Chapter 88

Chen Lihua did not immediately lead the army to attack the rebels. There were also reasons. The first was the battle in the Wangxi Plain. Chen Lihua was also greatly shocked by the rebel forces' ability. Xia continued to head to head with the rebels.

Second, it is also the most important one. At that time, it happened to be the most intense stage of internal fighting in the court of the Sichuan Kingdom. Xiao Xiang was fighting with the granddaughter and one party for the throne. Give Chen Lihua, let him temporarily avoid fighting with the rebels, save the combat power in case of emergency.

For these two reasons, Chen Lihua did not immediately reorganize and attack aggressively after he severely damaged the rebels. Instead, he assembled his troops to rest and train, but this also gave the rebels a breathing space.

After the banquet, the banquet hall immediately became the conference hall. Qing Yu took the opportunity to ask the counselors and generals present to inquire about the current situation of the Zhen Army.

Now, Li Shu's intention is obvious, that is, to keep Bainan County.

Li Shu concentrated Zhen's forces at the junction of Bainan County and Fanjiao County. It can be seen that he had planned to give up, just to fight the Sichuan Army to the end here and block it out of Bainan County.

His idea is correct. Bainan County is already the last place for the rebels. If they can't keep it here, the rebels have nowhere to escape if they want to escape.

But, can the Zhen Army resist the Sichuan Army's attack? The Zhen army is good at attacking and not defending, and the offensive battle is one of the most proficient skills of the Sichuan Army. It is not that the Sichuan Army is brave in attacking the tough battle, but that the Sichuan Army is too sophisticated. There are a large number of large-scale reserves in the army that are specially prepared for the attack. instrument. If this battle really fought, the Zhen army would only be afraid to hit the stone with the eggs and kill themselves.

Seeing Qing Yu's thoughtful expression, Li Shu trembled and asked carefully: "Does General Qing Yu think our army can't resist the Sichuan Army?"

Qi Qingyu didn't hide it, nodded silently. Li Shu immediately became tense and asked, "So ... how does General Qing Yu think our army should deal with the Sichuan army's attack?"

"Well, I have to think carefully again." Qing Yu did not immediately reply to Li Shu, but when seeing Li Shu's face showing sorrow and anxiety, he smiled indifferently and comforted: "There must be a road in front of the mountain, and it is natural for the boat to reach the bridge. After all, there will be a solution in the end, and the general will not have to worry too much. "He said, turning sharply, and asking," General, I wonder if I can go to your army's barracks? "

Just listening to other people ’s introduction, Qing Yu still ca n’t accurately understand the current situation of the Zhen Army. He has to go for a walk in person to see what he can know, and then he can determine the enemy and even break it. Enemy approach.

Li Shu hurriedly said, "Of course, when is General Qing Yu going to the barracks?"

Qi Qingyu took a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth, and said, "Now!"

"This ... General Qing Yu is tired all the way, should you take a day off first?"

"No need," Qing Yu said positively, "military conditions are changing, and there can be no delay."

Seeing him insisting, Li Shu was no longer polite, stood up and said, "I will go with General Qing Yu." After speaking, he looked at Tang Yin with difficulty. The latter smiled and stood up, and said with a smile, "My king just wants to go shopping."

After the banquet, Tang Yin and Qing Yu did not rest in the city, but were accompanied by Li Shu and others to the Zhenjun camp outside the city.

The conditions of Wu Zhenjun are very difficult, and the camp is very simple to set up. A simple wooden fence is set up on the periphery, and some horses are placed.

I entered into it, almost like entering a slum, and looking at it, the tents were dilapidated, some were patched, and some were stitched together. Looking at the equipment of General Zheng Jun, it ’s even worse. They are wearing armor aided by the wind country, made of leather. Since there is no extra armor to replace, almost everyone ’s armor has damage, even Some old, weak, and sick weren't wearing armor at all.

It's okay to say that the most worrying thing is that the morale of the Zhen Army is generally low, and the entire camp is also deadly. There is no fighting spirit on people's faces, only numbness. It seems that people have lost the victory. Desire.

Moreover, Tang Yin and Qing Yu also noticed that 20-30% of the soldiers of the Zhen Army were injured, but for the Zhen Army, as long as they can move and can take up weapons, they are all slightly injured, still Count it into the ranks of combatable soldiers.

This kind of Zhen army needs morale and morale, and there is not much combat power left. How can it withstand the full-scale onslaught that the Sichuan Army may launch at any time?

Li Shu led the way and led Tang Yin and Qing Yu to the front of the army, and he waved his hand and said, "His Royal Highness, General Qing Yu, sit in the army's tent first and rest!"

"The general does not have to be polite, and he is not tired underneath." Qing Yu smiled and rejected Li Shu's kindness, and then said: "So, the general will rest in the army's tent first, and I will accompany the king and walk around."


"Is the general still worried that the king and I will still be lost in your army camp?" Qing Yu asked with a smile.

"No, no, no, of course."

After groaning for a moment, Li Shu nodded and said, "Yeah, I will wait for His Royal Highness and General Qing Yu in the army's tent." After that, he turned and shook his head towards the guard behind him. The guards knew, and immediately separated more than a hundred people and stood around Tang Yin and Qing Yu.

After all, the generals in the army did not know Tang Yin and Qing Yu. Li Shu was also worried that the two of them would misunderstand and accident when they wandered around the camp.

Tang Li and Qing Yu did not refuse to send Li Shu to follow him, and the two did not pass Li Shu and walked towards the hinterland of Zhenjun camp.

The two were not walking blindly for no purpose, but heading to the north of the camp. The north was facing Fanjiao County. If the Sichuan army attacked, it would inevitably hit from the north to the south. The defense of the north camp is very important. It is directly related to the success or failure of the Zhen Army.

When they came to Beiying, Tang Yin and Qing Yu were disappointed. Relatively speaking, Beiying's defense was slightly stronger than other places, but it was only a little taller and stronger wooden fence serving as the wall of the wall. Some were not even digging trenches that blocked enemy infantry.

Ugh! Qing Yu sighed, shook her head, and whispered to Tang Yin around him: "King, Zhenying's defense is useless. If it is the Sichuan army's main attack, it can't be resisted at all." Then, he walked to the wooden fence. , Kicked and kicked.

Qi Qingyu has been sick since childhood, and his bones have always been weak, but with his strength, he can kick the wooden fence slightly, showing how casually the Zhenjun camp was built.

He smiled bitterly: "If you don't know that Li Shu has no way back, I really have to wonder if he plans to fight the Sichuan Army here."

Tang Yin also smiled bitterly. He had seen Tao Yuanfeng's return letter saying that the rebels were irregular, but he did not expect that they would be so irregular, that even camps would not be built. What about defense?

He hadn't spoken yet. At this time, a big man dressed as a captain came over. He first looked at Tang Yin and Qing Yu, and then looked at the many guards around him, full of doubts, and asked: "Two Yes……"

Tang Yin didn't mean to answer, Qing Yu said, "My name is Qing Yu, and I come from the country of wind."

"Ah! Your Excellency is the well-known General Qing Yu, the villain is disrespectful, disrespectful!" This thousand captain was so rude unlike other Zhen army, he gave a courteous gift to Qing Yu.

"This big brother doesn't have to be polite." Qing Yu smiled back and gave a gift.

Unexpectedly, Qing Yu was so approachable that he would pay back to this unknown little pawn. He was quite surprised, but he didn't show too much. He looked to the left and right and suddenly said in a low voice: "General Qing Yu has come a long way. what!"

Talking about him, Tang Yin and Qing Yu were stunned. Li Shu looked forward to the arrival of Qing Yu with hope, and hoped that Qing Yu could solve his urgent need. The captain of the thousand was better, saying that his arrival was superfluous.

Tong Qingyu laughed: "This big brother is so confident that he can win the Sichuan Army?"

The captain Qian shook his head sternly and said, "Do not hide General Qing Yu. On the contrary, once the Sichuan army comes, our army will be defeated. General Qing Yu now comes, not only by doing more, but also putting himself in danger. .If the villain is General Aoha, leave nothing now and rush back to the wind country. "

Tang Yin heard that she almost laughed out loud, Qing Yu didn't think the person's words were funny ~ ~ Instead, he felt that he was not in line with the personality of the virgin. But it's harder than going to heaven.

He said slowly: "Neither the general, nor the conspirators, nor the generals think this battle will be defeated. Why do you say that? Don't you be afraid that this word will spread to the general's ears, and cure you a crime that disturbs the heart of the army? "

The captain of the millennium smiled bitterly and said: "Once the battle in the Wangxi Plain, our army broke the 100,000 brothers without any reason. This is a big mistake. Now the general has decided to stay at the border. It is even more wrong. In the end, none of the generals will be able to survive, and both will be dead. What fears I have now? "

Huh! This person's opinion is quite unique! Tang Yin and Qing Yu both moved in the same heart. This time without waiting for Qing Yu to speak, Tang Yin asked, "What's your name?"

Captain Qian Qian raised his eyes to Tang Yin, stared at him for a moment, and then arched his hand and said, "In the yin li, only a small captain in the army ..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Yin continued to ask, "If you say that the Sichuan Army will attack, you will destroy the entire army. So how can you avoid the danger of the entire army's destruction?"

"It's easy, withdraw!"

"Withdraw?" Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Where to withdraw?"

"Retreat to the hinterland of Bainan-gun, and try to avoid head-on clashes with the Sichuan Army, especially head-on clashes between the main forces!"

Yin Li, the thousand-year-old captain, said positively: "The Sichuan army is strong and has a large number of troops. If we want to win, we must first disperse their soldiers and adopt tactics to defeat them, so there may be hope for success.

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