Chapter 149:

In the twenty-six years of the Fengli calendar, at the beginning of the year, under the prestige of the wind kingdom, Yin Zhe's helpless Zen was located in Tangyu. In the same month, the king of the wind Tangyu officially ascended the throne.

Compared with Tang Yin, Tang Yu himself is happy and unwilling to martial arts, but his ambition is not inferior to Tang Yin. What's more, Tang Yin lays a good foundation for him. Feng Guobing is strong and strong, and the battle is like a cloud. He has more than one million elite troops.

After Tang Yu settled on the throne, he began to continuously use troops against the countries around Feng Empire. Numerous states in the west bear the brunt of it, becoming the first target of the wind country.

The reason why Tang Yu first hit the western Fan State was that Tang Yu had several purposes. First of all, the western nations pose the greatest threat to the wind nations, especially those in the west of Zhendi and Xiudi. They are barbarous, unreasonable, and often invade the wind, kill the people at the border, and crack down and annex these nations. Wind country's own security can be guaranteed. Second, Tang Yu felt that his prestige was far inferior to his father. In the eyes of the minister and the common people, he was just an elder brother who enjoyed himself, even if he had become a heavenly son. Now, he urgently needs merit to prove his ability and establish his own prestige. Third, Tang Yin left him with too many generals and was too good. Tang Yu knew in the heart that these people only served their fathers and would only be loyal to their fathers. Most of them were superficially respected, but in fact they were venerated. Violating and launching a war can weaken their power and may even cause them to die on the battlefield. In this way, it will be more than a hundred, and they will be free from worry in the future.

Out of these considerations, Tang Yu started a protracted war.

He sent a three-way army to expedition in western Pangbang. The first army was to admire the general's son to be handsome, the second army was to admit the general to be handsome, and the third army was defeated by the general Buying to be handsome.

The army of the No. 3 Road has a total strength of one million people. The war broke out in May 26 of the calendar year and continued to the end of the year.

In January 27th of the calendar, Tang Yu worshipped veteran Nie Ze as a handsome man and sent a fourth army to reinforce the western battlefield.

Bian Nieze can be said to be old and strong, nearly seventy years old, and still able to command the wind and the army like a smashing bamboo, even the battle.

The war fought for more than three years. Under the attack of the Fourth Army of Fengguo, the western states were extinct, and the remaining forces were forced to move west. The Fengguo successively annexed the land of the seven western states in one breath. The territory of the Wind Empire expanded by more than 20 counties.

This battle was the first famous Western War in the early years of Fengguo. From the beginning to the end of the first Western War, the fighting continued for five years. The total strength of the Wind Country casualties was no less than 400,000. The treasury was also exhausted by this war.

While waiting for the Fourth Army to win the class, the old general Nie Ze died on his way back to Beijing.

Seeing the corpse of the soldiers returned to the capital Nie Ze, Tang Yu also wept loudly, pursuing Nie Ze as Wu Yinggong and burying him with national ceremony.

At the time, the first Western Expeditionary War caused a lot of people's grievances. After hundreds of years of war in all parts of the country, people were tired of the war. They all wanted to live in peace and stability. In the world, the war continues.

Although the evaluation of the First Western War was not satisfactory at that time, it even caused many people to complain that Tang Yu was so happy and worked hard for the people, but in later generations, the evaluation of this war was extremely high, and he believed that this war established the wind country In the heyday of the west, the forced relocation of the Fans to the west also protected the border people from suffering.

After the end of the first Western War, Tang Yu has been honest for a few years. These years can be regarded as the years of rest and recuperation in the wind country, but Tang Yu is not satisfied. What he wants is to lay a bigger river. Create a feat greater than his father.

For thirty years, Tang Yu, who was just twenty-three years old, pointed his soldiers at Tia.

In fact, as early as Tang Yin, Tia had bowed to the wind country and was willing to be a country of the wind country, but Tang Yu was not willing to do so. What he wanted was to merge Tia into the wind country and make it a wind country. A county.

Using Tia as a fuse, the Wind Country once again used troops in the west, and this was the second Western War.

For this war, there was great disagreement in the evaluation of later generations. Some people think that Tang Yu did right, annexed Tia, and played a small role in advancing the progress of the wind country, while others believed that Tia was annexed. It is to let Fengguo swallow up a bitter fruit. For thousands of years since then, Tiya's rebellion has not been interrupted, and it has consumed a lot of human and financial resources of Fengguo.

不管 But no matter what, history will not change. The Second Western War still ended with the final victory of the Wind Country. The Wind Country successfully annexed Tia and was included in the Tia County of the Wind Country.

But, as some people think, Tia has not ceased after being annexed by the Wind Country, rebellions have occurred from time to time, and it has continued from ancient times to the present.

The Second Western Expeditionary War was very short, and it did not take a year or so. Because this battle went smoothly, the damage of the Wind Country was not great, and suddenly Tang Yu's ambitions were expanded again.

The east and south of the wind country are all seas. There is no room for expansion. The western states have been annexed by the wind country. Next, Tang Yu ’s eyes gradually moved north and he aimed at Besa, which borders the north of the wind country. empire.

The war between the Howling Empire and the Besa Empire was also provoked by Tang Yu. In the thirty-seven years of the calendar, Tang Yu, who has reached the age of thirty, has resolutely declared war on Bessah and disregarded the opposition of the officials of the Central Government, and issued a national mobilization order.

During Tang Yu, there were three big wars between Fengguo and Besa. The first war took place in 37 years. Tang Yu was appointed by Fang and Buying as the two handsome soldiers.

This battle lasted for more than two years, and the battle was extremely difficult. The casualties of the generals in front of it were countless. According to the statistics of the Wind Country, in two years, there were as many as 76 generals killed alone. Hundreds of thousands were killed.

Of course, the wind country suffered heavy losses, and Besa did not take advantage. It also caused huge casualties. It can be said that this battle is a disaster both for the wind country and for Besa.

Due to the unfavorable battle ahead and slow progress, Tang Yu also appointed two generals, Liang Qi and Qi Heng, to assist the northern battlefield.

As a result, Liang Qi and Qi Heng's joining also failed to reverse the situation where the war was stuck. Instead, the wind army also fought a major defeat near the capital of Besa. This battle caused half of Buing's casualties, and even Buying himself was stunned Before the two armies.

Wu Buying's death completely defeated the fighting spirit of Feng Jun. In the following battles, the Feng Jun was almost unintentionally in love. The soldiers only wanted to return to their hometown as soon as possible.

The wind army that lost its fighting spirit is like a tiger with its teeth and claws pulled out, and it has no advantage in the battle against the Besa army.

This battle has hit the present, the wind army has reached the end of the crossbow. Similarly, Besa is also exhausted. Besa's king sent an envoy to Shangjing to ask Tang Yu for peace.

During the peace talks between the two sides, Tang Yu's attitude was still tough. Eventually, Besa ceded the land of the three counties to the wind country, which brought the battle to an end.

This is the first scallop war.

The second Tempeh war was provoked by Besa. After ceding to the land of the Three Kingdoms of the Wind Country, the country has always regarded this as a shame and shame. The second Tempeh war was due to the invasion of the Bessa army. Erupted in those three counties.

For this battle, Tang Yu was still appointed to be handsome and sent troops to resist the Besa army. It can also be seen from Tang Yu's continuous reuse of freelance. From his administration to the present, he has always valued Sichuanese more. It is not that he thinks that his Sichuanese bloodline is more than the windy bloodline, but that the Sichuanese are relatively more It is easy to be controlled by him, but Fengren is too strong, and he has a lot of anxieties in his heart, and he doesn't dare to reuse Fengren too much.

的 The initial battle of the Second Fengbei War was not smooth. The battle between Ren Fang and the Besa Army had its own victory and defeat, and the battle has always been stalemate.

At this time, people in the country of the wind generally did not support this war. They believed that the country of wind should not occupy the three counties of Besa, and should be returned to others to continue to make good relations with Besa and maintain peace in the north. .

Under the unfavorable battle ahead and domestic support, Tang Yu feels that his prestige has been greatly affected. If he wants to restore his prestige and face, this battle must be won, and it must be a quick victory.

It is impossible to rely on the Sichuan people to win a big victory. Ren Fang can be regarded as the best general of the Sichuan people, but even if he has a draw with the Besa army, other Sichuan people can count on it. ?

被 In the case of being helpless, Tang Yu can only set his sights on Fengren. It's just that he has been reusing Sichuan people's policy ~ ~ Fengren has long been dissatisfied, and now he wants to use Fengren, no one has responded.

In the end, Tang Yu could only pull down his face and personally visit the most respected commander of Feng Guo, Xiao Muqing, and asked Xiao Muqing to take charge and to reinforce the northern battlefield.

Tang Yuken put down his body and asked for his own personal origin. This moved Xiao Muqing. The latter accepted Tang Yu's appointment, personally commanded the Plains Army and Tiger Army, and went to the northern battlefield.

The Plain Plain Army is recognized as the trump army of the Wind Country. The Plain Army has not yet reached the front line. The generals in front just heard the news that the Plain Army was coming to reinforce them, and it was already the heart of the army.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to improve the morale of the soldiers, Ren Fang fought three beautiful victories in succession, which defeated the front of the Besa Army.

In fact, when Xiao Muqing led the Plains Army and the Tiger Army to the three counties in the north, the wind army led by Ren Fang already had a great advantage. His arrival was more like a leak.

The next battle was no suspense. Xiao Muqing and Ren Fang not only repelled the invading Besa Army, but also counterattacked the three northern counties and invaded Besa territory again. Finally, King Bessad sent another envoy to Shanghai to negotiate peace.

This reconciliation brought the two countries into peaceful coexistence for more than two decades. It was not until middle age of Tang Yu that they waged a third war against Besa.

玉 Tang Yu was not fought for himself, but for his son Tang Zan.

Tang Zhan is Tang Yu ’s second son. Among his children, Tang Yu ’s favorite is Tang Zhan. He has a mind in mind, so the third war against Besa was entirely for the accumulation of Tang Zhan Meritorious battle.

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