Tang Yin's remarks did not name or name, but all the ministers present were all face-changed, standing helpless, and sitting like a needle.

Liang Xing's lungs were exploding, but on the surface it was still calm and calm, and he talked and laughed with Tang Yin.

Not long, I heard a messy footsteps from outside. Tang Yin turned around and looked out. I saw a group of people walking outside the lobby. They were all burly and healthy men. Among them, the stars were surrounded by a moon. Because there were too many big men around, Tang Yin couldn't see it. Too clear.

It wasn't until Tang Yin entered the lobby accompanied by two little girls, that Tang Yin could see her clearly.

The woman said it was less than twenty, but she looked like a fourteen- or five-year-old child. She was dry and thin, she didn't have a few or two flesh all over her body, and her skin was tanned, so she could guess her. Born in poverty and malnourished for a long time, but the little girl looks pretty and beautiful, with a pair of big eyes that are very spiritual.

After Tang Yin saw it, she couldn't help but laughed out loud. This is Zhanling! If she removes her gorgeous clothes, it is no different from the refugees who flee, even the two little girls next to her are more like Miss than her. He looked to Liang Xing and asked: "Tang Liang, is this Miss Zhan Ling?" After seeing Zhan Ling, Tang Yinle was very disappointed. The other ministers were also disappointed. They thought that Zhan Ling after Zhan Xiong was unusual. Now she can see that she is a poor girl.

Liang Xing can naturally understand the thoughts of Tang Yin and the ministers. He deliberately sighed and shook his head and said: & t; Ms. Zhan Ling had been victimized by an adulterer since she was a child. Because of being blessed, I escaped the persecution of the old thief of Zhongtian and left the only blood for my gale royal family. This is the blessing of my wind country and the blessing of wind people! & t; & t; Wind Country is so lucky! The wind is lucky! & t; The confidant ministers of Liang Xing took the opportunity to reconcile and sighed in unison.

Humph! Tang Yin snorted in his heart, ignoring Liang Xing and the ministers who held stinky feet. He walked over to Zhan Ling and looked down at her. Maybe life is too **** weekdays. The young girl is very young, but her skin is very rough, especially in her hands, she has small cocoons.

His sudden approach made the little girl's already tight nerves more tense, her shoulders trembling, her little hands clutching the placket and twisting them, her feet also moved back a little subconsciously, like a frightened bunny, big Round eyes looked at Liang Xing for help.

Just when Zhanling's heartbeat increased, and her heart was almost jumping out of her throat, Tang Yin, who was close to her, stepped back suddenly, a faint smile appeared on her cold face, and she asked softly: & t; are you Miss Zhanling? & t; Zhan Ling didn't dare to speak, but just nodded timidly.

& t; Are you the daughter of Zhanxiong Hou? & t; Zhan Ling nodded silently again.

& t; what's the certificate? & t; I do n’t need Zhanling ’s answer this time, Liang Xing has taken out a piece of jade from her arms, walked to Tang Yin, handed him in front of him, and said: & t; This is what Miss Zhanling brought with me, and everyone It has been verified that this is indeed the thing of the first king, and the first king did indeed give this thing to Zhanxiong Houye! & t; & t; oh! Tang Yin responded, reached out and took Yu Pei over, only glanced, and then returned to hold her in his arms and took Yu Pei directly. Liang Xing's face changed greatly, and he was shocked: "Master Tang, you are ..." Tang Yin shrugged and said: "This piece of jade is nothing and can't prove anything, let alone it may be fake, even if it is really The things that preceded the king may also be left out. Talking, he glanced at Zhanling again and said: & t; Whether this lady Zhanling is true or not, we will know when we enter the palace. & t; & t; into the palace? & t; Liang Xing and many other ministers were all together. I don't know what Tang Yin suddenly proposed to enter the palace.

Tang Yin looked at Zhan Ling with a smile, and said something to the ministers. & t; As a foreign minister, we have never seen Miss Zhan Ling before when she disappeared, but one of the first king's wives must have seen Ms. Zhan Ling, as long as she is brought into the palace, the husbands will see At a glance, you will naturally know the truth. Dear adults, what do you say? & t; His words are reasonable, and the matter involves future kings of the wind kingdom, so he must be cautious.

Wu Yu finally expressed his position at this time. He nodded and agreed with: "Teacher Tang is right." Real gold is not afraid of fire, and it is safest to be identified by the husband of the first king. As he said, the ministers who were close to him also responded: & t; yes, yes! & t; Liang Xing is not afraid to bring Zhanling to the palace for verification. In his view, this Zhanling is absolutely authentic. Rewarding jade. He grinned and said: & t; Since adults are willing to let husbands verify the identity of Miss Zhan Ling, I will not block it. Talking, he asked Zhan Ling softly again: "Ms. Zhan Ling, would you like to go to the palace with the old minister?" & t; It is estimated that the little girl has never seen such a big battle in her life. So many ministers and nobles have been stunned for a long time. She didn't hear what Liang Xing asked, but just nodded.

Seeing her agree, Tang Yin couldn't help but raise her lips. As long as she was willing to enter the palace, everything was easy to say.

Tang Yin, Liang Xing, Wu Yu, Ziyang Haochun, and civil servants and generals of the Manchu dynasty took the spirit to the palace with a mighty spirit.

Now Liang Xing ’s mansion is guarded enough. It ’s so imposing that 20,000 plains generals protect a house, and the royal palace is more tightly guarded than Liang Xing ’s mansion. Not only is the army lined up, but also the patrol square. There is almost no interruption, not to mention the strictness of its protection, let alone humans, I am afraid that even a rat cannot get in.

Waiting outside the gate of the palace, when she saw such a battle, Zhan Ling's face was pale, her legs were soft, and she didn't dare to go any further.

Tang Yin walking in front stopped, looked back at Zhan Ling with a smile, and asked: Is Miss Zhan Ling afraid? & t; Liang Xing frowned secretly, hurried to the side of Zhan Ling, comforted in a low voice: & t; Miss Zhan Ling, don't be afraid, just enter the palace and give the husband eyes. & t; & t; I ... & t; Zhan Ling wanted to say, but Liang Xing had pulled her sleeve and strode into the palace.

At present, there is no king in the kingdom of wind, and the throne in the hall is also empty. According to the duties of the ministers, in daily affairs, government affairs should be determined by Wu Yu, military affairs should be handled by Liang Xing, and military affairs should be handled by Zi Yanghao. Chun-based. But now that Tang Yin is in charge of the military power, Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Zi Yang Haochun have all become anonymous and have no real power.

In the discussions on the court, although Tang Yin had the smallest official position and stood at the end of Baiguan, the determination of big things and small matters depended on his face. Now naturally is no exception.

Without waiting for someone else to speak, Tang Yin waved his hand. With the sound of footsteps, a guard officer ran away from the hall recently, without seeing the others, walked directly in front of Tang Yin, kneeled on one knee, and intervened, saying: & t; What does the adult command? & t; & t; Invite all the people to come to the temple for discussion! & t; & t; Obey! & t; The guard officer agreed, stood up, and ran out quickly.

When the ministers saw this, they all shook their heads and sighed secretly, daring to be angry but not to speak. I thought that after running away from Zhong Tian, ​​Feng Guo will see the sky again, but Tang Yin holding heavy soldiers is just the second Zhong Tian. The difference is only that Zhong Tian goes against the sky and stands on his own, and Tang Yin does not dare to cross That's the bottom line.

Regardless of how the ministers think of himself, Tang Yinke turned his eyes around, thinking of his own ideas.

After half an hour, the banquets of Zhanhua finally came, including Mrs. Huarong.

& t; Chen and others have seen ladies! & t; Although these concubines have no real power, after all, they are Zhanhua's wives and concubines. In terms of etiquette, the ministers still have to perform great gifts. Tang Yin raised her eyes and looked at Mrs. Huarong among the concubines while giving salute. The latter did not miss the questioning look, did not say anything, but nodded slightly to Tang Yin, indicating that things were done.

With Huarong's personal confirmation, Tang Yin was relieved a lot, and the smile on her face gradually deepened.

& t; Ministers, please stand flat! & t; The husbands said one after another.

& t; Ms. Xie! & t; After the ministers got up, a concubine said with a smile: & t; I heard that Liang Xiang found the daughter of Zhanxiong Houye to show the spirit. I wonder if it is true? & t; & t; Madam is right! & t; Liang Xingzhengzheng said: & t; This time, I asked you ladies to come to the hall, just for this matter! Talking, he looked at Tang Yin and continued: "Master Tang was very skeptical of Miss Zhan Ling's identity, so he asked your ladies to come and confirm it!" & t; Princess Bin nodded and said: & t; As far as I know, Zhanxiong Houye did have a daughter named Zhanling. & t; Liang Xing heard the words and rejoiced ~ www.readwn.com ~ He was really afraid that the concubines did not know Zhanling! He was busy pulling out Zhan Ling who was hiding behind him, and said to the guests: & t; ladies, this is Miss Zhan Ling! The concubines raised their eyes and looked at each other. After seeing the appearance of the spirits, the concubines were stunned, and then they couldn't help laughing.

Anyway, Zhan Ling is also a royal family, and the little girl in front of her is dark and thin. Where is the temperament and appearance of the royal family? Not to mention that Mrs. Ronghua has already explained them in advance. Even if they haven't explained, they will not think that this woman is Zhanling.

The concubines were laughing, the ministers were dumbfounded and looked at each other, wondering what to say.

However, Tang Yin asked: & t; I wonder why ladies laugh? & t; One of the older concubines said: & t; Omiya laughed that adults fooled me into waiting for ignorance! & t; This made everyone's faces look the same, Liang Xing asked in a hurry: & t; what did Madam say? & t; & t; If you want to establish a king, you are well established. Why do you need to find someone to impersonate the hero? Hou Ye Zhan Xiong under Jiuquan could not rest. & t; & t; Ah? & t; So calm and mature Liang Xing couldn't help but change his face after hearing this, he asked with a stammer tone: & Madam's mean ... this Miss Zhanling is fake? & t;

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