Chapter 310

Kong Wu turned a blind eye to the sharp sword that had reached his throat, and stood still before Li Dan's horse. He said, "Even if the boy is going to kill the general today, the general will still say that the enemy ’s strength is no less than a hundred Ten million, the joint venture is no less than a hundred miles, which can be broken by tens of thousands of people? I also hope that the son will recover his life, start from scratch, and plan again, and never make unnecessary sacrifice! "

He is not afraid of boiling hot water. If you want to kill, you will kill, but I will not give up, so Li Dan can't take him.

Loyal and serious ministers like Kong Wu can't be killed if he wants to kill, and he can't bear to kill, but if Kong Wu doesn't compromise, he won't be able to get out of the city, let alone open the gate. How can this be good?

Time is tight, Li Dan can hardly make a decision for a while, and sweat has oozed out of his forehead.

The generals around him were also anxious to scratch their heads and scratch their teeth against Kong Wu in front of him, but Li Dan didn't say a word, they also took Kong Wu. As far as the military ranks are concerned, they are in line with Lieutenant General Kong Wubi. It's far worse.

On the other side, Li Dan and Kong Wu were in a stalemate, and Hou Feng, who had been removed by Li Ying, said that on the way back to his home, he happened to touch the family member who came to report.

The house was attacked by mysterious people. Although there was no major mess, the intention of the other party was unknown. The family members did not dare to deal with it without authorization, and deliberately came to Hou Feng.

I met Hou Feng on the way to Beicheng. The family member was very surprised. He hurriedly turned over and dismissed the horse. He asked before, "Where is this general ...?"

Seeing that it was his own family, Hou Feng took a deep breath, shouldn't the situation at home be so bad? He didn't answer, but hurriedly asked, "What's the situation at home now? Is the person still?"

Yep? How did the general know that the family was attacked? Jia Ding secretly said in a strange way, he whispered back: "Back to the general, the house is okay, the attacking gangsters have also been run away, the villain made a special report to the general, but how did the general know that the family changed?"

"It was General Li Ying's letter to me ..." Then, he looked behind him, but was empty behind him. Where was Li Ying's shadow? Hou Feng frowned. Li Yingming was behind him. Why did this eye-catching effort disappear?

Hou Feng is not a fool. He calmly thinks about it. He immediately realized that something was wrong, and at the same time, he felt that Li Ying's report was unusual. Isn't this a trick to get away from the mountain?

Thinking of this, he screamed badly, without saying anything, hurriedly turned the horse's head, quickly whipped his horse, and returned to Beicheng the same way.

When Hou Feng rushed back, he saw Li Dan and Kong Wu confront each other.

I do n’t know when the prince came, but the prince was holding a sharp sword against Kong Wu's throat, which scared Hou Feng not too lightly. Before he got closer, he shouted: "Leave a man under his hand ! "

Hearing the shout, Li Dan instinctively looked back and saw Hou Feng rushing to his horse, and his heart was completely cold.

As the so-called one-step mistake, the wrong step, he missed everything, but missed Kong Wu, but it turned out to be good. Although Hou Feng was transferred by his design, Kong Wu broke his big deal. Now Hou Feng Back, he wanted to get out of the city again.

With just a blink of an eye, Hou Feng urged the horse to rush forward, then turned over and dismounted, intervened with Li Dan and said, "The last general Hou Feng has seen the son!"

After a pause, he turned to look at Kong Wu and asked, "What's going on? Why did General Kong offend the son?"

"It is the son who is going to steal the camp from the city, and the end will fight to block it. The mistake is in the end, but the end will not let the son go to the enemy camp to take risks!" Kong Wu said decisively.

"Steal camp?" Hou Feng took a sigh of relief after hearing it. He lifted his eyes to see the tens of thousands of people behind Li Dan, let alone Li Dan led the team. Even if he led the team, it would still be a lifetime. Likely success.

He asked, "Is this the meaning of the boy or the king's order?"

At this point, Li Dan could only bite the bullet and come to the end. He shook the token in his hand and said, "Of course, the father's command, and the son also has the father's command!"

Hou Feng took the token, looked down carefully, and then respectfully returned it to Li Dan. The order was really correct, but how could the king give such an order, even if he hoped that the prince would be successful, he should not let the prince take the risk. Such a big risk is tantamount to letting the son go to death. Does the king have the intention of establishing another prince?

However, after thinking about it, Hou Feng felt that it was impossible. The tiger poison did not eat. Even if the king wanted to establish another prince, he would not push the grandson into the fire pit. Furthermore, the king always liked the grandfather for no reason. How could he have another Prince?

He was puzzled, and asked casually: "Can the son have a king's hand?"

This sentence can ask Li Dan's weakness. If he can get Li Hong's handcuffs, he can go out of the city generously, how can he do so many things?

He took a deep breath, pretending to be calm and said, "The father gave the son only the token, and he didn't write any handwriting!"

Oh! Hou Feng can be the leader of Beicheng, and his mind is not simple. Now he basically understands that the prince will go out of the city to steal the camp. It is by no means the king's order, but the prince's own meaning. As for the token, it is too easy for the prince to steal the secret.

He didn't break it directly, but said publicly and publicly: "The king told the generals early that anyone who wants to leave the city must have a sign, the second must have the king's hand, and one is indispensable. Since the Prince was determined to leave the city, Without the king's hand, the end will have to send someone to ask the king first. "Speaking, he yelled:" General Kong Wu, you go quickly to the palace and ask the king for a hand. In the future, if Someone asked about it, and I have some proof! "

Although Kong Wu didn't know how Hou Feng came back suddenly, his return really relieved him. He secretly said cleverly and intervened to Hou Feng: "The end will obey!" Talking, he must go to the palace.

Li Dan wouldn't let him go. As soon as he went to the palace, wouldn't he be full?

He reached out and called Kong Wu, and at the same time closed his sword into the sheath, and said, "I just came out of the palace. Before leaving, the father had already fallen asleep. For days, the father was worried about the state of affairs and never rested. Tonight Rarely go to bed early, so don't bother. "

"However, without the king's hands, General Hou and the general will not be able to let the son out of the city!" Kong Wu noticed Li Dan's guilty conscience, and he pretended to be deliberately embarrassed.

"Forget it, tonight, my son will not be out of the city to steal the camp, and I will talk about it tomorrow!" Until now, Li Dan can only choose to give up, for fear of the trouble, he will no longer stay for a while, turn back sideways, and backward Everyone waved: "Withdraw!"

Ignoring Hou Feng's and Kong Wu's reactions at all, Li Dan led a cadre of generals, coming fast, going fast, and disappearing at the end of the street.

When they all left, and no trace was visible, Kong Wu breathed a long sigh of relief, raised his hand, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

After a while, he turned around and gave a gift to Hou Feng, saying: "Thanks to General Hou rushed back in time, otherwise, I am afraid that the end will be worried ..."

Hou Feng's face was dignified, thoughtfully, and didn't answer.

Kong Wu asked curiously, "Isn't General Hou going home? Why did he suddenly come back!"

Hou Feng said: "I happened to meet the family member who came to report the letter on my way home, and knew that everything was safe in the house, so I returned halfway." With that said, he paused, then looked at Kong Wu and whispered: "General Kong, how do I think that things are so weird tonight? First, my mansion was attacked by uncles for no reason, and then Li Ying reported to me and called me away, but just after I left, the prince arrived and said Stealing out of town, is this ... could it be a coincidence? "

Kong Wu had such a feeling long ago, but it involved the prince. He didn't dare to guess randomly. He asked in return: "General Hou means ..."

"I don't know, the prince went out of town ... whether to steal or to invest ..."

This sentence scared Kong Wu into a stun, and looked subconsciously to the left and right. Fortunately, no one was around, and Hou Feng's voice was also low enough.

He approached Hou Feng and hurriedly said in his ear: "General Hou, evil comes out of the mouth. In this case, you must not talk nonsense. Once it is spread out, then ... but it will fall off your head!"

"Hum!" Hou Feng snorted coldly, and said, "Wait tomorrow, and ask the King to understand, and he has his own opinion!"

Kong Wu tried to dissuade him, but Hou Feng didn't give him a chance to speak anymore. He threw away his robe, strode through the city wall, and went to inspect again. Kong Wu sighed in silence and followed him silently.

Hou Feng really didn't just talk casually ~ ~ When the next day, he told the public about Li Dan holding the token to go out of the city late at night, and asked Li Hong to know this.

Li Hong was startled and looked down at his waist subconsciously. Sure enough, the token was gone. No wonder when he got up early, he felt like he was missing something, but he didn't go too deep into his heart. It turned out that the token was missing.

He didn't wait for him to question Li Dan. The latter took the initiative to stand up, fell to his knees, held the token in both hands, raised his head above his head, and said, "Father, the token was indeed secretly taken out by the children!"

Hearing this, all the people present, including Li Hong, looked different. In extraordinary times, theft of tokens is a capital crime suspected of being connected with the enemy. Even if the Prince is doing this, things are hard to do well.

Li Dan's eyes were rosy, he sucked his nose, and cried with a trembling voice, saying, "Last night, the son-in-law showed the father the original determination to lead the army to steal the camp. I know that the ministers of the Manchu dynasty looked down on the son-in-law, thinking that the son-in-law was just a living, without the majesty of the father and king. Wang Fen resolved his problems, even if he died in the enemy's camp, as long as he can awaken the morale and determination of victory of our generals, the sons and daughters will die without regrets! "

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