Tang Yin led the crowd out of Yancheng. He didn't go far enough. He suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes behind him and looked back. Seeing that Yancheng rushed towards the two knights because of the distance, Tang Yin couldn't see the truth. Two generals wearing steel helmets and armor.

He frowned secretly, he did not order the generals of the court, who are these two?

He couldn't see clearly until the second ride ran close. These two are indeed generals, but they are female generals, sisters Wumei and Wuying.

Unexpectedly, the two of them would come. Tang Yin stopped the warhorse. After the second woman approached, he asked suspiciously: & t; why are you here? & t; Wu Mei rushed out and said: & t; Of course, I went to fight with you. & t; Tang Yin smiled and said: & t; nonsense! Fighting is not a child's play, go back. & t; In his concept, women are not suitable for warfare, and they go out with the army, dragging more than contributing, it is better to stay behind.

Wu Mei sniffed her lips and said dissatisfied: & t; What nonsense? !! Don't forget, I still put you in the army. & t; Folding the old account again! Tang Yin tapped her head with a headache, and asked: & t; did you know that the two of you are going to follow me? & t; Wu Ying was about to shake her head, and Wumei hurriedly said: & t; Of course! Xiaoying and I have already told my father, and my father agreed. & t; & t; oh! & t; It's strange to agree! Tang Yin nodded solemnly and yelled sideways: & t; Cheng Jin! & t; & t; Subordinates are here! & T; Cheng Jin behind Tang Yin immediately rushed forward.

Tang Yin said: & t; send a famous brother back to the city to Xiangfu to ask the dancer, do you know that Miss Mei Mei and Miss Ying Ying are going to join the army. & t; & t; Yes! grown ups! Cheng Jin saw that Tang Yin was intimidating and dancing. He moved his corner of his mouth and called a Dark Arrow brother with a pretended side, and asked him to return to the city to ask.

Before waiting for that person to leave, Wu Mei hastily stopped him. Tang Yin laughed inwardly, but raised her eyebrows puzzledly, looking at her blankly.

Wu Mei looked at the people around her embarrassedly, and she came to Tang Yin beside him, clutching his sleeve with a small hand and muttering in a low voice: & t; Alright, my father did n’t know about this, you ’re in good heart Do n’t send someone to ask! & t; Sure enough. Tang Yin sighed lightly, looking at Wumei's eyes with both helplessness and petting.

Under the pitiful gaze of Wu Mei and Wu Ying, Tang Yin thought for a while, but finally compromised. He nodded and shook his head again, and said to Wu Mei and Wu Ying: "This time, this is not the case!" & t; & t; great! & t; Wu Mei and Wu Ying both showed brilliant smiles.

The 100,000 Tianying Army bypassed Wancheng and attacked the city. Wu Guang and the 50,000 commander's direct army set up an ambush between Wancheng and Fengcheng, while Tang Yin led the remaining 350,000 Tianyuan Army.

Just a few days after Zhong Tian retired from Wancheng, he listened to a report from his men, and Tang Yin led the army again. He jumped in the palace and scolded Tang Yin that he was not a thing. He wanted to die alive.

The civilian and military generals under his command were not in a hurry. Although they now have less than 30,000 soldiers and horses, the city defense of Wancheng is very solid, and there are more than 100,000 Ning troops stationed in the city. It is not that Tang Yin wants to capture Wancheng. Easy, the arrow array that the Ning army dominates alone is not what the Tianyuan army can bear.

A civilian official told Zhong Tian that it was time to summon Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wuvin, asking them to send the Ning Army to the city first. Zhong Tian was justified after hearing this, and immediately sent someone to find the two brothers in the war.

He had just sent people out, and had not yet left the palace. Both Warriors and Warriors came first.

After seeing Zhong Tian, ​​the two just bowed their hands and gave a salute, then straightened their bodies and looked around the generals and military generals around them. Finally, their eyes fell on Zhong Tian.

Zhan Wushuang asked, "Presumably, the king has heard that Tang Yin directed his army southward to Wancheng?" !! & t; & t; yes, yes, yes! & t; Zhong Tianlian nodded again and again and said: & t; I was trying to find two generals for this matter, and now the two generals should quickly dispatch His Majesty's generals to the city to resist the Tianyuan Army who might be under the city at any time ... Before waiting for him to finish his speech, Zhan Wushuang shook his head with a smile and said, "It's too late!" Lord, you only know that the Tianyuan Army is approaching Wancheng. Do you know that another team of Tianyuan Army has attacked the city? & t; & t; Ah? & t; This surprised both Zhong Tian and his subordinates. It was unexpected that Tang Yin would split his troops in two ways and attack Wancheng and Fengcheng.

Zhong Tian only paused for a moment and then laughed. He rubbed his hands and said, "Tang Yin dispersed his forces. This is a good thing. In this way, he can't concentrate on attacking our city, and our hope for success will increase greatly." !! Zhan Wushuang heard that he almost vomited blood. At this time, he had no map at hand. If there was a map, it must be under the eyes of Zhong Tian. Let him see clearly how important the closure of the city is to Wancheng. He took a few deep breaths and pressed down the anger in his heart. He said positively: "On the King, what good is it that we only keep a Wancheng?" Closing the city is the only way for us to retreat. Once the city is closed, Wancheng will become a lone city. There is no reinforcement and no support. Only the current 100,000 people. How long can you think we can stand? One month, two months? Or one or two years? After a series of interrogations by Zhan Wushuang, Zhong Tian was speechless. He looked at his generals and military generals and asked: & t; Ai Qing, what do you say? & t; Everyone progressed one after the other, bowing and saluting: & t; The King, General Wushuang made sense, the King should make arrangements early! & t; Zhong Tian nodded thoughtfully, and then turned to look at Zhan Wushuang, and asked: & t; General Wushuang, how do we respond in your opinion? Divide to reinforce the city? & t; Zhan Wushuang shook his head and said: & t; According to the investigation report, the Tianyuan Army went forward to attack the closed city with a large number of troops, with a population of 100,000. If we split our troops to reinforce, how much is appropriate? Too many divisions, Wancheng is not guaranteed, too few divisions, it is tantamount to hitting stones with eggs, in my opinion, now I can only abandon Wancheng, the whole retreat south! & t; & t; again! After Zhong Tian listened, the five senses almost shrank together. Now most of the rivers and mountains have been lost. Fifteen counties of Fengguo, he only occupied four counties, and the other eleven counties fell into the hands of the Tianyuan Army. To retreat, when does it have to retreat?

Zhan Wushuang can understand Zhong Tian's mood, and he sighed helplessly and said: "Tangjun, this is not something he should do!" Stay in the mountains, don't be afraid that there is no firewood, and hope that the king will make a decision early, so don't delay time. & t; oh! Zhong Tian sighed on his back, couldn't help looking at his ministers again. He really didn't want to retreat anymore. He understood that it would be difficult for him to return, and his dream of a king would be considered to be over. At this time, he hoped that someone could stand up and give him a good policy that he would not withdraw and retreat from the enemy.

However, the Ministers of the Manchu Dynasty saw Zhong Tian's gaze inquiring, and they all bowed their heads, not even daring to breathe.

The past is vividly remembered. What will happen to Li Qi, Xu Hui, Ye Cheng, Wei Xuan, etc., will be left in Yancheng by Zhong Tian. In the end, they will only escape to Li Qi, and the rest will be killed in the battlefield. Li Qi also ended well and was cut off by Zhong Tian for being unfavourable in combat and fleeing the battle. Now everyone is afraid that Zhong Tian will click on his name and let himself stay in Wancheng.

At the time of the crisis, no one came forward, and no one could offer a good policy. Zhong Tian was half-hearted, leaned back, and sat on the king's chair, faintly saying: & t; just ... according to the view of General Wu Shuangshuang , We withdrew from Wancheng and went to close the city! & t; & t; See you soon! & t; Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wushou both intervened in saluting, and then said: & t; the last will go back and prepare. After speaking, the two brothers didn't wait for Zhong Tian to have any explanation. They turned around and strode out of the hall.

Now the two brothers of the warring family have been disappointed with Zhong Tian. Standing on the side of Zhong Tian, ​​against Tang Yin, they ca n’t see any hope of winning. The two brothers have also made up their minds. However, they are no longer in front of Tian Yuan Army. The confrontation, to save their own forces, is really impossible, so they simply withdrew from the wind country and went south to Mozambique.

Zhong Tian accepted Zhan Wushuang's proposal and continued to move his court to the south, withdraw from Wancheng, and march toward Fengcheng.

Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi found that the Tianyuan Army had separated their forces to attack Fengcheng, but they did not find that Tianyuan Army had an ambush between Wancheng and Fengcheng.

Now, Ning Jun ’s strength is about 120,000, and Zhong Tian ’s strength is nearly 30,000. Together, the two can barely reach 150,000. However, Zhong Tian ’s army has many family members. There are dozens of numbers. The family members of the ministers below are tens of people, hundreds of people. In addition, Zhong Tian ’s wealth is not a minority. Now Zhong Tian withdraws, and they can only follow their families and look around. Zhong Tian's team is very large ~ www.readwn.com ~ People are crowded, people are crowded, and there are carriages and trucks in the middle. Cold eyes think there are hundreds of thousands of people, but in fact there are too many of them. Many old and weak women.

Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wuzhe were worried that the Tianyuan Army would capture the city one step before the other. The two men urged the march again and again, but due to Zhong Tian's drag, Ning Jun couldn't get up soon. Not to mention that the family members are moving slowly. Even the heavy weight carried by Zhong Tian and others is a big burden. The boxes of gold, silver, and jewelry that Zhong Tian has accumulated are now a huge burden.

Wancheng to Fengcheng is less than two days away, and Zhong Tian and his party walked for two days, and the distance was more than half.

Seeing such a large group of enemy soldiers, Wu Guang and Zhanhu, who were laying down halfway, were also shocked.

After receiving the report from the spies, the two did not quietly leave the ambush site, lie on a high mountain bag, looked up and watched, and saw that this enemy soldier walking on the official road could only use crowds and boundlessness. It can be seen that the beginning of the team can be seen, but the end of the team cannot be seen. The flags played in the army are also chaotic. There are Ning and Peng flags, and heavy vehicles are installed one after the other.

After watching this, Wu Guang and Zhan Hu frowned, the latter muttered in a low voice: & t; how much reinforcements did the other send? It feels like there are hundreds of thousands of people! & t;

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