Final Chapter 132

After Yin Yin Xun ordered Xiao Xiang to be the leader, he set off an uproar in Shanghai. At noon that day, Tang Yin was having lunch. He heard the following guards report and said that King Chuan wanted to see him.

I don't need to guess Tang Yin also knows that Xiao Xiang's purpose at this time must be for the gift of heaven. He asked Xiao Xiang to come over, and before seeing Xiao Xiang's figure, he first heard her rushing footsteps and the sound of the wobble of the wearing ornaments on her body.

Xiao Xiang strode in from outside, looked up, and saw Tang Yin was eating. The meal was simple and there were no wine glasses on the table. She was about to finish speaking. Tang Yin asked, "Wang Mei has eaten. You can sit down and eat together if you don't mind! "

I was so angry, now I see Tang Yin's leisurely look again. Xiao Xiang is even more angry. She took a deep breath, stepped forward to Tang Yin, stood still, then looked to the left and right, Shen said, "You all go down!"

The maids who stood on the left and right were not Sichuan people, and of course they would not listen to Xiao Xiang's command. Tang Yin smiled slightly and waved her hands slightly. The maids on both sides saw the blessings and gave back.

When the surrounding idlers had all left, Xiao Xiang couldn't help it anymore, bent down sharply, clenched his hands on the dining table in front of Tang Yin, and made a crackling sound. She asked: Have you heard? "

Xiao Xiaoxiang stood in front of himself so embarrassedly that even if he had a good appetite, Tang Yin couldn't swallow at this time. He put down the tableware with a smile, picked up a handkerchief, and slowly wiped the corner of his mouth and asked, "What did you hear?"

"Are you pretending to be confused?" For such a big thing, Tang Yin would not know, and Xiao Xiang would not believe it.

Tang Yin 噗嗤 laughed, stood up, tilted his head, and looked at Xiao Xiang constantly. Xiao Xiang was uncomfortable looking at him and asked impatiently: "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing." Tang Yin said cheerfully: "I just thought, if I see you in the future, should I call you Wang Mei, or should I change my name to Queen Queen."

Wu Xiaoxiang heard that, his face became red immediately, and he uttered fiercely: "If I become a queen, the first unlucky person is you!"

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows, looked at her puzzledly, and asked, "How do you say that?"

Xiao Xiaoxiang said angrily: "Are you still pretending to be confused? Your Majesty's intention to give a marriage will not be understood? Your Majesty's marriage is not me, but Sichuan, don't you understand?"

"What's the matter?"

Tang Yin shrugged helplessly and said, "The imperial edict has been set, and there will definitely be no change. Now the entire people in the capital already know that Wang Mei will be the future queen. I am afraid it won't take long, and the matter will spread throughout the country. Everyone knows. "

"Is Brother Wang really going to sit idly and ignore this?" Xiao Xiang asked anxiously.

of course not! Tang Yin must not let Yin Yun be happy, and Xiao Xiao will be the last! Once Yin Huan was successfully married to Xiao Xiang, then Chuan Guozhen became the real thing in Yin Huan's pocket, which is the most unwilling situation for Feng Guo.

It is true that he is not in a hurry now. He felt that Yin Mao overestimated his status and strength. Although he was today, it was ridiculous to marry the King of Sichuan. Without the help of others, Xiao Xiang himself would try to get rid of the marriage.

He looked directly at Xiao Xiang and asked: "The key to this is to see how Wang Mei herself plans."

"What do you mean?"

"If Sister Wang wants to be Her Majesty's Empress, then it doesn't matter what others say or do, if ..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Xiang interrupted angrily: "Of course I don't want to be a queen!" How could she not understand Yin Xuan's thoughts, Yin Xuan wanted to marry her, and what she valued was the Sichuan country behind her. There is a special purpose, not her value.

Furthermore, even if Yin , really likes her, she has no feeling for Yin ,, and can't let herself go wrong.

Tang Yin smiled: "Since this is the case, just reject your Majesty."

"Brother Wang also said just now that Her Majesty's imperial edict has been made, and it will never change. If I refuse His Majesty's courtship, it will be a disobedience and infidelity. At that time, I am afraid that people all over the world will think that I have an impertinence! "

"Then, His Majesty can reasonably use this as an excuse to dismiss your throne of the King of Sichuan and choose another person who is easily controlled by him to inherit the title of the King of Sichuan to achieve his purpose of controlling the Kingdom of Sichuan without causing any criticism . "

Tang Yin answered with a smile: "So, Your Majesty is very smart. We have always underestimated him. This is a trick to draw a salary at the bottom of the pot!"

What he said was something Xiao Xiang hadn't thought of for the time being. When he finished, Xiao Xiang couldn't help but take a breath. It turned out that Tang Yin looked more thoroughly than himself, and that Yin Yin's marriage was so far-reaching. Regardless of whether he accepts it or not, Yin Yan can profit from it.

Xiao Xiao Xiang stood there with horror, and could not return for a long time. After a long while, the surprise on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by a gloomy face, and her fist clenched slowly. She sneered and said, "Since Your Majesty hit me on the head of Sichuan, then Just blame me for turning my face ruthless! "Speaking, she didn't look at Tang Yin, and turned and walked outward.

Seeing this, Tang Yin was startled, strode forward, grabbed Xiao Xiang's wrist, frowned, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Do what I should do!" Xiao Xiang didn't return his head and said coldly, "Your Majesty thought I was a woman and thought I was a bully. I want to make him understand that I am not just a woman, but Sichuan Monarch! "

"You want to kill him?" Tang Yin narrowed his eyes.

Xiao Xiaoxiang was happy, turned his head, looked at Tang Yin, and said, "I have now removed the emperor, did I just say what Brother Wang wanted, and did what Brother Wang always wanted to do but did not dare to do?"

Tang Yin sighed in secret and said, "If you are going to kill the emperor, I can't let you go now."

"Why?" Xiao Xiang stared at Tang Yin with wide eyes.

Isn't Tang Yin always striving for the throne of Tianzi? If you kill Tianzi by yourself, then you are the sinner of Xunjun, and you can no longer fight for the position of Tianzi. Without your opponent, Tang Yin can easily become the supreme leader of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

"I have said to you before that I have no interest in the position of Heavenly Son and that ambition, I just want to lay a big river and mountains." Tang Yin said quietly to Shang Xiaoxiang's eyes.

Xun Xiaoxiang showed an incredible expression. If Tang Yin had been covering up his ambitions before, that would be extenuating, but even now he is still saying that, does he really have no intention of replacing Tianzi? Did he always misunderstand him?

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt funny, shaking her head and saying, "So, isn't Brother Wang the first loyal official of the imperial court?"

Tang Yin was happy, waved his hand, and said, "It's not a loyal minister. I also hate Yin Lu more than I like it, but this is not the same thing as I want to replace him."

Xiao Xiaoxiang stared at Tang Yin for a while, then sighed and was discouraged. If she wants to kill Yin Yan, she must have the cooperation of Tang Yin. If Tang Yin is against her, she can't do it anyway. After all, all the troops stationed inside and outside Shangjing are wind soldiers. Sichuan guards only have one corps.

"Can't kill the emperor, and can't disobey the imperative of the emperor. Do you really want me to marry him?" Xiao Xiang muttered. Not only did she dislike Yin Man, but from the bottom of her heart she looked down on him at all, and she felt terrible to think about living with someone she despised. What's more, Yatong's lesson is in front of him. If one day he loses the value of use, I am afraid that he will follow in the footsteps of Queen Yatong!

"Looks, you really like the princess!" Xiao Xiang looked at Tang Yin with a jerk.

"Princess?" "Princess Yin Rou, oh, now it should be called Princess Wind!"

Tong Tangyin frowned and said, "What does this have to do with Rouer?"

"The throne is at your fingertips. If not for fear of hurting the princess, why wouldn't Brother Wang dare to take that step further?" Xiao Xiang * asked.

Tang Yin silently. Even if he didn't admit it, he did have concerns in this regard. Kill Yin Yin, the saddest thing is Yin Rou, then Yin Rou will not forgive him anyway.

When I thought that I might lose her forever ~ ~ his heart shrank into a ball, and the high throne could no longer hold any greed for him.

Seeing that Tang Yin hadn't spoken for a long time, Xiao Xiang understood that his inference was correct, and it was because of Yin Rou that Tang Yin had tolerated Yin Qian until now.

For a woman, she could turn a blind eye to the throne at hand. Xiao Xiang didn't know whether she should laugh at Tang Yin's infatuation or laugh at him stupidly.

But one thing is clear to her. She is envious of Yin Rou and jealous of Yin Rou. She wants to find out what magical power of Yin Rou can hold ambitious people like Tang Yin in her hands.

For a long time, she asked in a low voice, "Brother Wang, what should I do now?"

"In fact, His Royal Highness Chuan ’s refusal to marry Tianzi is very simple." Before Tang Yin spoke, a voice came from outside the study door.

Tang Yin and Yin Rou looked out in unison. I saw a middle-aged man in an official robe standing tall at the door of the room, tall and thin, with a clean white cheek, and a gentle look. This is the history of Feng Su's governance, Zhang Xin.

Seeing Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang looking at themselves, Zhang Xin immediately expressed panic, and hurriedly saluted, saying, "Wei Chen has met the King and His Highness Chuan! Just now Wei Chen said something wrong, but also hoped that he and Wang Chuan would not Damn it. "

Others may not like Zhang Xin, but Tang Yin values ​​him very much. Seeing that Zhang Xin was here, Tang Yin waved his hand to signal that he didn't need to be polite, and then said with a smile: "Zhang Xin, come in!"

"No wonder Xie King!" Zhang Xin responded and went into the study. As soon as he came in, Xiao Xiang couldn't wait to ask: "Master Zhang just said that it was easy for King to reject the marriage of the Son of Heaven?"

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