silver is false, and it is true to raise troops to invade our country!"

Wu Xiaoxiang's eyes flashed, and he said, "General Bu, if this is the case, how should our country cope?"

"It's very simple. Either meet the requirements of the Wind Country and give them 12 million silver, or fall to the ground in a **** battle, and never give in half!" Bu Ying said with a word.

Xiao Xiang Youyou said: "I heard that the father died, and many ministers in the DPRK have lost their power and are more afraid of the power of the wind country. They all want to accept the request of the wind country. General cloth, in your opinion, our country should be Accept the request of the wind country or should it be rejected? "

Pu Buying looked upright and said with an arched hand: "His Royal Highness Princess, the end will be only a martial arts, only warfare, not state affairs, but if the wind country dare to raise soldiers to commit crimes, the end will definitely fight the wind army to the end!"

Xiao Xiaoxiang nodded secretly, this is what she wanted to hear. She said: "The ministers are eager for ease and are unwilling to fight ~ ~. It is understandable, but now that the country is in danger, people are riding on top of my country. This palace cannot tolerate it, but the throne is undecided now. There is no soldier talisman in this palace. Even if I want to fight the wind army, I can't command my soldiers in Okawa. "

Hearing this, the generals looked at each other for a few seconds, and the generals Zhang Situ, Yang Zhao, Lu You, and Bu Ying were all on their knees on the knees, and said with an arched hand: "The end will listen to the princess' dispatch and go to the sword. The mountains and the sea of ​​fire, do whatever you want! "

They are all close relatives of Xiao Xuan. Naturally, they can understand Xiao Xuan's thoughts best. It is said that this incident was in Xiao Xiang. Xiao Xuan had consulted with them more than once or twice. It was basically a matter of nails and nails, but he had to write his widow in the future.

In the eyes of the generals, Xiao Xiang is the new monarch of Sichuan, and Xiao Xiang's order is equivalent to Wang Ling. Another point is that Xiao Xiang's attitude towards the main battle is also to their appetite. In the eyes of the generals, the wind country is extremely abominable. Asking for silver, it doesn't mention it late, but it rushes to the death of the king. This section of the festival was put forward at the bones of the eye. It is obviously in the dark, taking the danger of people, and the brazenness of the wind country is so shameless. If we can't teach them a lesson this time, we might not be able to change the bullying of Sichuan.

Seeing the generals kneeling down, Xiao Xiang was so excited that she couldn't help tears in her eyes, and trembled, "You generals are flattened!"

After everyone stood up, she took a few deep breaths to calm down her excitement. She frowned and said, "General Bo's speculation just now is the same as what this palace thought. The extortion of the wind army is false, and the soldiers attacked. That's true, but this palace is not yet sure where the wind army will invade, and where our country should be stationed. "

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