Final Chapter 93

It can also be felt through the opinions of the heads of various legions. They have determined that their own victory is in their hands. It is only a matter of time to level the rebels. Even follow-up plans to prevent Li Shu from escaping have been thought out in advance.

In the territory of Baiyang County, the Sichuan Army's battle was still smooth sailing, and without any effort, it continuously captured one city and four towns. Next, the Sichuan Army targeted Qijia City, the county seat of Baiyang County.

I want to go to Qijia City, and have to pass by a dangerous place, Wanan Valley. Wan'an Valley is steep, a long and narrow canyon, with high mountains on both sides, and there is only one way to go.

Because of the dangers here, rocks and wild beasts often appear, and pedestrians in the past always have injuries. Therefore, people gave this valley the auspicious name of “Wanan Valley”, hoping to use the name to dispel the ferociousness here. .

Of course, this is a superstition, the canyon is still that canyon, and casualties still occur frequently.

When the Sichuan Army marched here, Chen Lihua urgently ordered that the army temporarily stop moving forward.

带着 He brought Yiganchuan to the front of the army, stood on a high ground, and looked at Wan'an Valley from afar. Chen Lihua secretly whispered in her heart while looking at the deep canyon in front of her: "What a dangerous place!"

丽 Chen Lihua is an experienced veteran. What terrain is easy to set and difficult to pass, he can see in a flash.

He told the generals around him: "This place is dangerous. If the rebels occupy the peaks on both sides of the canyon, our army will rush in, and the consequences will be unthinkable!"

Gao Peng smiled, and said with ease, "General Chen is relieved. Our army scout has just inquired about Wan'angu yesterday. There is no ambush, and now he can pass with peace of mind."

丽 Chen Lihua nodded, then shook his head again, and said positively: "The rebels are cunning and have to defend, and immediately send out scouts and continue to probe."

"This ..." Gao Peng frowned slightly, which was too much, and Chen Lihua was too cautious. He whispered, "General, it's not too early now. If the spies are done, the sky will be dark. Our army can only wait for tomorrow."

Chen Lihua said: "Now our army is not in a rush to fight the rebels to death, it is not a short day."

He said that Gao Peng couldn't say anything more, and then ordered the vice general to send out the eleventh army's spies to probe the Wan'an Valley in front, and then the commanders of the various armies ordered one by one to set up camps on the spot and wait for the road tomorrow.

Wanan Valley is not a small canyon. It takes a long time to explore the entire Wanan Valley clearly.

The spies sent by Xun did not return until late at night, and the information they brought back was consistent. There were no ambush on the peaks on both sides of Wan'an Valley, and no traces of rebels or traces were found nearby.

I heard the spies return, the generals all shook their heads secretly in their hearts, and their own party had just inquired about this place yesterday, but Chen Lihua still wanted to inquire today. This is not asking for trouble!

However, Chen Lihua doesn't think so. Delaying a day is nothing. As long as you can ensure foolproofness, it is more important than anything.

I was speechless that night. The next morning, the Sichuan army set off and passed through Wan'an Valley.

Xun Zhenjun did not ambush here. In such a dangerous place, even a fool can see that it is easy to set an ambush. If Yin Li still sets up an ambush here, he is not worthy to be the commander of the army.

经过 Smoothly passed Wan'an Valley, 30 miles forward is the county town Qijia City in Baiyang County.

As long as the Sichuan Army once again won the Qijia City, then most of Baiyang County has been controlled by the Sichuan Army, leaving only a small border town—Longtangkou—for the rebels.

At this time, the generals of the Sichuan army seemed to have beaten chicken blood, and they urged their generals to march quickly. When the Sichuan Army was ten miles away from Qijia City, the spies rushed back in front and reported to Chen Lihua and others that a rebel army had just fled from Qijia City and was heading towards Longtangkou. The specific force is too large to count, and it is conservatively estimated to be about 40,000 to 50,000 people, which can basically be determined to be the main force of the rebels.

I heard that the main force of the rebels did not even dare to defend the county and fled the city. Chen Lihua and others were overjoyed. This opportunity is too rare. Isn't this a good opportunity for them to fight the rebels?

丽 Chen Lihua ordered on the spot that all the soldiers marched in an emergency, and they must catch up with the rebels who fled to Longtangkou and confront them on flat ground.

After receiving the order, the generals of the Sichuan Army smashed their strength and rushed forward. The distance of ten miles was reached in less than half an hour.

The puppet rebels really escaped without leaving a huge county seat without any soldiers or soldiers left, and the gates were all hidden. The Sichuan army did not even use the siege equipment, and pushed the gate directly, pouring into the city like a flood.

The Sichuan army in the advanced city did not make any stops and passed directly through the city to pursue the rebels who had abandoned the city and fled.

Qijia City is not a small city, its size is almost the same as that of the county town. There are more than 100,000 people in the city. The city is also very prosperous. There are many shops of all sizes, and many of them are opened by the Yueyue people .

Seeing a large number of the Sichuan army rushing into the city, the people in the city were very calm and could not see the color of panic and panic. From the heart, the Zhen people were not afraid of the Sichuan people, or they were not convinced by the Sichuan people, and the Sichuan army Another good reputation for a teacher of righteousness and strict discipline is that the soldiers will not indiscriminately kill innocent people or plunder the people's property.

That's the case at this time. Looking at the Sichuan army rushing through the streets, the people didn't scatter away, but just retreated to the sides of the street, one by one, they stretched their necks to look around, completely holding the spirit of watching the excitement.

On the second floor is a tea house by the road. Tang Yin and Qing Yu were sitting by the window. Around them, the entire second floor of the tea table was occupied by their people, including A San A Si, Yin Lan, and Cheng Jin and his shadow arrow personnel.

Looking down at the Sichuan army swarming on the street, and the people on both sides of the street, this harmonious scene of rivers and rivers on both sides makes Tang Yin can't help laughing, he said cheerfully, "Who says that Zhenren is stupid, Who should hide and who should not hide, they know very well! "

Qi Qingyu was also happy, nodded with a smile, the conversation turned, and asked, "My son thinks, can this battle army win?"

Tang Yin snorted softly and said, "According to the investigation of Tianyan and the Earth Net, the Sichuan army currently has only 130,000 troops, while the Zhen army has 70,000 troops. Even if the two armies are confronting each other, it is difficult for the Sichuan army To win, not to mention the use of double-sided tactics for Yinli, the Sichuan Army will lose in this battle. "

Qing Yu Youyou said: "Yin Li saw Chen Lihua, or he saw the habits of the Sichuan Army. It is expected that when the Sichuan Army enters Bainan County, it will be stationed in various places, causing the main battle force to decrease sharply. This person's smartness is not only good at strategy. , Also good at insight, in the future, the king needs to beware of this talent! "

"Well, I can't imagine that Li Shu's men have such generals. Maybe we shouldn't recommend him to Li Shu at first." Tang Yin shrugged, took up the tea cup, and drank the tea from it. Gaze fell again on the street out the window.

At this time, the Sichuan Army passing by the front of the tea house has become a cavalry. The cavalry lined up in a neat formation, five in a row, and passing uniformly.

About a thousand rides in the past, followed by a group of Sichuan generals, headed by a group of 50 years old, must be white, wearing a gold helmet and armor, looks extraordinary and magnificent.

Tong Qingyu glanced at the corner of his eye and whispered, "My son, this man is the commander of the Seventeenth Army of Sichuan. Chai Song, originally a literate general, is known for his bravery and bravery."

Tang Yin smiled and asked, "Do you know him?"

"I have seen him a few years ago. The Chai family is a well-known family in Sichuan and has been doing business for generations. A tough general like Chai Song is really strange in the Chai family!"

Qi Qingyu is an authentic nobleman of the Mo Kingdom. He is well-informed and knows the nobles of Sichuan.

The smile in Tang Yin's eyes was stronger, and he said slowly: "Unfortunately, the only general of the Chai family is afraid of succumbing to Zhenxi this time."

As he spoke, Chai Song who passed by the tea house also happened to look up and looked at the second floor where he was. Qing Yu didn't look away for the first time, and Tang Yin did not evade ~ ~ smiled at Shang Chai Song's eyes, and nodded slightly to him.

Chai Song could not help but take a breath. He hadn't seen Tang Yin, and it was impossible to guess that the youth club sitting in the teahouse in Qijia City was the wind king Tang Yin. He just felt that Tang Yin was restrained and handsome in appearance. Ordinary people, especially his eyes, can't hide the flickering light even if they are smiling.

Let ’s meet a young man who is full of vitality and virtuosity. Who is this person? Is it a virgin? In Chai Song's impression, most of the virgins had a barbaric suffocation, which was extremely uncomfortable, but in Tang Yin, he could not feel it at all.

Xun Ruofei had to hunt down the fleeing rebels. At this moment, he really wanted to dismount and talk to Tang Yin on the second floor. Unfortunately, he has no time for military affairs. Chai Song was also very polite. Even if he was a general and the other party was a civilian, when Tang Yin nodded to himself, he nodded in return. Then he whispered to a guard next to him, "Keep the young man on the second floor of the tea house, wait for the coach to clear the rebels, and then return to the city to meet him. Remember, don't be rude!"

The guard first looked at Tang Yin at the teahouse window, then nodded again and again, "Yes! General!"

Wu Chaisong didn't stop for a while, and walked directly. The guard who took his order stopped with a dozen Sichuan soldiers, dialed the horse to the door of the tea house, turned over and dismounted, and strode into the tea house.

The guard and dozens of Sichuan soldiers went up to the second floor, but after arriving on the second floor, he immediately stopped. There were not many people on the first floor of the tea house, but the second floor was full of people, and there was a wave of air in the air. The weird smell made him shudder.

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