Chapter 58

In the Sichuan Province, civil strife continued due to the throne battle. At the same time, the political center of Fengguo was moving to Beijing in full swing.

During this period of time, the construction of the Shanghai Grand Palace, the Royal Palace of the Wind Country, and the residences of the officials of the Wind Country were under construction. Although the Wind Kingdom did not expressly state that it would relocate to Shanghai, it can be seen by the discerning people. In fact, the Wind Country Moving capital.

Originally, the wind country was up and down, and Yin 兴奋 was also excited because he finally returned to Shangjing, the soul of dreams, but at this time suddenly a huge bad news came.

The Imperial Ministers who returned to Beijing with him were attacked by the rebels when they walked to the junction of Modi and Andi. As a result, the 10,000 Aquila generals who were responsible for escorting them were outnumbered, causing heavy casualties. They were even more devastated. Twenty-six ministers, along with their families, were attacked and killed by the rebels.

I was killed more than 20 ministers at once, and many of them were senior officials of more than two grades. This is a shocking case. Yin Xie was indignant and outraged, and ordered Tang Yin to investigate the killer strictly, and he must arrest the rebels who had crippled the Imperial Minister.

Tang Yin knows of course that there are no rebels, and that is the actions of the dark arrows. As for the dead and injured Generals of the Eagles, all are false reports. In fact, the Eagles did not kill a single soldier.

However, Tang Yin did not miss this opportunity, pushed the boat down the river, used the topic to play, and by destroying the banner of the rebels, carried out a large sweep across the country of the wind country, cracking down on the rebel forces in the country, and consolidating the stability within the country.

This is the second time that Fengguo has carried out a large-scale raid on rebel forces across the country, and it has affected a large number of people. Even the most supple folk customs in the Andy land have involved more than 10,000 people. Most were also executed by local authorities in the name of a rebel party.

Unlike the last time, the people involved this time were few ordinary people, most of them were rich and powerful local families.

From the perspective of Tang Yin and the court of the Wind Country, these local clan forces are the most unstable factor and the biggest hidden danger of the Wind Country. As long as these family forces do not collude with local rebel forces, no major rebellion will occur in the country. .

This big cleanup left many big families with deep-rooted local power in Fengguo overnight. In a sense, it really played a great deterrent role. The most interesting point is that this time The cleanup did not arouse the general public's resentment. When the local bullies and rich people were arrested and executed by the government, most of the people applauded.

Bian Fengguo lasted for more than two months before and after this large-scale cleaning. It felt that the wind congress would generate new turbulence. Tang Yin then passed the order and let the situation gradually calm down.

After this sweep, it can be said that the centralization of power in the country of wind has reached its peak. The people of Ningdi, Modi, Andi, and Yidi have all talked about the 'rebellion' discoloration, and there are no rebel forces in various places, counties and counties. Appear, at least dare not appear on the bright side, blatantly encourage local people to confront the court, which is exactly the effect that Tang Yin and the court wanted.

In order to maintain stability, Fengguo's iron-blooded wrists will also prevent Fengguo from having any worries when playing against foreign enemies in the future. In contrast, due to the struggle for power within the court, Sichuan's local rebel forces began to rise. Among them, The rebellion against Jeongdi is the most intense.

After the destruction of Zhenzhen State, the entire territory of Zhendi was occupied by Sichuan, but the rule of Sichuan over Zhendi was not peaceful. Rebellions occurred from time to time. Zhendi's folk customs have always been sturdy, and Zhenguo has always implemented a military system for all the people. This has caused Zhenren to be afraid of the heavens and the earth, and he is not afraid of the rule of Sichuan.

In the past, Xiao Xuan was here, and the whole country of Sichuan united as a whole. Even if Zhendi rebelled, it was quickly settled by the Sichuan Army. Now Xiao Xuan is ill. Sichuan's court is busy fighting for rights, and he is diligent. Ride, and the ups and downs follow.

One of the largest rebel forces is the rebels headed by Li Shu. Li Shu claims to be the eighth son of Li Wei, and Li Wei is the eleventh son of Zhen Li Hong. In counting, Li Shu is Li Hong's. Forty-ninth Sun, as to whether this is true or not, it is impossible to verify, only he himself knows best.

However, under the banner of Li Hong's forty-ninth grandson, Li Shu assembled a group of virgins in Zhendi who were unwilling to be controlled by the Sichuan people.

At the beginning, they did not dare to oppose the Sichuan people blatantly. They just hid in the old forest of Moriyama, fell into the grass as a pirate, made a living by robbery, and attacked the small Sichuan army in the past from time to time, but Li Shuqi was quite talented. Over the course of the year, hundreds of people under the command of the army have grown to tens of thousands, and it seems that there is a tendency to become an army. It was not until this time that Li Shu's forces really aroused the vigilance of the local government.

But at this time, the local government wanted to send troops to destroy Li Shu's forces. It was already extremely difficult. Li Shu's power was already large, and the local government made the mistake of disregarding the enemy. The Sichuan army who entered the chaos for the first time only had 5,000 people. It still rushed into the mountain without understanding the terrain and enemy situation. It is known that the five thousand officers and men were killed by the rebel forces headed by Li Shu, lost more than half, and lost their lives.

When the local government ran into chaos for the second time, it greatly increased its troop strength. As many as 20,000 troops were dispatched. However, after the last battle, Li Shu's forces were also famous and came from all directions. There are countless counties, and the staff has nearly doubled in a very short period of time.

For the second time, both sides of the peace and chaos fought extremely fiercely. In the end, it was because Li Shu's forces occupied the advantages of time, location, and harmony.

I sent troops to riot twice and returned to defeat twice. This can scare the local government and not dare to riot alone, and hurriedly report to the court of Sichuan. Please ask the court to dispatch the Central Army to riot.

At the time, it happened that Xiao Xuan and Tang Yin jointly dispatched troops to the Shenchi. The peace of Li Shu was temporarily suppressed by the court of Sichuan. After the King ’s class was resolved, the king ’s class returned to the court and then settled Li Shu in Zhendi. Rebellion.

As a result, after the settlement of the Shenchi incident, Xiao Xuan died on his way home, and a vacuum appeared in the throne of the Kingdom of Sichuan. The sons and princesses ganged up to form party and private affairs in the court, each seeking personal gain, and the peace of Li Shu was indefinitely pushed back. .

This is exactly the time when Li Shu ’s forces have grown up. Taking advantage of the chaos in the court of the Sichuan Kingdom, Li Shu ’s power has increased from tens of thousands to tens of thousands, and Li Shu is playing the banner of restoration. A self-proclaimed general of the Zhen State, he led the rebels to attack the local government.

In just one month, the rebels headed by Li Shu were smashing bamboo, smashing twelve towns in Zhendi in succession, the area of ​​influence reached five counties, one and a half counties, and was expanding rapidly.

If this momentum continues, I am afraid that it will take less than a year, and it is really possible to restore the entire chastity.

舒 Li Shu can grow the rebel forces from only a few dozen people to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands now. Even if there are speculations, his human ability is undoubted.

He is very clear that with his current strength, he is still far from being able to fight against the court of Sichuan, and the resurgence of the country is just an empty talk. The main reason why he can survive to this day is that Sichuan has not yet freed his hands. Come to deal with yourself, but the throne of the Chuan Kingdom may not always be vacant. Sooner or later, the new Chuan King will be born. When that time, the Chuan Dynasty will be stable, and when you concentrate your forces to fight against yourself, your Majesty will look like a powerful rebel. The legion would soon fall apart.

If he wants to survive for a long time, and if he wants to restore Zhen State, he has only one way to go, to ally with a strong country and join hands to fight against Sichuan.

Now, there is only one country that can compete with Sichuan, or dare to oppose it, Li Feng. Li Shu has pinpointed a little and sent his close family members to Feng Kingdom, wanting to be with Wang Tang Yin. Talk about alliances.

Of course, Li Shu's family members cannot go directly to Beijing to meet Tang Yin, nor can he see Tang Yin. For Feng Guo, who knows who Li Shu is? How can your men see the wind? Monarch of the country?

The man first went to Jiudi, and saw the commander of the wind army stationed in Qiudi, that is, the commander of the 100 battle army, Nie Ze.

For a long time, the WWII troops were stationed at the junction of Xiudi and Zhendi ~ ~ to defend the invasion of the Sichuan Army. Due to the fierce and fierce fighting of the WWII troops, the XX Zhen border stationed by the WWII troops has always been peaceful Even though he was often harassed, but no enemy had invaded the territory of the wind country, Tang Yin was very satisfied with Nie Zezhi's ability to defend the ground, and he put the commander of the battlefield in the ground to ensure the stability of the ground.

Nie Ze is an orthodox virgin. Compared to the virgin, he is more able to speak with him. Moreover, he is now a marquis and a dignified general in Fengguo. He recommended him to the court of Fengguo, for sure. Can also arouse the attention of the wind country.

For these considerations, Li Shu's family first sought Nie Ze. The name of Li Shu's family member was Xiu Xiu, and he had some relationship with Nie Ze. His father had done miscellaneous labor in Nie Ze's house, and even met Nie Ze when he was young.

When Xiu Xiu came to Fengjun Camp to meet Nie Ze, it was under such a name.

He just didn't know. People who came to Nie Ze for this reason, even if there weren't hundreds of them every month, there must be at least a dozen. If Nie Ze could see everything, how could he see it all?

I heard the report from the soldiers' death, and someone outside the camp claimed to be a relative of the former Nie Fu family. When he wanted to see himself, Nie Ze shook his head and smiled, waved his hand, and said casually, "Give him a couple of silver, and send him away!"

Xu Bing promised and turned away. While Xiu Xi was waiting hard outside the camp, a soldier came up and threw him a small cloth bag, and said impatiently, "This is what the general rewards you. Take the silver and go from where Go! "

Xiu Xiu looked at the small cloth bag in her hands, quite cried. Seeing him standing still, another soldier prankly advised: "This brother, I don't think you should return to the land of jealousy. Hold the silver and stay in the country of the wind. Do a little business. It's better to suffer in chastity. "

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