Final Chapter 53

Qi Yinji went to his palace, and Tang Yin accompanied Yin Rou to the palace where she had lived.

As she walked along, Yin Rou felt a lot. To her, the plants and trees in the palace were so familiar and strange, it seemed that everything had not changed, and everything seemed to have changed.

Her dormitory is still the same as before, even the layout of the courtyard and the furnishings in the room have not changed at all. She walked to the bed and sat down slowly, stroking the quilt gently as if she had just slept on it It's like it.

She was silent for a long time, and then asked Tang Yin: "Yin, can I live here tonight?"

Tang Yin was happy, said softly: "This is your home originally, Rouer will live as long as you want."

"Will you stay with me?" Yin Rou looked at him with anticipation.

Tang Yin was a little hesitant to hear the words. Now his identity is both a prince and a horse. It doesn't matter if he lives in the palace, but he doesn't like to live in.

He groaned for a long time, seeing that Yin Rou had been staring at herself, could not bear to let her down, nodded with a smile, and said softly, "Okay!"

Yin Yinrou stood up cheerfully, walked to Tang Yin, and nestled in his arms.

Tang Yin and Yin Rou stayed in the room for a long time. He suddenly remembered something, stood up, and said, "Rouer, I still have something to discuss with Qiu Zhen and I will come back in the evening."

Yin Rou understands that ministers such as Qiu Zhen have just arrived in Beijing, and there will be a lot of matters to be negotiated. She did not force Tang Yin. She whispered gently as she sent him out: "Come back in the evening, don't let me wait too long. . "

When I heard this, Tang Yin felt a wave in her heart and almost returned to the room. He didn't dare to stay any longer, nodded silently, then turned and walked away.

When he walked out of the palace, the Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs, led by Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji, were waiting outside the gate of the palace. When Tang Yin came out, people stepped forward and said, "King!"

Tang Yin waved to the crowd and said, "Go to the post and discuss things."

"Yes!" Everyone followed Tang Yin, either riding or riding a car, and went to the post.

In the lobby of the station, Tang Yin sat in the center. On the left side was an attache headed by Qiu Zhen, while on the right side was a civilian officer headed by the above official Yuanji. At this time, the station became a small country Court.

Tang Yin looked around at the crowd and said with a smile: "This time, you have called thousands of miles to rush to Beijing, and it has been hard."

"The king speaks heavily." Everyone slumped.

I was too lazy to speak more politely, Tang Yin cheered up and said, "My king intends to build a palace in Shangjing. I wonder what everyone will say?"

In front of everyone, he deliberately used ‘My King’ to claim that he was telling everyone that this was something he had decided and would n’t change anymore.

Everyone looked at each other, and Zhang Xin took the lead to say, "It's reasonable for the king to build a palace in Shangjing at the foot of the emperor.

如果 "If the king wanted to move the palace and court in Zhenjiang to Shangjing together?" Tang Yin asked softly.

"This ..." Zhang Xin's face changed slightly, and he closed his mouth immediately, no more words. This matter is too big. Moving the court to Shangjing does not mean moving the capital to Shangjing? When he moved the capital, he dared to make a sloppy statement.

Seeing Zhang Xin's silence, Tang Yin looked at the others and asked, "What do you mean?"

Qiu Zhen first looked at Guan Yuanji, then frowned, and said, "But the king wants to move the capital to Shangjing?"

"I do!" Tang Yin smiled slightly and said, "Qiu Zhen, what do you think?"

"If our country is located in the capital, wouldn't it be suspected of getting worse?" Qiu Zhen frowned.

Tang Yin smiled and said: "Yuan Ji also had such concerns. Later, Yuan Ji gave me an idea to ban the wind country and return the wind to the Son of Heaven. I was demoted to the Minister of Auxiliary Affairs. It means there is no wind country, and we can stay in Shanghai with a fair and honest attitude. In fact, we can still firmly control the wind and the heavenly son. What do you think of the adults? "

Upon hearing this, the faces of the Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs were all changed, banning the wind country? This is crazy, how can you ban yourself?

Qiu Zhen first stood up against it and said positively, "The vast territory of our country is now obtained through the expedition to the west. It is already unstable. If you ban the country of the country, the king will surrender the king. I am afraid that no one except Laofengren will look at and obey the orders of the king. This is a way of self-destruction, and no one can do it! "When he spoke, he looked deeply. Shangguan Yuanji didn't understand why he gave the king such a stupid idea.

Tang Yin nodded while listening, and seemed to agree with Qiu Zhenzhen. Shangguan Yuanji smiled indifferently and said, "Qiu Xiang worry about it. As long as the king can firmly hold the imperial court's government, even if the wind is returned to the emperor, the king is still the uncrowned king of the wind. , And it will be more convenient and advantageous to act than the current identity of the Wind King. "

Qiu Zhen said immediately: "No matter what, banning the country title, the king cuts his knighthood. It can't be done. The wind country can have today, how many wind people have traded their lives. If the country name is banned, how can we stand up to the wind? The heroic spirits of heaven in Chinese history? "

"Heaven is in Shangjing, we are in Zhenjiang, thousands of miles apart. How can we respond in time if there is a change? If you want to stay in Shangjing, you can ban the country name is the best way."

You can say a word to him, I can't stop the argument, the ministers present will look at Qiu Zhen for a while, and Guan Yuanji for a while, and they will feel dizzy and brains.

Tang Yin waved his hands and planned his argument, and then slowly smiled and said, "Yuan Ji has Yuan Ji's truth, Qiu Zhen also has Qiu Zhen's truth, and there will be no results after arguing. It ’s better, in the future, we can I have lived in Shangjing for a long time, but the court is still located in Zhenjiang. In the future, the court of our country will be divided into two: Zhenjiang is bright, Shangjing is dark, Zhenjiang is imaginary, and Shangjing is real. What do you think? "

The ministers present at the meeting were all together, but behind them, no one spoke. After a while, Qiu Zhen nodded and said, "We think that the king's opinion is feasible." In his opinion, no matter what you do, it is much stronger than banning the country.

Shang Shangyuan Yuanji pondered it carefully, thinking that Tang Yin's idea could be tried, and he nodded and said, "Wei Chen has no objection."

Seeing that Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji have both agreed, the following Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs said in unison: "Great King Yingming!"

Seeing the unanimous agreement of the ministers, Tang Yin nodded with satisfaction and said, "Since everyone agrees, the matter is so settled. All the Central Army stationed in Zhenjiang went south, and they were permanently stationed in Beijing. For the time being ... preside over the overall situation by Zhang Zhe! "

"Yes! King!"

The matter of relocating the capital was temporarily resolved. Tang Yin felt a lot more relaxed. He waved to everyone and said, "Presumably everyone is tired. If there is nothing to discuss, go to rest first!"

"Let's retire!" Shangguan Yuanji and Qiu Zhen and others stood up, gave Tang Yin a bow, and then went out one after another.

Qiu Zhen's feet had already stepped out of the lobby, and suddenly he remembered something. He took the steps back out and quietly returned to the lobby. After all the ministers had gone, he came to Tang Yin and said, "Master!"

Tang Yin looked at him with a smile and asked: "Qiu Zhen, is there something wrong?" A moment later, he smiled again: "You won't come to tell me about Yuan Ji, right? In fact, I can understand Yuan Ji's intentions, His opinion makes sense ... "

He did not wait for Tang Yin to finish, Qiu Zhen shook his head and said, "Master, Wei Chen is not about this."

He and Shangguan Yuanji were the first to assist Tang Yin. How could Shangguan Yuanji know who he was, and Shangguan Yuanji would never be inferior to him.

He frowned and said, "Wei Chen didn't know that the king had the intention of moving his capital to Beijing, so I'm afraid he did something inappropriate in private."

Tang Yin was confused, and asked, "What is it?"

Qiu Zhen looked around, then bypassed the table case, walked directly to Tang Yin, sat down on his knees, and whispered, "Wei Chen is worried that Tianzi will be provoked by" treacherous people "in Shangjing. On the way to Beijing, Wei Chen instructed a secret arrow to make some unreliable ministers in the imperial court ... "Speaking of this, he raised his hand and made a crosscut gesture.

Tang Yin took a breath and asked, "Did you kill them?"

"Just a part."

"how many people?"

"There are twenty-six ministers, together with the family members, nearly a thousand people." Qiu Zhen said carefully. This was not a trivial matter, and it was a decision he made privately without Tang Yin's consent. Now he also regrets that his decision was too hasty.

Tang Yin groaned for a moment and asked, "Did the arrow have succeeded?"

"Weichen is not clear yet ~ ~ However, more than a month has passed and Weichen is worried that the dark arrow has already acted."

"Immediately pass on the dark arrow personnel assigned by you. If you have not done so, terminate the action. If you have already done so, then do something clean and leave no clues. If the matter is revealed, spread it out ..." Tang Yin did not That's all for now.

Qiu Zhenzhen nodded again and again and said, "Yes, yes, yes, Wei Chen immediately sent a message to Dark Arrow. This time, Wei Chen was too hasty ..."

Tang Yin smiled and patted Qiu Zhen's shoulder, and said, "I didn't blame you. You are right in your concerns, you are right in doing it, it is always good to prevent problems before they happen!"

Qiu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The king said this, and Weichen was relieved." Speaking of this, he remembered the comments made by Shangguan Yuanji, and said positively: "King, Weichen thinks Yuanji's proposal is very Inappropriate, too risky, the kingdom of the wind country can't be banned, the king can't cut his own title, the wind country can not achieve today's achievements, if you follow Yuanji's meaning, I'm afraid that the wind will become a loose sand again , Torn apart. "

Tang Yin rolled his eyes and said slowly: "Someone came to me, Yuan Ji was just loyal to me on the surface, but he was more loyal to Tianzi, Qiu Zhen, what do you think?"

Qiu Zhen heard that his face suddenly changed, and at the same time he took a deep breath. He hurriedly said, "This is the opinion of the courtier. The king must not mistrust his words. Yuanji's king should be very clear. How could he possibly What about betraying the king and the country? "

Rarely seeing Qiu Zhen will be anxious, Tang Yin laughed and said, "I just talk casually, don't take it seriously, well, you go back to rest, you will be tired tomorrow!"

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